Category: Philosophy


Between Ethical Traditions seen last week, below, and in the Medical Ethics matrix PDF  which one seems to have had the most impact on:  Provisions 1 and 2 of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights? On the American Nursing Association (ANA) Code of Ethics?  By contrast, of Ethical Traditions seen so far, which one(s) can seem to have the most influence on popular culture right now?

Philosophical Argument

Oxsana is now 30 years of age and works at Deutsche Bank.  As a young woman, Oxsana pursued a BA in philosophy at the Freie Universitt Berlin, during which time she was actively engaged in the Green political movement, marching, protesting and working in Green party campaigns to elect Green candidates to the Bundestag (the German parliament).  Based on this data, rank the following options about Oxanas career in terms of their probability and explain that ranking:

a)  Oxana is a bank teller for Deutsche Bank in Berlin.
b)  Oxana is head of the industrial lending desk for Deutsche Bank in their Berlin based home office.
c)  Oxana is a bank teller for Deutsche Bank in Berlin, but spends her spare time working for Green causes like restrictions on industrial emissions of air and  water pollutants.
d)  Oxana has become a conservative economist in the CDU (the largest right-wing party in Germany) and consults for Deutsche Bank in their Berlin home office.

NOTE:  This assignment is designed to apply an epistemological deduction.

Business of healthcare

Research Paper: 
The research paper may be on any topic related to business ethics. There are two important words in that description. First, the topic must be business-related. If you want to write on healthcare, then the topic must be about the business of healthcare. If you are interested in sports, then the topic must be on the business of sports. The second point in the description is the focus on ethics. You must analyze the topic through the lens of ethical reasoning.
The paper should be at least 15 typed pages (double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font, and 1-inch margins on all sides). A separate Works Cited page should be included to identify the sources for your citations. All sources listed in the Works Cited should be cited in the body of the paper, and any source cited in the body of the paper must be included in the Works Cited.
Your research paper should contain at least 15 scholarly resources (excluding the textbook) and must be properly cited using APA.
Avoid plagiarism in your paper.
Your research paper should follow this general format:
    Overview of the Topic
    Research and discussion supporting one side or viewpoint.
    Research and discussion supporting the opposing side or viewpoint.
    Discussion and analysis of the different sides or viewpoints.
    Your scholarly conclusion of the issue and the reasoning behind your conclusion.
Please DO NOT make the following mistakes on your paper:
1.    Write a high-school research paper on the topic assigned.  For example, dont write a paper that tells me what diversity is. If you select diversity as a topic, dig into the academic and professional literature regarding diversity and discuss the ethical implications of the subject. Your paper should argue the underlying issues of the topic.
2.    Avoid long quotes.  Graduate students understand that their job is to synthesize the work of others into coherent ideas.
3.    Avoid simply paraphrasing articles.  As graduate students, you may cite anothers idea, but your work must be original and creative.
4.    Under no circumstances can you ever hand in a paper that you have previously submitted in another class for credit.
5.    Plagiarism in any form is grounds for failure in the class, not just on the paper.

Gender and Sex Issues

this paper is to apply two ethical theories to a social justice question and determine which one best defends its conclusion.  Be sure that you argue equally strongly on each side of the issue before you decide which approach is best.  This a sort of practice run for your final project.

You can choose a topic question of your own, or select one from the final project topic suggestions.

Gender and Sex Issues
    What is an appropriate ethical response to the global problem of violence against women?
    Was it just for the US to legalize same-sex marriage?
    Is pornography unethical?
    Does the #MeToo movement handle the issue of sexual harassment and predation ethically?

Your paper should take the form of a standard essay, including an intro paragraph with a clear thesis and brief roadmap, a series of body paragraphs that begin with clear topic sentences, and a concluding paragraph that simply reviews the main points of your paper.  Aim for 3-4 pages in length, not including title and reference pages, in APA or MLA format. 

Articles to use:

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Wilt Chamberlain Argument
Robert Nozick uses his Wilt Chamberlain argument to defend his entitlement theory of justice over a patterned theory of justice like that of John Rawls. Describe the Wilt Chamberlain argument in your own words. Explain what can be said in its favor. Raise at least one problem for it, and discuss whether it can be adequately addressed by someone who defends Nozicks theory of justice.

choose one of the question to answer based on Korzybskis Structural-Differential and the associated red-pill/blue-pill diagrams count altogether as one source.

written on one (1) of the questions

Please note that you are REQUIRED TO SUPPORT YOUR IDEAS WITH DIRECT QUOTATIONS.  Good paraphrasing (including detailed descriptions of the diagrams) is important too, but there must be at least three direct quotations from the text-based reading for the assignment.  Page references must be provided in brackets or by a citation method of your choice.

Please note that, for purposes of the Essay, Korzybskis Structural-Differential and the associated red-pill/blue-pill diagrams count altogether as one source. After all, the pill diagrams are just Bizarro/colonial Structural-Differentials. Except for question 4, it is crucial that you fully understand the meanings of the diagrams and relate them in detail to the other source. Your writing process should start from quotations from the readings and precise analysis of the diagrams, not vague feels from the audio-lectures.

