Category: Other

Deliverable 6 Create An Abstract

Draft a paper that answers the research question based on findings.
You are a first-year graduate student. You are taking a graduate course on research and writing. In this assignment, your professor has asked you to write the abstract of a research paper you are interested in writing.
Your abstract should have sections summarizing the following:
Your purpose and research question
Your research methods
Your methods for data collection and analysis
Expected findings
Potential usefulness of your study


Write a college level research paper describing the psychological and behavioral factors of individual terrorists (i.e. recruits and suicide bombers; not terrorist leaders such as Bin Laden). Address those who are not “psychotic” but of sound mind who choose violence for political purposes or retribution or to instill fear.
Clear and concise introduction, body, and conclusion.
At least 4 references!!!

Deliverable 2 Design a Research Strategy in Order to Answer a Research Question

This order goes along with the uploaded paper

Design a research strategy in order to answer a research question.
You are a first-year graduate student. You are taking a graduate course on research and writing. In this assignment, your professor has asked you to design a research strategy for a research question and write the Methods section of a research paper.
In a paper for your professor, create a methods section for a research study:
State the research question and explain what your research strategy will be for answering that question. Will you follow quantitative, qualitative, or mixed method strategy? Explain why you chose the strategy. If possible, use research to justify your choice.
Detail the steps you will need to follow in your strategy and what you will need to consider.
Explain your plan for collecting data:
What type(s) of data will you collect and how much?
Where will you get your data from?
How will you analyze and interpret the data?

See details

B.  Turn  in  a  Preliminary  Analysis  of  your  topic  (approximately    -1  page)  by  the  deadline  in  the  schedule.    Use  the format  parameters  as  described  above.    At  the  beginning  of  the  text,  put  the  topic  title  and  number  preceded  by  My (either Preliminary or Final as appropriate) Analysis of the Ethical Issues in (article #, the case of…C.  .  – Do your own research on the issue and on related topics to develop your paper. Your Preliminary Analysis paper will not be judged harshly.  Use your current instincts and current understanding of ethics.  – .  I have caught students plagiarizing.  Dont even think about it. Do your own work.  If caught plagiarizing, you will get 0 points for the assignment, possibly flunk the course, and will be reported to the Dean and Registrar.  See the rules in the latter part of this syllabus. 

33: The Partiality of Friendship
Jim has the responsibility of filling a position in his firm. His friend Paul has applied and is qualified, but someone else seems even more qualified. Jim wants to give the job to Paul, but he feels guilty, believing that he ought to be impartial. That’s the essence of morality, he initially tells himself. This belief is, however, rejected, as Jim resolves that friendship has a moral importance that permits, and perhaps even requires, partiality in some circumstances. So he gives the job to Paul. Was he right?
Features of this question are discussed at the Generalized Structure. Otherwise, we should consider the moral dilemmas that arise when loyalty to friends, or to family, conflicts with other obligations. Thus, in the great Indian epic the Mahbhrata, the figure Karna realizes that he is on the wrong side of the conflict and that he will be fighting the people who represent the right and the good. Krishna even offers Karna the leadership of the good side and the throne of the Kingdom in dispute. Karna, however, determines to remain loyal to the villain, Duryodhana, because Duryodhana was kind to him when everyone else was insulting and dismissive (because he did not appear to be a Kshatriya, although in fact he was). The offer of someone like Krishna looks motivated less by concern for Karna than for the people he will be fighting. Karna’s loyalty, although he knows it will lead to his own defeat and death, ends up seeming noble and admirable in its own right, but it also seems tragic, perverse, and pointless than so much carnage should result when Karna knows that his cause is wrong.
A similar, and perhaps stronger, issue arises when loyalty to family is involved. Thus, in the Analects, at XIII:18, Confucius says that in his country, “A father will screen his son, and a son his father,” after being told about a son who informed on his father for theft. We also find a similar standard assumed by Socrates in the Euthyphro, where Euthyphro thinks that it is pious to prosecute his father for murder. Socrates expresses astonishment, since this is a major breach of Greek piety, for a son to act against his father. The issue also turns up in the review of “The Impiety of Socrates,” where M.F. Burnyeat misses the nature of Euthryphro’s impiety in this. With both Confucius and Euthyphro, there is a conflict and a dilemma between filial piety,  , the duty to protect parents, and righteousness,  , the duty to see that justice is done.

Globalization Essay Assignment

    The objective of this assignment is to access your understanding of the how globalization may affect organizations and to encourage critical thought into how this will impact your career.
    While not everyone agrees with Freidman, Freidman argues that several forces, driven by information technology, are creating a flatter (equal opportunity) business environment. This is bound to have a substantial impact on your career.

    Write a 24 (single spaced) page essay on how the trend of a flatter world will influence your career.

