Category: Other

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please respond to 3 prompts (needed material are in uploads)

1. Reflect on the textbook reading Chapter 4 Health for All?

a. Describe the perspectives of Universal Primary Health Care and Selective Primary Health Care, highlight what is the same and what is different between the 2 perspectives

2. In Chapter 4, there is mention of a turn toward cost effectiveness as a measure of success in global healthcare.  In your reading materials for this week, there is a list of success elements for global health work.

a. Select 2 of the success elements you believe should be added to global healthcare measurement that also illustrate success and explain why

3. Reflect on the Gofin Chapter 5 COPH. The concepts of TOP DOWN and BOTTOM UP are presented

a. Describe, from readings and from your own understanding and/or experiences, the roles/responsibilities that global public health can/should or does not play in promoting Health for All. Please illustrate your points using any 2 of the historical examples described in our Textbook reading (Chapter 4) were they top down or bottom up? Explain your answer.

healthcare law and ethiccs

You will need to develop an information sheet that explains the similarities and differences between laws and ethics, and the impact of unethical practices on healthcare. An information sheet provides brief and clear information on the required subject. Often, bullet points are utilized in an information sheet; however, since employees will be expected to know and understand the material thoroughly, your information sheet should be more detailed and offer supporting evidence, including a reference list.
The information sheet should give your employees enough information to understand the differences and similarities between ethics and laws, the impact of unethical practices on healthcare, and the importance of professional ethics.
Make sure to use audience-specific language and tone in your information sheet. Remember, you are writing this information sheet for your co-workers; however, the CEO and the Board of Directors may attend.
Be creative, and make your information sheet fun, yet still clearly organized.

Info sheet includes a balanced, in-depth discussion on the differences and similarities between ethics and laws, along with ample supporting evidence.
Info sheet includes an in-depth discussion of the impact of unethical practices on healthcare, along with ample supporting evidence.
Info sheet uses audience-specific language and tone throughout, and organization is clear and consistent.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.    Some marketing researchers maintain that the only way to really learn about consumers or brands is through in-depth, qualitative research.  Others contend that the only legitimate and defensible form of marketing research uses quantitative measures.  Take a position: is the best marketing research quantitative or qualitative?  Support your perspective with evidence from a specific organization of your choosing.  (NOTE:  REMEMBER THAT THE WORD COUNT LIMIT FOR ALL POSTINGS IS 150.)
2.    Is there a particular brand (product/store/website) to which you are loyal?  If so, explain why.  If not, explain what it would take for you to become loyal to a specific brand. (NOTE:  REMEMBER THAT THE WORD COUNT LIMIT FOR ALL POSTINGS IS 150.)

Archaeology of Shamanism

Book Review (20%) review of three recent research (post 1990) papers on archaeology of China, five to six pages, double spaced. The content of these three papers should be related to each other and serve as the basis of your research paper. It must be properly referenced after the journal Antiquity.

opry live stream

For your first Opry Assignment, please answer the below questions on a word document, followed by a three paragraph review of the show.  Please be detailed in your review, and avoid comments like “it was good, I like country music.”  What did you think of the lyrics and song subject matter?  Or the instrumentations? Even the clothes of the performers?  Did anything surprise you?  You are not required to like the show; in fact explaining your dislike would make for an interesting review.


What group opened and closed the show?
When did this group officially join the Grand Ole Opry?
What are a few of the places that host Bobby Bones mentioned they have played?
Why does co-host Natalie Stovall host certain segments of the Opry?  What else is happening while she is on camera?
What circle does Michael Ray talk about, and why is it significant?
How was the recording of Michael Rays third album different in COVID times?
What song do Maddie and Tae open their set with?
What major life event have both Maddie and Tae gone through in the past few years about (and written a song about)?
What had Maddie and Tae not been able to do with their latest #1 Hit, Can You Die From a Broken Heart?
What song does the opening group close the show with?

Link to watch the January 30th Opry:

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This week, you studied academic culture through an anthropological lens. You explored the variety of cultures that make up a single institution, and you learned about the value added by their interaction. You also read in depth about at least one culture of your choosing.

Bergquist talks about managing polarities (or conflicts) between cultures. He claims that each culture has an interdependent culture, one with opposing values and perspectives (as portrayed in the multimedia piece). Think about the two interdependent cultures that you chose to read about.

Unit VI Reflection Paper


Today, you learned that your organization has a significant change initiative planned within the next 6 months. The chief executive officer (CEO) has asked you, the human resources (HR) director, to lead this change initiative. You will need to motivate your supervisors as they work directly with the employees; their role in this change will be critical. For this assignment, you will start by doing some self-analysis to prepare yourself to take on heading up the change initiative.

