Category: Political Science

Political Islamic Concepts

In one or two sentences, provide a definition/description of the following concepts. You can use online resources to complete this assignment.







Ibn Arabi






Muhammadiyya (Indonesia)




Rashid Rida


Shia theory of Imamate

Twelver Shi’ism



Ahl al Sunna

AKP (turkey)

Ennahda (Tunisia)

The Antidote to Apathy” Activity

Note-taking :  Dave Meslin The Antidote of Apathy (7 minute clip)


What is the COUNTERCLAIM (argument(s) someone would make against his claim):

Do you support Dave Meslins point of view regarding why people dont participate in civic life?  EXPLAIN your reasoning.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please Read the Attached Reading (Leviathan, Authors Introduction, Ch. 1 6; 10-13) then do the following:

QUESTIONS, REFLECTIONS, & COMMENTS (QRCS) Please make a post offering at least two thoughtful and substantive questions, reflections, or comments (QRCs) inspired by your engagement with the material below.
— At least one of the QRCs must explicitly identify a passage( quote a passage and then respond to it) from the reading attached that you found intriguing, confusing, enlightening, etc. to lift up for consideration. You should quote the passage in full in your post along with a clear citation so others can easily find it in the text, and briefly explain your reasons for highlighting this passage this can come in the form of substantive questions about, interpretations of, or challenges to the ideas expressed in the passage.

For the second QRC, you may choose to lift up another passage, but you are not required to do so. Instead you may choose to offer a more general question about the ideas under consideration, a reaction to the podcast lecture, an argument you are trying to work out, or a connection you have made, or events in the world. In other words, each paper should have two clearly distinct QRCs, at least one of which lifts up a passage from the text.

Also, I attached(The screenshot below) an example of what the post you are gonna make should look like.

Federal Gun Laws

You are to write a current event paper, approximately 750 words in length, consisting of a summary and analysis of a current event having to do with FEDERAL GUN LAWS. You must cite a minimum of five references (sources) in the paper and include a works cited page at the end of the assignment to provide full bibliographic information for each of the references that was cited in the text of the paper.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide their perspective on a domestic or foregin policy issue (FEDERAL GUN LAWS). Students will prepare a summary and analysis of a current policy issue. The issue must be reported in a news story during the term of the course (this news story is one of the sources you will use for the paper). A deeper understanding of the issue can be developed by reading additional articles or information on the topic. You must cite your reference (news story), as well as any other sources from which you use information in the writing assignment.

Provide a thorough, but brief, summary of the political issue. An understanding of the issue should be developed by reading the articles uncovered during research for the assignment. The information provided in the summary will lay the foundation for you to react and respond to (analyze) the political issue. Be sure to properly cite within the text (according to MLA style) any information that you obtained from one of your sources. Citations must be provided, even for paraphrased information.
Present your perspective on the political issue. Think critically about the topic discussed in the articles and clearly express your thoughts about it in writing. Consider eight standards for critical thinking (Paul and Elder, 2103): clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, and fairness. Ask questions, such as
How can I validate the accuracy of my statement?
How is this information relevant?
How does my conclusion address the complexities of the issue?
What is another interpretation or viewpoint of the issue?
Does my conclusion follow from the data and/or statements I have provided?


Part 2- students will review summary analyses submissions, made in part 1, and offer a rebuttal to a classmate’s current event analysis, which opposes their own.  MOST IMPORTANTLY,  BE CONSTRUCTIVE in your critiques; and RATIONAL in your explanation of your perspective.  Rebuttals must be 5-10 sentences in length.

                    This is the student’s work to offer the rebuttal on.
Texas food banks is a nonprofitable company that distributes food and other essentials to help families achieve stability including nutrition, education, health management, job training, and help in securing state-funded assistance. But most importantly, they distribute fresh produce, meat and nonperishables, vegetables, and canned goods to millions of families in need across the state. Recently, we found out that the food banks could be short millions of pounds of food this year due to budget cuts. Out of all times, this is a time of extraordinary needs for many families. However, they may have to be turned away this year. This service is a sigh of relief for many families that are in extreme need. The program is losing 19 million pounds of produce that will more than likely go to waste rather than nourishing a hungry family during a time of insecurity. Governor Greg Abbott has requested agencies to trim their budget by 5%, which led the Texas Department of Agriculture to cut their grant funding all to balance the statewide budget. The Texas Agriculture Commissioner (Sid Miller) has asked the governor about using the states leftover $2 billion in CARES Act funding to pay for the grants, but no response has been given. I think this is sick. I understand there is a budget, etc. but out of all times during this pandemic families are in need. Knowing that there IS A WAY is what bothers me the most. The governor or the state legislature is not paying much attention or seeing this issue as a big deal of the people. That is quite selfish to me and it angers me, because you never know if that family that needs this will ever be you one day. This a year where funds should be increasing not depleting.  I pray for change, for everyone to matter, and for unity.

