Category: Other

Assignment Communication Messages

In 300-500 words, briefly outline the key messages you hope to convey in your communications plan. How will you word them, according to the nature of your target demographics? How will your message vary from paid media advertisements, to news placements through a media relations campaign? (Tip: you may want to review the Communication Appeals and Tactics lecture in Week 3)

Olympic Studies

Topic #1 (Unit 1)- Part 1: Regarding the ancient Greek culture, lifestyle, and Olympic Games: Do you feel the ancient Greeks were correct in their choices and decisions? Clearly state your argument(s) (pros and cons) regarding the above topics and provide examples of each stated standpoint. Part 2: Define the ancient Greek term honor.  Give an example of honor from the Ancient Olympic Games.  Relate the ancient Greek term of honor with todays (our) description of honor.

Expectations of this assignment:
1.    You need to research the topic and be able to discuss in-depth.
a.    We are looking for effort.
2.    You will prepare one to two pages. Be concise with you answers.
a.    Paragraphs, bullet points, or sentences are all fine
b.    I need to make some sense out of it, so it better be organized
3.    What does prepared and researched mean?
a.    If you had to teach your mother about this topic, then she was going to go on to Jeopardy to win you a college scholarshipthat much depth.
b.    The library, researched articles, websites, newspapers, etc.
i.    Wikipedia is not an option.
ii.    The textbook is not an option.
c.    You must have citations.  Citations allow for the reader to know where your information came from. This means if you use a quote or someone elses work in your assignment, you must include an in-text citation after that quote or summary.
i.    You will need to have a reference page.
ii.    Depth is good and effort is good.  Ill grade you accordingly.
4.    Formatting expectations:
a.    Times New Roman, 12pt font is expected. Spacing does not matter on this assignment. APA citations are preferred but MLA is acceptable.

Corporate Governance, Leadership and Strategy

This case study need to be based on the Corporate governance failures that lead to Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust maternity scandal. The critic assignment must be based on Corporate Governance concepts, theories, models, leadership, strategy, processes, techniques and latest developments

There has to be clear case timeframes and NHS governance critical academic articles. Application of UK Code of Governance, FRC reports


Use this essay to provide information requested by each individual scholarship, personal financial need information, college and career plans, and any other information you feel would help in the selection process.  Things like medical problems, divorce, and special family situations are all considered when awarding scholarships.  Many scholarships will be chosen solely on the information contained in this essay.  So be specific and state your need clearly.  Honors, awards, clubs, volunteer time, leadership roles and extra curricular activities may be included in your essay; however, do not send certificates, resumes or other documents as they are discarded and not considered.
You are advised to type the essay into a Word document first, to spell check and to check character count not to exceed 7,000 characters (including spaces).  This will be approximately two pages using one inch margins and a 12pt font, single spaced.

Diversity in Chicago

In all activities, public administrators must make sure they are acting with the best interests of the public in mind. They must ensure they are considering the problem and any alternatives from diverse views, providing a solution that will meet the needs of the global community, as well as the diverse subgroups within that community. In your initial post, consider the problem and the proposed solutions within the following contexts:
        How does vacant and abandoned buildings affect diverse groups within the community (Chicago)?
        How might the proposed solution affect diverse groups within the community?
        How might a public administrator engaged in the policy analysis make sure the proposed alternatives will meet the needs of diverse groups within the community in an ethical manner?

digitalisation of banking industry in the near future.

This is master course that aims to introduce the concept of Management Information Systems (IS) to postgraduate students. It provides an overview on the role of IS in transforming business processes, supporting decision-making, facilitating strategy implementation, and enabling enterprise integration

The author in the attached paper has anticipated the digitalization of banking industry in the near future. Based on reading this piece

1-To what extend would you agree with his claim?

2-To what extend would you expect that your relevant sector would be digital?
(I work in Panda retail company , Savola Group , Saudi Arabia)-(they create Panda click)

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Please can you read the introduction file and talk about biofilm in pharmaceutical industry.


This should be between 5 and 10 pages in length. All materials employed in the study should be listed with their source (company, product number and grade) in an Appendix at the end of the project. The Methods section should be written in the third person singular, passive voice (e.g., Membrane vesicles were thawed at room temperature. A 5 l aliquot was removed for protein determination allowing a sample corresponding to 50g of membrane protein to be removed from the thawed sample).
You should provide sufficient detail for someone to repeat the work. The Methods section should be subdivided into Methods and Experimental. Reference all appropriate methods used and describe novel protocols in detail. Include in this section the equipment used and such procedures as photography. The Experimental subsection should include a description of the experimental design, the nature and object of each experiment and statistical techniques employed (cite any statistical or presentation software used).

evaluate your data

Using Appendix C (atached) in The Practical Guide to Analytics complete the Evaluate Your Data exercise.
o Complete Steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
o Turn your work into a paper with each step as its own paragraph or section.
o You may include the table as suggested in step 4.
o Make certain you include an introduction and concluding paragraphs.
o Cite course materials in developing your answer (readings, videos, and discussion boards). You may cite outside the course materials as secondary sources.

An introductory paragraph of what you are writing about and the importance
The body of the paper should be broken out by paragraphs and/or sections.
Each idea or argument you present needs to be supported by research material.
Research material may include lectures, readings, videos, and outside research.
A concluding paragraph summarizing your research and your personal thoughts
In-text Citation and Bibliography (In-text citation is required even if it is course material.)
format apa 7

please read the two attachments. Please use direct quotes from these two attachments and cite in text citations in paper. example “……….” (……,……). Please only use 1 outside source. Do not use more than one and again direct quotes only. But the two attached must be used!

You may include diagrams, charts, tables, etc. in any of the assignments to further explain your point. but again, must be cited!

5 pages minimum

privacy concerns

topic: privacy concerns

How would you address privacy concerns with employees? What if your firm is global?

please read the attached chapter 4 below and watch the ted talks video attached as well.

Cite course materials in developing your answer. Only use direct quotes from the attached documents below. No outside sources. Again direct quote ex “………..” (….,…..).

Intro-body-conclusion layout
format apa 7

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Brief Topic: Burden of Malaria in Nigeria

You will write 2 paragraphs (no intro needed)- (be short and get right to the point, its part of the policy brief!!)
1. Nature and Magnitude of the Problem (in this case make sure you will write a few -no more than 3 sentences- about morbidity example: malnutrition, anemia, or fever.)
2. Write the Populations Affected paragraph (open uploads for full description!!!) -this part is the most important!!!

Example what I expect and full description are in uploads