Category: Political Science

Causes of war

6 wars: Congo crisis, Vietnam war, War in Somalia, Iraq War, Rwandan War, Lebanon War
Part two of the assignment requires research and analysis of potential explanations/factors including war dates, territorial disputes, genocide, economics (trade,money, natural resources), religion, ideology.
In your analysis reference course readings, research papers and give the ostensible reason for war and the purported reason. (eg. Iraq War 2003 given reason spread of democratic values in face of Islamic terrorism, purported reason oil). Avoid plagiarismcite! Turnitin is used for this assignment.
Make sure you come to an independent conclusion based on the facts you have unearthed during your research. Your conclusion should be along the lines of Economics was a minor factorrace and ethnicity is at the base of the Indo Pak War of 1947 as this war was the result of claims over the area of Kashmir following the Partition of British India in1947-48  into modern day Pakistan and India. It was a result of a demand for an independent homeland for the Muslims in British India, even though wikipedia article does not mention it.
Assignment Specs:
Word Limit 2000 words – not a hard limit
Citations 5-7
Font style: Times New Roman
Font size: 12
Normal margins
Double spacing
Separate reference page
Use paragraphs, transitions

Political Science – Public Opinion and Voting Behavior

*Answer the following questions using the files attached.  (about 400 words each)

1.    As The American Voter points out, a large proportion of mass publics political reasoning varies more or less between absence of issue content and group interest but are still quite remote from the concept of political ideology. Why does ideology have little values for explaining the behavior of most voters?
2.    How does political socialization affect the development of partisanship? Why does political socialization so powerfully explain some groups partisanship acquisition, but not others?
3.    Do minorities conceptualize or understand politics and partisanship differently from whites? (For example, partisanship can be shaped by social identity and the sense of belonging)
4. Did Obamas presidency indicate that racial resentment is no longer an issue in the United States?
5. Among Latino and Asian Americans, what are the major factors that account for their non- partisanship? According to Hagnal and lee (2011), immigrants are more likely to be indifferent to politics and less likely to vote. What are the major factors that account for this political behavior? You are free to agree or disagree with them, but please explain your points substantively and use empirical examples to support your argument.

*Answer the following questions using the files attached.

answer the three questions

The three questions are

1. Discuss the Mazda turnaround. What was it an example of and why is it important. (300 words)

2. What was the century of humiliation and why is it important. (300 words)

3. Compare and contrast the political institutions of japan with the political institutions of China. (400 words)

American Political System

One page paper on the topic of war in Afghanistan and if we agree or disagree with President Trump’s strategy in conducting the war and state their reasons for their position. I uploaded the directions to this paper. There are 5 major bullet points that need to be answered in order to complete the paper. So please make sure you answer every single one of them.

second part of the book

Each Journal submission is worth up to 50 points. For your first journal, please repeat the following from your first journal:

A. Create a brief journal entry for each chapter. In each entry, identify and explain the following:

1. For each chapter, select and identify at least 1 key term you understand. Explain why you find it easy to understand. 

2. For each chapter, select and identify at least 1 key terms in each chapter that you are having a hard time with. Explain why you are struggling with it.

3. For each chapter, list at least 1 concept or idea that we have encountered previously, in the lectures, book, or even casual conversations from our Zoom meetings.

B. This will give you seven total entries for each journal assignment. Next, for the first journal submission, create an eighth journal entry answering the following questions:

Any topic

Describe the effects of term limits on the California state legislature. In 2012 voters approved Prop 28, a modification to the term limits law for state legislators. What are some of the issues or concerns that Prop 28 is supposed to address that were raised by Prop 140, the original term limits law? Do you think Prop 28 made California’s state legislature operate better or worse? Explain your answer.

Machiavelli’s The Prince

I am answering this exact prompt:
Critically assess the following interpretation of The Prince, citing specific evidence from the text to support your argument:
The Prince is a manual of political tactics, not a work of political philosophy. Machiavellis sole concern in writing this book was to show how an ambitious ruler or would-be ruler could increase his own power. The great themes of political philosophy, including justice, the common good, and human nature, are largely absent from the book, since Machiavellis concern was wholly practical and directed towards the well-being of princes rather than being theoretical or public-spirited.

The guidelines are given in the attached document. Please write the essay from the point of view that “The Prince” is indeed a work of political philosophy, and not a tactical manual. Basically disagree with the quote above.

California government

For this week, I would like you to focus on the following:

1. From the knapsack activity, identify one statement that was confusing to you or you thought could be answered in different ways. Tell us what number you are referencing and pose a question to the group (Examples: What did you think this meant? How did you interpret this statement? Did you read it in this way? Can you think of an example of this…etc.).

2. Think about your own privilege. How does knowing your privilege contribute to your participation in the environmental movement, or how might it contribute to your participation in the future (if at all)?

3. Think about California and the NOVA documentary (Decoding the Weather Machine): If you were in a position to advise the governor on environmental policy, what would you suggest and why?

Primary Post

Your primary post is your response to the questions provided. This post must:

Follow these guidelines.

React analytically, not a summary or just a personal example

Relate and apply topic to your own personal experience

Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and complete sentences

Be posted before the deadline

Meet the 250-word minimum length

Reading Political Science Essay

( 1 ) Thesis
( 2 ) Major points to support the thesis
( 3 ) How are the papers commonly come together to support an issue?
( 4 ) How are the papers conversing with each other
( 5 ) Are there any questions that you have within the readings?

-one page
-single spaced
-including 2-3 sources from “upload additional materials”

International Political Economy


4,000 words in total!

Answer ONE question only!!

1. Did colonialism play a critical role in the rise of industrial capitalism in Europe?

2.  To what extent does Ricardos Labour Theory of Value propose a radically different interpretation of international trade relations than the mercantilists?

3. What does the Marxian analysis of the social relations of production bring to the study of International Political Economy?

4. Critically assess the nature of the economic system as it was it was viewed by the marginalists.

5. In what ways can race be incorporated in an IPE feminist critique of:
(1) reproductive work;  OR
(2) global production networks; OR
(3) microcredit as a development strategy.
(Please choose only one option).

6. Are capital controls necessary for effective full employment policies? Critically discuss how the Bretton Woods System relates Keynesian principles and how international capital market liberalisation impacts economic policy.

7. What does a post-colonial perspective bring to the study of the world economic system?

8 Does globalization hinder or support development?

9. Did neoliberalism solve the social and economic problems of the 1970? Critically assess neoliberalism and its impact.

10.  In what fruitful ways can neo-Gramscian hegemony be deployed in analyses of how power operates in the contemporary global economy?