Category: Political Science

You will write a 5-paragraph essay in response to an essay question. There is 3 chapters ( chapter14,17,19) I want one page, 5 paragraphs that include: intro, B1, B2 , B3 and conclusion for chapter 14. Which is included in the doc answering the questions in good paragraphs ( essay). Then chapter 17 one page and  5 good paragraph answering the question in the essay. And chapter 19 the same one page 5 paragraphs. Every chapter separate page. These documents help you to write good paragraphs and you can find information.

The role of economic development in the stability of society

Citation system: (Writer surname, year of publishing, Page number)
Number of pages 4, 3.5 for the main text and 0.5 for references
Total required references: 12
General description:
The essay aims to illustrate the role of economic development in the stability of different societies. Thus, the essay should cover the following point:   
1.    The definition of the stability of the society, (0.5 pages using at least 3 references)
2.    The main factors which play a main role in the stability of society. (0.75 pages using at least 3 references)
3.    Display the role of economic development especially in the stability of the society. (1 page using at least 4 references) 
4.    Support the abovementioned role by statistics and case studies from different countries. (1.25 page using at least 4 references) 

Measuring the political rights

Citation system: (Writer surname, year of publishing, Page number)
Number of pages 6, 5.5 for the main text and 0.5 for references
Total required references: 15, type of references at least 8 articles 2 books are able.
General description:
The essay aims to demonstrate how political rights measuring by using different indexes. It will be found that there is not any special index to measure political rights, it is involving in the different indexes of measuring democracy. Thus, it should be explained how to measure political rights by explaining the different measures of democracy indexes. Moreover, it should explain what is the methodology used in these measures, and the assessment of these methodologies?  There are various studies that assess the measures used in democracy indexes; therefore, the essay should present different scientific opinions in the literature on the abovementioned measures. Thus, the essay should cover the following point:   
1.    Review of the approaches to measure the political rights (1 page using 5 references)
2.    Measuring Political Rights (1.5 pages using at least 10 references)
3.    The assessment of the different measures of political rights (3 pages using at least 10 references). 

Using the tools you have learned in the class, select a film that depicts an “evil foreigner” and discuss how the medium of cinema is used to essentialize enemy others. While there are many choices, a few of the “classics” include: True Lies, Air Force On

“Only very rarely are foreigners or first-generation immigrants allowed to be nice people in American films. Those with an accent are bad guys.” ~ Max von Sydow


The film Taken released in 2008 revolves around the human trafficking of women by Albanian clans in Europe, when the young daughter of a former American CIA agent is taken while on vacation. This film definitely depicts an evil foreigner and the way the film is told and portrayed plays a huge part in depicting the enemy. The film is extremely raw and shows how this trafficking group instills fear into young travelers, proving further that you should not trust strangers especially in a place that is foreign to you. However, it also causes a certain stereotype about foreigners due to the way they are generalized in the film. The way foreigners are portrayed in the film shows that they cannot be trusted, and Americans are the heroes. In Taken, initially the two young girls encounter a seemingly harmless man offering to ride in their cab with them, eventually to find out where they live when he invites them to a party offering to pick them up. It does not take long for a group of Albanian men to break in and kidnap them, forcing them into human trafficking. The American father played by Liam Neeson is quick to travel to Europe doing everything he can to find and take out the enemy, but during the film the Albanian traffickers resort to horrific acts to achieve their goal. Cinema in general has always been supportive of military movies or movies with military motives, and it has even been documented that the ability to see the enemy and kill them has developed in parallel with the ability to take moving pictures (Dittmer, 2019). Films profit a great amount from movies that portray a dangerous foreign enemy with a protagonist doing everything in their power to stop them and succeed. Many enemies in the Eastern countries in Europe are portrayed in films as raving, maniacal terrorists, devoid of human decency and morality (Eisele, 2002), that will go to any lengths for profit. In the film, they discuss that the Albanians in the trafficking industry profit more from young American travelers also stating that they are more nave. Since it is an American made film and  Liam Neesons character is a CIA agent, this means he was portrayed as the smart and powerful character, because the desire of the U.S. security establishment to maintain an image of strength for the United States provides the basis for a symbiotic relationship between the major Hollywood film studios and the government agencies responsible for providing security to the nation (American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2017). American film companies want to keep their strong and confident image of American agencies intact, so they will portray the foreign enemy as the loser in the end.


