Category: Political Science

Any topic

To avoid another controversial election like the one in  2000 and 2016, should the United States do away with the Electoral College? Would providing a more direct influence for citizens to improve the process of presidential elections? Or does the system work fine? Explain.

If you want to do away with the Electoral College, what system do you want in its place? What effect do you think that system have on our elections – how would the results be different? What would the effects be for small versus big states? Explain why. If you do not want to do away with it, explain why you think it is still the best system.

To receive full credit, your answer to the question must be meaningful and at least 200 words and you must post two meaningful responses to your fellow students’ posts.. Be sure to answer all the questions fully and back up your answers with the material in the book and articles you may have read.  Feel free to post more than once and respond to others’ posts.  Good luck and enjoy!

Policial Science

In a 3 page essay, you are to analyze how America balances the power between the three branches of government.

You are to focus on how there is a shared power between the executive and the legislative branch of government.

You need to provide examples of how the various branches of government have overlapping powers to fully explain how the executive and legislative work together to govern.

Finally, you should look forward to explaining how there are some fallacies in this shared governing structure.  Where are there points that these shared powers are not working effectively?

The relationship between the legislative and the president should be discussed.

You should have at least 3 examples of the overlapping power between the legislative and executive branches.

Discuss the problem in the shared governing structure.

-APA format
This should be written in APA format – double spaced and the citations are accurate.

This essay should be written in an academic tone. You should minimize in grammar, punctuation, and capitalization errors.

1, Case Study (7 pages),

There are 4 assignments in this order: Once case study (7 pages), 2 PowerPoint presentations (12 slides each) and two reports ( 2 pages each).
Note: The assignment One  (Case Study ) is due before noon (11/Nov/2020 noon). The Case Study Topic is about Water Pollution
The Case Study is a 7 page analysis of a specific topic of interest selected by the student. Students are encouraged to discuss the topic with the Professor. Established footnoting and citation rules must be observed.  2 different Journal article citations are required. Include a bibliography. No more than 20% of the Case Study should be quotes. Students are expected to analyze and comment on the topic and sources utilized thus forming good scholarship habits. *The described format MUST be followed thus include these headings in the Case Study. Case Studies that do not include the following format will lose 10 marks.
*1.  Introduction    2. Topic Summary    3. Major Issues    4. Pro and Con Issues                    5. Personal Observation without any quotes just your own views and recommendations      6. Conclusion
The Student  should use Chicago or APA style. With title page, bibliography and footnote/endnote page the Case Study length is 10 pages.

Assignment Number 2 (PowerPoint Presentation One) due November 17 by noon.  PowerPoint One is about Water Pollution in Afghanistan
Include a 1 page executive summary of the 3 main points. Do not include video links. Length is recommended at 12-14 slides that are informative. Due on the day of Class

Assignment 3 (PowerPoint Presentation ) is due November 24 by noon. This PowerPoint is about Marine Pollution
Include a 1 page executive summary of the 3 main points. Do not include video links. Length is recommended at 12-14 slides that are informative. Due on the day of Class
Assignment 4: Report one and two are due by November 28. )
Report one is to  Write 2 single spaced typed pages. Discuss the progress Singapore has achieved to become a world leader on green technology and sustainability. A) Note 2 policies B) discuss the impact C) Note examples of Government Citizen- Business cooperation. Add quotes and footnotes. Your own analysis and observations are important.
Report Two: Write 2 pages typed single spaced. Select and discuss 3 climate change crises, 1 from Canada, 1 from Egypt and 1 from India. Identify the problem and 1 practical solution for each country. Cite the IPCC Report. Include your analysis and observations as well as mitigation recommendations.

After completing the Assignment one; I will make 40% of the payment. Assignments one must be sent to my email ([email protected])

“Should Nuclear Weapons Be Banned?”

Yes/No Question: Introduction, Thesis Statement, Represent and document the diverse perspectives that inform the question- In a neutral voice, represent what leading authorities in the field are arguing both for and against the issue being raised in your question, and Conclusion.

The paper should be 4-6 pages (not including any tables, figures, cover page, footnotes and references).
* Students may use MLA or APA. Papers without in-text citations or Bibliography will receive a zero 0 for that grading section.
* Use a minimum of 4 sources (from academic books, journals, online sources and newspapers). *Note- Wikipedia is a popular source to gather information, however, it will not be an acceptable source.
* Papers should be typed, double-spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman.
* Pages should be numbered.

After the Elections Panel Discussion’

Watch the ‘After the Elections Panel Discussion’ conducted by clicking on this link.

*IF the system asks you for an ID or a passcode: there is none, so skip it.

1. Describe TWO policy areas (such as the impact of the election in the US; relations with China; relations with Mexico; or relations with the Middle East after the election) discussed by the panelists. Then tell me briefly why YOU think this issue is important for the US.
2. Make sure your course, AND section number are on the email you send to me along with your
3. NOTE: Failure to include EACH of the components listed above (points 1-3) will result in ZERO CREDIT.

Heres an outline of what should look like.

NAME (first AND last)

1. Describe your selected policy issue area discussed by the panelists…dont just list the issue!
2. Describe why YOU think this policy issue area is important for the US.

Reducing obstacles to voting for people with disabilities

First, read the questions in the assessment below so you will have a general idea of what you will be looking for in the article. After reading the questions, then thoroughly read the article.
Answers to the questions should be written in accurate, detailed, and complete sentences.

1.Describe the issue (the underlying problem) the article discusses and describe the proposed solution.
2.Describe information that is presented as evidence in the article that demonstrates the need to address the issue.
3.Describe any projected/expected outcomes that are used to justify the solution proposed in the article.
4.Based upon your understanding of the policy proposal in this article, state whether you support/oppose the policy proposed (or even offer a different policy choice) and explain why you take that position.
5.Describe problems the issue creates for individuals (How might you or someone else be personally affected by the issue?).
6.Evaluate the positive and negative effects the proposed solution may have on individuals.
7.Explain if and how the proposed solution supports values of democracy, such as liberty, equality, justice, independence, opportunity, and freedom.
8.Describe ways individuals (you and/or others) might change their community involvement or political participation if this proposed solution was adopted. 

Middle Eastern Politics

Throughout the semester, we have covered multiple facets of Middle Eastern politics, from historical legacies of colonialism, religion, security apparatuses, natural resources, identities and rivalries, gender relations, and the causes and consequences of the Arab Spring. To a large extent, these topics have all touched on the push and pull of authoritarianism and democracy, as well as the possible barriers to democratization. In 8-10 pages, write a response to the following prompt:

Scholars often surmise that there is something “unique” about the resilience of authoritarian regimes in the Middle East that has prevented democracy from taking hold. What are the primary causes of this authoritarian resilience in the region and how exactly do they hinder democratization? What if any practical solutions exist to better facilitate democratization in the region?

In your response, you must do the following:

1. Use supporting evidence from at least 3 weeks of readings. You should cite at least 10 unique sources (chapters, articles, documentaries, etc.) and you should provide at least 10 in-text citations. Please refer to this link for my expectations concerning how to do in-text citations. You may use outside resources in addition to these requirements, but they will not act as a substitute for them. The sources should be credible. Please use these guidelines for determining source credibility.

2. You must include a sources cited page, which does not count toward the 8-10-page requirement. Please refer to this link for my expectations on the formatting.

3. The paper must be formatted as follows: 12-point, Times New Roman font, 1-inch page margins, and double-spaced. Do not format the first page of the paper like this. I don’t need all of that extra information at the top. Simply write your first and last name in the header by double clicking the top of the page in Microsoft Word.

4. Please do not provide unsubstantiated opinions or mere speculation. This is an evidence-based paper. The goal is for you to show me what you have learned in the course and apply this knowledge to the construction of an argument.

5. Focus on making your argument compelling.

6. Your paper should be organized as follows: introduction (the basic argument you are making and the summary of what to expect in the paper), define and describe phenomenon 1 and how and why it hinders democracy (define and describe phenomenon 2 and how and why it hinders democracy, define and describe phenomenon 3…), summary of these phenomena, evaluation of how these phenomena can be overcome with practical solutions (or if they cannot, explain why in detail using evidence from the course), and summary of the paper (1 paragraph).

7. Be specific and don’t be vague. Being vague and inexact signals that you do not understand what you have covered or that you have rushed through the assignment, both of which will cost you points. Expectations and tips for not being vague can be found here. I highly suggest at least skimming these points before turning in your assignment.

8. Do not turn in a first draft. This should be a polished, revised version of the original.

9. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. This includes not using quotations when the sentence or phrase is lifted directly from a source, copying your peers, and replacing a few words of a source to make it a bit different but not attributing ownership of the idea to its original source. It is possible to plagiarize yourself (turning in previous parts of work). If you do this, you will fail the course. Please refer to the university policies on plagiarism. Refer to this source for tips on how to avoid plagiarism. If you plagiarize in your paper, you will fail the course.

10. Use quotations from sources sparingly. I don’t want a substantial amount of your paper being quotes. Learn how to paraphrase. If you paraphrase, cite the source with an in-text citation (just because you didn’t use exact words, they need to be attributed to the original source because they were not your own thoughts). Definitely do not quote an entire paragraph.

11. Finally, I don’t want to read papers premised on the stereotype that there is no democracy because Islam is a “violent religion.” This argument is not credible, steeped in Orientalism, and is a lazy way to approach a complex issue like democratization. It’s also a tired, boring argument. This is not to say you can’t refer to religion at all in your paper. It’s a relevant point, particularly the desire of citizens in MENA for religion to be involved in democracy somehow. I just don’t want to read essentialist arguments steeped in unverifiable stereotypes unrelated to the course content.

These are all tips and tricks designed to set you up for the highest possible grade. Don’t lose easy points! I look forward to reading your papers.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Robert Putnam, in his book Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, uses the example of the decline of bowling leagues across the country to suggest the passing of community and associations in the United States. Traditionally these associations provided the social capital* upon which society was built.

Has social media exacerbated this loss of community and neighborhood associations or has it enhanced community building? Many argue that electronic communication lacks the tactile and personal nature of face to face contact necessary for true communities. Others respond that online communication permits a much broader understanding of community, with connection across a heretofore impossible expanse of culture and geography.

Using real-world examples, please compose an essay discussing the impact of the new world of digital communication on community-building in America.

Your essay should use MLA formatting and demonstrate college-level grammar, spelling and vocabulary.

*Social capital: A network of personal relationships that provide social glue.

Please see the attached article on “How Social Capital Helps Communities Weather the COVID-19 Storm” for an example of how important social capital might be, according to one study.

It appears we have a new President and VP. If you were Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, how would you apply your project management tool box in the first 90 days of the presidency? What projects would you add to the project management office (PMO) for the f

It appears we have a new President and VP.

If you were Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, how would you apply your project management tool box in the first 90 days of the presidency? What projects would you add to the project management office (PMO) for the first year?  How would you use communication to help to bridge the gap in the USA so lasting good progress can be made.

political extremism in israel

You are asked to use the article youve chosen to analyze a current Israeli event. It would be best if you began by quickly summarize the main idea of the article (its main arguments) and how it relates to earlier readings. Then, analyze the case study event by the articles arguments and results,   (perhaps they are intriguing, contradict or support earlier readings, relate to overarching themes of violence, etc.) by the excerpts (i.e., quotes) or data from the text that support these points. if the case study doesnt fit perfectly to the article arguments you should suggest other factors that werent examined in the article and might affect these differences.