Category: Political Science

Please refer to instructions

I would like you all to read the materials listed below. The two specific documents/events – The Report of the Commission on Global Governance in 1995 and the September Security Council Summit on Post-COVID-19 Global Governance – are both UN initiatives. The course is not about the UN specifically, though we will talk about it among other actors. It simply happens to be the arena where the term of global governance appears with greater frequency and in which the term has a more tangible/practical meaning. Both documents/events mark a watershed moment in the international system. Both aim to speak for and to the future. As you read through them, think about the notable differences between the two documents/events. Do they capture how you think about the meaning of global governance? Do they offer a credible response to the challenges that they seek to address?

—–Our Global Neighborhood, The Report of the Commission on Global
Governance. (1995). (Access online here):
You can skim read the report but, please, give a bit more attention to chapters 1 and 2.

—-1a) Nelson Mandela Foundation. “Annual Lecture 2020: Secretary-General Guterres’s full speech.” Saturday 18 July 2020.
(Access online here):
—-1b) Security Council Report. “Security Council Summit on Post-COVID-19 Global Governance.” (2020).
(Access online here): (follow the in-text link to Niger’s Concept note.)
—-1c) Video recording of the United Nations Security Council Summit on Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Global Governance Post-COVID-19.” 24 September 2020.
(Access online here):
It is a 3-hour video, but there is a lot of empty space in-between the speeches. You might want to listen to the UN Secretary-General and a selection of other speakers. It is easy to scroll and locate each one.

1a,b,c all form part of a single effort to respond to the global crisis brought on by COVID 19. It is best to read/watch them in that order.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

See the attached PDF to help you answer the following questions:

1-Briefly describe the origins of the CIA. What is the evidence that Congress intended to pre-authorize covert paramilitary operations in other countries? What is the evidence that Congress did not authorize those kinds of activities prior to 1970?

2-In no more than two sentences, briefly describe the Iran Contra affair.

Disaster Management

This work require student to prepare a critical review of 4000 words of a case study. The case study for this work is: Critically review WHOs response to the spread of the Ebola Virus outbreak. The case study should be approached using the Four phases model of disaster management (Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, Recovery) as a single or combined elemental approach.

Commercial, IDIQ, and MAS Contracting

Commercial, IDIQ, and MAS Contracting
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Read the assigned brief for this week, IDEA International, Inc. v. United States and ICATT Consulting Inc. (pp. 159-164).

Prepare a brief about the case and be prepared to discuss it during the class

Briefs should be no more than 1-2 pages but must include a section for each of the following: the facts of the case, the legal issue, and the legal principle applied in the case as it relates to this week’s class.

The facts section of your case brief should include the following information (if obtainable in the casebook excerpt): the cause of action (g., a suit for replevin, breach of contract, and so forth), an identification of the plaintiff and the defendant in the case by party name, the operative facts of the case that led to the dispute between the parties, the trial court/jurys holding, and the appellate courts holding. Also, ensure that you address any questions within the notes and questions section of the case.

Information on conducting case briefs can be found at (Links to an external site.)

Constructive Changes

Select one of the cases from week 3’s case file in the course room. Prepare a brief about the case and be prepared to discuss it during the class

Information in briefs should be no more than 1-2 pages but must include a section for each of the following: the facts of the case, the legal issue, and the legal principle applied in the case as it relates to this week’s class.

The facts section of your case brief should include the following information (if obtainable in the casebook excerpt): the cause of action (g., a suit for replevin, breach of contract, and so forth), an identification of the plaintiff and the defendant in the case by party name, the operative facts of the case that led to the dispute between the parties, the trial court/jurys holding, and the appellate courts holding.

Information on conducting case briefs can be found at

Value Engineering

Value Engineering
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Select one of the cases from week 2’s case file in the course room. Prepare a brief about the case and be prepared to discuss it during the class

Information in briefs should be no more than 1-2 pages but must include a section for each of the following: the facts of the case, the legal issue, and the legal principle applied in the case as it relates to this week’s class.

The facts section of your case brief should include the following information (if obtainable in the casebook excerpt): the cause of action (g., a suit for replevin, breach of contract, and so forth), an identification of the plaintiff and the defendant in the case by party name, the operative facts of the case that led to the dispute between the parties, the trial court/jurys holding, and the appellate courts holding.

Information on conducting case briefs can be found at

Sealed Bids and Competitive Proposals

Sealed Bids and Competitive Proposals
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Read the assigned brief for this week, McClure Electrical Constructors, Inc. v. John H. Dalton, Sec of the Navy (pp. 76-80).

Prepare a brief about the case and be prepared to discuss it during the class

Briefs should be no more than 1-2 pages but must include a section for each of the following: the facts of the case, the legal issue, and the legal principle applied in the case as it relates to this week’s class.

The facts section of your case brief should include the following information (if obtainable in the casebook excerpt): the cause of action (g., a suit for replevin, breach of contract, and so forth), an identification of the plaintiff and the defendant in the case by party name, the operative facts of the case that led to the dispute between the parties, the trial court/jurys holding, and the appellate courts holding. Also, ensure that you address any questions within the notes and questions section of the case.

Political Economy of the environment


Essay title – To what extent covid 19 affected democratic society.

You can focus on any area that you find interesting.
I’ve attached the reading regarding covid 19 at it effects on Political Economy, please use some information from it.

This essay has to be referenced by Harward referencing Style.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Think about what standard of evidence should be used to remove a president from office. Using evidence from the sources below, write an argument about whether there is sufficient evidence and argument to remove the president Trump from office immediately.

Read the impeachment charge against President Trump. ( Attached below as a PDF)

Read the transcript of President Donald Trump’s speech ( ) or watch selections of the speech ( ) to the crowd that marched on the Capitol building on January 6.

Other sources of information you may find useful:

Watch Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State, George Raffensperger, describe Trump’s pressuring him to overturn the results of the election: 

Arizona certification of election results:

PA certification https:

PA certificate of electors https:

PA court decisions rejecting objections:

the Melian dialogue

The dialogue should be about 1,200 to 1,500 words long

Watch the following short video about “The Melian Dialogue,” which is probably the most famous chapter of Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War.

When you’re finished watching, please read “The Melian Dialogue” (see attached).  It’s quite short, but it packs a powerful punch.  One thing John Green doesn’t mention is that this dialogue is considered the first written statement of the realist position in international relations.
Your assignment is to re-write (or re-imagine) “The Melian Dialogue” where the Athenian emissaries use not a realist approach but rather something akin to a liberal internationalist and/or constructivist approach.  That is, they do not suggest that the strong do what they like and the weak suffer what they must; they do not say that international relations is just about the dynamics of power; they do not threaten the Melians to align themselves with Athens or else.  Instead, the Athenians try to persuade the Melians that maintaining neutrality during this war isn’t right because Athens stands for just principles and represents the cornerstone of civilization in the Hellenic world while Sparta does not.  It’s up to you to decide how this conversation will go, where it will lead, what arguments the Athenians and Melians will make, and whether the Athenians’ appeals are ultimately successful.
Have fun with this, and be sure to write this in the form of a dialogue between the emissaries of these two city-states, Athens and Melos.  Think of your dialogue as a play with two actors.  Make the conversation colorful and compelling.  The dialogue should be about 1,200 to 1,500 words long.  I’ve also attached some PowerPoint slides that provide some context for “The Melian Dialogue” and highlight some key passages.