Category: Political Science

Letter to an editor


 This assignment involves your writing a letter to the editor of a newspaper or magazine. The letter will demonstrate your opinion on a policy issue. Students are asked to monitor their local newspapers or school newspaper and asked to write a letter to the editor related to a local, state, or federal issue of concern to them. Students need to research the issue briefly and reflect critically on the implication it has for social policies and social justice issues. The letter must be written professionally and free of spelling and grammatical errors. The letter should be no more than 200 – 250 words in length. Once the letter is completed, make certain your name, address, and town in which you reside are enclosed with the letter.  

“Bowling Alone” by Robert D. Putnam

Only 550 words please (2) pages.
A reading response should accomplish two primary things: first, it should
summarize the text and second, it should evaluate that text. All supplemental readings take some sort of
stance on a particular political issue or topic. More specifically, they try to explain some sort of political
phenomenon. The authors may be right, they may be wrong, they may do a poor job of shedding light on
or explaining a political phenomenon, etc. In these reading responses, you will take a position and judge
these authors their interpretations the political world.

3 branches of governent

The Constitution established our three branches of government. It also distributed certain powers to certain branches, and provided a system of checks and balances to ensure no one branch would become too powerful.  In a 5-paragraph essay explain each branch of government explaining the following:
The purpose/role of that branch
One power that branch has
How that power could be checked by one other branch.

Organization Analysis

Topic: Organization Analysis

Question/Prompt: For this assignment, you will choose 1 group, organization, etc. that is actively involved in engaging the culture. Possible groups include (but are not limited to):


Heritage Foundation

The goal is to explain and analyze what the organization is doing to impact the culture. You can focus on the strengths and accomplishments of the group, or you could focus on its weaknesses and suggest ways the group could be more effective. Cite your information where necessary. Your answer must be at least 250 words.

Campaign and Elections Paper

Paper must be double spaced, with 12 point font and include section headers for each of the paper sections noted below (Candidate, Campaign Message, Campaign Strategy, Campaign Resources).

Objective: The objective of this assignment is for students to think critically about effective political campaigns in Texas and understand both the personal and social responsibility inherent in representative democracy.

Description of Assignment: You have been hired to be the campaign manager for a candidate who is running in the 2022 general election to be the Governor of Texas. As campaign manager, you need to develop the campaign plan based on the four of the five (do not worry about campaign organization) components of a modern campaign discussed in the lecture notes. In your paper, please address the following:

  • Candidate Description: A description of the qualifications (personal and professional) of the fictional candidate you will be working for. Create the biography for your candidate, including name, education, family, political and work experience, history and characteristics (include political party) for your candidate. (Unit 2 Written Lectures, Slide 2-23)
  • Campaign Message: Select one of the campaign messages in the notes and talk about how it will be used in your campaign- it should be a good fit for the candidate you describe. (Unit 2 Written Lectures, Slide 2-24)
  • Campaign Strategy: Explain what types of voters are likely to vote for you (based on candidate qualities and campaign message noted above). (Unit 2, Written Lectures, Slide 2-25)
  • Campaign Resources: Explain what types of people are most likely to donate money to and work in your campaign. (Unit 2, Written Lectures, Slide 2-25)

The paper should include subject headers (ie. Candidate, Campaign Message, Campaign Strategy and Campaign Resources, etc.). The paper should be at least 3-4 pages in length.


1 PAGE EACH Question

Question 1

Part 1
Explain the relationship and differences between a political party and an interest group? How do they interact? From where does each get their power and are they necessary in todays political climate?  Which one is more powerful in TX and why?

Part 2
Research an interest group that you would like to join, but never knew about. Tell me all about it. How many members, what do they advocate for? where are they located, what issues/bills are they working on now? how much are membership fees? (The following groups are too well known, so don’t use them- NAACP, NOW, NRA, Greenpeace, PETA)

Question 2

Texas has always sought to leave the power with the people as much as possible, thereby limiting the power of the government. In the legislature, we have a part-time legislature made up of the citizenry. Do you think this is still applicable and appropriate today or are problems so complicated that we need professional full-time legislators? Why or why not? Be sure to use FULL Detail here.

Part 2: Examine the filibuster. First, give me a clear explanation (i.e. a seven-year-old should be able to understand it) of what it is. Then tell me the pros and cons of it. Lastly, give me a good argument about whether we should keep it or not; use examples past its use in the TX legislature to help your argument.

Question 3
Part 1
The Texas governor is considered one of the weakest in the country. Why was he made so weak and how does that weakness reveal itself? Should we increase the powers of the governor today? How does the structure of the Texas Executive Branch reveal or affect these weaknesses? Is this model sustainable today and in the future?

Part 2: The Governor of TX is a strange position. He is ultimately in charge of the state on a day to day basis and we give him tremendous powers to do so. However, we have eliminated any way for him to keep a secret from the people of TX. Meanwhile, the President of the United States can keep many secrets from the people of the United States. Do you think the Governor SHOULD be able to keep a secret from the people of Texas?