1. Explain how the political and social dynamics that produced the CBC in the 1920s demonstrate the uniquely explicit relation between blue-pill and red-pill ideas and also the idea of a no-pill/ new leaf epistemology in Canada.
Sources: the Structural-Differential, the blue-pill/red-pill diagrams, Magic in the Air and God in the Air (excerpts from The Microphone Wars) by Knowlton Nash.

2. Explain Gregory Batesons theory of natural systems as abstracting systems (with conscious purpose as a kind of extreme and potentially dangerous extension of the abstracting process) with reference to the Structural-Differential and the blue-pill/red-pill diagrams.
Sources: the Structural-Differential, the blue-pill/red-pill diagrams, Conscious Purpose Versus Nature (excerpt from Steps to an Ecology of Mind) by Gregory Bateson

3. Drawing on the scientific insights of both the Structural-Differential and Horowitzs ethological perspectives, explain how the limitations of humans sensory capabilities can lead to problems in our relationships with nonhuman animals. Compare and contrast anthropomorphism and Uexklls concept of umwelt as two different approaches to relating with nonhuman animals across sensory divides.
Sources: the Structural-Differential, the blue-pill/red-pill diagrams, Umwelt: From the Dogs Point of Nose (excerpt from Inside of a Dog) by Alexandra Horowitz

4. Explain the contrast between the human and the Cetacean umwelt. How does the analog- digital relation operate differently in the communication systems of each species (or family in the case of Cetaceans)? How might we more precisely imagine the communicative matrix of the Cetaceans?
Sources: Umwelt: From the Dogs Point of Nose (excerpt from Inside of a Dog) by Alexandra Horowitz, Some Problems in Cetacean and Other Mammalian Communication (excerpt from Steps to an Ecology of Mind) by Gregory Bateson

5. The Structural-Differential proposes a semantically (i.e. both sensorily and conceptually) reliable map of the differences between what we say the label levels and what we sense the object level and between both of those levels and W.I.G.O. whatever is going on at the Event Level. But Korzybski, though he did advise children should be taught with the structural differential from the age of kindergarten, was not so foolish as to believe an infant would be born with that scientific sense of order.
Explain Daniel Sterns concept of the Weatherscape as one demonstrating a fundamentally different experience from the sense of order that the Structural-Differential models. Six-week old Joey does not have an object level she IS the object level (and in some sense, almost is closer to the Event than we). And yet she (or he, as in Sterns text) is already developing the epistemological sense we all naturally develop when we learn language. Where do we find the roots of the ability to sense Structure and to Differentiate in the midst of the Weatherscape?
Sources: the Structural-Differential, The World of Feelings (excerpt from Diary of a Baby) by Daniel Stern

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Evolution, Religion, and Intelligent Design

Many people mistakenly believe that a belief in evolution precludes a belief in God or intelligent design; in other words, some people falsely think that one must be an atheist or agnostic to believe in evolution and the Big Bang. The Catholic Church is one example of a religious institution that has long held the view that evolution and the Big Bang explain how we got here. Read the below article from the Catholic Herald, and then answer the following questions: Why do you think so many people are mistaken about the ability to believe in God as well as evolution and the Big Bang? Do you find anything problematic about combining religious and scientific explanations of the universe? Explain.

NB: In this discussion, students often misuse the word theory, saying things such as the Big Bang/evolution are just theories. But to say this is a misuse of the word ‘theory’ as it applies to scientific theory. Many people misunderstand the word as it is used in the realm of science, thinking it to mean a guess, a hypothetical, untested idea. However, in science, ‘theory’ means something different. Please read the article below:

“Just a Theory”: 7 Misused Science Words – Scientific American

Article from the Catholic Herald

By Patrick Cusworth October 31, 2014

Pope Francis’s comments on the Big Bang are not revolutionary. Catholic teaching has long professed the likelihood of human evolution

Perhaps it was inevitable that Pope Francis comments on the Churchs position on scientific theories such as the Big Bang and evolution would cause a stir. In his address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Pope cautioned against the image of God the creator as a magician, with a magic wand, arguing that belief in both theories around the beginnings of the universe and the birth of humankind are consistent with the Catholic faith.

The Big Bang, which is today posited as the origin of the world, does not contradict the divine act of creation; rather, it requires it, he stated. Similarly, he argued, evolution of nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation because evolution pre-supposes the creation of beings which evolve.

Yet despite further murmurings that Pope Francis was beginning (yet another) revolution in Catholic doctrine, it must be pointed out the Popes declaration on either theory has not broken with established Catholic belief in the slightest.

The Big Bang theory, originally hypothesised in 1927 by Jesuit priest and physicist Georges Lematre, is based on the central proposition that the universe is continually expanding. As a preposition, the universe was originally contained within a single point, in a highly intense state of heat and density. As the universe began to expand it cooled, allowing the formation of subatomic particles, which began a series of physical cosmological processes, which led eventually to the known universe. While this has become the most commonly accepted explanation for the beginnings of the universe, many scientists have previously expressed an instinctive opposition to the notion of a beginning point, since this would represent a question which science could not answer as Professor Stephen Hawking concluded in his autobiography, One would have to appeal to religion and the hand of God to determine how the universe started off.

