Category: Other

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The first will detail the various functions that are in typical supply chains and what functions are in the supply chain of the company you have chosen to study. The second part will explain third-party logistics services (3PLs), whether the company you have chosen uses 3PLs, and how 3PLs would or do benefit the company you chose to study.

Part 1-350-400 words
Create Section 3 of your Supply Chain Process Improvement Proposal: Organizations and Functions.
Describe and discuss the various organizations and functions within the supply chain.

Part 2 300-400 words
Create Section 4 of your Supply Chain Process Improvement Proposal: Third-Party Logistics (3PL).
Explain how 3PL services are used in your company and how these could be or are used to improve the supply chain for your chosen company.


Please write two essay questions. Each essay will be 500 words. It is application essays for Harvard University Leadership Program

Write an essay that identifies a campus-level problem and explains why you think this institute will help you address this problem. Maximum 500 words.

Questions to consider:

What is the problem?

What data are you using to validate that this is a problem?

What is the root cause of this problem?

What impact does the problem have on teaching and learning across the campus?

What systems and processes must improve to address this problem?

What barriers will you face when addressing this problem?

Write an essay that describes your current approach to ensuring continuous improvement. Maximum 500 words.

Questions to consider:

What is your current vision and mission for your campus, and how do you use your vision and mission to inform decisions?
What systems and processes are in place on your campus that ensure continuous improvement?
What strategies do you employ to shape your school culture to support learning for all?
What is the focus of your campus professional development plan?
What role does the district play in supporting your campus?

Vaccination of All Children in The United States Should Be Mandatory

Debate Speech Outline (Must Be Typed)Requirements:Minimum of five sources at least one is non-electronic (meaning information source is a book, magazine, or newspaper that originated in a print format) and one must be a video source.Bibliography page in MLA Format Follows outline given belowCorrect in-text citations with use of quotes, paraphrase or summaryPoints to RememberUse MLA parenthetical citations for source information (Alexander 51).Use parallel structure in outline.oEx. I. School uniforms create a safe academic environment. (Subject, verb, idea)A.Increasing gang violence has caused…(participial phrase)B.Eliminating social distinction…(participial phrase)II. Mandated apparel eliminates economic status basedon clothing (Subject, verb, …)A. With the introduction of ______________, (introductory clause)B. By the year 2008, (introductory clause)Title:I.IntroductionA.Attention Getter (Question, Startling/Interesting Statistic, Startling Statement, Anecdote, Quotation, etc.)B.Claim: Your position andreasons (2-3Main Ideas that support your position)II.First Main Idea/Point that supports your argument. USE TRANSITIONAL PHRASES and powerful/appropriate vocabulary.A.First example illustrating point 1 (Include Source)B.Second example illustrating point 1 (Include Source)C.Third example illustrating point 1 (Include Source)D.Optional ExamplesE.Concluding thought for this point.  Reconnect to claim.III.Second Main Idea/Point that supports your argument. USE TRANSITIONAL PHRASES and powerful/appropriate vocabulary.A.First example illustrating point 2 (Include Source)B.Second example illustrating point 2 (Include Source)C.Third example illustrating point 2 (Include Source)D.Optional examplesE.Concluding thought for this point. Reconnect to claim. IV.Third and STRONGEST Main Idea that supports your argument. USE TRANSITIONAL PHRASES and powerful/appropriate vocabulary.A.First example illustrating point 3 (Include Source)B.Second example illustrating point 3 (Include Source)C.Third example illustrating point 3 (Include Source)D.Optional examplesE.Concluding thought for this point. Reconnect to claim
V.4thMain Idea (optional). Follow format listed above.VI.CounterargumentA.Anticipate objections. B.Establish common ground but immediately use transition to counter argueC.Support position with evidenceD.Restate your three strongest points and explain why your argument is correct despite the opposition (keep appropriate tone!).VII.Power ConclusionA.Restate claimB.Impact your reader by asking a question, challenging the reader, adding a powerful summary statement, restate the importance of the topic, paint a picture of what the world will be like in the future (in relation to your topic, etc.)Four Person Team Debate FormatThe debate will consist of 2 4 student teams, affirmative and negative.Stance will be decided by a coin toss a beginning of debateEach team will have 4debaters. Twodebaterswill delivera prepared constructive speech, two will deliver an extemporaneous rebuttal speech, and all will assist in answering the cross examination questions from the student audience. The constructive speech should be 4-6 minutes long. There will be 10minutes cross examination time after the constructive speeches have been given.Questions will be asked fromthe student audience. The rebuttal speech should be between 3 and 5 minutes long. Each team will have five minutes to prepare the rebuttal speech.The student audience will write down at least 5 questions for either team, members will be able to ask their questions during the cross examination period and select an overall winner after the rebuttal speeches have been given.Speaking Schedule:#1 Affirmative Debater’s Constructive Speech (4-6 minutes)#1 Negative Debater’s Constructive Speech (4-6 minute)#2 Affirmative Debater’s Constructive Speech (4-6 minutes)#2 Negative Debater’s Constructive Speech (4-6 minutes)** Audience Questioning ** (10 minutes)** Brief preparation time for rebuttal speeches ** (5 minutes)#3 Negative Debater’s Rebuttal Speech(3-5 minutes)#3 Affirmative Debater’s Rebuttal Speech (3-5 minutes)#4 Negative Debater’s Rebuttal Speech (3-5 minutes)#4 Affirmative Debater’s Rebuttal Speech (3-5 minutes)

