Category: Political Science

Different Types Of Government Contracts

Different Types Of Government Contracts-There are several types of government contracts, and the differences between them are not trivial I will give a in depth understanding of the different contracts. Each requires a unique approach to bidding and a unique approach to performing the work I will explain the process. I will provide a understanding of the distinct challenges and opportunities of each contract and how it is  vital for a business  to succeed as a government contractor.

Globalization and regionalization

I would like for you to add a data section of like 4 pages that is focused on certain country’s that support the hypothesis.

I want you to keep this essay like you have and just add that section to it. I will pay you accordingly for any additional pages

Russian foreign policy

The selected paper should focus on the Russian foreign policy  This includes various issues, such as economic, political, security, environmental, or social ones.

The students paper should review the articles key concepts, methodology, core information and main findings. Each student should also criticize her selected article, comment on its main ideas and results and suggest future relevant research agenda. Using external resources in students critics is optional.

The paper should be at maxi 1000 words.

i will attach the article that u will read and use it in the paper

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer the following questions below. Please, insure that your responses are well written, supported by examples for the issues and claims that you make.

1.    Discuss the impact of one current global issue that you think will continue to impact our world. What is the problem and what solutions do you personally have to save this world from that problem?

2.    Race has become a very serious issue confronting our already divided world. Discuss specifically what the problems about race are and the solutions you recommend for this world to understand the need for different races to coexist.

3.    Discuss the basic elements of Putin’s policy and what are the reasons for Russian Presidents distrust of the West?

4. What are the differences between just, unjust secrets, and lies in government? What then are the essential differences between leakers and whistleblowers? In your opinion, what do you recommend as some punishments for the activities of these individuals?

5.    Why do you think political candidates running for offices build their platforms on empty promises? Do you think it is selfish of them to appeal to a certain audience to be elected and not fulfill the promises that have been made before the election?

2 Short Criminal Law Papers (2-3 Pages each)

**Write 2-3 Pages for each Essay**
1st Essay:
1. A defendant who is on probation for a drug-related offense is required to refrain from drug use during his probationary period. He is required to submit a urine test once a month to determine whether he has used drugs within the last 30 days. During a casual conversation, prior to the test, the defendant tells his probation officer that he drove his car to the probation office. The test reveals traces of a controlled substance in the defendants bloodstream. Upon questioning by the probation officer, the defendant admits to having used crack cocaine a few hours prior to the visit. Answer the following questions:

– Should the defendant be charged with violating his probation? Why, or why not?

– Should he be charged with driving under the influence? Why, or why not?

2nd Essay:
2. You are a state Supreme Court judge hearing a case in which two adult male homosexuals, who have been in a relationship for more than 12 years, are being charged under state sodomy laws. They were arrested when police officers obtained arrest warrants based on probable cause that they were committing sodomy in their home. The men argue that their sexual relations are private and consensual and that these charges violate their rights under the First and Fourth Amendments. Answer the following questions:

– Are their First Amendment rights being violated? Why, or why not?

– What about their Fourth Amendment rights? Why, or why not?

– What are your options as a judge in your states highest court? Which option will you choose, and why?

*Due to Personal opinions regarding LGBTQ relations, please defend the rights of the homosexual couple as best you can*

***For these 2 essays:

Reading Political Science Essay

( 1 ) Thesis
( 2 ) Major points to support the thesis
( 3 ) How are the papers commonly come together to support an issue?
( 4 ) How are the papers conversing with each other
( 5 ) Are there any questions that you have within the readings?

-one page
-single spaced
-including 2-3 sources from “upload additional materials”

Reading Political Science Essay

( 1 ) Thesis
( 2 ) Major points to support the thesis
( 3 ) How are the papers commonly come together to support an issue?
( 4 ) How are the papers conversing with each other
( 5 ) Are there any questions that you have within the readings?

-one page
-single spaced
-including 2-3 sources from “upload additional materials”

The Cooperation between lifelong enemies

A research paper between 5000-6750 words (including proper footnotes and bibliography) on a specific research question selected by the student and approved by the professor.  b.  Your paper must be original insofar as you are expected to not merely summarize the sources pertaining to the research question.  Rather, you must offer a reasoned interpretation and analysis of the issues raised by the question which is not directly taken from the sources themselves. Papers that do not attempt original reasoned analysis/interpretation cannot earn anything higher than a C-. 

Please use the Research Paper proposal as the guide as it has my research question and thesis. The methodology section is sort of a basis to how i wanted to write the paper. Also the arrow diagram must be included as an actual box and arrow diagram. The question is used to test Larsons theory that co-operation needs trust. I want to frame it in a way that shows that co-operation does not need trust. The sources i give should help.

creating connection with social issues

This writing assignment is not merely a summary or critique.

This assignment is a exploring a social issue that is addressed by government policy/ programs and further connects concepts learned. (Critical thinking)

Important Note: You are to evaluate the chosen social issue and make “class connections”.

For example:

Social issue–>Decriminalizing marijuana. How does this relate to Texas Government–>States have the right to create policies and regulate marijuana. Class Connections–>Political Culture because we are a conservative state. Additional Class Connection–> Texas Legislature because they are the ones that would propose a state initiative to decriminalize marijuana. 

You are to include the following in your assignment:

Introduction of the social issue.
Include a thesis or precis.
In your own words, summarize your research findings.
Give some context to the topic. What is this issue all about?
What concepts can you relate to class or our text? (federalism, political culture, etc.) THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!!!
How does this event relate to Texas government?
Specifically name at least one concept.
Give an explanation lesson/ recap of the concept(s).
Give historical context of issue.
Has policy always been the same or changed?
Are there any landmark court cases relevant?
Write your paper in research paper format using good sentence structure with proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. Write in your own words or quote/ cite accordingly. If you need to use a short quote, cite properly.

The paper should be a minimum of two (2) pages in length, MLA or APA style.

Political Science – Public Opinion and Voting Behavior

Students must write a response paper (2-3 pages) regarding ch.2 and 3, discuss your thought.
This outline of response paper would be useful:
1. What is the essential thesis of the reading?
2. What is the source of data?
3. What is the main finding (or two)?
4. What is the main conclusion?
5. What would be your main critique?

Professor wants to see personal commentary, new ideas, and to reiterate what the reading says.