Category: Political Science

The future of the International Order

Write a Political Science Essay about the “Future of International Order” (More details about the track are given in the “Instruction” file) using the sources that I have uploaded (it’s not compulsory to use all of them, and it’s possible to use external sources relevant to the track).
Full details and guidelines are given in the “Instructions” file.

Thanks in advance that everyone who can help me.


posting approximately 50 words to comment on any course topics.There are several ways to do create your posts:

– Discuss any of course issues or case studies in terms of its historical or contemporary contexts.

– Share relevant news or multimedia content AND comment on.

– Raise an insightful question about any discussed topics.

each topic that i have uploaded must write about it 50 words.

Can you answer the question

Are we witnessing the decline of liberalism, as a model for economic and political development, in the world today? To answer this question, discuss the rise (and possible decline) of either Great Britain OR the United States, compare it to the rise of China, and construct an argument to either defend or condemn liberalism as a viable model for the world today.

answer the question

Are we witnessing the decline of liberalism, as a model for economic and political development in the world today? To answer this question, discuss the rise (and possible decline) of either Great Britain or the United States, compare it to the rise of China, and construct an argument to either defend or condemn liberalism as a viable model for the world today.


1.    What is the definition of direct labor cost?

2.    In general practice, what are the 3 types of labor costs that are referred to as direct labor?

3.    How is the Government protected in cost-reimbursement contracts when analyzing direct labor costs?

4.    When talking about average wage rates, which method is the most precise (plant-wide rate, departmental rate, or rates by labor category)?

5.    Define direct material cost.

6.    The actual quantity of parts consumed in manufacturing or construction will almost always exceed the basic minimum quantity that is listed in the bill of material.  TRUE or FALSE

7.    Give 3 examples of what could be included in material costs.

8.    According to FAR 15.404-1 Technical Analysis, what 3 things should the Contracting Officer request technical assistance for evaluating

9.    List 3 examples of what would be considered Other Direct Cost (ODCs).

10.    Give a couple of examples of what would increase a companys overhead.

11.    Normally overhead rates will increase as the volume of business increases, and decrease when business volume falls off.    TRUE or FALSE

12.    What are the 4 major components of factory overhead?

13.    What is the formula for the Units of Production Method when discussing the allocation of overhead?

14.    What is the formula for the Direct Material Cost Method when discussing the allocation of overhead?

15.    What is allocation of overhead put simply?

16.    What happens to a company if they have set their overhead rates too low?

17.    What 3 factors must a Government analyst consider when assessing the reasonableness of a proposed overhead rate?

18.    What is a Forward Pricing Rate Agreement (FPRA)?

19.    What type of cost (expense) would a companys top level management fall under?

20.    List the 6 steps for determining Facilities Cost of Money.

21.    Why is adequate profit in the Governments best interest?

22.    What is the statutory limit on fee for a Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee contract EXCLUDING experimental, developmental, or research work?

23.    What two general principles prevail in measuring equitable adjustments?

24.    Profit may be included in an equitable adjustment proposal as long as the adjustment is not resulting from suspension of work.    TRUE or FALSE

25.    Which agency is the dominant federal agency that performs contract audit work?

American Government

Complete the following assignment in a 2-3 page paper, 600-800 words.

Summarize the system of checks and balances between the three branches of American government. In your opinion, is any one branch more powerful than the other two? Why or why not? What could be done to more evenly distribute power between the branches?

Please use the grading rubric for guidance.

Outline the relationship between political and administrative actors in Canada’s Westminster system

Outline the relationship between political (specifically, Cabinet and First Minister) and administrative (specifically, bureaucratic) actors in Canada’s Westminster system.
In your answer, be sure to outline:
the general role of each actor;
the role of each actor in decision-making; and,
the accountability of each actor.
Then, identify one potential weakness or challenge to the relationship between political and administrative actors in Canada’s Westminster system. Finally, develop an argument how you would address that challenge/weakness that you identified.
It is impossible to provide an estimated length for an ‘A’ answer. The best advice is to layout your answer and be sure to answer all the points above carefully. Also, be sure to have a clear and forceful thesis early on in your essay.

The question will be sufficiently broad to allow students to concentrate on the topics that they want to explore. However, students must ensure that when answering the question that they draw on the course materials (i.e. students who opt to discuss cannabis legislation, while interesting, is not part of the course materials so be sure to draw on the material that you have learned such as the role of Cabinet, role of public servants, how municipalities fit into how government works in Canada (or does not fit!), etc).
Essays must have a clear, concise and forceful thesis statement along with a proper introduction and conclusion.  The essay is meant to be an argumentative exercise, not a descriptive exercise, so be sure to develop a logical and coherent argument. The essay questions will be broad, and not narrowly focused, to allow you to develop an argument. I encourage you to review the overall learning objectives of the entire course which include:

It is not possible to estimate the length required for an A answer, but one paragraph is very, very, very unlikely to be enough. Please do not ask what the required length is because each writer is different: some are more succinct, some are not so it is impossible to answer this question with any precision, but ideally 12-15 paragraphs should be sufficient (remember, a paragraph can not consist of just one sentence).

course materials:
Thinking government
Issues in Canadian governance

Craft, Jonathan, and Amanda Clarke. Issues in Canadian Governance. , 2018.
Johnson, David. Thinking Government: Public Administration and Politics in Canada. , 2017.

