Category: Philosophy

Culture & Civic Responsibility using ideas of great philosphers

See several uploads – Must use the ideas of two great thinkers using their views on Government, social responsibility and culture.  Aristotle, Nietzche, Beauvoir, Kant, Mill, Plato, Epictus, Epicurious, Mill, DuBois. I happen to think Nietzche and DuBois would make fine use in this, but feel free to use your own from above.

Philosophical Implications

Socrates asks Euthyphro, “Are morally good acts willed by God because they are morally good, or are they morally good because they are willed by God?”
(1) How does this question relate to the Divine Command Theory of morality?
(2) What are the philosophical implications associated with each option here?

ethics of culture

I’m going into the heath care field, this paper has to somehow relate to that. This is for a pre-requisite Ethics class, nothing fancy at all.  I’m all for other cultures living and being in America, but as a healthcare professional this can become an obstacle.
Below is an example my professor provided…
  For example–Should people from other cultures be made to enculturate or become more Americane.g., should there be an English-only policy?  What about ethical issues tied to immigration policies?

I need to cite at least 3 sources

Genetic enhancements/repair

Biomedical Ethics Final Paper Prompts and Instructions

In your final paper, you should:

Be able to identify and explain multiple arguments, ones that reach different conclusions about the same topic or ones that use different reasons to reach the same conclusion.

Be able to identify at least one way in which the arguments have been/can be critiqued, and any possible reply the authors might have to the objections.

Defend an objection to an argument, or defend a particular reply to an objection.

.You should have a title page with a title, your name, our class, and a word count, and also a works cited page. I will be checking for plagiarism.

Choose one of the questions below for your final paper topic. You are required to read and write about the articles mentioned under the question. For each article, you should provide a clear exposition of the relevant arguments (as you did in papers I and II). If the articles reach opposing or different conclusions, explain in what ways they disagree and what conclusions they reach. If the articles reach the same conclusion but use different reasoning, make sure to clarify how they use different arguments.

Is genetic repair/treatment morally okay? What about enhancement?

Is Gene Therapy a Form of Eugenics? by John Harris

Genetic Enhancement by Walter Glannon

Choose anyone you want ! Aged Care Bioethics Cloning Consent Contraception Disability Euthanasia Genetics Healthcare Human Embryos & Gametes Moral Agency & Legal Advocacy Neonatal Ethics Neuroethics Organ Donation Reproductive Technology

5 pages in length (Titles page and bibliography are NOT pages)
You must demonstrate that you have researched the topic in addition to your own thoughts on the issue. Your paper should contain a balanced/fair analysis of both sides of the moral issue.
Format should be MLA / Double Spaced

Question raised by ancient Greek thought

researched paper, using at least three (3) secondary sources and at least two of the required readings, on a question raised by the ancient Greek thought studied in the course.

The readings are:
(1) Hesiod, Theogony

(2) Parmenides, On Nature. (handout)

(3) Plato, Apology

(4) Xenophon, Apology

(5) Plato, Parmenides

(6) Aristotle, Rhetoric

Justice for All is not Possible in America?

The length of the paper should be 10 pages of text.
(2)    Include a bibliography, consisting of, at least, 5 books or papers.
(3)    Include notes which refer to sources of majors claimsnotes from the paper bibliography.
(4)    Apply the MLA style in your essay. Get a sample in the library.
(5)     Include an outline of your essay, which should serve as a table of contents for the final draft of your paper.
(6)     State clearly your thesis followed by a short transitional statement listing the major arguments of the paper.
(7)     Proceed with argumentation step by step and clearly.
(8)     Backing up (or documenting) your basic claims. If appealing to the authority of philosophers (authors), be critical, always specifying whatever youre agreeing with and to what extent.
(9)     Be mindful of the grading criteria which are provided on a separate sheet.
(10) Failure to adhere to these instructions will result in the rejection of your research paper.

final paper

Text:  Curren, Randall, ed.  Philosophy of Education:  An Anthology.  Malden:  Blackwell Publishing, Ltd., 2007.

this is the name of the text and you need to choose one topic and write 7 pages about it. please please this assignment worth 50% of my final grade so I need to have an A+ or A. if you feel you cant so this please let me know so I can assign another writer thanks

Essay 3

Please watch the following debate: “Is Good From God?” William Lane Craig vs. Sam Harris. (Links to an external site.)

The following debate asks the question, “is good from God.”
Who do you think won the debate? Which position was most convincing? Why?
What were some good reasons/arguments that were given?
And finally, why don’t you find the opposing view as convincing?

This assignment is primarily exploratory and analytical. It is designed to show your understanding of the texts we are reading in class, and also to show your understanding of the issues and questions raised in these texts.

Basic Specifications

Be sure to respond to all parts of the topic question and to all questions raised in the topic description. The result should be an essay composed of paragraphs (i.e., not isolated sentences or sentence-fragments). Do not copy the topic question onto your paper.

Your answer to each topic question should total 1-2 pages typed single-spaced and with one inch margins all around, or the equivalent (500-1000 words). Shorter papers will not be accepted.

Please put your name on your paper and your class number (PHI 100B or PHI 100F). Please also number the pages in the paper.

Submit your paper in either .doc, .docx, or .pdf format. Do not submit your paper by email. I would even suggest keeping an electronic copy and/or a hard copy of your paper.

In responding to the topic you have selected, consult and discuss material only from the texts that we have read as well as your own notes.

The content of the paper must NOT be merely a summary of what this philosopher(s) says. It MUST also include your own reasoning, made explicit in writing. If you choose to agree with this philosopher(s), you must include your own assessment of whether they have made valid arguments, provided sufficient or compelling evidence for the points they made, or have made some other contribution to your understanding of the topic. You should also explain why you concluded that philosophers arguments or positions were compelling or valid (or not). Include reasoning, not unsupported opinions.

You will also need to show what you think that the philosopher(s) we are discussing mean by what they say. That is, show what in the text supports the reasoned inferences you make about the philosophers meanings.

Make sure you use proper citations. Use footnotes, endnotes, or in-text annotations whenever you quote a source. If you are not sure of how to use footnotes/endnotes or parenthetical annotations, how to cite a text properly, or how to write a bibliography/reference list, consult the online MLA Style Manual, or Chicago Manual of Style. If you prefer to use another standard method of documentation (APA style, for example), that is fine too. I do not care which style of citation and documentation you use (MLA, Chicago, APA), as long as it is consistent and complete.

Quotations must not make up more than twenty percent of the paper. Your reasoning, analyses, and arguments are central to this paper. 


                                        DIRECTIONS FOR THE TERM PAPER:
1. Select the chosen topic (listed below)
2. Determine a thesis statement: Develop a clear position on the topic you select.
3. Develop clear arguments supporting your thesis.
4. Anticipate the most likely objection/s to your arguments or thesis and explain how you would defend your arguments or thesis against such objection/s.
5. Summarize the results of your analysis of the original issue or topic.

Chosen Topic: Capitalism is an economic system in which most resources are privately owned (by individuals) and managed for the purpose of making a profit (for individual owners). Its main alternative is socialism, where most resources are publicly owned (by the government) and distributed according to government assessment of the need (or demand) for those resources. 1. What are the main arguments that competition for the acquisition of profit (or property) under capitalism produces the most socially beneficial economic system? 2. What are the main criticisms of the economic inequalities that a capitalist system tends to produce? 3. On the whole, are societies better off, or worse off, under a capitalist system? Provide reasons for thinking that your position is correct, and explain why arguments for the other side are less compelling than your own arguments.

Please follow the attached directions carefully and answer all of the questions in the chosen topic as well