Category: Other

Completed Class Action Lawsuit

Class Action Research

Generally, one plaintiff brings suit against one or two defendants.  In class actions, however, a group of plaintiffs with related claims collectively bring suit against one or two defendants.  Some plaintiffs may be unaware of the lawsuit or even unaware they were harmed.

Research to find a news article regarding a completed class action (has either reached judgment or settlement, not pending).

Answer the following questions:
1.    Who are the plaintiffs?
2.    Who are the defendant(s)?
3.    What are the plaintiffs claims (contract, property, tort, product liability, etc.)?
4.    What was the outcome of the case (judgment for what amount, settlement, etc.)?
5.    What are the long-term social consequences of a class action such as this one?

Immune system and Viruses

I need a Literature Review with at least five sources. The first source should be Your Primary Science Knowledge & Understanding text. The sources should be from educationally reputable sites, journals, texts, or other scholarly resources. The Literature Review should be focused on the topic. The important content to understand the science concept and the development of the concept within the literature review should be coherent and connected. The Literature Review needs to be in APA formatting.

interview paper

This report should be easy and perhaps even fun. Your job is to interview an older person (a relative, a parent, guardian, aunt or uncle, or acquaintance). A grandparent or great grandparent is even better. Ask them about their experiences with new communication technology (e.g., television, cable TV, the Internet, texting). For example, do your parents remember their first computer, or the first time they went on the Internet? Do your grandparents remember their first television set? Ask them to describe the experience. How did it affect their lives? Write up a 200 400 word report (not a verbatim transcript) of your interview. Include your reaction to their experiences. What surprised you? What did you find most interesting? Do you see any similarities with your media experiences?


Type AND SAVE your report in a Word file.
When you are ready to submit the assignment, select Submit Assignment in the upper right corner of this page and copy and paste your document into the text box below.  Make sure you submit the assignment before Tuesday at 9:00 AM.  Late assignments will NOT be accepted.
Write complete sentences with proper spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Proofread before you submit!

Brochure and Email

Brochure and Email
In this first assignment, you will develop a brochure and an email for your chosen organization, department, service, or product about its public reputation and how that impacts buying decisions. Choose a provider, service, or product that is located within 100 miles of your home. This may be:

A small health care organization (such as a podiatrist office, a physical therapy center, or a mental health clinic).
A department or service within a larger health care organization (such as a sports medicine department, hospice care, or diabetes management services).
A product offered by a health care organization (such as medical equipment, oxygen, or pharmaceuticals).
Part 1: Brochure
Imagine you are the marketing director of your chosen organization or department. You are charged with developing a brochure for a specific service or product within your organization. Select a provider and create a brochure to market the service or product that the provider offers. The brochure should meet the following criteria:

Provide information to health care consumers who might be interested in this service or product.
Why choose this specific service or product?
What are the benefits?
Give information that markets the service or product while leveraging the provider’s education, credentials, certifications, fellowships, and professional reputation.
Include statistics regarding the patients served, quality outcomes, and other patient satisfaction information. You may use these resources to find that information:
National Hospital Rankings.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Include images of your chosen provider. Include the organization’s logo, and utilize other suitable graphics or photos to enhance visual appeal. You may use these resources to find images:
Google Images.
Royalty Free Illustrations Images (Shutterstock).
Provide references (footnotes) for any statistics that you include.
You can use Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Sierra Print Artist, or another software program to design a professional brochure. Here are some design resources to help spark your creativity:

The 174 Coolest Brochure Designs for Creative Inspiration.
How to Design a Stunning Brochure: 30 Expert Tips and Templates.
Create the Best Brochure.
Additional resources to help you complete this assignment are available in the assignment preparation study from the previous week.

Part 2: Email to a Provider
In a separate document, write a 12 paragraph email to your chosen provider in which you professionally comment on their online reputation.

Commend the provider on the positive aspects of their online reputation.
Describe how a provider’s reputation supports the health care organization’s professional reputation and supports marketing and growth of the organization.
Make recommendations to improve or enhance the provider’s online reputation and/or to broaden their reach.
If your provider is not a part of a larger health care organization, state this, and provide the hypothetical response you would offer if they did belong to a large health care organization. Explain how this provider’s reputation would affect the marketing strategy and positioning of the larger organization.

my zipcode is 29449, so any facility near this areas code will do.

Summarize chapters in deep with your own words

1-Summarize the Chapter one: Workings in the American Legal Systems. Apply them to your real life experiences, society or how you may act in that case. Please go in depth with responses.
2-Summarize the Chapter two: Court System and Legal Procedures.Apply them to your real life experiences, society or how you may act in that case. Please go in depth with responses.
3-Summarize the Chapter three: Judicial Process of Health Information. Apply them to your real life experiences, society or how you may act in that case. Please go in depth with responses.
4- Summarize the Chapter Four: Principles of Liability.Apply them to your real life experiences, society or how you may act in that case. Please go in depth with responses.
5-Summarize Chapter Five: Ethical Standards.Apply them to your real life experiences, society or how you may act in that case. Please go in depth with responses.
6-Summarize Chapter Six: Ethical Decisions and Challenges.Apply them to your real life experiences, society or how you may act in that case. Please go in depth with responses.


Assignment presentation instructions:
The maximum word count for assignment 1 is 2,000 words. The format is not specified however a hybrid between an essay and a short report is preferred with concise analysis being more critical than form.

