Category: Psychology

Philosphy 1 1/2 Page Essay

ss, we saw Star Trek: The Next Generation Justice, High Noon, and A Man for All Seasons. In each of these dramas, the main character faces a moral dilemma. Synopses of these dramas are attached to this test.Using 1 to 2 typed, double-spacedpages answer any ONE of the following essay questions.

A.)Should Captain Picard let the Edo execute Wesley Crusher or not? Why, or why not? B.)Should Marshall Will Kane leave town or have a show down with Frank Miller?Why?C.)Should Sir Thomas More swear to King Henry VIIIs oath or not? Why, or whynot?Be sure to defend your answer with a CAREFUL ARGUMENT, relying on one or more of the moral traditions we examined in class. It is NOT enough merely to state your opinion, no matter how heart-felt it may be.N. B.:Do NOT be overly influenced by the decisions the characters made in the dramas. Make and defend your own decisions


Watch the 5 minute clip: “”

Then write a 1 -2 double spaced, response paper that answers following:

  1. Write 1 paragraph that summarizes the main idea and tips given in the video.  
  2. Explain how you will implement the tips/advice explained in the video into your speech performance.
  3. What tip(s) would you give another public speaking student about the topic.

Article Critique 1

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.


Two 3-5 paged article critique is due during the term.  The paper must be a critique of a published empirical study. Specific details are included later in the syllabus .  Students will be randomly assigned due dates for the critique. 

Empirical Article Critique (3-5 pages)

Empirical Article critiques are graded in accordance to the requirements listed below.  The critique must include the following things:

1.              The content of the critique must contain the following sections:

a.     summary of the article (this is your summary, not the abstract from the article). Summary should discuss purpose of paper, hypothesis, methods (participants, instruments), & results (this is approximately 1 – 2 pages)

b.     How is the article related to a topic covered in class?  Make explicit links.  Describe how the authors advanced our textbook knowledge. (this is approximately – 1 page)

c.     Were there limitations to the authors findings? What would have to change if the study was replicated on a different ethnic group and/or a different social economic group? (this is approximately – 1 page)

d.    State your concluding remarks.  What are your personal reactions to the points made? (this is approximately – 1 page) 

2.              APA formatted reference of the article

3.              You must attach the article along with your critique.

 The topic of Article  “Journal of Research on Adolescent”  


Imagine you have a son or daughter who is about to enter adolescence. Because you will soon be leaving on a journey that will prevent you from having contact with your children for the next 10 years, this will be your last opportunity to help your children deal with the changes they will experience during puberty and adolescence. You are to write a letter to a son and a daughter before you leave on your journey. The letter should be worded so that it can be understood by the children and so that it will give him and her a positive attitude toward the changes to be experienced. You are to emphasize the physical changes that take place during puberty and any other “words of wisdom” that you feel are important as they embark on their journey toward adulthood. You may address the letter to your son or daughter.  This is a subjective report and should not be SHORTER than two typed pages. 

Responding Back To Two Different Discussions.

 This is a discussion responding to two different students


Bereavement Counseling 

The response to death varies between culture, current attitudes, and personal beliefs (Wong et al., 2015). The commonality results in that grievance of demise and death itself is inevitable. Faith and spirituality provide a belief in a higher power and life after decease. The utilization of faith and spirituality as a therapeutic approach during the process of dying furnishes the perception of personal significance and satisfaction in existence (Wong et al., 2015). Bereavement counseling is a type of therapy that helps individuals cope with grief.  A popular approach that can be used within clinical setting for helping a person going through the grief cycle is Kbler-Ross model. The five stages of grief include: denial, anger, bargaining with a higher power, depression, and finally acceptance (Wong et al., 2015). The stages may occur following tragic news of a love one or oneself. These stages will continue until a person comes to terms with the end of life.

Grief counselors have a responsibility to not only those that they are serving but others as well.  According to the Association for Death Education and Counseling (2010), one of two responsibilities is that the client and/or legal guardian is notified both verbally and also in writing during the initial interview of the limitations for confidentiality. These are required by law, regulations, and/or establishment processes. It is an obligation for clients to be provided guidelines on personal information being shared and the grounds for breaching confidentiality. Providing the client with written copies of limitations on confidentiality and during the initial intake is vital for the counselor because it verifies notification that the client is aware and protects the therapist. Another responsibility listed with the Association for Death Education and Counseling (2010), is that counselors retain records and additional information pertaining to the client for at least a certain amount of years. The amount of years is determined by the state, province, or county of the therapists practice. Each state provides different regulations. Ignorance to a rule or responsibility is not acceptable (Association for Death Education and Counseling, 2010). Documentation is essential. It is important to note that if information is not documented, it did not happen. Though included in this discussion are only two responsibilities out of ten that a grief counselor is to uphold when serving this population. Grief counselors also have responsibility to others. These responsibilities include: No solicitation of clients to others, ensuring to collaborate with other previous professionals as it relates to the client, and using expertise when engaging in the community or take part in the interdisciplinary group work involving hospitals and school environments in the counselors surround location. Being placed in a position of authority requires responsibility. Knowing the appropriate actions which are to be taken as a grief counselor is significant. (463 Words)


Association for Death Education and Counseling. (2010). Code of Ethics. Retrieved from

Wong, D. W., Hall, K. R., Justice, C. A., & Hernandez, L. W. (2015). Counseling Individuals

             Through the Lifespan. Sage Publications.


Bereavement Counseling

From the beginning we are aware that we will experience end of life at some point in our life.  Grief is inevitable and we have no idea at what point in our lives we’ll experience it.  There is no set tone for grief and everyone reacts differently when faced with this tough time.  I’ve experienced grief a few times in my life, but at 22 years old I experienced a feeling that I’ve never felt when my doctor told me that she could save me but not my baby.  In the beginning, I was angry, frustrated, and couldn’t understand why God would take my blessing from me.  I questioned my faith a few times, but tried to stay happy.  I was more so trying to stay happy and okay for the people around me, but really I was angry, hurt, and devasted.  Through those dark times I actually found God, myself, and experienced a closer relationship with him.  During that time the Holy Spirit revealed to me why things had to go the way they did, and from that day to this day I am forever grateful for this experience.  Growing in my Faith taught me to draw near to God during tough times and trust that everything is a part of the process and plan.

End of life planning has been increasing through the years.  According to Wong, Hernandez, Justice, and Hall (2015), it is important for a counselor to understand thier clients religious or spiritual practices that give them a personal meaning of fulfillment.  Religion and the end of life experience is important because it represents the passing from the physical world to beyond (Choudry, 2018).  Religious and spiritual beliefs want to make the transition as smooth as possible because 1 Corinthians 15:54-55 states that “Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”  This scripture to me is letting you know that it’s okay to get to the end of life because there’s victory on the other side.  End of life pivots around two main points: (1) upholding the sanctity of life and (2) being fearless of death because of the hope of communion with God (Choudry, 2018). The Christian faith teaches that God provides us an earthly life journey which ends in death, but the promise after death is eteranl life free of all suffering in Heaven (Choudry, 2018).  Properly trained and competent professionals can play a vital role in the life of the people who are dying and their families by educating themselves because they can provide a sense of end of life peace.

The Code of Ethics for Death Education and Counseling (2010), states that “good education and counseling are based upon an understanding of, and a respect for, the student’s or client’s cultural background, developmental status, perceptions, and other individual differences and needs”. In order to fully serve someone as a counselor it is important to educate yourself on their circumstances.  This will allow you to get a full understanding, and provide the tools needed to meet your client where they are so that you can help them progress to the next level.  This will also eliminate client-counselor disagreements, or unintentional disrespect.  A counselor has to also be careful to keep their personal beliefs limited and focus primarily on the client’s needs.  Another responsibility listed by The Code of Ethics for Death Education and Counseling (2010), “Recognizing that conflict may arise within the family and community, and discussion of confidentiality and primary responsibility is to the individual”.  End of life can cause many emotions to arise for everyone closely involved.  There can be arguments about care, finances, or just anger from losing the person you love.  The counselor can act as a mediator for these family members to help assist them through the process, but the counselor has to keep in mind that each individual may be at a different stage in the grief process and emotions are at an all time high.  Counseling professionals will operate successfully with proper awareness of the transitional process (Wong, Hernandez, Justice, and Hall, 2015).

References 2010. Code Of Ethics – Association For Death Education And Counseling. [online] Available at: <>.

Choudry, M., 2018. An overview of the spiritual importances of end-of-life care among the five major faiths of the United Kingdom. Clinical Medicine, [online] 18(1), pp.23-31. Available at: <>.

Wong, D., Hall, K. and Wong Hernandez, L., 2015. Counseling Individuals Through The Lifespan. Los Angeles: Sage, pp.296-300.

Culturel Anthropology

In the concluding article of the textbook, authors Lambin and Fagin discuss a series of choices and difficult decisions confronting humanity with regards to living sustainable lives, characterized by well being for all. This involves examining cultural values, beliefs, and behaviors. How might these choices and decisions intersect with the concepts of communitas and collective consciousness, discussed earlier in the chapter? Can we use those concepts to help inform our understanding of the choices confronting us, and to guide our decision-making process in moving toward the future?

Discussion Week 4

Group DevelopmentWk 4 – Group Influence [due 


Due Thursday 

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Locate an article in the that describes the stages of group development. Then, describe the model of group development, providing an example of how a member of a group member can impede or accelerate the growth of the group at one of the stages. For this discussion, you can use a committee, a task group, or a club as an example.

Short Essay For Discussion Board

Think about how certain aspects of identity (age, race, gender, sexuality, class, etc) are defined, understood, and ranked in American society. Taking as many examples as you can from the chapter and films, what are some ways we might improve upon the system we have now, in terms of those categories? What are some of the values, beliefs, or practices you learned about in this unit (e.g. Native American tribes, hunter-gatherers, the Nuer, the Musuo) that might be useful in creating a better (or, “ideal”) society?



Create a 6-8 slide power point that includes the following:

  • Describe the differences between pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.
  • Describe an example of pharmacodynamics.
  • Describe an example of pharmacokinetics.

Include a minimum of two sources.

Format your references consistent with APA guidelines.

Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography consists of summaries of research articles. Research articles include a review of the literature what is already known about a specific topic. You should be closing in on your topic for the research proposals. This assignment is helping you find this information. What is the research question you are answering with your proposals?

Some topics from previous courses: 

  • The relationship between social media and unhealthy eating habits
  • The relationship between the attractiveness of politicians and their electoral success
  • Growing up with parents who have addictions and the likelihood of future addiction in kids

The annotated bibliography will help you find, and begin to review, articles for your research proposals. You need to find at least 5 research articles.

Here is a quick link to a discussion on the literature reviews: 

I made this video for another class, so ignore the information on the abstract, but it discusses literature reviews:

Here is a great example for how to setup an annotated bibliography. 

To give you more time to work on the annotated bibliography, it will be due Sunday night.