Category: Political Science

Week 8 Blog POL 100

Imagine you are a political writer with your own blog. You write about current events and what they mean for the U.S. government and its citizens. For this blog post you will choose an event from the last three months involving U.S. political issues or policies related to one of the following:

The U.S. President.
Administrative departments.
Political activists.
Judicial rulings.
A campaign.
An election.
Next, choose one reputable news source that has reported on your chosen event. Be sure it is a news source that offers well-written and well-researched news. It is recommended that you choose from one of the following news sources:

Liberal leaning news: The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Vox, HuffPost, Politico, CNN, Time Magazine.
Conservative leaning news: National Review, The Washington Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Federalist, Fox Online News, Washington Examiner.
Centrist News: NPR Online News (National Public Radio), Reuters, BBC, CNBC News, USA Today, Christian Science Monitor, Pew Research Center.
To see ratings of news sources, visit Media Bias Ratings.

For the first part of your blog post, provide a brief summary of your chosen current event. You should be conscious of your own bias and make every effort to avoid biased, opinionated, emotional, or judgmental language in this summary. That means avoiding words such as always, obviously, clearly, etc.

This PDF contains helpful tips for avoiding judgment statements: Objective Language [PDF].

In addition to providing a brief summary of your chosen current event, your blog post should answer each of the following questions:

What specific branch of the U.S. government is involved in this current event?
Who or which groups are affected by this event?
What biases or leanings exist in the media source you chose? Give examples. Were these counterbalanced in any way?
What are your opinions on the issue?
Your blog post should be typed in a Word document and meet the following requirements:

A one- to two-paragraph summary of your chosen current event.
One to two paragraphs for each of the four questions provided (see above), for a total of at least four paragraphs.
Content of the blog is based on information from your selected news source or other reputable sources.
Two  pages in length.
At least one quality reference (your selected news article) cited using the Strayer Writing Standard

Week 9 Activity POL 100

Activity: A Policy You Would Change
This brief activity will serve as preparation for your last assignment, which is due next week.

If you could change any U.S. domestic policy today, what would it be? For this activity, choose a policy you would like to change, submit a brief explanation of the policy you would like to change, and identify three references to support this policy change. This is the same policy you will use to write your Final Reflection assignment (due next week).

Your policy choice will need to be approved by your instructor before you begin your Final Reflection assignment. Approval will be provided through your rubric score for this activity, after it has been submitted. If your policy and/or references are not approved you will need to read the instructor feedback and provide an updated policy and/or references to be approved before submitting your final assignment.

Here are just a few examples of domestic public policies to choose from:

The environment.
Health care.
Social welfare.
Civil rights.
Death penalty.
Gun control.
Assisted suicide.
Affirmative action.
Minimum wage.
Drug legalization.
Hate crimes.
Capital punishment.
After selecting a policy you would change, identify references to support the policy change. Using skills you have learned previously in the course, search for articles from reputable sources that support your views, illustrate the severity or urgency of the need for change, discuss current events that make you think about the seriousness of the issue, etc. Remember to review the news sources provided earlier in the course and ensure any references selected outside of that list are reliable.

For your submission, create a Word document with your chosen policy and provide one short paragraph explaining why that is a policy you would like to change. Also include three references to support your policy change. This does not need to be formatted in SWS but will need to be formatted that way for the final assignment.

International Security

The structure of power in the international system is almost always too ambiguous or uncertain to explain why war starts, how it proceeds, and why it ends.  We gain more leverage over understanding state behavior and international outcomes by looking exclusively within states themselves, at their leaders and/or institutional structure.  Do you agree?  Why or why not?  Discuss with extensive reference to course material.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Summarize the main features of both theories. What does each look at (independent variables) to explain urban policy decisionmaking (dependent variables)? What else does each theory say is important for understanding urban politics?
Features and flaws in both theories. What does the theory illustrate about urban life well? What does it miss? You may wish to think of this as what do you think of the utility of each theory: how useful is it for understanding, explaining, and predicting real world events?
For your critique you should review the authors readings where they have presenting their ideas (of course). But also review the readings from Week 3 which provide additional perspectives on these theories from other sources. You shouldn’t need any outside resources for this paper – just the 7 readings assigned thus far, so you won’t need a Works Cited page for this paper, but you should still use APA or MLA citations in the paper when you are quoting, paraphrasing, or drawing on a reading and presenting ideas which are not your own.


Paul E. Peterson, 1981. “The interests of the limited city.” excerpt from City Limits. University of Chicago Press: Chicago.

(Optional: Charles Tiebout, 1956. “A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures.” The Journal of Political Economy, Vol 64. No. 5, pp. 416-424.)
Regime theory approach

Clarence Stone, 2006. “Power and Governance in American Cities.” chapter from City, Politics and Policy, edited by John Pelissaro.

John Mollenkopf, 1994. “How to Study Urban Power.” from A Phoenix in the Ashes. This excerpt taken from The Urban Politics Reader.

Browning, Marshall, and Tabb, 2003. “Introduction – Can people of color achieve equality in city government?” from Racial Politics in American Cities, 3rd Edition, edited by Browning Marshall and Tabb. Longman: New York.
Mollenkopf, 2003. “New York: Still the Great Anomaly.” chapter from Racial Politics in American Cities, 3rd Edition.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please Read the Attached Reading ( Second Treatise, Ch. 1-11; 14; 18-19) then do the following:

Please make a post offering at least two thoughtful and substantive questions, reflections, or comments  (QRCs) inspired by  the material below.

– At least one QRC must explicitly identify a passage( quote a passage and then respond to it) from the reading attached that you found intriguing, confusing, enlightening, etc. to lift up for consideration. You should quote the passage in full in your post along with a clear citation so others can easily find it in the text, and briefly explain your reasons for highlighting this passage this can come in the form of substantive questions about, interpretations of, or challenges to the ideas expressed in the passage.

