Category: Other

Discussion Topics

Please post from among these topics relating to this weeks materials and readings:

<> What newspaper(s) do you read on a regular basis? Do prefer the print or online version? Why?

<> Do you use newspapers as a source for advertisements and/or coupons? What kinds of products and services do you seek through newspaper ads, and how do those advertisements attract your attention?

<> What consumer and/or professional magazines do you subscribe to? How do they serve your needs and interests?

<> What sorts of advertisements are placed in the magazines you read? How do the magazine ads and content target its particular audience?

<> Which radio format(s) do you listen to most often? What kinds of advertisements are targeted at that particular audience?

<> Share any topics this week you may have found relevant to your work with cross-cultural global marketing challenges.

<> What news did you see this week that might relate to our course topics?

<> Feel free to start your own discussion thread on any related topic, or review an article from the course supplemental website:

Video: Cross-Cultural Communications

Video: Cross-Cultural Communications

It can be a challenge for global communicators to develop messages that resonate across national cultures, or as well the many cultures within any single nation.

This video clip briefly summarize research that illustrates how transculturally resonant themes such as babies, animals, relationships, sports, and life cycles, might be used to craft messages that connect with people — whatever their background, culture, and nationality.

Please share below any video highlights you found useful.


Discussion Topics

Promotion, IMC, Selling

Please post on the topics below covered in this week’s textbook reading and course materials. Feel free to start your own related strings that count towards your posting tally too.

<> In the textbook reading for chapters 13, 14 and 15, what are some of the best promotion and sales ideas most relevant to your own plan?

<> Have you ever participated in a sales campaign? How did it go?

<> Have you ever conducted a media relations campaign? How did it go?

<> What social media do you use, and how do you use them?

<> What did you see in the news this week that might relate to our course discussions?

<> Feel free to start your own discussion thread on any related topic for discussion credit, or review an article from the course supplemental website:

Discussion Topics

Promotion, IMC, Selling

Please post on the topics below covered in this week’s textbook reading and course materials. You should have 4-6 postings per week, including replies to your classmates posts. Feel free to start your own related strings that count towards your posting tally too.

<> In the textbook reading for chapters 13, 14 and 15, what are some of the best promotion and sales ideas most relevant to your own plan?

<> Have you ever participated in a sales campaign? How did it go?

<> Have you ever conducted a media relations campaign? How did it go?

<> What social media do you use, and how do you use them?

<> What did you see in the news this week that might relate to our course discussions?

<> Feel free to start your own discussion thread on any related topic for discussion credit, or review an article from the course supplemental website:

free writing

Watch the PBS NOVA film (53 minutes) Vaccines: Calling the Shots (Connexions vers un site externe.)

After you view the film, interview three (3) parents with a child under the age of 5, from different families.  The parents you interview can be relatives, neighbors, co-workers, etc.  Just be sure they currently have a child under the age of 5 years old.  You can conduct the interviews in person, by phone or by email.  Please inform them that you are not judging them by asking these questions and that their decisions as a parent are highly regarded.  You are simply interested their process decision making process as it relates to immunizing their child.

Ask the questions provided below and record or take notes on their answers.

Interview Questions

Did you conduct any research about immunizations before your child was first vaccinated? (Research can include speaking to other parents or medical professionals, searching online, reading articles, etc)
Have you followed the recommended immunization schedule provided by your pediatrician or have you modified the schedule for your child?  If you modified your schedule, please explain how and why.
What vaccine information source do you trust the most?
What is your overall feeling about vaccines?
Do you have any advice for new parents before they have their child vaccinated?
This is an essay type of paper. The answers you receive from your interviews need to be woven into a narrative. Use the steps below to help you craft your paper.

Using the information you gathered from the interviews, craft an introduction giving some basic information about the parents you interviewed (please use only first names when referring to parents and children). Please note the age of the parents you spoke with, where they live, how many children do they have (are they a first time parent?) and any other interesting information you feel is worth mentioning.
Write a summary of the answers provided, noting differences and similarities.  Devote at least one paragraph to summarize the answers to EACH question.  Discuss one question at a time and provide all the parents input on that question in one paragraph=1 paragraph for each question.  Include some discussion that compares and contrasts the answers to that question in each paragraph.
At the conclusion of your summary, share your reaction to all the responses you received.  Were there any surprises?  Did you expect the answers that you received?  Do you share any of the same views as the parents you interviewed or do your views differ?  How did you handle this situation for your children OR how do you think you will handle this situation if/when you have children?
Specific Assignment Requirements
Create your paper in a separate program and upload as either a Word doc or as a pdf.  Click here for a Canvas Guide in uploading a file for an assignment submission.    (Connexions vers un site externe.)Click here for a Canvas Guide in uploading a file from Google Drive for an assignment submission. (Connexions vers un site externe.)
Use MLA formatting (Connexions vers un site externe.) including double spacing and a legible font at 12 points.
Include an introductory paragraph, five summary paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph.

topics in american literature for writters

One opportunity the compact form of the novella offers is to structure the narrative around an extended metaphor.  Please identify the metaphor Edith Wharton employs in Madame de Treymes (hint: it’s a sport) and discuss how it illuminates the characters’ behavior.

Minimum 300 words, maximum 600, not including 10 word vocabulary list.

national global awarness based on the description

Global and national awareness paper should answer the following 1. Summary and history of issue from course discussion , 2. Articulation of how the issue relates to one of the general education outcome and 3. What might we learn bu connecting those issue to chosen outcome .. ( things we discussed in in the course so far are like racial discrimination, how the media reduces human rights, basic human rights, why african americans have a higher imprisionment rate then whites) when you write please try to keep it basic lol i dont write that good you can do a page double spaced or a page in a half. But please stay basic .. it cant be too good lol. She will know i didnt write it if its written too well.

