Category: Political Science

Summary/Report documentary

*Requires to watch a video/film*

**Write a report of the documentary above related to American politics.
*And how it relates to Government; U.S. Politics (topics include American government and civic engagement, constitution, federalism, civil liberties, civil rights, public opinion, voting and elections, the media, political parties, interest groups and lobbying, congress, the presidency, the judiciary, state and local government, the bureaucracy, domestic policy, foreign policy).

**3rd step: write how you feel about it.

No plagiarism! Quotes and citations are good.
Please, do not count the work cited page in the word count – you can even leave this page out.

The Abortion Divide – Summary/Report

*Requires to watch a video/film*

**Write a report of the documentary above related to American politics.
*And how it relates to Government; U.S. Politics (topics include American government and civic engagement, constitution, federalism, civil liberties, civil rights, public opinion, voting and elections, the media, political parties, interest groups and lobbying, congress, the presidency, the judiciary, state and local government, the bureaucracy, domestic policy, foreign policy).

**3rd step: write how you feel about it.

No plagiarism! Quotes and citations are good.
Please, do not count the work cited page in the word count – you can even leave this page out.

geoengineering and international security

Is Geoengineering (Climate Engineering) A Threat to Global Security?

This is a policy paper and I will attach guidelines and my proposal paper below.

If possible, use at least one source from my proposal. You can use all as well. Those sources are valid.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

All fire investigators are required to possess the basic skills that are needed to determine the cause and origin of a fire. The textbook and Unit I Lesson discuss these skills.

For this assignment, you will discuss fire investigation, the skills and knowledge required to conduct an official investigation, and the steps of the scientific method. Specifically, address the prompts below, and describe the process of how they are applied during fire investigations in your agency or community.

Describe the basic elements of fire dynamics chemistry and combustion.
Discuss the skills required to develop a cause and origin investigation.
List and explain the seven steps of the scientific method.
Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You may use the textbook, the Unit I Lesson, or outside sources to develop your essay. If any outside resources are used, they must be properly cited. Your essay, including all references, must be formatted in APA style.

The course text is Kirk’s Fire Investigation, if this helps.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer ONE of the following questions, in a two-paged, single-spaced, essay:

1. Explain the political economy of the China Boom and its implications for world politics?

2. How can we explain the depth and breadth of the COVID-19 Crisis in the US from a political economy perspective?

Write a full two pages. Use quotes and references FROM THE COURSE READINGS.

1. Week 12 screenshots and Graham Allison
2. Week 13 screenshots and 4 articles

4 articles

The Relationship between Democracy and Economic Growth of Pakistan

I will be needing the writer to write an essay about a case study of the relationship between democracy and economic growth in Pakistan. I will provide a document in which several parts of it are already done including sources for research and ideas that have been brainstormed by me. I just need the writer to make it into a well-written case study.,

Political parties

Requirements 10%

Does the paper meet all basic requirements?
– Length: 7-12 pages (excluding the Works Cited page)
– Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
– Formatting: Double-spaced, 1-inch margins
– Works Cited page
Research 25%
What kinds of sources are utilized?
What is the balance of primary and secondary sources?
What is the breadth of the research? Did the paper employ the full-range of sources
What is the depth of the research?
Are all sources proper cited? (MLA, APA, Chicago are all acceptable)
Content 50%
Is the central idea and thesis statement clear?
– Is there a precise question the paper seeks to answer?
– Does the paper lay out specific points to answer the question posed in the thesis?
Does the paper stick closely to the thesis and the points laid out?
How does the paper develop the various points and arguments?
How in depth does the papers analysis go?
Does the paper demonstrate a robust understanding of the topic, including opinions and
arguments that agree and disagree with the central idea?
Grammar, Usage, Mechanics 15%
Is the paper proofread and free of spelling and grammatical errors?
Things to watch:
– Spelling and word choice
– Punctuation
– Capitalization
– Verb usage and agreement – Parallelism

Constitutional rights

What are the Constitutional rights of those arrested and tried for criminal acts?  Topics must include:  Miranda Rights,  Search and Seizure,  Confessions,  Habeas Corpus,  Arraignment,  Counsel,  Bail,  Right to remain silent,  Speedy Trial,  Self-incrimination,  Cruel and Unusual Punishment,  Appeal.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please answer this question, One paragraph for each question.

– Read the chapters by Allison

1. Describe the key dynamics of China’s economic integration with the world economy today.

2. Describe the key features of China’s model of ‘market socialism’.

3. How are US-China relations characterized by both rivalry and interdependence?


When we think about representation in the American political system, were not only talking
about our elected officials, but also about political parties and interest groups. Define both
political parties and interest groups and discuss their functions. What roles do each fill? Do we,
in the US, fit the Responsible Party Model? Why or why not? What are some advantages and
disadvantages of having powerful political parties and interest groups? In your ideal political
system, what do you believe is the appropriate role of each?