Dittmer, Jason. Popular Culture, Geopolitics, and Identity (Human Geography in the Twenty-First Century: Issues and Applications) . Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Kindle Edition.

Editors Introduction: Reeled into Complacency: How the CIA and the Pentagon Use Hollywood to Shape Our Ideas About Friends and Enemies. The American journal of economics and sociology 76, no. 2 (March 2017): 233279.

Eisele, John C. The Wild East: Deconstructing the Language of Genre in the Hollywood Eastern Cinema Journal. Vol. 41 Issue 4. (Summer 2002) 68-94.


The film that I am going to discuss is Air Force One, this movie was created in 1997 and takes place in the President’s airplane also referred to as Air Force One. The movie begins with the capture of a dictator in a post soviet union country in eastern Europe, the President of the United States flies out to Russia to hold a press conference in Russia announcing the arrest and stating that the United States will no longer negotiate with terrorists. Once the press conference is over and the President and family is back on the plane they take off for home without the knowing that Russian extremists were on the plane planning to overrun and take the President hostage to negotiate the release of the dictator. Eventually the President is able to kill or arrest all the extremists and keep the dictator in prison. This is an example of an “evil foreigner” because it portrays the Russian intruders as the enemy and as evil for wanting to kidnap or kill our President. This movie also came out in 1997 which was right after the Cold War so it fits the narrative for that time when people in the Untied States were scared of a Russian attack or nuclear attack from Eastern Europe following the Dismantling of the U.S.S.R. and the creation of all the small post Cold War countries. This film was created with these characters and the terrorists being from Russia on purpose because it could strike close to home for so many people and turn a fictional film into something a little more real to their every day lives. This goes along with the re-occurring them of abduction and reduction “Abduction and reduction are two of the most persistent attributes in Eastern genre, and they seem to be an evocation of a longstanding cultural trope that stands in for the attitude of the West toward the East” (Eisle) this example fits the movie Air Force One perfectly because the goal of this film is for the Eastern extremists to capture the Western leader and hold him hostage or abduct him so that they can get what they want. The movie Air Force One produced in 1997 is a great example of how the Eastern world is represented and how they are created as “evil foreigners” the Russian extremists that try to capture the President represents the end of a time period where Russia was trying to take over the world so for them to take over the President of the United States would make them the enemy.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

(1) What was the “Concert of Europe” and why did it yield relative peace? Why did the Concert break down?

(2) What caused colonialism and imperialism?

(3) The “Fourteen Points Speech,” by President Woodrow Wilson is often identified as a classic statement of liberalism in international relations. Why?

question 1 should be a page and a half
question 2 should be 1 page
question 3 should be 2 pages

Read Dennis Showalter, Concert of Europe, Europe 1789-1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire, edited by John Merriman and Jay Winter, vol. 2, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006, pp. 524-527,

Read the excerpt of John A. Hobson, Imperialism (London: Allen and Unwin, 1948)  available at:

Read the poem, The White Mans Burden, by Rudyard Kipling (1899) available at:

Review the animated map embedded in the article: Zack Beauchamp, 500 years of European colonialism, in one animated map, (16 January 2015) available at:

Read President Woodrow Wilson, Fourteen Points Speech, January 8, 1918, available at:’s_Fourteen_Points.

Listen to the HistoryExtra podcast, Appeasement and the road to World War Two (24 June 2019) available at:


Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please answer to the following questions.

What is the author’s main concern about Brexit and the European Union?

The EU has 28 member states using the same currency and literally behaving like one country. What do you think will be the major future problems likely to confront the bloc since many of the countries within the bloc are very poor?

What will be consequences facing the Britain with their exit from the EU and how do you think they can resolve those issues?

