Category: Psychology

Presenting Evaluation Findings To Stakeholders


In their professional roles, counselors engage in relationships with other human service providers and use strategies for interagency/interorganization collaboration and communication to make improvements for clients.

After reviewing the Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations multimedia piece earlier in this unit, create a 10-slide PowerPoint that could be used for presenting the results of your hypothetical program evaluation plan, if you were able to carry it out. Post your presentation for comment and constructive feedback by your peers.

Your presentation should include the following slides:

  1. Program Description (name, mission, stakeholders, and broad aims).
  2. Program Evaluation (model and methods used).
  3. Populations Served (including implications for cultural considerations).
  4. Counseling Services Provided (types of programs, such as after-school groups, parent education, et cetera).
  5. Needs Assessment (hypothetical assessments to determine needs and their results).
  6. Outcome/Impact Evaluation (hypothetical results obtained from administration of selected measures).
  7. Conclusions of the Evaluation (hypothetical results about what is successful and what needs improvement).
  8. Ethical Use of Results (cautions about the application of findings).
  9. Recommendations to Stakeholders.
  10. References.

Annotated Bibliography



  Applied Behavioral Analysis 

To help you successfully complete your assignment this week, review the documents provided here. They will be attached I will have them uploaded

Review the . You will need to use this worksheet when writing your assignment.

Read the . It will help you better understand the rubrics used to grade your assignments throughout your program.

It is important to become familiar with the literature in your specialization area, so you understand what is known and how we know it. Of course, in order to become familiar with the literature, you need to be able to find resources and evaluate themhence the need for library skills. Do you know which journals are most highly regarded in your specialization? Do you know how to use keywords effectively when searching or how to read an article and find the most important information to summarize? These are all skills you need, not just for the courses you will take here at Capella, but you will also need them when you enter your field and throughout your career.

Note: We encourage you to keep an annotated bibliography for each course you take at Capella. Keeping a record of the articles you have found can help you build a reference list that you can continue to refer to throughout your program, for your capstone, and in your career.


Complete the following if you have not already:

1. Determine a research question from your specialization.

2. Determine keywords and conduct a search of the most appropriate Capella University Library databases to find relevant, scholarly articles.

3. Choose 34 peer-reviewed, scholarly articles related to your research question.

4. Review the , which you will use to write your assignment.


For your assignment, summarize the topic investigation you have done, including the following:

Research Question Based on Professional Interest.

o Explain how your research question relates to your specialization and professional interests.


o List the keywords you used for the searches you conducted in the scholarly databases, and explain your reasoning behind the choices you made. Describe the results you achieved.

Evaluation of Sources.

o List and explain the criteria you used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each articles you selected, including:

o The article was published in the last 57 years.

o The article included a literature review, methodology, and results.

o The article was peer-reviewed.


o Summarize at least three, but no more than four, scholarly sources that address your topic and research question within a psychology specialization in an annotated bibliography that includes:

o A summary of each article. Each summary should be approximately one paragraph consisting of 35 sentences. In your summary, focus on providing high-level information rather than the details. Include information from the conclusion of the article and how it is relevant to your research topic.

o The APA citation for each article. For example: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. If available, include doi information.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current .

Resources: 34 scholarly resources.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Worksheet: Use the Annotated Bibliography Worksheet for your assignment.


To maximize your scoring potential, be sure that you fully address all assignment requirements and meet the criteria in the scoring guide that will be used to assess your assignment. It is helpful to self-score your paper using the scoring guide before submitting, to be sure that you are meeting criteria for the grade you want to earn.

