Category: Political Science

Wk 3 – U.S. Federal Bureaucracy and Public Policy Worksheet


Assignment Content

  1. Complete the worksheet.
  2. See attachment below


Module 04 Written Assignment – Cultural Integration

 Based on the assigned readings, share your thoughts about new China and developing India in the global community. In 1-2 pages, described the developments in China and India; discuss how those developments impact the global community; and discuss the ways that the global culture has more or less integrated in the recent years. Remember to include at least 2 credible and scholarly sources and cite your sources using proper APA format. 

Weapons of mass Destruction

Go through your annotated bibliography.
Based on the information presented in your annotated bibliography sources (and others if needed), define a problem statement that, in your opinion, would be useful and practical for you to investigate.
Organize your sources by sorting and classifying their findings in a meaningful way, always considering your original topic and problem.
Write a literature review that would seem to offer the greatest potential for developing a good theoretical framework, using seven to ten references. All of these can be from your annotated bibliography, or you can use others in addition to those in your annotated bibliography.
Develop the theoretical framework incorporating its basic functions as discussed in the text.
Generate a set of testable hypotheses based on your research question and the theoretical framework.
Your report must contain the sections outlined below. APA formatting standards must be followed throughout. The paper does not have to be lengthy; perhaps 750 to 1500 words. The introduction, research question, and hypothesis statement sections should be short and succinct. Most of the word count in your report will be in the literature review and theoretical framework sections.

In this section, give a clear and concise statement of the problem. Briefly indicate why it is a problem, why you selected it, and why it is important to solve the problem. Use references as necessary to support your arguments.

Literature Review
This should be one of the longer sections in your report. It should summarize other work related to the problem you identified. It should identify important variables and document significant findings from earlier research.

Research Question
This should be a brief section with a clear and concise statement of your question. It should be clear to the reader that your question is a logical outgrowth of previous research as summarized in your literature review.

Theoretical Framework
This section applies to deductive research. It should be one of the longer sections in your report.

This brief section should contain a clear and concise statement of your hypothesis or hypotheses. The hypotheses should be a logical outgrowth of the theoretical framework.

Your report must contain a reference section that includes all sources in your paper. References must be in APA format.

Martha Crenshaw’s 1981

In fact, Martha Crenshaw’s 1981 piece is a remarkable historical review of terrorism. Three factors she resolves from extensive cases that cause terrorism include a grievance, a lack of opportunity for political participation, and a pattern of government actions as a catalyst.

Q-How do these factors compare to the challenge of terrorism in 2020?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1) Research how the individual assigned to you and/or your group has contributed to the study of international development;JEFFREY SACHS
2) Create a short statement that this individual could have made about development; include specific examples from politics; bring it to class and post it here on D2L;
3) Be ready to defend this statement;
4) Recommended length: 1-2 pages, double spaced; please document your sources.

What is the relationship between food as a biological necessity, a commodity, and a source of social identity?

Recommended Reading
Atkins, P. & I. Bowler, (2001) Food in Society: Economy, Society, Geography
Belasco, W. (2008) Food: Key Concepts, chapter 1
Flandrin, J-M. & Montanari, M. (1999), eds. Food: A Culinary History from Antiquity to the Present
Fraser, E.D.G. & A. Rimas, Empires of Food: Feast, Famine, and the Rise and Fall of Civilizations
Harding, J. (2010) What Were About to Receive in London Review of Books, Vol. 32, No.9, May available here:
Mintz, S.W. (2008) Time, Sugar and Sweetness in Counihan, C.  & P. van Esterik eds. Food and Culture: A Reader
Pilcher, J.F. (2005) Food in World History

Further Reading
Albritton, R. (2009) Let Them Eat Junk: How Capitalism Creates Hunger and Obesity
Brillat-Savarin, J-A. (1825) The Physiology of Taste
Bourdieu, P. (1984) Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste
Clapp, J. (2010) Food
Davidson, A. (1999) The Oxford Companion to Food
Fernndez-Armesto, F. (2002) Food: A History
Fine, B., et al. (1996) Consumption in the Age of Affluence: The World of Food
Goody, J. (1984) Cooking, Cuisine and Class: A Study in Comparative Sociology
Guptill, A. et al. (2013) Food and Society: Principles and Paradoxes
Harris, M. (1986) Good to Eat: Riddles of Food and Culture
Kipel, K.F & Ornelas, K.C. (2000), eds. The Cambridge World History of Food
Lang, T. & M. Heasman (2004) Food Wars: The Battle for Mouths, Minds and Markets
McDonald, B. (2011) Food Security Addressing Challenges from Malnutrition, Food Safety and Environmental Change.
Menzel, P. and DAluisio, F. (2005) Hungry Planet: What the World Eats
Miller, J. and J. Deutsch (2009) Food Studies: An Introduction to Research Methods
Nestle, M. (2007) Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health, 2nd edition
Patel, R. (2007) Stuffed and Starved: the Hidden Battle for the World Food System
Pollan, M. (2007) In Defense of Food

Politics Rules


Welcome to Week 2.  Hopefully you survived the first week of classes!  This week we’ll be looking at  the Constitution and shared power!  There was a reason what started out as a confederation of 13 states turned into a federation!  In your view, are the rules of politics being broken? Is the US government broken? Should we as citizens be concerned?