First, begin your paper by briefly describing the change that will take place at your organization. Then, browse the Internet to find one of the many leadership style quizzes that are available. Take the assessment to learn more about your personal leadership style. Consider a traditional leadership style test such as Whats Your Leadership Style?. An assessment that gives a more nontraditional leadership style assessment is The Leadership Legacy Assessment: Identifying Your Instinctive Leadership Style. However, feel free to find your own. Ensure that the assessment provides enough analysis for you to be able to determine your own style.

Once you have taken a leadership style assessment, you will then write a reflection paper that includes the elements listed below.

Compare and contrast your two top leadership styles. Did your results surprise you? Why, or why not?
Evaluate how your leadership style could impact employee motivation and the change initiative.
Select two supervisors from those portrayed in the unit lesson to join your change initiative team, and explain why you would choose them. What roles are they best suited to play in the change process, and how will you mentor them to utilize their strengths and improve on their weaknesses?
Provide an analysis of the motivational theories that could play a role in successfully leading employees through the change initiative.
Identify areas where you think you can improve on your own leadership skills to ensure this change initiative is a success.
Your reflection paper should be a minimum of three pages in length. Your writing should reflect an in-depth consideration and personalization of the concepts presented in this unit, and your interpretations should be insightful and supported.

Any sources must be properly cited. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting.

Unit V Project


For this assignment, determine an effective process to evaluate the performance of one of your employees. As you have determined that periodic evaluations can be more beneficial than annual evaluations, you will be evaluating the mid-level manager who you hired and who has now been on board for 6 months. Your process should include an appropriate evaluation tool and a means of providing feedback on the employees performance issues.

There are three parts to this project. You will begin by developing a performance review form that contains a minimum of 10 points of criteria. This template ( I will upload and already completed for you) is a starting point and may be used as is or can be modified as you wish. The template has 10 points of criteria; however, you can add more if the specifics of the position warrant you doing so.

Provide an explanation for each of the criteria. Remember, these should directly represent the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) as well as the requirements for the position.
Develop a rating scale, and provide a legend that identifies the distinct performance rating definitions. There must be a minimum of three levels. (The template has three levels; however, you can add more.)
Next, you will fill out your newly created form to evaluate the mid-level manager. This is, of course, based on the input of the immediate supervisor and your own assessment.
Evaluate each criteria, and include a minimum of three criteria where the employee does not meet performance expectations.
Summarize the employee performance appraisal in the comments section.
Identify the employees strengths and weaknesses.
Offer feedback and coaching on ways that the employee can improve his or her performance.
Finally, you will write a one-page synopsis in which you explain the value of your evaluation process and new tool to your leadership team. Include the information below:
how the changes will benefit the organization,
how equal employment opportunity laws were considered, and
strategies that leaders can use to address unmet employee performance expectations.
Include two sources to support your explanation.
The template is only a guideline. You are encouraged to modify it as you wish, as long as it still meets all of the above listed requirements. Combine your completed template and the one-page synopsis into one document (.doc or .pdf) to upload it. Ensure that you include a title page. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

Should students in irish medical schools take an oath upon graduation

Students of most medical schools in the US, Canada, and the UK take an oath or pledge on graduation which is modeled on or derived from the Hippocratic Oath. This is not common practice in Irish Medical Schools. Discuss briefly what you see to be the advantages and disadvantages of taking such an oath or pledge on graduation. On balance, do you believe Irish medical schools should oblige their graduates to take an oath or pledge on graduation? If so, state briefly what you would include in such a pledge. If not, what alternative mechanisms would you propose to ensure graduates adhere to key ethical principles.

Marks will also be awarded for overall presentation, coherence, and evidence of deeper thought/ reading around the topic (up to a maximum of 20 marks).
The essay should be not less than 2,000 and not more than 2,500 words. You should cite (in either the Vancouver or Harvard format) at least 10 and not more than 20 references you have read in the course of preparing your essay.

Plagiarism will result in an automatic failure of the module with a return of a zero mark for the continuous assessment component. It may also lead to the institution of disciplinary procedures under fitness to practice procedures.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a journal entry in which you explore the poem, line by line, and untangle the extended metaphor Donne makes. What does he compare things to in this poem? In what sense are those things similar to each other? How do all these comparisons support Donnes ultimate purpose in the poem? What is he trying to say, and why does he use elaborate (and controversial) figurative devices rather than just coming out and saying it?

In responding to this prompt, I implore you not to google what does Holy Sonnet 14 mean? I know older poems can be frustrating at times, but I guarantee you that your experience will be more satisfying if you try to establish your own understanding of Donnes work. Its truly an astonishing, evocative, original poem, and you deserve to have a relationship with it that isnt mediated by