Category: Political Science

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read – Week 10 and 11 Sceenshots, The Ch. 3 and 4 from Jason Hickel’s book, The Divide, and The Ch. 1 to 4 by Ha-Joon Chang(Chang offers an institutionalist critique of neoliberal development theory, saying that the state has always played a key role in regulating markets and guiding development.)

Write a two-paged, single-spaced essay on the following questions.

First, briefly describe the economic and political dynamics, which created and underdeveloped the Third World.
Second, what was the strategy of developmentalism, which most Third World nations experimented with in the 1950s and 1960s?
Third, what was the neoliberal strategy of development and what were its results? Finally, what methods of development have allowed for the more recent “Rise of the South”?

Focus only on the course materials. Do not use sub-headings. Fill the full two pages with writing. Use references for any quotations and materials taken from the readings or lectures.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please answer this question, One paragraph for each question.

– Read the Ch. 3 and 4 from Jason Hickel’s book, The Divide and Screenshot file

1. How does Easterly think about development from a liberal viewpoint?

2. What is the institutionalist understanding of development?

3. How did the transition to capitalism in England change the logic of imperialism?

4. How were India and China under-developed?

Single USE Plastic Pollution in Malaysia

The Case Study is a 5 to 7-page analysis of the specific topic. Established footnoting and citation rules must be observed.  2 different Journal article citations are required. Include a bibliography. No more than 20% of the Case Study should be quotes.  analyze and comment on the topic and sources utilized thus forming good scholarship habits. *The described format MUST be followed thus include these headings in the Case Study. Case Studies that do not include the following format will lose 10 marks.
*1.  Introduction    2. Topic Summary    3. Major Issues    4. Pro and Con Issues                    5. Personal Observation without any quotes just your own views and recommendations      6. Conclusion

Relating book

For the first journal submission, create an eighth journal entry answering the following questions:

1. Assess yourself halfway through the book. How well-equipped do you feel you are able to handle this information?

2. Have the previous modules on fundamentals helped grasp this text? Explain why or why not.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please answer this question, One paragraph for each question.

– Krippner and Epstein

1. How do Krippner and Epstein define financialization?

2. How does Krippner show, empirically, that financialization as a mode of accumulation has become dominant in the US economy?

3. Is neoliberalism only about financialization, or is financialization only one element of neoliberalism?

2016 Trump/Clinton Campaigns

What are the 3 things that the Trump and Clinton campaigns did well? Didn’t do well? Your analysis should include the strategic decisions both implemented to convey their messages.

Use the following three articles to assist you in your research of this assignment:

Reading Political Science Essay

( 1 ) Thesis
( 2 ) Major points to support the thesis
( 3 ) How are the papers commonly come together to support an issue?
( 4 ) How are the papers conversing with each other
( 5 ) Are there any questions that you have within the readings?

-one page
-single spaced
-including 2-3 sources from “upload additional materials”

comparing countries

For this assignment, you are to compare two countries on three continents. A discussion of the population, natural resources, government, flag is required. You should include a total of 6 countries in your assignment.  This is a basic comparison of countries. This assignment should be 2-4 pages.

Voter ID LAws

Voter ID laws is the topic
Thirty six states have photo identification requirements at the polls, and with over twenty one million American citizens not having a government issued ID, voter turnout is reduced by two to three percentage points. According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, this translates to tens of thousands votes lost in a single state, because ID cards are not accessible to everyone.
Talk about voter ID laws over time, including history of voter fraud and how voter ID laws have changed, this is a good article to start with –
Take a stand on whether strict voter id laws stray people from voting or do not affect it, this is a good article
Talk about how voter id laws might prevent certain types of ethnicities in our country to drift away from voting, possibly find examples showing how equal voting rights have been denied in some parts of the country aka voter suppression
Another good source –
Good source on voter fraud –
Then finally address the impact of voter ID laws, good article –

You will write a 5-paragraph essay in response to an essay question.

I want (one page), 5 paragraphs that include: intro, B1, B2 , B3 and conclusion for chapter 17. Which is included in the doc answering the questions in good paragraphs ( essay).
This document help you to write good paragraphs and you can find information.
I have highlighted in yellow in the doc.