Category: Political Science

Democracies and Protecting Minority Rights

This is a formative assignment, meaning it is expected to demonstrate understanding
and reflection of course material, including assigned reading, up to and including
Topic 9 (week of November 23). The assignment should demonstrate thoughtful,
original reflection on key texts assigned for the course. Arguments made should be
backed up with analytical reasoning and consideration of appropriate evidence (from
peer-reviewed sources or primary sources). Assignments will be evaluated according to
their originality, cohesion, depth of understanding of required course material, and
precision of communication. Expected length: 7-10 pages, typed, double-spaced. See
additional information, Statement on Written Work, and Late Papers in page 3-4 of
the course outline.
Additional Instructions: Choose one of the following three questions and answer fully.
Your assignment should show awareness of content covered in online video lectures.
Cite your sources appropriately, while writing in your own words as much as possible.
You may supplement your points with outside research and/or examples from
countries, but if you do so, make sure you have supported all statements with facts
and references. Include a bibliography. MLA style is preferred; include a title page.

1. How should democracies protect the rights of minority groups (e.g. ethnic,
religious, racialized minorities? Should democracies in the real world protect
minority groups in the same way, or in different ways? Explain in detail. Your
answer should discuss at least four of the following authors: Marshall, Coates,
Taylor, Kymlicka, Mill, de Tocqueville, and Dahl.

2. Do democracies make progress over time, in expanding democratic rights and
freedoms? Or do they regress? (Alternatives are possible; for example, there
might be progress in some areas and setbacks in other areas). Discuss and
critique the views on democracy and progress of at least four of the following
authors: Aristotle, Marshall, Wollstonecraft, Dahl, de Tocqueville, and Mill.

3. How should a democracy balance individual economic freedom and social
equality? Here, the readings offer some very different views. Compare and
critique the views of at least four of the following: Aristotle, Marshall,
Schumpeter, Lenin, Dahl, and Mill.

fragmentation of healthcare in the european union

the pandemic has shown a clear ignored weakness of eu, a non allineated and not coordinated healthcare system with huge differences in the member state, and a cross border healthcare that do not properly work.

i need a research proposal in the frame of the word file draft that is attached.
please mind that whats in the word file is plagiarized.

Answer the following essay question. Have a clear issue, introduction, main body and conclusion in the end.


– Answer the following essay question.

– Essay outline: Introduction, main body (the discussion part with own meanings and thoughts), and conclusion in the end.


1) “Norway’s peace commitment is doubly moral” Discuss this statement in light of Norway’s many years of peace commitment.

2) Explain what is meant by peacebuilding. Then discuss whether peace is best built “from above” or “from below”.

Is Globalisation in Crisis?


I have attached a template and a document consisting of notes (pulled quotes). I will link you some readings and references to study for this paper. I want a bibliography of 8 – 15 sources. The English must be to a very high standard, that is sophisticated and above all coherent.

Check the reading list I set out (attached)

Should the United States join the International Criminal Court? Would U.S. membership help promote international justice or would it expose American officials and service-people to politically motivated harassment? If you support American membership, expl

(1) A clear introduction that addresses directly the question posed by the instructor;
(2) A body of factual examples that support your thesis; these examples may be drawn from either the assigned readings or footnoted sources researched independently by the student; Wikipedia is not an appropriate source for academic essays;
(3) A coherent paragraph structure that highlights your main points

American Government

Answer/Discuss the following while displaying critical thought and engagement with course materials.

Under our current federalist system, in the U.S., do you think states have too much power or does the federal government have too much power? Defend your choice.

Use course materials provided.


Write an essay explaining the bases (thesis) underlying the idea of collective security, the relationship between collective security and the prohibition of the use of force. from your point of view to what extent the idea of collective security has succeeded in achieving its goals. (Support your opinion with arguments and examples)

persuade me that birthright citizenship needs to stay

perusade me why birthright citizenship needs to stay while also telling me why the other sides arguements are wrong. The report is expected to be standard format(either Times New Roman or Arial 12 point font, 1 inch margins, double spaced) and sources must be cited in APA format. The paper must have at least three reputable sources(wikipedia is not a source and not allowed) must cite sources if you quote something, refrence something, or even mention someones idea.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In 4 pages, discuss the constitutional systems of Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances. Questions to be addressed include: which Article of the Constitution gives each branch its authority, what are the powers designated to each branch of government (Separation of Powers), how do the branches interact (Checks and Balances), and how have the branches evolved over time? Your answers should discuss the role of the executive, congressional authority, and judicial review.

U.S. Politics News Article

Please read carefully.
Must read the articles and write about one:


**Please write all 275 words (please do not account for the citation page on this, you can leave the citation page out)

**Structure 3 paragraphs according to the outline:

1st Paragraph: Summarize the article in your own words to avoid detecting plagiarism (no plagiarism).

***2nd Paragraph: Relate the article to the topic and readings of the “State & Local Goverment” (chapter 14 pdf pages pages 521 to 550 and)***

3rd Paragraph: Present your own opinion about the political issue (critical thinking).