Below is the scoring guide 

Explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.
20%Does not identify a research question related to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Attempts to explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision, but the explanation is not accurate or is unclear.Explains how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Evaluates the importance of a research question to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Identify appropriate keywords to search for information in scholarly databases.
20%Does not list key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Lists possible key words to search for information in scholarly databases, but some are not appropriate for the topic.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases, including alternative key words to allow for variations in terminology among authors.Explain criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.
20%Does not address criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of resources.Lists, but does not explain, criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of at least three resources, providing examples of how they might be applied.Summarize at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.
20%Does not summarize scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Makes incomplete or unclear summaries of scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization, clarifying the unique contribution of each source.Apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, and tone.
10%Does not apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline.Applies writing conventions that are inconsistent with disciplinary standards or inappropriate for the intended audience.Applies the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person and tone.Exhibits strict adherence to the standard writing conventions for the discipline. Elements of structure, voice, person, and tone are well matched to the intended audience.Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.
10%Does not apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references incorrectly or inconsistently, detracting noticeably from good scholarship.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to APA formatting of in-text citations and references.


To help you successfully complete your assignment this week, review the documents provided here. They will be attached I will have them uploaded

Review the . You will need to use this worksheet when writing your assignment.

Read the . It will help you better understand the rubrics used to grade your assignments throughout your program.

It is important to become familiar with the literature in your specialization area, so you understand what is known and how we know it. Of course, in order to become familiar with the literature, you need to be able to find resources and evaluate themhence the need for library skills. Do you know which journals are most highly regarded in your specialization? Do you know how to use keywords effectively when searching or how to read an article and find the most important information to summarize? These are all skills you need, not just for the courses you will take here at Capella, but you will also need them when you enter your field and throughout your career.

Note: We encourage you to keep an annotated bibliography for each course you take at Capella. Keeping a record of the articles you have found can help you build a reference list that you can continue to refer to throughout your program, for your capstone, and in your career.


Complete the following if you have not already:

1. Determine a research question from your specialization.

2. Determine keywords and conduct a search of the most appropriate Capella University Library databases to find relevant, scholarly articles.

3. Choose 34 peer-reviewed, scholarly articles related to your research question.

4. Review the , which you will use to write your assignment.


For your assignment, summarize the topic investigation you have done, including the following:

Research Question Based on Professional Interest.

o Explain how your research question relates to your specialization and professional interests.


o List the keywords you used for the searches you conducted in the scholarly databases, and explain your reasoning behind the choices you made. Describe the results you achieved.

Evaluation of Sources.

o List and explain the criteria you used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each articles you selected, including:

o The article was published in the last 57 years.

o The article included a literature review, methodology, and results.

o The article was peer-reviewed.


o Summarize at least three, but no more than four, scholarly sources that address your topic and research question within a psychology specialization in an annotated bibliography that includes:

o A summary of each article. Each summary should be approximately one paragraph consisting of 35 sentences. In your summary, focus on providing high-level information rather than the details. Include information from the conclusion of the article and how it is relevant to your research topic.

o The APA citation for each article. For example: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. If available, include doi information.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current .

Resources: 34 scholarly resources.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Worksheet: Use the Annotated Bibliography Worksheet for your assignment.


To maximize your scoring potential, be sure that you fully address all assignment requirements and meet the criteria in the scoring guide that will be used to assess your assignment. It is helpful to self-score your paper using the scoring guide before submitting, to be sure that you are meeting criteria for the grade you want to earn.

Below is the scoring guide 

Explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.
20%Does not identify a research question related to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Attempts to explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision, but the explanation is not accurate or is unclear.Explains how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Evaluates the importance of a research question to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Identify appropriate keywords to search for information in scholarly databases.
20%Does not list key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Lists possible key words to search for information in scholarly databases, but some are not appropriate for the topic.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases, including alternative key words to allow for variations in terminology among authors.Explain criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.
20%Does not address criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of resources.Lists, but does not explain, criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of at least three resources, providing examples of how they might be applied.Summarize at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.
20%Does not summarize scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Makes incomplete or unclear summaries of scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization, clarifying the unique contribution of each source.Apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, and tone.
10%Does not apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline.Applies writing conventions that are inconsistent with disciplinary standards or inappropriate for the intended audience.Applies the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person and tone.Exhibits strict adherence to the standard writing conventions for the discipline. Elements of structure, voice, person, and tone are well matched to the intended audience.Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.
10%Does not apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references incorrectly or inconsistently, detracting noticeably from good scholarship.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to APA formatting of in-text citations and references.