    You should submit your assignment to Moodle by the deadline as a word.doc(x) file only. Include your student number in the header or footer.
    The usual late penalties apply.
    You must also complete the assignment coversheet once more for this assignment.

Assignment questions
Case Study: CASE: Decoding the DNA: Toyota Production Systems

Read the case: CASE: Decoding the DNA: Toyota Production Systems and answer the following questions:
1)    Using the information provided in the case and your knowledge, prepare a short description of Toyota successful approach of operations management (Underline the features and/or the characteristics that made the Toyota operations a successful system).
2)    The Toyota Production System is a paradox. On the one hand, every activity, connection, and production flow in a Toyota factory is rigidly scripted. Yet at the same time, Toyota’s operations are enormously flexible and responsive to customer demand. How can that be?
3)    Explain the reasons behind the failure of other organizations to follow and to implement Toyota successful approach of operations management.
4)    Describe and scrutinize the performance learning model developed by Toyota.

Case link:

Commercialization Case Studies

Review materials about each of the commercialization case studies and answer the questions. Be sure to present your report in a professional manner.

1. Etak, Inc. – 1980s Car Navigation System
– Read the article and watch the supplied video

– Etak Navigator Tour & Demo

– See attached for pdf

Answer the following questions:
What ultimately doomed Etak, Inc.?
Which products and innovations are influenced to this day by Etak, Inc inventions and innovations?

2. Beats Electronics and Monster Inc
– Read article about Dr. Dre, Jimmy Iovine, and Beats Electronics

– See attached for pdf


If you were Noel and Kevin Lee at Monster Inc, what would you have done differently to commercialize your head phones idea? Present and discuss at least three things would have done differently.

3. Tesla Motors commercialization of the Electric Vehicle
Tesla Business Model Article Review
Read Article and answer the following questions:

– See attached for pdf

What were the inventions and innovations key to Teslas success so far?
Discuss their market entry and the initial revenue streams?
What were the risks?

Opinion Paper: The Fate of Tesla and Electric Vehicle Commercialization
Read the supplied articles and answer the following questions
Toyota plans to leapfrog Tesla electric cars by 2022 with fast charging solid state batteries

– See attached pdf



How might the existing car manufacturers, new battery technologies, and start up Electric Vehicle (EV) companies impact Teslas competitive advantage?
What are the strengths of Tesla in the EV market?
Where are they vulnerable?
What is contributing to Tesla’s current stock price trend and market value? 
If you were chairman of Teslas board, what would you do with Elon Musk? How might that impact Teslas direction and market value?
What would you do if you were Telsas CEO? Discuss and justify decisions about product and services, maintaining competitive advantage, and improving profit margins?

Discussion 2

Discussion #2
Article #1, Chief Data Officer: The New Oil Barons by John Thielens
The purpose of this discussion is for students to provide a personal example relating to Article #1, Chief Data Officers: The New Oil Barons.
It is important to spend some time both composing your initial post to this discussion and in reading the post of your classmates.
Part 1:
1.    Briefly describe one important concept or idea that was covered in the article.
2.    Provide one personal example of how this topic or idea affects part of your life.
Please note that the article main contain numerous concepts or ideas to draw from.
Secondly, please try to spend some time on personalizing how the topic or concept affects or can affect part of your life. Each students entry should be very specific and unique.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Submit both assignments on the same document

Part One:

Hidden Curriculum-
Describe the hidden curriculum of your institution, either in regards to students or yourself. How is it evident? How does it affect the students? How does it affect you? The paper should be around TWO pages. Refer to the Hidden Curriculum Article.

Part Two:

It’s no surprise that schools in wealthy communities are better than those in poor communities, or that they better prepare their students for desirable jobs. It may be shocking, however, to learn how vast the differences in schools are – not so much in resources as in teaching methods and philosophies of education.
Scholars in political economy and the sociology of knowledge have recently argued that public schools in complex industrial societies like our own make available different types of educational experience and curriculum knowledge to students in different social classes. 
Choose a Movie from the list below.  After watching the movie identify the Movie according to the four Social Classes.  Write a one page summary of the movie and the reason why you identified it as a Working Class School, Middle Class School, Affluent Professional School or an Executive Elite School according to the descriptions of each Social Class listed below.
Movies:Stand and Deliver, Dead Poets Society, Dangerous Minds, October Sky

Working Class Schools 
A.The families of the students in the working class schools are at or below the national poverty level ($12,000 in 1992); most of the parents are unskilled workers.

Middle Class Schools
B. The middle class school is not exclusively composed of middle class families. Many of the students are from working or affluent class neighborhoods.  Typical families in middle class schools earn between $13,000 and $25,000 a year, though a few earn slightly more.

Affluent Professional Schools
C.  Most of the students who attend this school are from the upper middle class and have parents with professional skills. Here, a family income of more than double that of a middle class family is not uncommon.

Executive Elite Schools
D. In this school, all of the families earn at least $100,000 a year, with some reaching $500,000 or more. Many of the fathers are top executives in large companies or on Wall Street.

Leadership Theories Essay

Leadership Theories Essay:

1.    Research two of the Leadership Theories.

2.    Based on those theories, evaluate how you would like to improve your own leadership skills.

Guidelines to the Essay:

a.    The essay should begin with an introduction to the topic.
b.    Organization should be logical, clear, and appropriate.
c.    You should provide strong evidence of critical thinking.
d.    Essay should end with a conclusion statement to support your essay.

** Need two (2) peer-reviewed, academic sources no more than 5 years old minimum**