Elegy Poem

1.    From the following styles we have studied so far this semester, determine which type of poem you will write:
Chosen poem type:
    Elegy: An elegy is a poem that laments or meditates on the passing or death of something or someone of value. Another way to define it is a lyric poem with a formal style and serious tone that focuses on the subject of loss or death.

Note: Read the poem Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray and use it as an example of how to write an elegy. 

2.    Follow the guidelines below, and use the rubric below to create your own poem.
3.    Length requirement: 500 words+
4.    Use the characteristics included with the poetic styles above to be sure you are including the appropriate details.
5.    Indicate which style of poetry youve chosen in your documents name or title.

Social Reintegration in Public and Family Relations

This is a paper that needs editing.  It is a small essay about the following that I had to write about my journey at the school.  I have take out any reference to my personal name or the school name. See attached paper.

Focus Paper Assignment Guidelines In Perspectives you identified a specific focus area or areas for your degree plan.  For this assignment please provide the title of your focus and write a 1 to 2 page summary of the learning you have completed for this focus area.

Briefly address the following:* What courses did you complete that pertain to this focus; which were most helpful to you?

* If your focus has changed, how has your learning changed with it? 

* Have you completed any Student Designed Learning options such as Internship, Student    Designed Independent Study or Prior Learning Assessment?    If so, in what areas?

* And, generally, upon looking back, do you feel your focus area(s) represents what you wanted to learn, either for your job, career, future plans, or personal growth

Poetry Discussion

Read it and tell us what you think.
Do you agree or disagree?
What do you think the author was trying to say?
What do you think about it?
Make sure your submission is no fewer than 300 words!!!

Here’s the link if you need it… (Links to an external site.)


In the Altha Diner on the Florida Panhandle
a stocky white-haired woman
with a plastic nameplate “Mildred”
gently turns my burger, and I fall into grief.
I remember the long, hot drives to North Carolina
to visit Aunt Alma, who put up quarts of peaches,
and my grandmother Gladys with her pieced quilts.
Many names are almost gone: Gerturde, Myrtle,
Agnes, Bernice, Hortense, Edna, Doris, and Hilda.
They were wide women, cotton-clothed, early rising.
You had to move your mouth to say their names,
and they meant strength, speak, battle, and victory.
When did women stop being Saxons and Goths?
What frog Fate turned them in to Alison, Melissa,
Valerie, Natalie, Adienne, and Lucinda,
diminished them to Wendy, Cindy, Suzy, and Vicky?
I look at these young women
and hope they are headed for the presidency,
but I fear America has other plans in mind,
that they be no longer at war
but subdued instead in amorphous corporate work,
somebody’s assistant, something in a bank,
single parent with word-processing skills.
They must have been made French
so they could be cheap foreign labor.
Well, all I can say is,
Good luck to you
Kimberly, Darlene, Cheryl, Heather and May.
Good luck April, Melane, Becky, and Kelly.
I hope it goes well for you.
But for a moment let us mourn.
Now is the time to say good-bye
to Florence, Muriel, Ethel, and Thelma.
Good-bye Minnie, Ada, Bertha, and Edith

Essay #3: Drama

                                                          Read the following plays:

“Trifles” p.659 or 633
“The Glass Menagerie” p. 969 or 918
in the Backpack Literature (Kennedy & Gioia).

Select one of the plays that you read and write an essay based on the provided writing assignment. The essay must be NO FEWER than 1000 words. Essays containing fewer than the minimum word count will NOT be graded. You should not have more than 20% from outside sources (in this case the textbook). That is no more than 200 words. NO outside sources other than the textbooks should be used (no internet!).

                                                                Essay guidelines:

The essay should be no fewer than 1000 words.

The essay should include citations from the text.

The essay should NOT include outside sources.

You should include both inner citations and works cited page in MLA format from any information you used in the textbook.

Make sure you answer the entire questions and support their answers.

p.659 or 633

Imagine you are a lawyer hired to defend Minnie Wright. Present your closing argument to the jury. Make sure you include references to situations that occurred in the play and cite them according to MLA formatting.

The Glass Menagerie
p. 969 or 918

Imagine you are an agent trying to sell this play to a major motion picture company. (NOTE: I am aware this already exists in a movie version) What is your main argument to convince the company to produce this play? Share what you think the play could really say to audiences today? If necessary, how might the movie director adapt this play to be more in line with our lives today? Use examples and situations from the play as you create your pitch for the company. Don’t forget to cite them according to MLA formatting.

