Category: Political Science

Please refer to instructions

China in Western Africa is a generally good area to explore. However, what you will have to do is connect this topic to the literature we are discussing in class, especially from Sections 2 and 3.  The final paper is not meant to be a research paper – rather it is another opportunity for you to use the concepts from class to understand the contemporary world in new and interesting ways.  So I would need to know which theorists/concepts you will use for your final paper and how will they be used to illuminate your topic.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write an 8-10 page paper addressing the following: Analyze the campaign of a congressional candidate from the 2020 congressional elections. These questions are suggestions to get you started. You dont have to answer every one of them, and you may address others not listed here, but these should give you an idea of the kinds of things to think about: 1) Analysis of the campaign itself e.g. how did the candidate decide to run? Did the campaign use mostly positive campaigning, negative campaigning, or a mixture of both? Air war or ground war? Which issues did the candidate prioritize and why do you think the candidate did so? How was the campaign financed? 2) What was the electoral outcome e.g. did the candidate win or lose? What are some of the reasons for the outcome? Did the candidate outperform or underperform expectations? etc. 3) Informed speculation about next steps for the candidate e.g. if the candidate won, what committee assignments might the candidate try to secure and why? What will likely be the candidates legislative focus? If the candidate lost, will the candidate likely run for office again? How might the candidate alter campaign strategy for a future run? 4) The most important thing is to use what you have learned in this course to inform your analysis. I want to see the course all throughout your paper (think of the main themes of the course, especially the Two Congresses theme, but also Fennos three goals for members of Congress, the effects of partisanship, etc.). 

Rules for writing the paper
1) The paper must have a thesis statement. The paper must have an introduction (no more than a paragraph, this tells the reader what you are going to discuss; the thesis usually comes at the end of the introduction), a body (which contains the information that advances your thesis), and a conclusion (which summarizes what the reader has learned).

2) Each paper must be at least eight full pages and no longer than ten full pages. You must include a works cited page, which does not count as part of the 8-10 pages. You must use at least eight sources; you are encouraged to use more. At least two of the sources must come from the required class readings. Outside sources, meaning non-class material, must be legitimate, verifiable sources in other words, not something you found on a random Reddit thread. At least one of the non-class sources must be a scholarly source, and more than one is recommended.
3) The paper must follow the citing rules listed in the APSA Style Manual, which is linked in the Information section of the course Blackboard page. This means parenthetical citation for everything except Internet sources without attributed authors, which may be footnoted.

4) Papers must be typewritten, double-spaced, using the Times New Roman font and a font size of 12. Margins should be one inch all around. Please include a title page (again this does not count toward the 8-10 page requirement) with your name, the course, and the date.

5) All material taken from the work of others must be cited, whether you are quoting or paraphrasing/summarizing anothers argument. Not citing the work of others is plagiarism. See the course syllabus for further information. If unsure, it is always better to err on the side of caution and cite. See the APSA Style Manual or the professor if you have any questions.

Free speech

The act of free speech – and its parents ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’ – is being increasingly scrutinized. Most recently, the notion of free speech in times of disinformation (Links to an external site.- was added to the list of challenges to free speech, probing the extent to which free speech is in fact a possibility in today’s unchecked internet and information landscape. Political philosopher, Brian Leitner, takes this a step further by all together questioning the assumption that free speech is inherently a good thing. In an article, with interview, the arguments behind Leitner’s call ‘against free speech’ are laid out in some detail.

1. Read the article on “A philosopher makes the case against free speech (Links to an external site.)” by S. Illing (2019), March 19. []

2. Identify and explain the main objections and skepticisms that Leitner raises regarding free speech. How convincing do you find these objections? Give an example that illustrates Leitner’s objections.

3. Discuss the reasons ‘for and against free speech’ within the framework of either the liberal or conservative state. Draw conclusions on the limits and possibilities of liberty and freedom in the context of the state.

Please only use the links of the text above. When writing about conservative states please use the text of edmond burke

HSEM 180 (Public Administration) Term Paper

This is a 1 part, 5 essays paper. There are 5 questions to be answered each in a 11/2 to 2 paper essay per question. (This does not include the Cited sources/ Listed References page). Font is to be in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced,  and either MLA or APA style guide line.
*Once a writer is assigned I will provide the 5 questions to be answered.*

Any topic

Compare and contrast the selection of judges in California with the system used by the federal government. How do California voters participate in judicial selection? Describe the role of the governor in judicial selection. Discuss the way a list of possible judicial appointees is developed. Which system do you think is better – the federal system or California’s? Explain your answer.

Any topic

Describe the effects of term limits on the California state legislature. In 2012 voters approved Prop 28, a modification to the term limits law for state legislators. What are some of the issues or concerns that Prop 28 is supposed to address that were raised by Prop 140, the original term limits law? Do you think Prop 28 made California’s state legislature operate better or worse? Explain your answer.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

2 short essay questions, answers must be at minimum 2 paragraphs in length for EACH QUESTION

1- An America run by Millennials would be a very different place from the one run by the Silent Generation. What might be some of the key differences?

2-Given the clear generational differences in policy preferences, societal turbulence might result as one generation takes over from the other. Do we see any evidence of that turbulence today?

The Prince by Machiavelli

Critically assess the following interpretation of The Prince, citing specific evidence from the text to support your argument:

The Prince is a manual of political tactics, not a work of political philosophy. Machiavellis sole concern in writing this book was to show how an ambitious ruler or would-be ruler could increase his own power. The great themes of political philosophy, including justice, the common good, and human nature, are largely absent from the book, since Machiavellis concern was wholly practical and directed towards the well-being of princes rather than being theoretical or public-spirited.

(Note: in answering this question you may find it useful to consult Mansfields Glossary to The Prince as well as his Introduction. But nothing in the Introduction counts as evidence in itself; your interpretation must be backed up by specific references to the text of The Prince.)


Formal Essay

Topic: With the transition of power in democracy comes new policy directives. Imagine you are the National Economic Advisor to President-elect Biden. What policy directive would you offer?

Please provide a formal policy memo that includes:

1. The central economic goal of the administration
2. A specific philosophical paradigm that best models the global economic activity
3. A description of the core problems that exist in the world
4. The potential remedies and solutions to them
5. Finally, the extent to which specific international organizations see the needs of the country.


Topic 1:
The Black Lives Matter and the attention paid to Police Killing of civilians have highlighted problems in the Criminal Justice System in regard to race. What role has Race placed in the development of Civil Right in United States?  Beyond criminal justice what other areas are the rights of racial minorities under threat historically and today?

Topic 2:
In looking at 2016 Presidential Campaign what made the candidacies of both Bernie Sanders and
Donald Trump so unusual?  What were the strengths and weakness of both candidacies? What role, if any, did economic inequality play? What role did racial and ethnic antagonisms play? Will these candidacies have a long-term impact on American Politics? 

1- Only one of the topics may be used as the basis for the paper
2- You must respond to all aspects of the topic
3- The purpose of this exercise is to construct an argument by engaging the texts and formulating a defensible interpretation
4- Annotated Bibliography use a minimum of four scholarly books or papers