Category: Other

Unit V Scholarly Activity


Cultural Considerations in Learning and Development
You are currently the head trainer of a global U.S. automobile manufacturer. The organization has decided to expand its operations into the Eastern market such as China, Japan, and Singapore. The vice president of human resources has asked that you create a proposal outlining your plans for a new hire orientation program for the Eastern market. In your proposal, include the elements listed below.

Discuss how the Eastern market will potentially view new hire orientation, and then discuss two to three ways to tailor the new hire orientation to this market.
Discuss how the Eastern market perceives the relationship between the learner and trainer.
Discuss who will be responsible for giving the new hire orientation to the Eastern employees and how the orientation will be delivered. For example, will a local who is familiar with the language deliver a live orientation training session, or will it be a remote training session with a translator? Will it be some other delivery method? Once the method is chosen, discuss why this method is appropriate for the given market.
Your completed assignment must be at least two pages in length and use at least two outside sources. Adhere to APA guidelines when constructing this assignment, and include in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this first assignment, please read the document “The Age of Discovery” by Goodall that I am attaching here and that you can also find in the “Course Documents,” Week #1. 

Write a one page (minimum 270) response with your thoughts about that reading and 10 takeaways. The takeaways can either be incorporated in your main response to the text or as bullet points following your main response. Then, answer these questions: What did you find the most interesting in that reading? What did you find less interesting?  Anything that you thought was missing? Any question about it?

Please, number the question that you will respond in order.

personal letter

hi there you wrote this letter for me. it got called I’m sorry i got cover and was hospitalized i was never able to complete the order. i used this app 100 times this is the first time this happened. i hope you still have the letter you wrote i can release the funds and get it, if possible

Unit 4 Assignment

After reading the material for the week, create an educational flyer for patients at a 10-physician outpatient clinic. The information should explain the clinics patient portal. Be sure to cover what it is, how to register for it, and the features of the portal. List the benefits of using the portal. The goal is to convince consumers of the value of using the portal and increase usage. The flyer should be one full page, and only one page.

There is a tendency in Japan that the real law is not exactly as they are written and look. Please discuss the merits and demerits of this

Hi, I assigned you last time, if you don’t remember me you can have a look at #186123839! I loved your paper and this time is very related to the previous task! so I assigned you again:)

Basically, the topic is ‘There is a tendency in Japan that the real law is not exactly as they are written and look. Please discuss the merits and demerits of this’

I uploaded the handed out materials in the class, so it will be very helpful to write the report. Please have a look and write the report based on this! you should read and understand what the lecture’s content or flow is.



Peer Review

review at least two of your peers’ reports and give them feedback about it. The purpose of the feedback is to give them more input into how their report is perceived by others and then allow students the opportunity to edit their reports as they see fit. Please include those thoughts that you have about the positive and developmental aspects of others’ papers. reply posts (125-word minimum) must offer new insight to the discussion.

Should drugs be legalized in professional sports

In this assignment, you will write a position paper on whether or not drugs should be legalized in professional sports. The paper must be at least five pages in length and discuss the role of the professional sports contracts in drug use and testing.  You should also address the fact that marijuana is being legalized in some states, and what impact that may have legally on drug testing.  You should cite at least five sources in your paper using APA format.


This discussion board is part of your simulated clinical assignment: Family as Client: Public Health Clinic.

Molly, a young woman observed in the virtual experience, is an example of a pregnant teenager who would benefit from external sources of support during her pregnancy. There are many teenagers in her situation.

Identify the teen pregnancy rates in your community/region (note that pregnancy rates are reported per 1,000). Compare and contrast with rates from the state and national level. Identify one reputable online resource that could be recommended for pregnant teenagers like Molly. Identify and describe a community resource near you that would help to meet the needs to pregnant teenagers. Use the website for suggestions.

the silence of the hospital:lessons on supporting patients and staff after an adverse event

identifying risk issue in adverse event, expanding on key issue and barriers, recommending specific alternatives,  best practice, is it ethical, spot out any regulatory compliance issues, indicate the specific regulatory body and potential consequences might be to the healthcare organization, provide 3 critical questions in the issue in adverse event.

Unit IV Article Critique


Research the databases in the Library, and locate an article for a critique that covers effective training delivery methods for adult learners. The article must be at least four pages in length and published within the last 7 years. Be sure to cover the topics below in your critique.

Identify and explain the author’s main ideas. Begin your critique of the article with an introduction that defines the subject of your critique and your point of view.
Based on the research in your chosen article, what is the one factor that has a direct and positive impact on knowledge retention, and why?
Describe the three-step process for training adaptation and delivery. Does the author cover this process in your article? If not, do you think the authors method would benefit from including this process? Explain your rationale.
What is the importance of employee-driven content?
To appeal to adult learners, what do delivery methods need to include, and why?

Your article critique must be at least two pages in length and use at least two outside sources, one of which must be the article you are critiquing. Adhere to APA style when constructing this assignment, and use in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

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