Category: Political Science

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the following passage from The Manifesto:

Does it require deep intuition to comprehend that mans ideas, views, and conception, in one word, mans consciousness, changes with every change in the conditions of his material existence, in his social relations and in his social life?  What else does the history of ideas prove than that intellectual production changes its character in proportion as material production is changed? The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class.

After studying the above passage, write a ONE-PAGE response when addressing the following intellectual problem:

If ones social class shapes ones consciousnessi.e.: ones self-awareness and understanding about the worldwhat must be done, or better, what must happen, to ensure that the working class can think differently from the ruling class to start a revolution? In other words, if the ruling class dictates how people think, how then can workers think about revolution if they–the workers–can only contemplate ideas put into their heads by the ruling class?

NO OUTSIDE SOURCES. only cite The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx (attached below)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You will choose two military conflicts (large or small, declared or undeclared) (from the list attached below as a PDF and should be mentioned in the attached readings as well)  in which the United States has been engaged and answer a series of questions about that conflict. You will make an argument about whether it was a constitutionally legitimate use of force.

1. Make an argument (in one paragraph) about what enables a constitutionally, legally, politically legitimate use of force in the American Constitutional System. (You may consider moral or ethical arguments, but they must be answered in addition to the legal/political/constitutional question).

2. Choose TWO incidents in which the federal government of the United States has used force against foreign citizens or nations. Find one case that exemplifies the way you think the system should work, and one case that exemplifies the way you think the system should not work. (The PDF below should be used to find the two incidents)

3. For each case, research the basic legal and political history of the incident. Your research must include (but should not be limited to)
a. at least two presidential primary source documents (public statements, messages to Congress) ( ),
b. two primary source congressional documents (authorizations, appropriations, hearing transcripts, votes, speeches) ( ). Court decisions are also acceptable if appropriate.
c. Analyze the politics of each case. In no more than one page per incident, explain why the constitutional processes work, while you argue each use of force was legitimate or illegitimate.

note: you don’t need to use all of the attached sources, only what is necessary.

please only use the primary sources attached. no secondary/outside sources allowed.

Government Contracting Doctrines

Read the assigned brief for this week, Donald C. Winder, Secretary of The Navy v. Cath-dr/Balti Joint Venture (pp. 31-35).

Prepare a brief about the case and be prepared to discuss it during the class

Briefs should be no more than 1-2 pages but must include a section for each of the following: the facts of the case, the legal issue, and the legal principle applied in the case as it relates to this week’s class.

The facts section of your case brief should include the following information (if obtainable in the casebook excerpt): the cause of action (g., a suit for replevin, breach of contract, and so forth), an identification of the plaintiff and the defendant in the case by party name, the operative facts of the case that led to the dispute between the parties, the trial court/jurys holding, and the appellate courts holding. Also, ensure that you address any questions within the notes and questions section of the case.

Information on conducting case briefs can be found at (Links to an external site.)

What are the main foundations of the transatlantic relationship between the EU and the US?

Tittle: What are the main foundations of the transatlantic relationship between the EU and the US?

I want 0% plagiarism on this essay
I want 8 Sources on this essay 
This essay has to be Harvard refrencing
I have uploaded Lecture slides and some notes I took in class. 

This analytical exercise is a short essay, limited in scope. It requires students to apply theoretical and conceptual approaches to specific issues or case studies of contemporary European governance. It is designed to promote a synoptic understanding of the different elements of the course, specifically the evaluation of theoretical positions in the context of the findings of empirical case studies.
It requires students to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of specific theoretical and conceptual approaches to issues of European governance.  Successful completion of this task requires a good theoretical and empirical grounding in the field of European governance and the ability to synthesise material from a wide range of sources in the development of an independent analytical argument.
Essays should be typed, paginated and double-spaced.  They must include a bibliography of the sources used and be properly referenced.  Essays that do not have a satisfactory bibliography or references will be penalised and essays with no bibliography or no attempt at referencing will be failed. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the attached sources (attached as PDF) documents and the attached link and then answer the questions below.

Read the Emancipation Proclamation below and the attached letter in which Lincoln defends the Proclamation.

