Category: Philosophy

Is T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland most similar to Buddha’s Fire Sermon

Is  T.S. Eliot’s The Wasteland most similar to Buddha’s Fire Sermon? , Jean Paul Sartre’s Nausea, or Augustine’s Confessions?

Choose only one the texts above to argue for the similarity

Part I (200 words): Provide your thesis and three reasons defending your thesis. Provide a textual citation to support each reason.

Part II (200 words): Provide a rebuttal to your thesis. Provide three rebuttal reasons opposing the three reasons presented in Part I. Provide a textual citation to support each rebuttal reason.

Part III (200 words): Provide a reply to the rebuttal. Provide three reply to the rebuttal reasons. Provide a textual citation to support each reply to the rebuttal reason.

Close Analysis

For your Term Paper, you must choose a contemporary issue and two professionally written articles on opposing sides of the issue and them perform close analyses.  These close analyses are intended to help you clarify the chosen commentaries for this term paper. I I will grade these analyses primarily on the detail and completeness of the analysis as explained in Chapter Four of your textbook.  You must provide a copy of the commentaries that you have labeled the language elements as done in Chapter 4.  Use the abbreviations as used in the textbook.

Thus this assignment requires the following:

1. In no more than one page, double-spaced, summarize the first chosen article.

2. In no more than one page, double-spaced, summarize the second article for your paper.

3. In no more than one page, double-spaced, explain as succinctly and completely as possible the contemporary issue for this paper.

4. A copy of your first article within which you will perform the labeling.

5. A copy of your second article within which you will perform the labeling.

Thus you will submit via Canvas 5 documents containing your close analyses and explanation by the scheduled due date (see syllabus).

As with all written assignments, Veracite will automatically check for originality of work.

term paper

1. Choose a contemporary issue from the media which you will explain to provide context for the paper.

2. Choose two commentators on the above issue who provide written opposing views and arguments that you will analyze and to which you will respond.

3. Complete a Close Analysis  for each of the commentaries you have chosen by the required due date and time.

4. Your paper must accomplish two objectives:

A. present, analyze, and critically evaluate opposing views and arguments on the issue using the logical principles and methods of critical thinking discussed this semester. That is, describe the views of the commentators you have chosen concerning the issue in question. Explain the arguments for these views provided by each. A thorough analysis will also include some explanation of the consequences of holding this position. Remember to apply the principle of charity–give the argument the most positive portrayal possible!

B. Give your view on this issue, using logical principles and methods of critical thinking to explain your argument for this position. Show in your argument how your view is consistent or inconsistent with the views of the two commentators whose views you analyzed. Avoid all of the formal and informal fallacies discussed in class and the text. Remember we evaluate an argument based on its validity and the truth of its premises.

5. Complete an Outline for the paper by the required due date and time.

6. This paper should be written for someone who is intelligent, but uninformed about philosophy. Make your explanations for your roommate or someone else who hasn’t studied ethics.

7. The paper should be no more than six pages (8.5 x 11–letter) in length (if you go longer, say all the important things in the first six pages because I won’t read past page six). The paper should be typed or keyed, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, left-justification only and 10-point font (arial, courier, or times new roman).

8. Don’t forget to use proper footnotes and citations. Remember this is a ‘college-level paper.’

9. Grading Schedule:

Close Analysis Paper (see syllabus schedule or course calendar for the exact due date and time and further instructions):

The close analysis of the commentary from your first editorialist.
The close analysis of the commentary from your second editorialist.
A brief account of the issue.
= up to 50 pts.
Final draft of outline (see syllabus schedule or course calendar for the exact due date and time and further instructions). This outline will be graded on its usefulness in fulfilling the parameters of the term paper, its attention to detail and organization, and the accuracy of its content. An outline should be a road map to a successful paper and that is what I’m looking for. We will discuss this further (see the “outline form” instructions) and you should also contact me with any further questions.

= up to 50 pts.

Final draft of paper (see syllabus schedule or course calendar for the exact due date and time and further instructions). No late papers accepted!

= up to 100 pts.

Total points possible for term paper = 200 pts.

10. My first grade criterion for any writing is whether you fulfilled the assignment as given; therefore, you should ask for further clarification for any assignment when necessary. After I have determined that the assignment is minimally satisfied I look for clear and concise prose. Clarity is the result of good spelling, grammar, mechanics, and reason in as few words as possible. You should demand clear expectations from me concerning any assignment and I will do all that I can to meet your demands.

hould we rely on the internet and social media to promote social justice?