To help you successfully complete your assignment this week, review the documents provided here. They will be attached I will have them uploaded

Review the . You will need to use this worksheet when writing your assignment.

Read the . It will help you better understand the rubrics used to grade your assignments throughout your program.

It is important to become familiar with the literature in your specialization area, so you understand what is known and how we know it. Of course, in order to become familiar with the literature, you need to be able to find resources and evaluate themhence the need for library skills. Do you know which journals are most highly regarded in your specialization? Do you know how to use keywords effectively when searching or how to read an article and find the most important information to summarize? These are all skills you need, not just for the courses you will take here at Capella, but you will also need them when you enter your field and throughout your career.

Note: We encourage you to keep an annotated bibliography for each course you take at Capella. Keeping a record of the articles you have found can help you build a reference list that you can continue to refer to throughout your program, for your capstone, and in your career.


Complete the following if you have not already:

1. Determine a research question from your specialization.

2. Determine keywords and conduct a search of the most appropriate Capella University Library databases to find relevant, scholarly articles.

3. Choose 34 peer-reviewed, scholarly articles related to your research question.

4. Review the , which you will use to write your assignment.


For your assignment, summarize the topic investigation you have done, including the following:

Research Question Based on Professional Interest.

o Explain how your research question relates to your specialization and professional interests.


o List the keywords you used for the searches you conducted in the scholarly databases, and explain your reasoning behind the choices you made. Describe the results you achieved.

Evaluation of Sources.

o List and explain the criteria you used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each articles you selected, including:

o The article was published in the last 57 years.

o The article included a literature review, methodology, and results.

o The article was peer-reviewed.


o Summarize at least three, but no more than four, scholarly sources that address your topic and research question within a psychology specialization in an annotated bibliography that includes:

o A summary of each article. Each summary should be approximately one paragraph consisting of 35 sentences. In your summary, focus on providing high-level information rather than the details. Include information from the conclusion of the article and how it is relevant to your research topic.

o The APA citation for each article. For example: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. If available, include doi information.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current .

Resources: 34 scholarly resources.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Worksheet: Use the Annotated Bibliography Worksheet for your assignment.


To maximize your scoring potential, be sure that you fully address all assignment requirements and meet the criteria in the scoring guide that will be used to assess your assignment. It is helpful to self-score your paper using the scoring guide before submitting, to be sure that you are meeting criteria for the grade you want to earn.

Below is the scoring guide 

Explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.
20%Does not identify a research question related to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Attempts to explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision, but the explanation is not accurate or is unclear.Explains how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Evaluates the importance of a research question to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Identify appropriate keywords to search for information in scholarly databases.
20%Does not list key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Lists possible key words to search for information in scholarly databases, but some are not appropriate for the topic.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases, including alternative key words to allow for variations in terminology among authors.Explain criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.
20%Does not address criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of resources.Lists, but does not explain, criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of at least three resources, providing examples of how they might be applied.Summarize at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.
20%Does not summarize scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Makes incomplete or unclear summaries of scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization, clarifying the unique contribution of each source.Apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, and tone.
10%Does not apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline.Applies writing conventions that are inconsistent with disciplinary standards or inappropriate for the intended audience.Applies the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person and tone.Exhibits strict adherence to the standard writing conventions for the discipline. Elements of structure, voice, person, and tone are well matched to the intended audience.Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.
10%Does not apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references incorrectly or inconsistently, detracting noticeably from good scholarship.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to APA formatting of in-text citations and references.


To help you successfully complete your assignment this week, review the documents provided here. They will be attached I will have them uploaded

Review the . You will need to use this worksheet when writing your assignment.

Read the . It will help you better understand the rubrics used to grade your assignments throughout your program.

