Category: Psychology

75-100 Discussion Question

Planning and Organizing

Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers.

This week you have learned about the planning and organizing management functions and the importance they have in decision making. To demonstrate how planning, organizing, and decision making are applied in the workplace, this weeks discussion will involve researching an article using one of the following sources:

Research Paper


1. Choose 1 topic/idea that you would like to study/research in Psychology.

2. Conduct a literature review or search related to that 1 topic/idea you’ve chosen. Be sure to cite your journal articles or other resources you’ve chosen in the References section of your paper.

3. Identify 1 theory you have about your topic/idea, and develop the research hypothesis for your idea/study.

4. Identify all of the ethical standards you will uphold in your research study.

5. Describe the measures you would potentially utilize to attempt to achieve reliability and validity in your study.

Your paper should contain the following 6 total pages: 1 title page, 1 abstract page, 1 references page, and 3 pages for the body of the paper (which should include the 5 points/instructions mentioned above). The entire paper should be written in APA style or formatting.

Discussion Post – Week 2

 The reading this week covers prenatal development, pregnancy, and birth.  Discuss the differences between genetic counseling and fetal programming research.  What are the fundamental similarities between these two things? 

Each initial discussion response must be 250 words, not including restatements of questions, and each must contain two (2) formalized APA references with citations.  

300 W1 Discussion

Respond to 2 different students with one or more of the following:

  1. A link that brings in new information or helps the student youre responding to
  2. A substantial question (not, what do you think?)
  3. A  politely worded critique that shows either a flaw in your classmates logic, misunderstanding of the data, or a failure to fully answer the questions
  4. A politely worded reply to any of the above. 

roots of violence

The vast majority of men are not perpetrators of violence. Think about what it means to be male in your culture, and discuss which arguments by Kaufman or Sanday from this weeks readings and the assigned video may help us better understand roots of violence.

psychology quesstions


1. What activities did you participate in this week in your practicum site? Describe them. Did you enjoy them? What did you like the best? Worst? What will you change next week? Share your experience with your classmates.

2. Good documentation skills make life easier for clinicians. What challenges have you faced in writing progress notes, treatment plans, and conducting intake assessments?

3. What do you see as the value of a good clinical intake assessment? Do you read assessments, conducted by others, prior to meeting with a new client? Why or why not?

Each question must be answer with 150-200 words. Should have questions than answer and than the next one should be questions and answer on each one. 

Discussion Board

  • Identify how a Nativist, an Empiricist, and an Interactionist describe the development of cognition 
  • (minimum 1-2 paragraphs)
  • Describe the main differences between Piagets Theory of Development and Kohlbergs Theory of Development (minimum 1-2 paragraphs)

Please feel free to refer to the material found in your textbook, as well as refer to any journals or scholarly articles that will be of assistance in answering the questions. Please be sure to cite the material you have gathered from your textbook or other sources and to use APA Style formatting

Psychology in early childhood

The journal writing is based on the readings of the chapter every week (chapter 3 and 4 book is attached  ). You can pick a topic you like and expand your thoughts based on question asked in the journal. On your papers include the typed questions before your response.  Answers must be typed and double-spaced with 1 margins on all four sides and 12 pt font. Make sure to use in text citation.  Answer all the questions below. 

  1. Identify one important concept, research finding, theory, or idea in the current module and briefly describe it.
  2. Describe why you think this is an important concept.
  3. What possible research could be added to your concept?
  4. Describe how this relates to your life.

GRO 410- 4.3

Hello all, some of you are having issues locating the following video: Death of one’s own… I have added it here for you to complete assignment four.  YouTube  

DEP3504 death Jim P1

This weeks worksheet will help you build all of the necessary parts for your Final Paper. It is recommended that you review the Learning Activity assignments and review the Final Paper prompt before beginning this assignment. This week, you will examine and evaluate the ethics of Euthanasia and examine different forms of community support systems for those who are dying and their families, by viewing the following videos: The Suicide Tourist (Links to an external site.) (2010) and A Death of One’s Own (Links to an external site.) (2000).

eek 5 – Final Paper       


Final Paper

Scaffold your paper around the following outline:

Title Page  

Introduction (half page)

  • Describe the papers overall thesis.
  • Provide an overview of main point.

Learning about Death

  • Describe Americans avoidance of death and dying.
  • Discuss research findings regarding perceptions of death from birth to 12 years of age.
  • Examine the death taboo with respect to elderly.

Facing Death 

  • Describe the five stages of the dying process, as described by Kubler-Rosss stages of the dying process.
  • Based on the discussions in the textbook, evaluate what is considered to be an appropriate death?


  • Describe how a patients death represents a failure to a physician, how can medical schools assist in creating an attitude of acceptance of death as the final stage of growth?
  • Evaluate the film A Death of One’s Own (Links to an external site.) (2000). Evaluate the controversial nature of the film and the challenge some dying Americans may face.
  • Discuss what is meant by patient-centered care? 
  • Discuss palliative care, and how is it related to hospice care? How does it differ from the treatment given by most acute care hospitals? 
  • Discuss hospice care? How does it differ from the treatment given by most acute care hospitals? Identify the major functions of a hospice program. 
  • Discuss issues related to the family as a unit of care in hospice programs. How do hospices try to achieve quality of life for each patient they serve? How does the interdisciplinary hospice team concept help accomplish this?
  • In your opinion, are the negative aspects of hospice care? How would you suggest they be rectified? 


  • In the film, The Suicide Tourist (Links to an external site.) (2010), discuss the struggle for the family to support the patients wishes.  
  • How does one balance dying and dignity?  
  • In the end of the film suicide tourist did the patient die the way he wanted?

Grief and Loss

  • Describe the seven stages of grieving can be applied to losses through divorce, moving from one place to another, or the amputation of a limb (arm or leg).
  • Evaluate what might cause children to react differently to the death of a grandparent?


Separate Reference Page

Decision-Making Table (See attached Table)


Decision-Making Table

For this assignment, you will apply analytical reasoning and identify strategies for self-assessment to reconsider your decision-making patterns. You will need to complete a table with four columns to complete this task.

In the first column, you will provide two personal examples where you acted in accordance with one or more of the patterns of irrational or unethical decision-making.

In the second column, you will identify which pattern(s) of irrational or unethical decision-making applies to your situations.

In the third column, you will identify any characteristics of egocentrism or sociocentrism, as well as any pathological tendencies of mind, involved in your thought process.

Finally, in the fourth column, share how you could have applied the keys to sound decision-making to approach the situation more rationally.

Click here for the assignment template.


The following resource(s) may help you with this assignment.