What it means to be American

Explain your view of what it means to be an American.  Essentially, you are being asked to define the essence of the American identity.  There is no right or wrong answer. You might want to relate your perspective on the American identity to the ideological typology  (e.g., liberal, conservative, libertarian, and communitarian).

Us Navy Uniform Allowance And How it Disbursed

I need my outline to not only match my essay, but to match the example attached which is a three part comms essay.

my instructor gave me some feed back and I will need this paper and outline to be adjusted to his recommendation.

This is what he wrote below:

The outline is important to ensure you have the intro, transitions, and conclusion correctly.
I just took a quick look at the essay you sent….and the intro, transitions, and conclusion DO NOT MEET SEA 3Part Comms requirements. They will all need to be re-written. I recommend you complete/re-do the outline (with Problem, Discussion and Recommendation) and send it back to me.

this is the instruction to the assignment I should follow below:

1 Apr-18
TITLE: Problem Essay
This assignment was adapted from the CNO Point Paper/Position Paper. Problem essays offer a means to advance recommendations in a direct and objective manner. Problem essays provide a concise summary of an important issue, include background information to clarify the problem, a discussion of the issues surrounding the problem, and conclude with a recommended course of action. Problem essays bring recommended solutions to the attention of an entire organization and bring concerns to a higher level.
This assignment provides the student the opportunity to develop and present a fact-based argument to address an issue currently facing military members. In addition, this problem essays provides the basis for an oral presentation to the Chiefs Mess on the topic selected.
1. Utilizing the Three-Part Communications Model, prepare an essay on an issue relevant to the military community. Everything in this assignment, including the essay, must be unclassified.
2. Students will choose a topic of Navy or military interest and present it to the Faculty Advisor (FA) for approval. Once approved, prepare a problem essay identifying the problem, a discussion of the size, scope, and impact of the problem, and a recommendation to correct or change the issue.
3. Develop an outline using the format provided in Handout HO 2-02-1. Submit the outline in accordance with FA guidance.
4. Use material provided in Modules 2.01a Three-Part Communications and 2.02 Effective Writing for assistance and guidance.
5. The length of the essay shall be two to three double-spaced pages, excluding the title and reference pages. The limited length of this essay allows the student to focus on research organization, prioritization of analysis, and arguments.
6. Format: For writing style and guidance, refer to the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (APA), 6th Ed.
7. Employ a persuasive writing style, explaining thoughts and ideas on the topic addressed.
2 Apr-18
8. Provide a reference page citing all sources used in this assignment. Include a minimum of
three credible references. Students will base research on facts from credible sources. (Examples
of non-credible sources include the dictionary, Wikipedia, and Per the APA, each
reference cited in text must appear in the reference list, and each entry in the reference list must
be cited in text [emphasis added] (p.174).
9. Similarity index provided from Turnitin cannot exceed 25%, excluding references.
10. Write the essay in the third person (i.e., use he, she, they, them, his, her . . . instead of I, me,
my, we, our, us, lets, you, your).
11. The essay must follow the model described in required reading 2.01a Three-Part
Communications. Recall that there are three parts to an essay: introduction, body, and
conclusion. For the body, use main points: Problem, Discussion, and Recommendation.
Remember to include a transition sentence between main points. The essay MUST use the main
points as described and in the order presented below.
A. Main point (1): Problem. States the problem the student identified. The problem lays
the foundation to explain the impact and recommendation. Include background information if
needed to clarify the main topic.
B. Main point (2): Discussion. Here, the student will look at the cause-and-effect of the
problem. State the issues as they currently affect the military community. What are the positive
and negative effects of this issue (pros and cons)? This main point will help the reader
understand the significance of the problem. Aim to persuade the reader with facts.
C. Main point (3): Recommendation. Based on the research and facts presented, propose
a solution to the problem. In this main point, the student will take a definitive position and state a
recommendation to correct or change the issue. (Reminder: Even though the student is making a
personal recommendation, consistent with the entire essay, write the recommendation in the third
person. See paragraph 10 above.)
NOTE: Mechanics, structure, punctuation, and grammar are important in the
writing/composition process. Originality, substance, content, and clarity are equally vital.

The Services

Either A) Share an experience you had in the joint environment.  What impact did that experience have on your Partner-service outlook? 

Or B) If you have never experienced a joint environment, how can stereotypes of a Partner-service impact future joint operations?

I choose A.

I serve in Jbouti Africa from 2008-2009 and before going into that particular theater as a Navy sailor, I had to train with the Army for a few months. Even though I thought the experience with working with another branch was cool, it was still something I had to get use to and it made me appreciate the rich history and heritage of the Navy and how the difference between how the Navy treats E-7 and above then how the Army does.

For the small assignment please touch on the differences between the Navy and Army difference in how E-7’s are looked to as leaders and the differences in where they sleep or eat.

N. Korea/Iran

Choose either A) N. Korea or B) Iran, and explain how that nation is impacting the global security environment.  Identify your concern and how it affects global security.  Include how this issue/concern is relevant to any of our higher-level U.S. strategies.

I choose Iran