For the second QRC, you may choose to lift up another passage, but you are not required to do so. Instead you may choose to offer a more general question about the ideas under consideration, a reaction to the podcast lecture, an argument you are trying to work out, or a connection you have made, or events in the world. In other words, each paper should have two clearly distinct QRCs, at least one of which lifts up a passage from the text.

anne Phillips view

In “Must Feminists Give Up on Liberal Democracy?” Anne Phillips writes that “while liberal democracy has signally failed to deliver on its promises to women, it does not help to address these failings in terms of giving up on liberal democracy.” Do you agree or disagree with Phillips’ view? By drawing on the academic literature we have been studying in this course, please take a position on Anne Phillips’ views. Make sure your answers are informed by and engage with the relevant course material. The average length of your original post should be around 400 words.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The Supreme Court heard a case two terms ago considering whether or not a baker has the right to refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple if they have a religious objection. The state of Colorado alleges that the bakers actions violate state non-discrimination laws while the baker contends that his actions are protected by the first amendment.
The Court ultimately ruled in favor of the baker, but the ruling was narrow in focus and did not establish judicial precedent on the questions of discrimination and first amendment rights.
Your paper should not focus on whether or not gay marriage is morally correct or sinful. It should also not focus on whether it was morally correct or sinful for the baker to refuse service or whether or not the couple should have brought legal action against the baker. Were interested in the question of the law and constitutionality. Is Colorados law unconstitutional? Were the bakers actions protected by the constitution? Your position should speak to the question of where the line is drawn between the first amendment and discrimination.
Read the following article, perform outside research, and support a position. ALL of your arguments and positions should be supported by documented outside evidence. Citing the text of the first amendment along with your interpretation of what that means is NOT sufficient supporting evidence. We have hundreds of years of case law and interpretation of the Constitution. Look for Federal Court rulings on similar constitutional clashes.

Students will be provided with an article(s) on a political issue and will be required to submit the following:
1) Students will write a 700, not to exceed 750, word position paper over the work assigned by the instructor. The bibliography and heading do not count towards the required word count. The paper must be written in MLA format, double spaced, and include a bibliography if outside sources are used. Students are expected to utilize proper grammar and syntax. The paper should:
After performing thorough research, establish a position on the topic in question.
Do not summarize the piece you are writing about. A few lines of general summary are sufficient, but the bulk of the paper needs to focus on your reaction.
Students are expected to make use of outside sources when researching and writing their reaction papers. Students must document these sources in a bibliography and via parenthetical citations. Failure to do this is plagiarism. Avoid using lengthy quotes.
You are entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts. Personal opinion cannot be wrong, but you can demonstrate poor logic or utilize inaccurate or distorted information. Engage in due diligence when referencing facts and conclusions and think critically about your own reasoning. Points will be deducted for issues in this area. Anecdotal evidence (I knew someone who) is rarely sufficient support of an argument.
Likewise, differing points of view should be given a fair hearing and shouldnt be altered to align with your criticism. Do not construct strawman arguments to pick apart and do not engage in ad hominem or unsupported personal attacks.
At all times students should demonstrate logical critical thinking skills, illustrate clarity of though when expressing personal opinion, and should support claims and arguments with credible evidence/supporting opinions.
Dig deeper when writing these papers. Avoid clich theses like People should be better educated or Politicians should work together more. The instructor is looking for a clash of ideas, solutions to problems, and a consideration of potential counter arguments to students ideas. Students should demonstrate they can express an opinion without blindly rejecting arguments against it. Students should strive to follow the truth wherever it leads
There may be multiple points that a paper could be written on in a given week, but the word count of these assignments is limited and it is usually best to focus on one aspect of the discussion. It is better to have one well developed idea than to give shallow treatment of several points.

palestinian society and politics

Part A (75%):
Read carefully and answer all the questions.
Do not write more than two pages per answer. Subsequent pages will not be read. Three questions worth 25 points each = 75 points.
Part B (40%):
Read carefully! Define and explain each of the terms. Please do not write more than 10 lines for each term. Five questions worth 5 points each = 25 points.
Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced, standard margins (2.54 cm / 1 inch).
You do not have to cite any texts, but if you do whether you quote them directly or summarize them you must include references. You may use any referencing style.
Answer in English only. Submit in PDF or Word.
i attached the assignment below where the questions are ,

Explain the sovereign paradox

Double spacing,
12pt Times New Roman
1 inch margins,
No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header,
No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers.

Cite lectures and class readings where appropriate (stated in the parenthesis)
Do not use outside sources


Answer the following questions with the links provided

1.  In the article, Public Health Experts Say the Pandemic Is Exactly Why Protests Must Continue, which appeared in Slate on June 2, 2020, (link in folder), what connection do the public health experts who signed the open letter make between the pandemic and the need for mass protests against systemic racism?

2.  In the Carr Center Discussion Series report, Reimagining Social Movements and Civil Resistance in the Global Pandemic from April 17, 2020, (link in folder) what are some of the negative effects on social movements around the world that the three scholars believe will occur because of the pandemic, and give one example of a specific movement mentioned that might be affected negatively.  You may also find an example in the May 13, 2020, Nation article, Whats Next for Asias Social Movements? that is also linked to in the folder.

3.  Read “Q-Anon is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded” and “Now the World Gets to See the Difference.” Global crises often launch social movements — some of them which seek social justice, and others which seek authoritarian control or that thrive on misinformation. How can social movement forces which rely on facts and evidence combat those that are born of conspiracy theories and misinformation? Why do you think misinformation, propaganda and lies succeeded in the crises of the 1930s which brought the world Mussolini and Hitler, and how can social movements for social justice triumph today?