Objective: Practice assessing audience and using inferences to identify the form, focus, and rhetorical approach for your writing; to explore and reflect on practices for developing arguments; effectively integrate information from other texts to support your argument; gain experience writing for real-world audiences.

The use of social media as a means to address political, social, and economic injustice has increased dramatically in the last ten years as more and more people are turning to online platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to get their messages across. However, such use has also led to debates over whether or not the internet actually helps or hinders the pursuit of real, meaningful change.

Write a FIVE paragraph essay that responds to the following question:

Should we rely on the internet and social media to promote social justice?

This essay serves multiple purposes. First, it is an opportunity for you to apply the rhetorical techniques that we have found in other texts to your own argument. This essay also gives you an opportunity to move beyond comprehension and analysis to argue your own position. To do this, you will need to have a more nuanced sense of this debate, analyze various positions on the issue, and then position yourself among that debate, using evidence for your stance.

In order to learn more about this debate, you will need to engage in research. During the course of writing this essay, we will practice sound research practices such as evaluating sources and incorporating citations and paraphrases. For this essay, you will need to cite AT LEAST FIVE outside sources obtained from any of the Monroe College Library Databases (ONE of these sources MUST be peer-reviewed). You may cite from any of the required readings from Unit 10 as well.

Clear statement of your position
Appropriate moves to establish your authority
Detailed and nuanced presentation of issues affecting your position
Series of logical claims or points to justify your position
References to and discussion of information from at least FIVE sources obtained from the Monroe College Library Databases or the Unit 10 readings (at least one of the five sources must be peer-reviewed)
Overt connections between claims and support
Presentation and refutation of relevant counterarguments
Clear, logical organization including effective use of paragraphing
Effective use of paraphrasing and quotation
Sentences relatively free from errors
Correctly formatted Title Page, Abstract, and References Page

Format: APA (see

Length: approx. 1000 words.

Find credible sources about your issue/topic and read them
Identify multiple perspectives about your issue (not just two)
Formulate your own argument about how we should move forward on this issue, based on the evidence that you have read Use the rhetorical principles to guide you as you craft your argument
Revise, revise, revise
Polishedit and proofread your work. Consider reading it out loud.

Questions to Consider:
Why is this issue important? What is at stake?
What is your personal connection to this issue?
What aspect of it do you think is most overlooked?
Why should people care about it, even if they are not directly affected?
Is your evidence convincing?
Can you anticipate how people might argue against your opinion? How could you use that to sharpen your own argument?

Additional Instructions: Use the APA Essay Template


1.    Read Affirmative Action Pojman Reading Guide
2.    Read The Case Against Affirmative Action
3.    Read the example of how your page should look like Example
4.    Read all instructions attached.
5.    Write a RAOR commentary which includes the four parts discussed above. 200-300 words


Assignment Objective:  Develop an audio-narrated PowerPoint presentation based on the research you have conducted about your chosen topic. All APUS students have access to PowerPoint and the rest of Microsoft Office (for Windows or MacOS) through the Resource Center link on the left.

Assignment Instructions:  Using the course project steps completed to date, you will develop your presentation based on the work you submitted for Assignments 1 and 2 as well as the feedback you were given.

To prepare for this assignment, I recommend that you do the following:

Read these directions carefully.
Review the grading rubric below. The grading rubric is a detailed evaluation that I will use to assess your performance. It also will help you understand what is expected of you as you prepare your assignment.
Message me with any questions!
Presentation requirements:

Your presentation will be submitted as an audio-narrated PowerPoint. It must narrated by you. You may not use text-to-speech technology to do the narration for you, unless noted in an approved accommodation from a current letter from DSA which you have provided to me.  For instructions on how to create audio narration in PowerPoint, see the following link: Record a Slide Show With Narration.  Audio narration is a requirement!
There must be both text (in concise phrases) and visual elements (e.g., photos, videos, graphs, figures). Since this is a geography class, you must include at least 2 relevant maps in your presentation.
Your presentation must contain approximately 10-15 slides (excluding references) and run approximately 5-10 minutes.
Less than 10% of your presentation should be direct quotes.
Proper use and pronunciation of geographic terminology are required. 
Be sure to properly cite your work, both internal to the presentation as well as within the reference slide (this includes photos, graphs, figures, videos, etc.).
All references listed on the reference slide should be cited internally within the presentation, and vice versa.
The required elements: Your presentation should contain the following elements in the order listed below. Specific content for each section is detailed in Assignment 2: The Outline.