Open Access Epidemiology Research

Debate the pros and cons of open access publishing of research studies.
Select an epidemiological study that analyzes data using one of the statistical measures listed in table 4-11. What is the purpose of that test in that study? What do the findings indicate? Make sure to include an APA reference for the study.

Table 4-11
Selected Statistical Measures of Association

Pearson correlation coefficient (denoted by r)
Measures the strength of the association between two variables measured on a quantitative scale. The
method assumes both variables are normally distributed and that a linear association exists between the
variables. When the latter assumption is violated, the investigator may choose to apply the correlation
measure over a subsection of the data where linearity holds. The correlation coefficient ranges between
1 and +1.

Coefficient of determination (denoted by r2)
Represents the proportion of the total variation in the dependent variable that is determined by the
independent variable. If a perfect positive or negative association exists, then all of the variation in the
dependent variable would be explained by the independent variable. Generally, however, only part of
the variation in the dependent variable can be explained by a single independent variable.

Spearmans rank correlation coefficient (denoted by rs)
An alternative to the Pearson correlation coefficient when outlying data exist such that one or both of
the distributions are skewed. This method is robust to outliers.

Simple regression model y = b0 + b1x1
A statistical analysis that provides an equation that estimates the change in the dependent variable (y)
per unit change in an independent variable (x). This method assumes that for each value of x, y is

normally distributed, that the standard deviation of the outcomes y do not change over x, that the
outcomes y are independent, and that a linear relationship exists between x and y.

Multiple regression y = b0 + b1x1 + + bkxk
An extension of simple regression analysis in which there are two or more independent variables. The
effects of multiple independent variables on the dependent variable can be simultaneously assessed.
This type of model is useful for adjusting for potential confounders.

Logistic regression Log(odds) = b0 + b1x1
A type of regression in which the dependent variable is a dichotomous variable. Logistic regression is
commonly used in epidemiology because many of the outcome measures considered involve nominal

Multiple logistic regression Log(odds) = b0 + b1x1 + + bkxk
An extension of logistic regression in which two or more independent variables are included in the
model. It allows the researcher to look at the simultaneous effect of multiple independent variables on
the dependent variable. As in the case of multiple regression, this method is effective in controlling for
confounding factors.


Assignment: Summary of Epidemiology Article


APA Citation of the Journal Article

Brief Description of Problem Statement/Purpose

Summary of Methodology (Sample, Data Collection Methods, Data Analysis)

Summary of Findings/Conclusions

Evaluation of Research Study’s Relevance to Health Informatics

Select an article from one of these journals:

  International Journal of Epidemiology 2014 IF 9.19

  Epidemiologic Reviews 2014 IF 7.333

  Epidemiology 2014 IF 6.178

  Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2014 IF 5.478

  European Journal of Epidemiology 2014 IF 5.147

  American Journal of Epidemiology 2014 IF 4.975

  Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2014 IF 3.294

  The Open Epidemiology Journal 2014 IF 2.558

  Annals of Epidemiology 2014 IF 2.145

  Epidemiologic Perspectives and Innovations 2014 IF 1.58

Journals also exist to reflect some of the specialty areas of epidemiology. Some of these journals, in the order of their IF, are listed here:

  Cancer 2014 IF 5.007

  Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 2014 IF 4.324

  Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2014 IF 3.172

  Genetic Epidemiology 2014 IF 2.951

  Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2014 IF 2.811

  Cancer Epidemiology 2014 IF 2.558

  Epidemiology and Infection 2014 IF

Computer and literacy

It is now time to revisit your graduation planning activities by choosing your location and entertainment for the party. You will do this by creating tables to compare the attributes and issues of your various choices.

Create a new Microsoft Word document and save it as W2P_LastName.docx. Note that you might want to change your page orientation to landscape to better fit your data.

Create a table to compare the different locations you chose in Week 1. You can add a table to your document by using the Table icon in the Insert ribbon of Microsoft Word. Your table should include the following columns:
Location: List the three possible locations.
Web site: Include the URL hyperlink for each locations Web site.
Positives: Include a bulleted or numbered list* of positive attributes of each.
Negatives: Include a bulleted or numbered list of issues for each location.
Estimated Cost: Include the cost(s) associated with using the location/facility.
*You can create a list using the icons in the Paragraph panel of the Home ribbon (Bullets, Numbering, or Multilevel). Changing the margin settings of the cells with bullets can be helpful.
Beneath your table, write a paragraph of at least 50 words to include:
Identify which location you chose.
Justify why you made the choices you did using the information in the tables to guide your decision.
Check the Status bar at the bottom of the window to see the word count.

Finally add the finishing touches to the paper.
Add page numbers in the Footer (bottom of your page).
Add a Header that includes the name of your event and your name.
Add some formatting and color to your table.
Bold and center the table headings.
You can change the color of your text or the color of the background to color code your table or make it more readable. Be creative and have fun!
By the due date assigned, submit your completed document to the Submissions Area.

Click on the link below, Week 2 Project Tips, for some visual aids on how to tackle this weeks project.