Category: Political Science

Report on the development of China’s college entrance examination policy and its improvement strategy

enable  assess and reflect on how best institutional and non institutional arrangements can be remade for effective policy advocacy and social development; developing independent, creative and critical thinking for policy formulation.

Like other policies,The formulation and implementation of the college entrance examination policy is a systematic project. It involves multiple levels, including admission system, test content, question design, admission method, etc., but as far as its core elements are concerned, it is mainly the admission system. It can be said that a history of changes in the new China’s college entrance examination policy is, to a large extent, a history of continuous changes in the enrollment system.

United Africa

Africa has been the underdog for a long time despite having all the resources and man power to run itself. Other continents have taken advantage of the divided state of the continent. Gaddafi had a vision for Untited States of Africa with one president and one currency. Discuss the outcome if these came to pass .

Gun Control Act 1968/Federalism

Gun Control Act of 1968
it is important to remember that your paper should focus on a specific policy and that your paper will need to address the following components:
    Historical and constitutional basis for the American governments structure
    The system of checks and balances the balance between the different branches in the government)
    The various roles (e.g., public opinion, media, special interest groups, etc.) concerning public policy and elections
    The voting system and election process
In addition to establishing your topic and the thesis for your paper, you will also provide an Annotated Bibliography for four of the sources you intend to utilize to support your Final Paper. Each annotation should be a minimum of one full paragraph (five sentences) in length and should explain what the source discusses and how this links to your Final Paper topic. This research is necessary to develop a strong Final Paper.

Please be sure that each section is at least a full paragraph (minimum of five sentences) in length and fully addresses the questions presented. All references should be listed in full APA format and cited appropriately.

Gun Control Act 1968/Federalism

This paper is on the Gun Control Act of 1968.

It is important to remember that your paper should focus on a specific policy and that your paper will need to address the following components:
    Historical and constitutional basis for the American governments structure
    The system of checks and balances
    The various roles (e.g., public opinion, media, special interest groups, etc.) concerning public policy and elections
    The voting system and election process

Once you have found a topic that interests you, you will begin the research for your Final Paper this week. In addition to establishing your topic and the thesis for your paper, you will also provide an Annotated for four of the sources you intend to utilize to support your Final Paper. Each annotation should be a minimum of one full paragraph (five sentences) in length and should explain what the source discusses and how this links to your Final Paper topic.

Within the worksheet, you will address your policy, find four scholarly sources to support your policy, and explain the significance of each of your four sources. Please be sure that each section is at least a full paragraph (minimum of five sentences) in length and fully addresses the questions presented. All references should be listed in full APA format and cited appropriately.

American Goverment

You are to find an article published in any newspaper, magazine, or credible online resource in the last two months regarding the balance of power between the state and Federal government. The article can discuss any issue (budgets, security, etc.) but it must include coverage of how the US Federal and state governments interact, or share power–and remember that sharing power can lead to either cooperation or conflict. Points will be awarded for this activity as follows:

You are to write a 350-word essay on the article. Your essay must include a summary of what the article says (in your own words), and answer these questions:

Is this an example of cooperative Federalism, or conflicting Federalism? Explain your answer.

Which of the five Federalism powers involved here (express, implied, etc.)? Explain your answer.

Are any kinds of grants involved? If so, what kind, and how much?

Is there a clear “winner” here– the states, the Federal government, neither, or both? Explain.

Points will be awarded for this activity as follows:

The essay concludes with a list of references (no points will be awarded if this condition is not met) and is submitted as a PDF (preferred) or Word document.
The essay is at least 350 words and demonstrates the proper use of paragraphs (no points will be awarded for this activity if these conditions are not met);
Your essay includes a summary of the article (0-2 points);
Your essay addresses each of the 4 questions above, with strong justification (0-8 points).

Lobbying and Policy Making in the EU

Answer one question only
1.    Is outside lobbying inherently less successful than inside lobbying? Discuss with reference to at least two case studies.
2.    Access to EU institutions is biased in favour of business groups. Discuss.
3.    Business actors are more successful than NGOs in influencing EU policy- making. Do you agree?
4.    Why and under what conditions do interest groups lobby in coalition?
5.    How effective have EU actions and measures been in alleviating existing biases in the system of interest intermediation?
6.    How does salience affect lobbying in the EU?

Political Culture and Negotiation in the Middle East

My topic is Did pan-arabism influence diplomatic outcomes in Egypt-Syria ?”

Is that Pan Arabism has not shown itelf all that powerful, judging by the divisions and ineffectivness in Egypt-Syria ?

to start by talking about the arab league, then develop abour egypt, then syria and then develop the relationship between Nassar and Syria.

Please refer to instructions

In a discussion about the distribution and use of Remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19 during the Democracy Now segment, Amy Goodman asks Achal Prabhala, “who profits, who gets access, and how important is this drug? How does Prabhala respond? What are the parallels between access to Remdesivir and access to COVID-19 vaccines?

Agenda Setting

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 11 (Provided)
Week 7 Lesson (Provided)
Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)
Initial Post Instructions
Agenda setting can be a difficult task in government. Why? Who do you consider an important agenda-setter in government? How does this participant help set the agenda? Give an example of an attempt at agenda-setting in government. Was it successful? Why or why not? Consider how factors such as culture, political positions, etc., might impact your own or the agenda-setters’ priorities.

Use evidence (cite sources) to support your response from assigned readings or online lessons and at least one outside scholarly source.

Policy Issue

You are a lobbyist for an issue that you find important. For example, you would like to see the banning of smoking in federal buildings (Note: This policy has already been enacted.) You are going to make an informational pamphlet to highlight your points to prominent members of Congress. Research members of Congress that you will target in your lobbying. Explain why these members are critical to your goal. Make a plan of action and produce a pamphlet supporting your cause. Who will you be reaching out to? Why? Write a cover letter to a Congressional member and include your reasoning for reaching out to them in particular in the letter. Remember a lobbyist is only as good as the information they provide. A lobbyist who provides incomplete or unreliable information will soon be unemployed, or lose access to officials.

Cover letter should:

Follow a standard business format
Correctly address your Congressperson
Use the correct postal address
Explain your choice to write to this representative in particular, and provide your pamphlet. For example, maybe your research showed that this representative sponsored legislation on this issue in the past. Pamphlet should:

Define the problem. Tells us exactly what the problem is. Detail its urgency and provide data. Be objective.
Analyze the problem. Provide relevant data. Tell us how to make sense of the data. Provide any findings
Offer a recommendation. Do not generalize. Be specific.
Must be persuasive.
Cite four scholarly sources (Minimum of 4 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook)