Category: Political Science

Please refer to instructions

Each student is asked to post questions or short comments for discussion on our discussion group on Canvas by midnight before the relevant class. These can be questions of clarification or critical comments. The postings are not designed to test you, but rather, to enable you to organize your thoughts and prompt some critical reflection on each reading.  Please use your name as the title for your posting.

Class 11 (November 11): Market Society: Births and RebirthsKarl Polanyi, The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Times, pp. 35-80, pp. 141-170, (Rinehart, 1944/ Beacon Press, 2001).NPR Podcasts from the Indivisible Series. Listen to the podcast from April 20th: How Do We Get America Back To Work? You can also listen to other podcasts in the same series.
11Recommended: James Boyle, Enclosing the Genome: What the Squabbles over Genetic Patents Could Teach Us. Conference Paper, 2003.

Political Science

Choose one of this topic to prepare a draft proposal about a research essay/

Why is womens representation in the House of Commons so
much lower than the representation of men? What role do
political parties play in creating or challenging this result?

Why is the federal Liberal party often considered to be
Canadas natural governing party?

How should political parties be funded?

Health Policy and Politics in the US

Health Policy and Politics in the US: Examines contemporary healthcare policies, programs, and politics. Discusses the structure of the healthcare system and its costs, efforts to develop universal health coverage, the spread of managed care, and related topics.

Please follow the Political Science Research Paper Guideline in the PDF file,
25 Pages, APA Style

Please be analytical and logical, Use third person writing.

Can a nation continue to exist without popular culture? Defend your argument
– Must reference from the movie ( examples and details )  within this paper , Cite in the text and refrence in the work cited in order to get  8/10 or higher on assignment. 
Please and thankyou

Please refer to instructions

Each student will select a topic in consultation with me and prepare a research paper, approximately 20-25pages (6,000 words maximumin 12-point font) in length. Students are required to submit a proposal early in the semester to confirm their topics and to receive feedback from me. The resulting research paper should distill issues, connect to appropriate theoretical literatures, evidence with empirical data, and tease out conclusions both scholarly and practitioner-oriented.Students will present this paper (10-12minutes) in Part IV of the class.

Immigration & Inequality

    According to Borjas, how does immigration affect wages and employment of native workers in the US?
    According to Card, how does immigration impact wage inequality in the US? Why did the two economists achieve different conclusions?
    According to Xu et al., how does immigration affect state-level inequality in the US? Why?
    According to Barrett et al, how does immigration affect earning inequality in Ireland? Why does Ireland see an opposite effect compared to the US?

also – The response paper should be 3 pages single-spaced (or 6-pages double-spaced), and it should include a summary of the readings, responses to the questions provided by the instructor, and 2-3 discussion questions that you will use to lead the class discussion.

American Government Discussion Post

Using the attached chapter as a reference for information or terminology, answer the following questions. How can we, as American citizens, best use the media to inform us on political issues? Which sources should we use, and how can we verify that the information we are receiving is accurate?

American Government and Politics in the Information Age
Chapter 1: Communication in the Information Age

Citation is not requested but must be free of plagiarism.

Individual Assignment #3: Quantitative Design


This assignment contains two applied exercises on techniques from chapters 9 and 10. Each answer is worth 75 points.

1. The first part of this assignment asks you to apply the technique of an intervention analysis: Using Gallup’s Presidential Approval Center, ( compare tenures of two presidents of your choice. Looking at each presidency, pick two specific spikes or drops per president in the approval rating of each president and using Google research the background of how/why the spikes or drops occurred at those specific points in time. All examples used must be your own, and you may not use any of the examples that we used in the lectures. You also may notuse the current Covid crisis for this first question, because unfortunately not enough time has passed to objectively analyze trends.

Next write three paragraphs. The first paragraph will be the spikes and/or drops of the first president you observe. The second paragraph will do the same for your second president. In your third paragraph, offer a brief comparative analysis, where you compare your observed spikes/drops between the two presidencies. Are they similar or different? Why?

2. Your second applied exercise asks you to create a political survey using your choice of questions from the Princeton Database from Chapter 10. Assume you are working for a polling firm and are thus privy to resources for conducting surveys with large samples (i.e. 1,500-2,000 people).

First, state a research question on a policy or political problem of your choice. Second, find questions for a hypothetical survey that you could use to answer your research question. You are NOT to write your own questions, they must be recycled from one of the databases in the Princeton link. You may use more than one of the databases. I personally recommend ANES, but the choice is yours:

You do not have to write any questions on your own and are free to survey on whatever you would like as this is all hypothetical. The only rule is you must state your research question and then use a minimum of 8 questions from the database that you can survey on your research question. You are free to use more if you think it will strengthen your survey, however I will not dock your grade if you only use the minimum of 8 either. Do keep in mind that, as we have learned; the longer the survey, the higher the likelihood of someone walking away or hanging up the phone. Assume that the beginning of your survey will ask the respondent several basic questions on demographics, therefore please do not include them in your list of questions.

After stating your research question and listing your survey questions, answer the following. You do not have to write your answers in essay format; a few sentences on each is fine.

A. How will you administer your survey and who will you be surveying?

B. How and why do your questions serve your research?

C. Where and when will you be administering this survey?

Formatting decisions are left to the discretion of the student, however all submissions must be in doc or pdf format. Pages files are not allowed and will be returned with a request to reformat. Please provide APA or Chicago Style citations for your sources (i.e. which link you used from the database, any extra sites you may have consulted for ideas…). Any formatting guidelines not specified in this assignment or as per the syllabus are left to your own discretions. Unless otherwise approved, late submissions will not be accepted.

political violence in Spain

Essay about political violence in Spain.You should include a bibliography of not less than ten sources, of which one must be a book or specialized encyclopedias and two must be scholarly articles. Minimum 1000 words or 4 pages. Simple English for an intro to political science class.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please Read the Attached Reading (Sophocles, Philoctetes- entire)  then do the following:

Please make a post offering at least two thoughtful and
substantive questions, reflections, or comments (QRCs) inspired by your engagement with the material below.

— At least one of the QRCs must explicitly identify a passage( quote a passage and then respond to it)  from the reading attached that you found intriguing, confusing, enlightening, etc. to lift up for consideration. You should quote the passage in full in your post along with a clear citation so others can easily find it in the text, and briefly explain your reasons for highlighting this passage this can come in the form of substantive questions about, interpretations of, or challenges to the ideas expressed in the passage.

For the second QRC, you may choose to lift up another passage, but you are not
required to do so. Instead you may choose to offer a more general question about the
ideas under consideration, a reaction to the podcast lecture, an argument you are trying
to work out, or a connection you have made, or events in the world. In other words, each paper should have two clearly distinct QRCs, at least one of which lifts up a passage from the text.

Also, I attached(The screenshot below) an example of what the post you are gonna make should look like.