It is important to become familiar with the literature in your specialization area, so you understand what is known and how we know it. Of course, in order to become familiar with the literature, you need to be able to find resources and evaluate themhence the need for library skills. Do you know which journals are most highly regarded in your specialization? Do you know how to use keywords effectively when searching or how to read an article and find the most important information to summarize? These are all skills you need, not just for the courses you will take here at Capella, but you will also need them when you enter your field and throughout your career.

Note: We encourage you to keep an annotated bibliography for each course you take at Capella. Keeping a record of the articles you have found can help you build a reference list that you can continue to refer to throughout your program, for your capstone, and in your career.


Complete the following if you have not already:

1. Determine a research question from your specialization.

2. Determine keywords and conduct a search of the most appropriate Capella University Library databases to find relevant, scholarly articles.

3. Choose 34 peer-reviewed, scholarly articles related to your research question.

4. Review the , which you will use to write your assignment.


For your assignment, summarize the topic investigation you have done, including the following:

Research Question Based on Professional Interest.

o Explain how your research question relates to your specialization and professional interests.


o List the keywords you used for the searches you conducted in the scholarly databases, and explain your reasoning behind the choices you made. Describe the results you achieved.

Evaluation of Sources.

o List and explain the criteria you used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each articles you selected, including:

o The article was published in the last 57 years.

o The article included a literature review, methodology, and results.

o The article was peer-reviewed.


o Summarize at least three, but no more than four, scholarly sources that address your topic and research question within a psychology specialization in an annotated bibliography that includes:

o A summary of each article. Each summary should be approximately one paragraph consisting of 35 sentences. In your summary, focus on providing high-level information rather than the details. Include information from the conclusion of the article and how it is relevant to your research topic.

o The APA citation for each article. For example: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. If available, include doi information.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current .

Resources: 34 scholarly resources.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Worksheet: Use the Annotated Bibliography Worksheet for your assignment.


To maximize your scoring potential, be sure that you fully address all assignment requirements and meet the criteria in the scoring guide that will be used to assess your assignment. It is helpful to self-score your paper using the scoring guide before submitting, to be sure that you are meeting criteria for the grade you want to earn.

Below is the scoring guide 

Explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.
20%Does not identify a research question related to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Attempts to explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision, but the explanation is not accurate or is unclear.Explains how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Evaluates the importance of a research question to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Identify appropriate keywords to search for information in scholarly databases.
20%Does not list key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Lists possible key words to search for information in scholarly databases, but some are not appropriate for the topic.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases, including alternative key words to allow for variations in terminology among authors.Explain criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.
20%Does not address criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of resources.Lists, but does not explain, criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of at least three resources, providing examples of how they might be applied.Summarize at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.
20%Does not summarize scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Makes incomplete or unclear summaries of scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization, clarifying the unique contribution of each source.Apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, and tone.
10%Does not apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline.Applies writing conventions that are inconsistent with disciplinary standards or inappropriate for the intended audience.Applies the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person and tone.Exhibits strict adherence to the standard writing conventions for the discipline. Elements of structure, voice, person, and tone are well matched to the intended audience.Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.
10%Does not apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references incorrectly or inconsistently, detracting noticeably from good scholarship.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to APA formatting of in-text citations and references.


To help you successfully complete your assignment this week, review the documents provided here. They will be attached I will have them uploaded

Review the . You will need to use this worksheet when writing your assignment.

Read the . It will help you better understand the rubrics used to grade your assignments throughout your program.

It is important to become familiar with the literature in your specialization area, so you understand what is known and how we know it. Of course, in order to become familiar with the literature, you need to be able to find resources and evaluate themhence the need for library skills. Do you know which journals are most highly regarded in your specialization? Do you know how to use keywords effectively when searching or how to read an article and find the most important information to summarize? These are all skills you need, not just for the courses you will take here at Capella, but you will also need them when you enter your field and throughout your career.

Note: We encourage you to keep an annotated bibliography for each course you take at Capella. Keeping a record of the articles you have found can help you build a reference list that you can continue to refer to throughout your program, for your capstone, and in your career.