1. Upon whom is the Emancipation Proclamation binding? It is an order–to whom?

2. In the Proclamation itself, where does Lincoln find the legitimate authority to issue this order?

3. In the Letter to Albert Hodges, what arguments does Lincoln use to explain why his Proclamation was legitimate?

Read pages 59-64 of Joseph Story’s Commentaries on the US Constitution, a widely used law text in the nineteenth century written by a Supreme Court Justice.

4. In Section 1166, how does Story weigh secrecy and speed against slow deliberation in initiating war?
5. n Section 1169, how does Story describe Congress powers over limited wars?

Being A Muslim In France: Identity Challenges

The essay is centered around ethnic conflict and my minority group is the french muslims in France and how they should balance their citizenship and muslim identity due to recent events.

Paper topic: Being a Muslim in France: Identity Challenges

Research question: How can one balance between a Muslim identity and a French citizenship

Hypothesis: 3 hypothetical perspectives

Theoretical framework

Body of paper

Summary and Conclusion

Please use academic sources

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the attached sources (attached as PDF) documents and answer the questions below.

Blackstone (apologies for the olden times typesetting–Ss look like Fs in some words):
1-What are the prerogatives of the King? (Paragraphs 8-10)
2-How does Blackstone characterize the Kings powers in paragraphs 11-13?
3-In foreign relations, the King is the sole voice of the nation. How does Blackstone justify this arrangement in paragraph 17?
4-In paragraphs 18-23, Blackstone describes the powers of the King in foreign affairs. Make a list of these powers.
5-Why are wars declared, according to Blackstones explanation? (Paragraph 19)
6-What are letters of marque and reprisal, and letters of safe passa

Congress Grant of Authority to General Washington:
1-What does Congress authorize General Washington to do in this document?
2-Is there anything surprising in this conferral of authority?

Congress Instructions to Captains and Commanders:
1-What powers is Congress granting in this document?
2-To whom are these powers granted?

Articles of Confederation:
1-In which body do the Articles vest the power to conduct foreign affairs? (Section VI)
2-List all of the specific war powers granted to Congress in sections VI, VII, VIII, and IX.
3-What war and international powers are granted to state legislatures under the Articles?

An analysis of Kuwaits policies towards animal rights- a comparative study.

Step 1) Create a powerpoint presentation about: Understand and include government policy towards animal rights in Kuwait. What is it, and factors are behind such policies/or lack of. Do a comparative study between Kuwait and another advanced country in terms of policies implemented. And then conclusions about what Kuwait needs to adopt. I will include a presentation form for further clarification.

Step 2) Create a written script of what to say during the presentation. The script has to be as if I am currently presenting the powerpoint, created in step #1, to an audience.


Keeping in mind that the government is not a business and cannot be run or managed as one, this does not mean that our government cannot be more responsive to its citizens. First, how would you define “responsiveness” based on your own definition? Do you think that the government is responsive (enough) to its citizens? Why or why not? In what ways could the government be more responsive to its citizenry? Would an increase in responsiveness improve civic engagement (voter turnout, donating to campaigns, attending campaign rallies, signing petitions, writing letters to our Congress people, etc.)? In thinking about Porter’s argument that citizens use the consumer world to make political decisions, how does this compare with your own decision-making in politics? Do you agree/disagree with Porter’s argument

ittle: Can Realism offer us anything other than the promotion of pure power politics? What are the implications of your answer for the application of Realism to 21st century international relations?

Essay Tittle: Can Realism offer us anything other than the promotion of pure power politics? What are the implications of your answer for the application of Realism to 21st century international relations?

I want 0% plagiarism 
Please use valuable source 
I want 8 sources on my essay 

I have uploaded the lecture PowerPoints

Essay Structure
Provide a clear and direct answer to the question
Summarise the steps of your argument. Be specific! What will you say/do at each point?

Main body of the essay
A series of steps providing arguments and evidence in support of your answer
What are your most interesting points? Include them here, not just in your conclusion!
Your explanations of key items of evidence
Your analyses of theories and ideas from the literature which support your argument
Dont try to include too much maybe 2-4 key points you need to make
Signpost make sure the reader can see why you are including things and why they have been placed where they are

No surprises or plot twists!
Restate your answer to the question
Recap the points you have made to justify and explain your answer