Category: Political Science

Essay #1 – American Political Ideology

1. Do you consider yourself to lean liberal or conservative, or are you more moderate?  In the opening of this essay you will identify the ideology you feel you most align with, and briefly explain why you feel this is the case.  This will serve as a form of introduction or thesis.  You will then answer the following questions in separation sections. It can be necessary in this section to show you understand this ideology you align with by defining it, and the textbook can help you with that. You can also take quizzes online to figure this out and then cite those quizzes as sources.

2. Pick one of the 10 Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution, and explain your view on how/why that right should be protected or limited, based on your preferred ideological views.  You can use the textbook or the internet as sources, since they can offer plenty of definitions and interpretations of these rights/liberties. The textbook is also a good resource. 

3. Pick a controversial SOCIAL issue, and discuss your view on the government’s role in dealing with that issue. It’s important to avoid issues that would be considered more economical or that deal with international problems. (Make sure it doesn’t overlap with the amendment you picked in section 2).  Feel free to to use any opinion articles online to highlight any ideological view on this issue that you share.

4. Would you consider yourself a supporter of the President? Try to focus on a policy or law that the current administration has supported or implemented and use this to explain why or why not you consider yourself a supporter.  You can look on WhiteHouse.Gov or on the President original campaign website to find ideas as to policies and or positions held by Mr. Trump himself, or you can look to other news and opinion articles online.


This essay must be 4-5 pages and use at least 4 sources.  You will need a works cited page apart from the 4-5 pages of content as well. You should only write this in 12 size font Times New Roman, and make it double spaced. You do NOT need a title page or abstract.  You must cite sources in APA style, and feel free to use the Purdue Owl website that I will share in class.

“The Atlantic” by Ta-Nehesi Coates


A reading response should accomplish two primary things: first, it should summarize the text and second, it should evaluate that text. All supplemental readings take some sort of stance on a particular political issue or topic. More specifically, they try to explain some sort of political phenomenon. The authors may be right, they may be wrong, they may do a poor job of shedding light on or explaining a political phenomenon, etc. In these reading responses, you will take a position and judge these authors their interpretations the political world.

Political Action Essay


Part 1:  Analyze how your experience with your political action compares to what you have read in the assigned readings listed on the syllabus.  Explain how your political action brings to mind specific things that you learned from the assigned readings listed on the syllabus. You must do a detailed compare/contrast of your political action experience with specific things found in the the assigned readings listed on the syllabus.  Is your personal real-world experience during your political action the same as or different from what is presented in the assigned readings?  Explain.  Don’t forget to include citations to specific things from the the assigned readings listed on the syllabus and cite as parenthetic citations.  Example:  when citing to the Krutz textbook which you are assigned to read for the class, include parenthetic citations to the book (meaning to put the citations containing the author’s name and page number or section number within parentheses).  It should look like (Krutz, page number/section number). 

Part 2:  Identify a specific political issue/problem that is currently highlighted in the news right now, and use everything that you have learned from class AND from your experience gained from your political action to create detailed strategies for taking action to respond to (or even solve) that political issue/problem in the news.  Make sure to include a citation to the news source (name of the news source and/or URL web address, etc.).  Not including a citation to a news source in your paper will also result in a loss of points.


Links to additional assigned readings for theme 3 (click on each link):

  • Go to 

Click on and read Executive, Legislative, Judicial

  • Go to
  • Go to

Links to additional assigned readings for theme 4 (click on each link):

  • Martin Luther King, Jr.s Letter from a Birmingham Jail
  • Voting Rights and the Color of Law – The New Yorker
  • Cesar Chavezs Letter from Delano
  • Social Movements in the U.S.- Time


  • Krutz, Glen. American Government. Houston: OpenStax. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Students are required to prepare a policy analysis paper on a specific policy in one of the following policy topic areas:

Immigration policy (example policies: Immigration Act, refugee policies, undocumented migrants)

Assignment Guidelines

Writing a successful academic essay is a process that requires several elements and steps.

        Clearly define the topic/question you are looking to address
        Research the topic using relevant scholarly and reputable sources
        Develop a Research Proposal in which you will outline your topic, some preliminary research, and an outline of how you intend to structure the essay
        Using feedback from your TA and peers, restructure and find additional sources as necessary
        Write your first draft, edit, re-edit, spell-check, have someone else read it, and submit it

Americans trust in the government

Essay Question #1: Political analysts have identified a significant change in the American publics level of trust in government over the last 50 years. Describe the direction of this change and discuss some of the recent events that have led Americans to reevaluate their feelings toward government. Is there any reason to be worried about how much trust citizens have in their government?  Is there a reason to be worried about the lack of knowledge of how our government is structures and operates?


Please read the following article by Graeme Wood. Please respond to the article in 2 pages or less  For those who need a basic platform, here is a guiding question:

Graeme Wood provides a detailed look at the ideology of ISIS and its relationship to Islam. Considering our classroom discussions and the texts we read together, what is your opinion regarding ISIS ideology (as described by Wood and as discussed in class) and its relationship to Islam? What have our readings and discussions taught you about Islam’s radical potential?

Those who have a different response to Wood’s article are welcome to respond in any way they like. The question is just for your convenience.

U.S Constitution

Read and carefully follow these instructions:

  Watch the entire C-SPAN Constitution video (0:18:00 minutes).
  Create a post for our class discussion and explain to your classmates and professor, in your view, which ONE of the three branches of the U.S. government is the most powerful and why?
Guidelines for your post and replies:

Use specific examples from this video (timestamp of the video required) to support your choice of governmental branch.
Of course, you are welcome to also rely on other resources from our Canvas site, textbook, homework quiz, or outside sources as well. When you do use sources other than the video, you will need to properly cite the source and if appropriate, use the skills you developed and discussed in our first week of class How to Evaluate News Sources.
Your post should be between 250 300 words.  Your replies should be a minimum of 3-4 well-constructed sentences that directly address your classmates’ posts and hopefully will include a question to encourage further discussion.

Analysis and Summary of an Article

Article Chosen: John C. Courtney, The Selection of National Party Leaders in Canada, Toronto, Macmillian, 1973
New Edition: (Mcgill-Queen’s University Press 1995)

Introduction :

Primary Idea of the text we are analysing
Angle of the analysis
Definition of certain concepts used throughout the paper
Display the structure of your paper

Summary of the text

At least one citation per paragraph

Analysis of the text

-Make a link to the present
-When was the text published, is the situation the same today? Is the text still relevant? are there other issues that should be adressed considering the today’s climate. Compare the events occuring in the text to another event occuring somewhere else in the world

Conclusion :

Re summarise the main idea of the text
sumarrise your analysis and critique
Closing statement

1200 1500 mots
Numbered pages
Chicago style

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The paper should be structured around answering the following question:

what is an important foreign policy issue the United States faces today, and why is it important?

Do not propose your own preferred solution.

Key elements of American engagement include, but are not limited to:
foreign aid, membership in international institutions, alliances, use of military force.

Synthesis paper

This is the professor instructions :

Explore the differences between the official form of government and the actual form of government in power for a country of your choice. The Synthesis Paper will analyze opposing viewpoints on this topic. Both sides of the issue will be examined.

Synthesis writing is a written discussion that draws on one or more sources. In an academic synthesis, you make explicit the relationships that you have inferred among separate sources. Go beyond summary to make judgments judgments based, of course, on critical reading of the sources. Go beyond the critique of individual sources to determine the relationship among them. 1000-1200 words, APA format.
Please write the basic as you can, and a easy government! like a small country or something please!