Assignment 21 Claims and CO Decisions

    After reading the assigned chapter(s) and reviewing any provided supplemental material, answer the following questions:

1.    What kind of claims can the contractor bring against the government?
2.    What kind of claims can the government bring against the contractor?
3.    Why is the accrual of a claim important?
4.    What is a Contracting Officer Decision?
5.    What are the COs responsibilities or duties when making a CO Decision?
6.    Do you think that the COs unilateral decision process is fair to the contractor?  Explain your opinion.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this writing assignment, provide an essay of at least 200 words for each question.  Submit your answers on a Word document.  You are not required to include a cover page, but include at least one APA formatted reference on your reference page. 

Use this template for proper formatting:

Essay Question Writing Assignment Template

After reading through Chapter 12, answer the following questions in the textbox below:

1.  List and briefly describe each step in the military intelligence cycle. How does it differ from the traditional intelligence cycle?

2.  Explain the roles of the commander, the intelligence officer, and the 2 section of military intelligence.


PROMPT: By reading the answers given by 3 different students (see attached documents) UPDATE the answers below AND GIVE CREDIT (cite) to two students that help improve the response below.
NB: Only improve the questions that need and can be improve ( No need to update all the 7 questions)

Most questions are based  on the doc: The Lie Factory(See File Attached)

Question 1: When and why did the era of modern campaign management begin?
The era of modern campaign management began in the early 20th century. This is when campaign managers replaced party bosses and became the ones to forge the direction of the party. In the previous ear, the party bosses would call the shots on different party issues and how they would approach an election. However, this was not a sustainable model. For instance, this sometimes made some places to have a single party. With modern campaign management, the parties would be able to compete equally in the elections.
Question 2: Why did Whitaker argue for more partisanship?
Whitaker felt that there was a need to have more partisanship in the Americas. That is because more partisanship strengthened the ideologies of a party. He felt that the current status quo did not help the parties in becoming stronger. Most of the parties were weak, meaning that the competition in the election was not favorable, thus making some dominant in various regions. However, with more partisanship, the parties would be able to fight equally in an election.
Question 3: Whitaker argued the “The average American doesnt want to be educated; he doesnt want to improve his mind; he doesnt even want to work, consciously, at being a good citizen,  For Whitaker what were the two ways you could get Americans interested in a campaign?
According to Whitaker, the two ways that one could get the Americans interested in a campaign is by putting on a show and giving it a fight. By fighting, it means that the party leaders will engage in a challenge that every party will sell their ideologies to the population. This would help the people to engage in a conversation, where the party with the best ideologies would win the fight. Besides, putting on a show would make the party memorable. This means that more people would follow a campaign based on how different parties put on a show in the campaign time. For instance, having celebrities performing before the party sells its ideologies  to the multitude.
Question 4: Who retained Whitaker and Baxter to fight Gov. Warren’s comprehensive compulsory health insurance for the state of California?  What tactics did Whitaker and Baxter employ?
The California Medical Association retained Whitaker and Baxter to fight Gov. Warrens health insurance. The conflict between the governor and the two had begun after the governor fired them from their posts in the California government after his election. The California medical association retained them for an annual fee of twenty-five thousand dollars. The tactics they used was to have a drive that would allow the California citizens to purchase their own private insurance covers. Additionally, they used doctors to be able to achieve their objective. They would have the doctors go to the citizens with prepared speeches, which would help to convince the citizens. Additionally, they would use newspapers, which was the common mainstream media at the time.
Question 5: When did the era of pretesting public opinion to tailor candidate positions begin?
The era of pretesting public opinion to tailor a candidate position began in the time that Whitaker and Baxter were fighting with Gov. Warren. This is where they would evaluate the publics opinion on a specific issue before they make a specific position. The pretesting of public opinion also helps candidates to know how they will approach the citizens to campaign for a specific issue.
Question 6: What is the import, purpose, and consequence of individuated subjective appeals in political messaging?  How do these subjective appeals undermine democracy and what role has the internet and social media played in further weaponizing these appeals?
A subjective appeal is an appeal to the public based on the opinion of the person making it. A subjective appeal is supposed to make a group of people to subscribe to the opinion of the person and vacate their own perception of an issue. This means that if it is successful, people will subscribe to that opinion. For instance, a subjective appeal by a party will make the citizens subscribe to the ideologies. This might make a society a one-party state. This means that it will undermine democracy by weakening the other parties.
Question 7: Lastly, what if anything can be done to make voters more interested in evidence-based decision-making and policy arguments? And more interested in taking on the obligations of being informed and publicly minded citizens?  Are these goals even worth pursuing?
There are various ways that citizens could be made interested in evidence-based decision making. According to the article, voters are lazy and do not want to exert any effort. To make them interested in evidence-based decision making, they will have to be sensitized on the need to explore all the options. This helps make them understand how various parties operate. Additionally, they will evaluate all the ideologies. The goals are worth pursuing because they help in strengthening democracy.