As we think about the future and the pandemic, which group will emerge victorious in this bitter back and forth about Brexit – Britain or the European Union – and why do you think so?

Who had a better understanding of the relationship between personal motivation and the achievement of social order: Smith or Plato?

Papers must be typed and double-spaced. Use a 12-point font and one-inch margins. When quoting or paraphrasing the text, please cite the page number you are quoting or paraphrasing.

Who had a better understanding of the relationship between personal motivation and the achievement of social order: Smith or Plato?

* There is no need for footnotes or endnotes in this paper. Merely cite,at the end of the sentence, both the title of the book (in italics) and the page from which you are quoting or paraphrasing, like so: (Republic, 143) or (Wealth of Nations, 356). If you are citing two sources in one sentence, you should cite them like so: (Republic, 143; Wealth of Nations, 356). There is no need for secondary sources.

The main concern is an argument that MUST be defined in the first paragraph. This professor is very critical about that, he never gives an “A” grade and the last paper that I’ve ordered by a professional writer was graded as “C-” because of the problem with an argument.

The books we are using for this paper are
“Plato Republic” translated by G.M.A. Grube revised by C.D.C. Reeve (Hackett Publishing Company, INC Indianapolis/Cambridge)

“An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” by Adam Smith (both vol 1 and 2) edited by R. H. Campbell and A. S. Skinner/ The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith

nalyzing the Communist Manifesto and a criticism of it from another primary source

analyzing the Communist Manifesto and a criticism of it from another primary source (the student will be responsible for researching this source and can use a criticism from within the textbook or an outside source). This paper will be broken into the following sections:


Summary of the main points of The Communist Manifesto (2 pages, 20 points), including in text quotes as appropriate and a discussion of the historical context of the writing of the Communist Manifesto.

Summary of the main points of another Primary Source document critical of the Communist Manifesto (2 pages, 20 points), including in text quotes as appropriate and a discussion of the historical context of the writing of this document.

Compare and contrast the Communist Manifesto with the Primary Source Document you have chosen. Are there any similarities? What are the differences? Is there anything about the historical background that would explain the differences? Is there anything about the individual differences of the authors that would explain their different conclusions (i.e. how has their worldview affected their interpretations of this issue)? (2 pages 20 points).


The final paper will be due on November 15.

This paper must be cited in APA format. Please follow this guide for information on how to cite correctly

Political Science

The Conservative government introduced Bill-218
(Supporting Ontarios Recovery and Municipal Elections Act, 2020) which contained
protections for persons from liability for COVID-related infections or deaths. Persons
includes individuals, corporations, including long term care facilities, and the Ontario
government. Provide a brief summary of the bill, and the differing positions on it taken by
Ontario political parties and the two interest groups listed below. Conclude with your own
[Note that Bill 218 included another controversial measure: the elimination of the option for
municipal councils to use ranked ballots in municipal elections. You may choose to research
that aspect of the Bill instead. However, you may not find the same amount of information
because the advocacy groups around election reform are not as powerful and well-organized as
those around health care]
This topic requires that you research the positions of the political parties with representatives in
the Ontario legislature through the websites of those parties as well as statements made in the
debates in the legislative assembly. You may follow this link to the debates (then scroll down):

Create a report with the given material

Throughout the course, you have examined several types of emergency medical services (EMS) systems and agencies as well as considered what changes may occur in the future within EMS. Revenue options and resources have been evaluated. You have reviewed regulatory requirements as well as accreditation options. This assignment requires that you prepare a business model using key components listed in your lesson for an EMS system and type of your choice.

You will prepare a report that summarizes your response to questions about key components of your proposed business model. Please refer to the Unit VII Lesson to review those questions. Begin your report with an introduction paragraph that gives a general overview of the business model. Your report should address the following categories (at least one paragraph each), and conclude with a summary paragraph:

resources, and
relationships (internal and external).
Your report should be at least two pages in length but no more than three pages. You should use at least two additional references. All sources should be formatted using APA formatting for both in-text and reference citations.

The unit lesson will be provided in the materials