1. Identify and describe the forces that lead to a flattening world (at least 2 paragraphs)

a. Describe how individuals, organizations, societies, or economies are linked together and impact each other through the use and consumption of technology.

b. Consider: What technologies support the connectedness of people and
businesses that lead to a flatter world?

c. You may take a contrarian view if you support it with evidence and address the
points Freidman uses to support his position.

2. Describe how the flattening phenomenon impacts organizations (i.e., business, non-profit organizations or governments) (at least 3 paragraphs)

a. Be descriptive

b. Give examples

c. Consider: how do organizations use the technology to benefit from or protect
itself from a flatter world?

3. Describe how the flattening phenomenon will impact you specifically (at least 3 paragraphs)

a. Identify your major, and your career goals (1 paragraph)

b. Describe how globalization has benefited or hindered professionals in your career

c. How might you be benefited by or hindered by a flatter world. Be specific and
more diverse than just Well lose jobs.

d. Describe a personal plan on what will you do about a flatter world to either
protect yourself from harmful effects or to capitalize on beneficial opportunities. Be specific. Consider what you may need to learn to be more valuable. Consider how you could harness global opportunities. What technologies could you learn or aid you in managing the personal effects of a flatter world?

e. Stating that globalization will not affect you is not a defensible position, because it does or it at least affords you new opportunities.

4. Format the paper for easy reading. Include the following:

a. Title the essay that presents the theme or main idea of your paper. Not just
Globalization Paper or Flatter World Paper.

b. Get the paper proof read and free of grammatical errors, error in word choice,
and spelling errors.

c. Use subheadings to separate the sections of your paper and to signal to the reader
a change in topic. Consider using words related to task items 1, 2, and 3 as your
subheadings. It makes your paper easier to read.

d. Insert Page Numbers on every page

Common Mistakes
Avoid these common mistakes.

1. Little or no mention of the technologies that make the flatteners possible (e.g., fiberoptic cables, Windows operating systems, open source software, highly skilled labor force, English being taught in other countries, Netscape browser, telecommunication, Voice over IP, Google search algorithm, etc.).

2. Focused too much on outsourcing and/or did not discuss other flatteners and forces behind Friedmans claim of a flatter world (i.e., Globalization 1.0, 2.0, 3.0; insourcing, offshoring, open sourcing, etc.)

3. Provided weak explanations of how a flattening phenomenon impacts organizations or did not include examples/facts to support the explanations.

4. Common formatting errors present, which may include: no title or weak title that is not engaging nor forecasts your main point (e.g., Flattening World versus Can an Accountant Protect Ones Self and Capitalize on the Forces Behind Globalization? ) , no page numbers, authors name not present, or no transitions sentence between thoughts that smoothly link one idea to the next (e.g., disjointed thoughts or vomiting words on a page). This portrays lack of attention to detail or demonstrates minimal effort.

5. Please proofread before submitting. There are examples of errors that may include improper grammar, spelling, and improper use of titles, improper word choice, or misspellings.

6. Introduction is weak. Common errors are to jump right into a specific fact or to be too general and boring. Good solutions are to pose a question to the reader, give an example that stimulates thought and interest, or summarize two conflicting ideas that you will resolve in the paper.

7. Your professional goals are not mentioned or are not specific enough to provide evidence that you have a plan with actionable steps.

8. Focused only on negative impacts to ones self, or minimized (i.e., discounted) the opportunities that afford you BECAUSE of a flattening world. What can you specifically do to reduce the negative impacts to yourself AND to capitalize on the new opportunities? Examples could include: earn a professional certificate to make yourself more valuable, earn a Masters degree, learn another language to seek new clients and new colleagues, learn a specific technology to increase your value (i.e., name the technology specifically; e.g., master MS Excel, JavaScript programming, project management techniques, underwater welding, etc.). The whole purpose of this assignment is not to scare you (focus only on negative) but to prepare you (focus on the positive and your circle of influence). See rubric for Criteria: Individual Understands the role, impact, and opportunities of individuals and is prepared to take personal action.

Qualitative Research Methods

First, I need the research proposal edited. It is to be qualitative focused not quantitative. My title needs to be refined and my purpose needs to be regarding why I am interested in doing this research as my purpose. once you complete the first worksheet then you can work on the second. If the topic is not good feel free to change and restart.