Education culture

Your Course Project will revolve around a contentious issue in colleges and universities todaytransfer student enrollment policy. The enrollment of transfer students touches on a number of sensitive organizational and cultural issues. Using the following scenario, you will assess the dynamics and cultures of a hypothetical institution, identify opportunities for change and sources of resistance, and propose collaboration strategies based on your understanding of organizational theories and concepts.
Not unlike many universities today, Apex State University is experiencing a serious decline in student enrollmentm ore specifically, in the number of students transferring to Apex. The decline in transfer student enrollment is having a serious impact on overall tuition revenue. A review of systemwide data has convinced the president that the issue deserves further scrutiny. She has asked you, the director of enrollment management, to prepare a position paper detailing transfer policies and procedures. The president is seeking a better understanding of how the process works, who the stakeholders are, where they are within the institution (positions, departments), to whom do they answer, and what kind of resistance can be expected. She has asked you for recommendations on how the people involved in the process can work together to achieve mutually agreeable solutions.
You will write a position paper that synthesizes the following assignments, which you will complete iof the course:
Identification of stakeholders, their positions/departments within the institution, and their roles/interests in the transfer enrollment process
First step in gaining the support of faculty
Assessment of the universitys general culture (using Bergquists Academic Cultures Inventory)
Analysis of power structure

For this assignment, you will identify people (positions) who are affected by or involved in the transfer enrollment process (stakeholders), their offices/departments within the university, and their roles/interests in the process*. In other words, Who has a dog in the transfer fight?
Use PowerPoint or the drawing function in Word to display the information graphically on slides or paper. Arrange stakeholder textboxes according to their level of authority on campus. The person/position with the highest level of authority will appear at the top of the slide or paper and the person/position with the lowest level of authority will appear at the bottom of the slide or paper. Boxes may be grouped at different levels in between (see diagram below).
For example, the provost will be affected by a change in transfer credit policy because the additional transfer students who enroll will progress through the institution more quickly (having received credit for major courses taken at other institutions). The provost is a high-ranking person at the university, so her box would appear close to the top of the slide or page.
The parking coordinator also may be affected by a change in transfer credit policy. More second- and third-year students mean more cars, and more cars mean more parking. The position of parking coordinator would appear closer to the bottom of the slide or page.
Each textbox should include the following information:
Stakeholders position (e.g., parking coordinator)
Office/department within university (e.g., physical plant)
Interest/role in process (e.g., additional transfer students will require additional parking spaces)

One of the possible reasons for a decline in transfer enrollment is institutional policy on granting credit for transfer courses. Currently, Apex does not grant credit toward a students major for courses taken at other colleges. Based on your review of the literature, you have decided that this is the most plausible explanation for the decline in transfer enrollment at Apex.
Knowing that faculty “own” the curriculum at Apex, you trace this policy back to the academic departments. Your previous experience with the college of liberal arts and sciences has convinced you that the academic departments at Apex function in a very anarchical way.
For this assignment, use your knowledge of the anarchical model to explore the facultys interest/involvement in transfer policy. Describe how you might frame the issue to gain their attention, and incorporate the following concepts into your response:
Diffuse goals
Unclear technology
Fluid participation
Organizational learning
“Streams” within the academic departments (problems, solutions, participants, decision making)
Effective leadership

Use Bergquists Academic Cultures Inventory (Appendix I) to assess the culture of a college or university. This may be the institution where you work or study, or another academic institution.
Use the marking key as indicated in Appendix II to analyze responses to the inventory. Once you have determined the predominant culture of the institution, assume that this is also the predominant culture of Apex State University. Then, prepare an analysis of the impact of that culture on changing the transfer enrollment process at Apex.

Make up information that sound good

top health industry issues

please read the attached pdf.

In PwCs Health Research Institute report (attached),
Top Health Industry Issues of 2020: Will Digital Start to Show an ROI?
exploring the top health industry issues of 2020, 6 main issues are discussed;
1.A looming tsunami of high prices
2.Regulation trumps policy
3.Consumers inch closer to DIY healthcare
4.US health organizations are seeking opportunities overseas and through innovationbeware of the tax risks
5.A whole new you: Deals as makeovers
6.Equity and inclusion, not just diversity, as a business imperative

With respect to its impact on patients, business, and healthcare in general, select three of these issues, discuss its impact (one paragraph each), and conclude on what you would do as a finance manager, to ensure you prepare for and connect the workforce on how digital is going to impact care delivery (care pathways and care management).

layout of paper: 1 page abstract, 3 pages content(intro,body,conclusion)
format: apa please use direct quotes from the attached pdf and only 1 other outside reference! When citing throughout paper, only use direct quote. Example “………………’ (…….,…….).
DO NOT just add reference at the end of paragraphs!

Events Literature Review Report

I am an international hotel and events major.
This is a literature review.
1500 words or little bit more +10%. Include an abstract/executive summary, not included in text. Please make it very engaging with literature between text. Include a conclusion, intro as its a literature review. I would say I would like to have 15 references minimum.
*Please note before I select you as a writer you must let me know what topic you are going to write about as I have to forward the topic to my professor ASAP.
PLEASE see IMG_5839 to see what students who were in the same major chose last term such as mega events etc. I was thinking of doing importance of site planning in events or impact of mega events of tourism around the world. But I have no clue of one that would makes sense that can relate to my career as I need to later relate it to my personal report.