Turning to Pope Francis comments on evolution, Catholic teaching has long professed the likelihood of human evolution albeit with the proviso that this takes place under the guidance of the Creator, and that special creation of the human soul is performed directly by God. As Pope Pius XII stated in Humani Generis (art. 36): the teaching authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter for the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God.

Pope John Paul II specifically endorsed this position in his own address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in 1996, declaring that since publication of the latter encyclical, new findings lead us toward the recognition of evolution as more than a hypothesis The convergence in the results of these independent studies constitutes in itself a significant argument in favour of the theory.

While it is refreshing to see the Popes pronouncements upon matters scientific reaching and being welcomed by individuals not generally well disposed toward the Church, the implicit suggestion that Pope Francis has somehow brought about a radical change in the Vatican worldview is a misleading one. The Church has a centuries-long history of promoting scientific inquiry long may it continue.

Works Linked/Cited:

Cusworth, Patrick. Pope Francis’s Comments On the Big Bang are not Revolutionary. Catholic Teaching Has Long Professed the Likelihood of Human Evolution.” Catholic Herald. 31 Oct. 2014,

Pope Francis’s comments on the Big Bang are not revolutionary. Catholic teaching has long professed the likelihood of human evolution – Catholic Herald . Accessed 30 Apr. 2018.

Ghose, Tia. Just a Theory: 7 Misused Science Words. Scientific American. 2 Apr. 2013,

“Just a Theory”: 7 Misused Science Words – Scientific American . Accessed 22 Aug. 2018

For the possibility of full credit, you should have substantial responses for all original discussion threads. To meet the criterion of being substantial, your posts should thoroughly respond to the prompt by answering all questions with reasons, examples, and detailed explanations for your position(s). 

Research Misconduct: Real Cases

Search for a case of alleged or proven fabrication or falsification that has received media attention;
there are a number of famous cases (avoid selecting a plagiarism case now; we will discuss that topic later, and also avoid using the Han case from Iowa State; its been overused).
Learn as much as you can about the case you choose. Then prepare 2-3 paragraphs total that answer the following questions:

1. In the case you researched, what did the investigator do that was alleged to be or determined to be research misconduct? How was the case resolved? At what point do you think the investigator made the decision to commit research misconduct? Why do you think the investigator made the choices they did? What might have done to prevent it?

2. Imagine that a similar event occurred in your own laboratory.
a. How could you have detected the alleged misconduct?
b. What would you have done once you detected it?

3. Talk to your PI or lab mates. Have they encountered questionable research practices from anyone theyve worked with in the past? How did they handle it? What would they do if they did encounter such a situation? Provide a sentence or two summarizing your conversation.

Applied Ethics Essay

You will need to select a film that features a moral problem in medical ethics. Film recommendations are provided at the following link: Films for Moral Analysis Essay. Write an essay that consists of your analysis of the ethical dimensions of the film that you select to discuss.

Your film analysis should feature the application of one of the following moral theories listed below:

Virtue Ethics
Utilitarian Ethics
Moral Sense Theory (Conscience)
Social Contract Theory
The Ethics of Care
Kantian Deontological Ethics
Moral Relativism

Use the book as a reference for the moral theories above
Paper Format

Title Page – In APA format, include your papers title, your name, and your institution (i.e., Galen College), in that order. APA formatting and style prohibits the use of academic titles following ones name.

Introduction – Provide a brief synopsis of the film.

Ethical Analysis – Apply one ethical theory to the medical moral problem presented in the film. First, describe this ethical theory in your own words, using our readings as textual evidence for your explanation of the moral view. Next, discuss how this ethical theory could provide solutions or recommendations for remedying the ethical problem featured in the film. In your analysis, be sure to address the following questions:

What medical moral problem is present in the story?
What moral values are reinforced in the film?
Are there instances of moral values in conflict with one another?
What moral guidance does the ethical theory that you selected provide the characters in the film?
Reflection – Summarize what you have discussed in the essay and reflect on what you have learned. Lastly, discuss how what you have learned could be applied to your professional and personal life.

Note – Your paper must be double-spaced, 4 pages in length, and written in Times New Roman using 12-point font.

Nature of Good

Robert Nozicks Experience Machine thought experiment asks you to consider the possibility of having your brain plugged into a machine that feeds you all the needed stimuli so as to perfectly recreate any situation you could possibly desire.  The simulations would be indistinguishable from what you are able to experience not plugged into the machine and, indeed, we could use the machine to simulate a perfect life, full of any and every experience you could desire.  And yet, he thinks, something would be wrong with “plugging in.”  In the end, Nozick seems to make the argument what is GOOD cannot be reduced to merely having certain types of experiences (most notably, experiences of happiness or satisfaction).  He seems to believe that there is something good or valuable about living a live that cannot be simulated.

For your initial post there are two points you need to address: first, do you agree with Nozick’s position?  And if so, what could this be and why think it is of value? If not, what argument can you offer against Nozick’s position?  Second, if Nozick’s argument works, what do you think this does as an argument against Hedonism?