Article: (Links to an external site.)


Chapter 5: Political Parties, Interest Groups, & Campaigns, then post to the discussion board as prompted
Why has two major parties dominated American politics, and what would it take for third parties to
become as important as the Democrats and the Republicans currently are?
Discuss the dispersion of political party affiliation in your state. How has it changed in recent
years? Discuss recent changes in representation either at the SG or FG level. How has local
party played a role?
Of the different types of interest groups explained in the text, which seem most likely to be able to
achieve their goals, and why? Which appear to be least likely to do so, and why?
Are there indications of bias in terms of where (geographically) parties direct their attention and
Have there been any significant shifts in recent elections in your states? Look into 2018.

My state is Montana

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the terms listed below and choose among them TWO as IDs. Identifications, which definition provided, then in one or two or three sentences, say Why it is important.


Terms And Concepts

In Political Science

1. Normative means to use values, ideals, norms, as measures; and it is by definition a subjective approach to the study of anything. A brief phrase that sums up a normative study would be:

The way things ought to be! A conclusion of a normative study is a judgment.

2. Empirical means in Ancient Greek, to know through the use of ones senses, In other words to know by observing. It does not start with any measures at all, it starts with raw data That is collected randomly. A brief phrase that would sum up an empirical study would be: the way things are! A conclusion in an empirical study would be a finding. Empirical studies are supposed to be objective.

3. Quantitative is the only approach that can be used with other approaches. It seeks to make the study of anything more precise and perhaps available to be compared. However, when used alone, it is often away for a scholar to use formulae to mimic natural or human phenomena. It then uses probability, to try and Predict some future event or condition. It is an educated guess. It is not observation, nor is it after the fact measurement. Therefore, polls which are quantitative models of how people answer certain questions is only a guess based on certain principles of probability, and on assumptions made by the pollsters. It has no basis in fact. It is -a guess, a prediction.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

ITS a Pol Develop of Western Europe Course, and I need a term paper.


Explain the sovereign paradox (From Notes and Bates)

Double spacing,
12pt Times New Roman
1 inch margins,
No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header,
No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers.

Need 5 pages long and bibliography page.

Cite reading where appropriate (stated in the parenthesis)
Do not use outside sources
Do not copy/paste lecture notes or texts in the book

YOU CAN ONLY use the book i upload and notes i upload for source

Please upload both PDF form and DOC form for me


Part 2- students will review summary analyses submissions, made in part 1, and offer a rebuttal to a classmate’s current event analysis, which opposes their own.  MOST IMPORTANTLY,  BE CONSTRUCTIVE in your critiques; and RATIONAL in your explanation of your perspective.  Rebuttals must be 5-10 sentences in length.

  Kindly do the rebuttal on the work below

It is more than twelve months into the pandemic yet some Texans are complaining about access to the Covid-19 vaccine. In Texas, the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine has been faced with several severe challenges. There have been inconsistencies in the distribution of the doses and more struggle is to jab people into their arms. People in the various counties in Texas have been warned of the possible delay in receiving the vaccine. For example in Cameron and Hidalgo counties, residents have been instructed to carry food, water, and blanket as they could experience a delay of a period of up to 48 hours. The downside of this is that it has affected the vulnerable in the society as they are exposed to cold and rains. Exposing some age groups to such weather conditions has an effect that would otherwise lead to serious health issues. As a solution, the Texas government should come up with programs where some members of society get the Covid-19 vaccines at the comfort of their homes.

Link to article:


Why it is critical to view Canada as a settler-colonial state?

Why it is critical to view Canada as a settler-colonial state?

You must use a minimum of 4 readings, two of the class reading should be used.

Class readings
Wolfe, Patrick. Settler colonialism and the elimination of the native.
Journal of Genocide Research 8, no.4 (2006): 387-409

Chapter 4 Wood, Ellen M. Empire of Capital. London: Verso Press, 2003.

Does the Colonial Exist? Memmi, Albert. The Colonizer and the Colonized.
London: Souvenir Press, 1974