In addition, I expect that any feedback provided to you from Assignment 1: Annotated Bibliography and Assignment 2: The Outline be incorporated into this assignment. Please go back and review those comments.

Introduction this section must contain your topic, why you chose your topic, and preview where your topic developed and diffused to.
Body (Content) this section must contain examine how your topic relates to four geographic concepts: regions, cultural landscapes, diffusion and distance decay
Conclusion Slide this section must contain four to six points that sum up the main topics of the presentation.
Reference Slide (and Internal Citations) this section must contain the following:
Internal citations – This is not just a separate section; rather, referencing should occur throughout the presentation via parenthetical citations anytime you paraphrase, make direct quotes, or use visual components from other sources.  Please be sure to cite any language, images, videos, etc. in the presentation that should be cited.
Reference Slide – Your paper should also have a final reference slide listing at least 5 credible sources researched for your presentation.
Do not include your summary/evaluation from Assignment 1: Annotated Bibliography; simply list the references utilized in your presentation in APA format on the reference slide.


1) Read the article by Jean Paul Sartre, Existentialism is a Humanism

(2) Watch the video


(1) after reading Existentialism is a Humanism formulate a thesis about the text that addresses one of the major philosophical themes, such as the idea that human beings are entirely free, existence precedes essence, and bad faith. For example, you can address questions such as:

–Are we free? What does it mean to be free?

–Does freedom mean we can do whatever we want? Do we still have moral responsibility?

(2) after exploring one of themes in Sartre’s Existentialism is a Humanism, you will need to compare Sartre to Kant. For example, if you took up the question of freedom, how would Sartre’s views on freedom compare with those of Kant?

(3) draw three conclusions and support them by the arguments you made in your paper


Paper should not just contain summaries of the text by Sartre, but a unique engagement with Sartre’s writing.

Paper must be 3-4 pages, times new roman, double spaced, 12 point font. Please only include the title in the paper. Do not include my name, your name, the date, or the name of the class.

(1) You will need 5 secondary sources for your research essay. They must come from a book; online sources will not work. Therefore, you will need to visit a library in order to write the essays.

(2) You will need to develop a thesis, and your paper must have an (1) introductory paragraph with thesis statement, (2) three body paragraphs, and (3) conclusion.

(3) You will need to quote the secondary sources and the text in MLA style. Do not use excessive quotations; however, quote the text when needed. All quotations should follow MLA style. Again, keep quotations to a minimum, but do quote the secondary sources when needed.

Here I’ve provided the links of sources that have more informations.


Read the Primary reading: Paul Taylor, Respect for Nature, Chapter 3: The Biocentric Outlook on Nature (69p).

Our textbook Sustainability does not refer to Paul Taylor or biocentrism explicitly.  If you would like to apply a biocentrism to a particular case study or topic that you find, feel free to do that.  Or, you may watch the video in the Content for the week and critique Garry Deweese’s summary and critique of Paul Taylor and biocentrism.


Read the Primary reading: Paul Taylor, Respect for Nature, Chapter 3: The Biocentric Outlook on Nature (69p).

Our textbook Sustainability does not refer to Paul Taylor or biocentrism explicitly.  If you would like to apply a biocentrism to a particular case study or topic that you find, feel free to do that.  Or, you may watch the video in the Content for the week and critique Garry Deweese’s summary and critique of Paul Taylor and biocentrism.

Philosophy of Law

Write a four-part essay to explain and argue whether the rule of law is valuable.

The structure of this essay is the following:

Part 1: They say that the rule of law is/is not valuable because
Part 2: I say that the rule of law is not/is valuable because
Part 3: One might object that
Part 4: I reply that

(i) The format of this assignment is essentially the same as the previous two, except that it is expanded from four paragraphs to four parts, and you will need to elaborate your arguments in greater detail. However, you still need to write concisely and should avoid writing long, multi-argument paragraphs.

(ii) Word limit: 600 words.

(iii) Include a word count.

(iv) Please draw upon at least one of the guest lectures to explain and/or support your arguments. (I made the essay question more general so that you would have more room to use what youve learnt in the guest lecture.)

(v) Make sure that the argument in part 2 is contrary to that in part 1, though it need not directly engage the one in part 1. But your objection in part 3 should directly engage the argument in part 2, and your reply in part 4 directly engages the objection in part 3.

(vi) Write clearly and comprehensibly. Your assignment will be assessed partly based on clarity and comprehensibility.