Category: Political Science

What is Federalism? Describe in detail the continuous discussion/argument over state power verses federal power. Include specific relevant court cases/current issues to support your essay. Furthermore, is there a point of apparent contradiction written wi

This essay will be done as a take-home assignment due by 11:59pm Saturday, December 19th. Please draft a thorough essay on either question 1, 2, or 3. You can choose the essay question you want to write on. You are expected to use a standard font (Times Roman or Calibri) and a standard font size ranging between 10 and 12. One inch margins are also expected. Please check your computers default settings are not larger than one inch all around. The paper should be double-spaced. There is no page minimum or maximum; however, quality papers usually range between 7-9 pages in length. Once again, please be thorough as possible.

The Constitution of the United States of America is a brief document outlining the boundaries of the American federal government. Discuss in depth the expansion of power obtained by Congress, the presidency and the judiciary paying close attention to the original outlines within the Constitution: Articles I-III. Remember that each branch of government has seen its powers expand beyond what was originally written; what is the genesis of these additional powers? Each branch is different in this regard so be specific: examples should be included to bolster your essay. And most importantly, is this expansion of power (outside of the framework of the formal amendment process) just? Why?

What is Federalism? Describe in detail the continuous discussion/argument over state power verses federal power. Include specific relevant court cases/current issues to support your essay. Furthermore, is there a point of apparent contradiction written within the Constitution itself? Can you please identify parts in the Constitution that seemingly direct us in competing directions? Who should have more power? What should the relationship look like in your eyes?

Discuss the major players in the Game of Elections and the major influences on voter decision-making. I need to see you understand the players and the roles each plays. Include a detailed presentation of the Ideal Citizen Model and the Michigan Model. What do we know based on these models? Are the models still relevant? Furthermore, please discuss the discrepancy of the ideal citizen verses the actual voter. What does this mean for our republic and is there anything we can change to fix our system?

President Obama’s Political Party

How did President Obama
lead his political party? Presidential leadership does not just end with leading the
nation or public, it also is part of building up political parties. Did Obama
build his party into a stronger and more organized political party for future
elections and administrations, or did they engage in the act of predation of their political
party with long term consequences of weakening it for future elections and
administrations? A strong response paper will define and apply Daniel Galvins concepts
of party building and party predation to the Trump or Obama presidency, and bring in
outside news sources as support.


We are using one book for this class, and that is Andrew Heywood. (2017). Political Ideologies: An Introduction.
So for this 2nd short/argumentative paper or brief essay,
1) Compare and contrast these two political ideologies: liberalism with conservatism (no less than 2 pages with appropriate citations)
2) Compare and contrast communism via socialism with capitalism as two unique economic systems (no less than 2 pages with appropriate citations)
3) From reading the book, watching television and listening to news, seeing what President Trump is doing, can you answer this question: “what is your own political ideology, and why”? (reasonably one page with the appropriate citations).


Using the Scenario below Write a 3 paragraph essay explaining which Amendment from the Bill of Rights is relevant and how you would rule in each case. Explain your decision.

If using outside sources you must include the links to any outside source in essay.

Darren was arrested on suspicion of kidnapping
and rape. He was taken to the police station,
where the victim picked Darren out of a lineup.
An officer pointed to a woman in the police
station and asked if she was the victim. Darren
told them, Yeah, thats her. The police then
took him to an interrogation room where he was
questioned for two hours. He verbally confessed
to the crime, and signed a written statement,
prepared by the police, admitting his guilt.
Darrens confession included a statement that
he was aware of his rights, and that any
statements he made could be used against him.
However, the police made little effort throughout
the interrogation to allow Darren access to a
lawyer, or generally notify of him of his rights.

Follow the news related to American government response to the Coronavirus out break in the U.S. Consider the relationship between the U.S. National Government, State Government and Local Government

Follow the news related to American government response to the Coronavirus out break in the U.S. Consider the relationship between the U.S. National Government, State Government and Local Government, as we discussed related to the “Marble Cake” of Federalism. Review material from the two course textbooks and news reports (see suggested sources listed below). (In addition to the Governing California textbook you are currently reading from the syllabus assignments, review earlier readings from We the People, Chapter 3 on Federalism, with emphasis on the Cooperative Federalism (Marble Cake), Figure 3.2 on page 81.

Grading Criteria:  Students will follow the 5 Step Essay Format listed below.