The second worksheet (assignment 2) is the second part. The title is to be the same focus but further detail. you are to write the research question for your chose topic and then background on it, the background is the context of it all.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

The paper should contain a title page, an abstract (200-250 words), the text, a conclusion, and your updated bibliography page. The body of the paper (excluding title, abstract and bibliography pages) should be minimum 5 pages, maximum 7 pages in length. The font style and size are Time New Roman 12, double-spaced, with 1 inch margin. The reference format is current APA style. Your bibliography must include at least 3 scholarly sources in addition to your course textbook. You must cite using current APA format and include the authors names, the name of the article in full, the name of the scientific journal followed by the volume number, the pages containing the article cited, and the date of publication. The outline must include these 3 sections and be no longer than 1 page:
1.An abstract of the topic (1 paragraph). This is a stand-alone summary of your paper summarize causes, symptoms, treatments and experimental therapies using concise language.
2.An outline of the background information on the topic, including the following 4 sub-sections:
The probable cause and current understanding of molecular mechanisms of the disease topic you have chosen,
Symptoms and signs associated with the topic disease,
Statistics about the number of people who develop this disease, and
Current therapies and treatments for the disease, including experimental therapies.
3.A brief description of the 2 case studies you plan to use in your presentation, including the age and sex of the patient(s).

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1 What is a Contract -Explain

2 What is Bankruptcy-Explain-

3 What is an offer-Explain

4 What does it mean-Discharge of Contract by Lapse of Time explain

5 What is a Counter-offer-Explain

6 Give an example/scenario of a Counter-offer

7.  What does it mean by-Discharge of contract by Impossibility of Performance

8 Give a brief example/scenario-of a -Discharge of contract by Impossibility of Performance

9 Name a person who is legally unable to enter a Contract.

10 Must all contracts be in writing -explain

11  Under contract law-what is Attempted Performance

12  Give a brief example/scenario-of an Attempted Performance.

13  Briefly explain-What is the purpose of Bankruptcy.  Explain

14  A Bankruptcy proceeding is held in A) State Civil Court    B) Federal Court  C) None of the above

15  What is Consideration-briefly explain

16  If a person wants to file for BANKRUPTCY because their student loan is to much to pay they can  A) legally have that loan debt removed via Bankruptcy    B) cannot  legally have that loan debt removed via Bankruptcy    C) Can ask the judge to remove it if they really cannot pay it. 

17  Can a city, town or municipality file for Bankruptcy-Explain

18  Your opinion-based upon YOUR knowledge and the readings-“Are contracts Important”-Why or Why Not.  (YOUR OPINION)

19 List one way a person may be able to get out (avoid being bound) by a signed (they signed it) contract-Explain-

20 If a man wants to sell his 500,000 thousand dollar house to a woman he met for 400, 000, and they both verbally agree, that is  A.  a legally binding contract    B.  not a legally binding contract    C. is a legally binding contract if the woman really want to buy the house. 

21    What is Breach of contract:    Explain-

22 List- two elements of a contract

23  What does the term Pre-existing duty Mean-Explain. 

24 Give an example/scenario of a Pre-existing Duty. 

25  What is a Discharge by Anticipatory Breach-explain

Essay In a minimum of (5) paragraphs or more.  Explain the various types  of Bankruptcy

data analytics project

You are the HR Director for a firm of 1250 employees. 250 employees are under a Union CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement). The firm currently uses data analytics in its supply chain and now the CEO has tasked you with coming up with two ideas for using analytics from a workforce perspective. You are expected to present your two ideas to the strategic leadership team to review.
Which 2 workforce areas did you choose to present?
For each idea explain the:
    o    Hypothesis/business question.
    o    Leading indicator(s).
    o    Business impact metrics.
Make certain you include an introduction and concluding paragraphs.
Cite course materials in developing your answer (readings, videos, and discussion boards). You may cite outside the course materials as secondary sources.

Please use direct quotes throughout paper. “….” (…,…).  APA format, 5 page min.-10 max
Read the attached words that are chapter 3 and 4. Use as primary sources!

The assignment should include:
An introductory paragraph of what you are writing about and the importance
The body of the paper should be broken out by paragraphs and/or sections.
Each idea or argument you present needs to be supported by research material.
Research material may include lectures, readings, videos, and outside research.
A concluding paragraph summarizing your research and your personal thoughts
In-text Citation and Bibliography (In-text citation is required even if it is course material.) You may include diagrams, charts, tables, etc. in any of the assignments to further explain your point

Discussion Topics

The Creative Process

Please post from among these topics relating to this weeks materials and readings:

<> Describe which elements of the creative process (Chapter 5) you might employ in your own marketing communications plan, and how.

<> What experience do you have with graphic and video arts? Do you have favorite production software? Please share any examples and tips with your classmates.

<> An ad copywriter I know says he gets his best brainstorms when walking his dog on the beach and his mind is absolutely blank. I tend to get my best ideas in the shower, which makes for some soggy draft notes. What’s your best tip for stimulating creativity?

<> Share any brief excerpts from your task assignment this week on your communication plans target demographics.

<> What news did you see this week that might relate to our course topics?

<> Feel free to start your own discussion thread on any related topic, or review an article from the course supplemental website: