Category: Psychology

Early Childhood

Reading materials Chapter 3 and 4 book is attached 

this week’s discussion on “Play”. 

Why is it important for the child to play? Does play shapes child’s personality?What if there is no play in early childhood stages ?

Expand your thoughts on above given questions.

psychology Assign


For this assignment visit The Stanford Prison ExperimentRead through the story  and watch the videos as you reflect on the phenomenon of group think  and the actions of compliance and conformity. In your paper, address the  following:

  • Define obedience, compliance, conformity, and group think in your  own words and provide an example for each that was not presented in your  course materials.
  • Weigh in on your thoughts regarding the use of compliance  techniques. What are the moral and ethical implications of using such  techniques?
  • Weigh in on this question from the website: Was it ethical to do  this study? Was it right to trade the suffering experienced by  participants for the knowledge gained by the research? 

Incorporate at least one source in your paper. Use APA Style to format your paper and to cite and reference your sources.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages long, in addition to a title page and  a reference page. Refer to the rubric for more information on how your  assignment will be graded.


Stanford Prison Experiment –

The Story –

Case Study 3

Examine how Sattler’s pillars of assessment apply to professional practice. 

Imagine that you are working as a psychologist. Develop a scenario where you might see a client for testing. The testing may be forensic, educational, clinical, or occupational.

Part A: Using Sattlers pillars of assessment, explain how you would proceed with the testing process.

Part B: Identify at least three ethical guidelines that you will need to consider in the assessment process and give a specific example  for each of these issues (such as confidentiality, informed consent, competency, etc.).

5-6 pages, APA format with size 12 font, double spaced with 1 inch margins, not including the Title and References pages. The paper should integrate 3 

scholarly citations and references to support content and conclusions.

American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Read chapter 8 of your textbook (Meredith et al., 2013): Evaluating and Terminating the Project. Read the incident for discussion (General Construction Company) and discuss the following questions: 250 words

If you were the project manager, how would you handle the situation?
How can a customer be assured of satisfactory project completion?
What are the elements that should be included in every audit report? For each element, explain why its inclusion is important.

Reminder: A high quality post is one that explicitly links your personal opinion or experience with the course materials or other relevant outside sources using proper APA format. Both in-text citations and a reference list are required for this discussion. You may earn up to 5 points for this discussion; and you may find the following resources helpful:

American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Can this be done by 5pm?

Imagine that a client came to you as a first step, in one of the provided scenarios. It is likely you will need to recommend outside resources, beyond what you would provide, such as counseling, too. Even though you might not provide all the resources for a client as he or she goes through the stages of change, you should be able to predict which stages a client in a given situation is likely to go though.

In your chosen scenario, identify the stages of change that a client would likely go through and questions that you would ask him or her during each stage to help progress. Assess the resources that he or she might need and referrals that you might make for the client to be successful at each stage.

Choose a scenario from the given list and evaluate the stages of change. As part of your analysis, you should identify the culture, ethnicity, and/or country of the client. Analyze the scenario from the viewpoint of a human and social services professional after the client has come to your organization for help.

  1. A client who received news of being diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease
  2. A manager of an organization that experienced a large layoff and employee morale is low
  3. A community without clean running water
  4. A client who is considered obese and obesity runs in the family
  5. A client who is 43 and started smoking as a teenager
  6. A community that has experienced a natural disaster, which has left many homeless and members of the community are coming to your organization for help

For your chosen scenario, use Prochaska and DiClementes Stages of Change. In 12 pages: Identify the questions you might ask while interviewing the client during each stage. Assess the resources that he or she might need and referrals that you might make for the client to be successful in moving from one stage to another. Be specific.

Prochaska and DiClementes Stages of Change Model

Stage of ChangeCharacteristicsTechniquesPre-contemplationNot currently considering change: Ignorance is blissValidate lack of readinessClarify: decision is theirsEncourage re-evaluation of current behaviorEncourage self-exploration, not actionExplain and personalize the riskContemplationAmbivalent about change: Sitting on the fenceNot considering change within the next monthValidate lack of readinessClarify: decision is theirsEncourage evaluation of pros and cons of behavior changeIdentify and promote new, positive outcome expectationsPreparationSome experience with change and are trying to change: Testing the watersPlanning to act within 1 monthIdentify and assist in problem solving re: obstaclesHelp patient identify social supportVerify that patient has underlying skills for behavior changeEncourage small initial stepsActionPracticing new behavior for 36 monthsFocus on restructuring cues and social supportBolster self-efficacy for dealing with obstaclesCombat feelings of loss and reiterate long-term benefitsMaintenanceContinued commitment to sustaining new behaviorPost-6 months to 5 yearsPlan for follow-up supportReinforce internal rewardsDiscuss coping with relapseRelapseResumption of old behaviors: Fall from graceEvaluate trigger for relapseReassess motivation and barriersPlan stronger coping strategies

Pre-contemplation Stage

Ignorance is blissWeight is not a concern for meGoals:

  • 1. Help patient develop a reason for changing
  • 2. Validate the patients experience
  • 3. Encourage further self-exploration
  • 4. Leave the door open for future conversations

1. Validate the patients experience:I can understand why you feel that way2. Acknowledge the patients control of the decision:I dont want to preach to you; I know that youre an adult and you will be the one to decide if and when you are ready to lose weight.3. Repeat a simple, direct statement about your stand on the medical benefits of weight loss for this patient:I believe, based upon my training and experience, that this extra weight is putting you at serious risk for heart disease, and that losing 10 pounds is the most important thing you could do for your health.4. Explore potential concerns:Has your weight ever caused you a problem? Can you imagine how your weight might cause problems in the future?5. Acknowledge possible feelings of being pressured:I know that it might feel as though Ive been pressuring you, and I want to thank you for talking with me anyway.6. Validate that they are not ready:I hear you saying that you are nowhere near ready to lose weight right now.7. Restate your position that it is up to them:Its totally up to you to decide if this is right for you right now.8. Encourage reframing of current state of changethe potential beginning of a change rather than a decision never to change:Everyone whos ever lost weight starts right where you are now; they start by seeing the reasons where they might want to lose weight. And thats what Ive been talking to you about.Contemplation StageSitting on the fenceYes my weight is a concern for me, but Im not willing or able to begin losing weight within the next month.Goals:

  • 1. Validate the patients experience
  • 2. Clarify the patients perceptions of the pros and cons of attempted weight loss
  • 3. Encourage further self-exploration
  • 4. Leave the door open for moving to preparation

1. Validate the patients experience:Im hearing that you are thinking about losing weight but youre definitely not ready to take action right now.2. Acknowledge patients control of the decision:I dont want to preach to you; I know that youre an adult and you will be the one to decide if and when you are ready to lose weight.3. Clarify patients perceptions of the pros and cons of attempted weight loss:Using this worksheet, what is one benefit of losing weight? What is one drawback of losing weight?4. Encourage further self-exploration:These questions are very important to beginning a successful weight loss program. Would you be willing to finish this at home and talk to me about it at our next visit?5. Restate your position that it is up to them:Its totally up to you to decide if this is right for you right now. Whatever you choose, Im here to support you.6. Leave the door open for moving to preparation:After talking about this, and doing the exercise, if you feel you would like to make some changes, the next step wont be jumping into actionwe can begin with some preparation work.Preparation StageTesting the WatersMy weight is a concern for me; Im clear that the benefits of attempting weight loss outweigh the drawbacks, and Im planning to start within the next month.Goals:

  • 1. Praise the decision to change behavior
  • 2. Prioritize behavior change opportunities
  • 3. Identify and assist in problem solving re: obstacles
  • 4. Encourage small initial steps
  • 5. Encourage identification of social supports

1. Praise the decision to change behavior:Its great that you feel good about your weight loss decision; you are doing something important to decrease your risk for heart disease.2. Prioritize behavior change opportunities:Looking at your eating habits, I think the biggest benefits would come from switching from whole milk dairy products to fat-free dairy products. What do you think?3. Identify and assist in problem solving re: obstacles:Have you ever attempted weight loss before? What was helpful? What kinds of problems would you expect in making those changes now? How do you think you could deal with them?4. Encourage small, initial steps:So, the initial goal is to try nonfat milk instead of whole milk every time you have cereal this week.5. Assist patient in identifying social support:Which family members or friends could support you as you make this change? How could they support you? Is there anything else I can do to help?Source:

Psychology Discussion due TODAY


Jean Piaget is probably the most influential theorist in the cognitive development realm. His work has informed American educational practices since the early 1900s. Another key cognitive theorist in the realm is Lev Vygotsky. Interestingly, Vygotsky and Piaget were contemporaries (both were born in 1896), but for many years, Piagets theory dominated. The fact that Vygotsky died at age 37, while Piaget lived to be 84, might be part of that explanation. But Vygotskys ideas gained traction in the 1980s when educators began to question long held Piagetian ideas. Nevertheless, both theories are important to the study of cognitive development. In your initial post of 300 words minimum,

  • Provide a brief overview of Piagets and Vygotskys child and adolescent cognitive developmental theories.
  • Compare and contrast these theories as they relate to child and adolescent development by identifying at least one commonality in the two theories and two major conceptual differences.
  • Determine which of the two theories you most support and provide a rationale for your choice.

Triggers and Communication


Benjamin Tony Atkins

After determining the type of personality disorder your individual has, you will now research common triggers that are associated with the disorder and determine which were present in the individual’s background. 

How would these triggers differ if the individual was either a psychopath or a sociopath (whichever disorder he or she does not have)? Include any risk factors you may expect to be associated with a particular trigger. 

Based on the personality disorder, determine appropriate communication skills that could be used when interacting with this individual and attempting to obtain information. 

Which communication approaches would not be effective for this individual’s personality disorder? Justify your determinations.

Double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins

Annotated Bibliography


Decide on a specific topic within psychology on which you want to conduct research. This is the topic on which you will chat with your research team about on discussion board assignments and ultimately write your research proposal.

Conduct a literature search on the topic using PsycINFO. As you go, you might find that you need to narrow down your topic. Feel free to do so. (For example, if your topic is simply goal setting, you will probably find hundreds or thousands of papers on goal setting. You need to narrow that down to something like goal revision or goal conflict to get a manageable list.)

2 page chart assessment (PRO DAN)

I need someone to do a 2-3 page chart following a list of key psychological models and theories of aging, identify the theorist(s) if applicable, and provide a brief explanation of how the theory contributes to our understanding of the aging process. You will need to research some of the theories, as they may not be covered in the course textbook. 

Your chart should address the following models:

Selective optimization with compensation (SOC) model
Ecological model of aging
Mechanistic metamodel 
Organismic metamodel 
Contextual metamodel 

And include at least 4 of the following theories: 

Disengagement theory 
Activity theory
Social Exchange Theory
Age Stratification Theory

You will present your findings in a simple chart format. 

Your chart should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. 

Psychology and aging: Addressing mental health needs of older adults

Can this be done in 9 hours? Today

Locate three peer-reviewed articles on Prochaska and DiClementes Stages of Change (part of the Transtheoretical Model). Ensure your research on this model includes other cultures, ethnicities, or countries than your own.

Post potential implications of using this model with a client from a different culture, ethnicity, or country. Discuss the considerations that might need to be made. Finally, discuss whether this model applies in all settings or is limited only to some cultures, ethicalities, and/or countries.

Please be specific and support your conclusions by citing the course resources AND at least ONE peer-reviewed resource (i.e., journal article, professional organization website, etc.).