Weigh in!

Humility in Leadership

Share a story from your career when a leader either A) displayed humility in leadership, or B) displayed arrogance in leadership.  Include how it affected the organizational behavior and your leadership style.

I want to write about (B) displayed arrogance in leadership.

I worked for a leader about 10 years ago who lead by threats and bragged about the people he has taken down in his career. The fact that he was a department head and his first message to his Sailors was negative–echo through the deck plates in a very negative way. Even though he was an Officer and we had to listen to him, his respect wasn’t there and sailors and Chief under his leadership suffered.

Please use this above to expand on toxic leadership and how it effects an organization behavior.

Latinamerican politics

This assignment consists in 3 parts.
a)  a well-refined one-sentence Research Question
b) an annotated bibliography of 15 academic journals (where you will have to write the the general thesis, supporting arguments, methodology , and ideology)
c)  a detailed outline of what would be a major research paper. (Every support paragraph should include the thesis statement, statement of method, statement of significance)

1) The first step is to devise a very carefully constructed one sentence Research Question. You are to choose your own topic. If you do not already have a topic in mind, please focus on Argentina, Chile, Brazil, or a Central American country. You may also wish to cover a theme rather than a country. Do not pose a future-tense question.

Limit your question in terms of time-frame and subject, so that the question is narrow enough to address thoroughly in a 15 page research paper.

Examples of an acceptable question are the following: What were the FARCs chief political interests in its peace negotiation with the Colombian Government from 2012-2017? Or: What have been the major political impacts in Venezuela of black market currency manipulation since 2012? An example of an unacceptable question, one that is too broad, is the following: What are US interests in the Latin America?

2. ) 2) Once you have a research question, use any web library and obtain 15 ACADEMIC JOURNAL sources, the higher quality, the better. Strive for ideological balance in the sources, provide more than one perspective to your topic. Make sure your sources are sufficiently diverse to incorporate a debate into your paper. DO NOT USE BOOKS.

3) Provide an annotated bibliography. That is, provide a bibliography of the sources you are using (alphabetized in accepted bibliographical style), with a one-paragraph annotation for each source. Each citation will address four components: the thesis; supporting arguments; methodology (address quality of sources and coherence of the piece); and ideology, or bias.

The citation should be in complete sentences with careful writing. Do not write more than five sentences (one sentence each for the thesis, supporting arguments and ideology, and two sentences for the methodology commenting on sources and coherence ).

Example of one annotated bibliography:

North, Liisa. Understanding Central America (Toronto: Between the Lines, 1989).
Norths central argument is that US policy to Central America is misconceived and runs counter to the interests of Central Americas majority population. She notes that US military policy is backfiring by causing anti-Americanism, and that US policy is causing a deterioration of living standards in Nicaragua and El Salvador in particular. Regarding methodology, North uses many primary sources such as interviews, government documents, and UN reports. Her argument is logical and well-presented. North writes from a socialist perspective.

4) Provide a detailed outline of what would be your research paper. The outline is to include:
a) Your complete three sentence introduction: thesis; statement of method; statement of significance;
b) The topic sentence of each paragraph for what would be a 15 page paper;
c) After each topic sentence, list the relevant authors and page numbers in parentheses that you would include if you were developing that topic sentence into a paragraph.

Cherry-Halyburton POW

Why should stories such as Cherry-Halyburton POW be shared among Senior Enlisted Leaders?  Which values mentioned in this story might help you to be a better leader?

Values Honor, courage and commitment should be mentioned in his story, but I would point out “courage”

Here is something about him below:

During a combat mission on October 22, 1965, Cherry’s F-105 Thunderchief fighter-bomber was shot down over North Vietnam. Cherry ejected and landed with a broken ankle and wrist, and a crushed shoulder. He was immediately captured by North Vietnamese militia.

Cherry was the first and highest ranking black officer among U.S. Prisoners of War during the Vietnam War. According to Cherry, his North Vietnamese captors wanted him to make public statements about racial intolerance in the United States, but he refused. As a result, Cherry spent 702 days in solitary confinement and was tortured or placed in punishment for 93 days in a row. Cherry’s jailers placed U.S. pilot Ensign Porter Halyburton, a Southern white man, in Cherry’s cell in the hopes that the two men would become antagonists. Instead, the two pilots helped each other to survive confinement and became very good friends. After seven years as a prisoner of war, Cherry was released from captivity on February 12, 1973.[4] Cherry told the story of his POW’s experience to Wallace Terry