Title of Essay:  3 points are possible for the title of the essay.  Students should develop a title that is a reflection of their theme and approach to the essay, rather than just state the topic.

11 points will be possible for each of the 5 paragraphs. (Each paragraph should have, at least, two sentences.)

1.  Introductory Paragraph:  State 3 subtopics of essay in a thesis statement.  Underline thesis statement.

2. Discuss first subtopic listed in thesis.  (National Government)

3. Discuss second subtopic listed in thesis  (State Government)

4.  Discuss third subtopic listed in thesis (Local Government)

5.  Conclusion, restating thesis.

In addition to using text readings and class lecture material on the concept of Federalism,  it is suggested students review information from media sources such as newspapers articles, television news reports and internet searches for updated information about the Coronavirus. 


Explain the rise and consequences of the Presidency of Donald Trump.  Include at minimum in your answer, demographics, historical reasons, and the media.

1- You must respond to all aspects of the topic
3- The purpose of this exercise is to construct an argument by engaging the texts and formulating a defensible interpretation
4- Annotated Bibliography use a minimum of three scholarly books or papers

Public Management, defining concepts and applying concepts

Part 1 Defining concepts (approx. 1,500 words)

Provide a critical definition and understanding of each of these concepts, using reading from the resource list:
1.Bureaucracy in public services
2.Markets in public services
3.Networks in public services
Warning: you should only define these concepts by citing the material from reading in the resource list that I gave (especially in two required books), no other channels’ resources are allowed.

Part 2 Applying concepts (approx. 2,500 words)

1.Identify a public service challenge facing in China.
2.Show how one of these concepts has been used by public managers to address that challenge.
3.Evaluate how successful this has been (successes and problems).
Draw on reading from the resource list.  You also need to find new sources on case studies or examples from your country.
Note: Using one of three concepts to analyse your chosen case and disucss appropriateness of that concept

International Law and Organizations

Investigate a complex problem that was NOT covered in the class. We covered the International Criminal Court, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN and Security Council, Refugees and Migrants, Climate Change and the Paris Climate Accord.

What role have international law and organizations made in managing it? How could they become more effective in managing it in the future?

Grading criteria: 1. Mastery of the readings, 2. Critical thinking, and 3. Extension of material.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

PRIMARY REQUIREMENTS: In this 2020 Police Inquiry, you shall examine at least one of the following critical thinking questions:
1.    What are the problems with policing that require the most attention? How do we best approach solutions?
2.    Many argue we should defund the police, what do you think of this argument? Examine the pros and cons of the proposition, take a position, and support it with facts.
3.    Many have argued that compliance with police would result in far less violence and deaths.  There are many examples of people resisting police without good reason; how much responsibility falls on citizens respecting police authority without resistance?
1.    In your response, you must give detailed knowledge of at least one instance of police brutality that relates to your police inquiry
2.    Discuss at least one larger connecting issue to the problem of policing in this country.  Examples of the larger connecting issues are: A. Americas gun culture makes it difficult to believe in an unarmed police force like Englands where the death rate is much lower. B. The Broken Window Theory used to justify police actions is a highly debated approach to policing, including your thoughts on this topic C. Police unions are seen as the greatest impediment to reform, discuss this problem D. Race plays a key role in the problems with policing, discuss your thoughts on this topic.
3.    The paper must be written in Times New Roman MLA format.
4.    The paper must have 4-5 citations in the body of the essay in MLA format.
5.    The paper must have 5-7 sources listed on a separate Works Cited page; please submit the Works Cited page with the essay and separately in the separate grade window for Works Cited.

Clientelism is bad for development.Do you agree or disagree with the italicized statement?

Take a clear stand and provide logic and evidence to defend your answer.  An excellent essay will do all of the following: (1) define clientelism and development; (2) discuss why clientelism might be good for development; (3) discuss why clientelism might be bad for development; (4) discuss why different types of clientelism might have different effects on development; and (5) provide a direct and well-justified answer about why you agree or disagree with the italicized statement. 
suggest you start each essay with an introduction that (1) provides a clear thesis statement, and (2) briefly lists the main points that the essay covers to support this thesis statement. Then, organize your writing such that you provide (at least) one paragraph to discuss each of these main points. Write a brief concluding paragraph at the end. Excellent answers will provide specific evidence in support of claims and will address counter-arguments.