Complete the following if you have not already:

1. Determine a research question from your specialization.

2. Determine keywords and conduct a search of the most appropriate Capella University Library databases to find relevant, scholarly articles.

3. Choose 34 peer-reviewed, scholarly articles related to your research question.

4. Review the , which you will use to write your assignment.


For your assignment, summarize the topic investigation you have done, including the following:

Research Question Based on Professional Interest.

o Explain how your research question relates to your specialization and professional interests.


o List the keywords you used for the searches you conducted in the scholarly databases, and explain your reasoning behind the choices you made. Describe the results you achieved.

Evaluation of Sources.

o List and explain the criteria you used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each articles you selected, including:

o The article was published in the last 57 years.

o The article included a literature review, methodology, and results.

o The article was peer-reviewed.


o Summarize at least three, but no more than four, scholarly sources that address your topic and research question within a psychology specialization in an annotated bibliography that includes:

o A summary of each article. Each summary should be approximately one paragraph consisting of 35 sentences. In your summary, focus on providing high-level information rather than the details. Include information from the conclusion of the article and how it is relevant to your research topic.

o The APA citation for each article. For example: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. If available, include doi information.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current .

Resources: 34 scholarly resources.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Worksheet: Use the Annotated Bibliography Worksheet for your assignment.


To maximize your scoring potential, be sure that you fully address all assignment requirements and meet the criteria in the scoring guide that will be used to assess your assignment. It is helpful to self-score your paper using the scoring guide before submitting, to be sure that you are meeting criteria for the grade you want to earn.

Below is the scoring guide 

Explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.
20%Does not identify a research question related to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Attempts to explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision, but the explanation is not accurate or is unclear.Explains how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Evaluates the importance of a research question to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Identify appropriate keywords to search for information in scholarly databases.
20%Does not list key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Lists possible key words to search for information in scholarly databases, but some are not appropriate for the topic.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases, including alternative key words to allow for variations in terminology among authors.Explain criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.
20%Does not address criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of resources.Lists, but does not explain, criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of at least three resources, providing examples of how they might be applied.Summarize at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.
20%Does not summarize scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Makes incomplete or unclear summaries of scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization, clarifying the unique contribution of each source.Apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, and tone.
10%Does not apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline.Applies writing conventions that are inconsistent with disciplinary standards or inappropriate for the intended audience.Applies the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person and tone.Exhibits strict adherence to the standard writing conventions for the discipline. Elements of structure, voice, person, and tone are well matched to the intended audience.Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.
10%Does not apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references incorrectly or inconsistently, detracting noticeably from good scholarship.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to APA formatting of in-text citations and references.


To help you successfully complete your assignment this week, review the documents provided here. They will be attached I will have them uploaded

Review the . You will need to use this worksheet when writing your assignment.

Read the . It will help you better understand the rubrics used to grade your assignments throughout your program.

It is important to become familiar with the literature in your specialization area, so you understand what is known and how we know it. Of course, in order to become familiar with the literature, you need to be able to find resources and evaluate themhence the need for library skills. Do you know which journals are most highly regarded in your specialization? Do you know how to use keywords effectively when searching or how to read an article and find the most important information to summarize? These are all skills you need, not just for the courses you will take here at Capella, but you will also need them when you enter your field and throughout your career.

Note: We encourage you to keep an annotated bibliography for each course you take at Capella. Keeping a record of the articles you have found can help you build a reference list that you can continue to refer to throughout your program, for your capstone, and in your career.


Complete the following if you have not already:

1. Determine a research question from your specialization.

2. Determine keywords and conduct a search of the most appropriate Capella University Library databases to find relevant, scholarly articles.

3. Choose 34 peer-reviewed, scholarly articles related to your research question.

4. Review the , which you will use to write your assignment.


For your assignment, summarize the topic investigation you have done, including the following:

Research Question Based on Professional Interest.

o Explain how your research question relates to your specialization and professional interests.


o List the keywords you used for the searches you conducted in the scholarly databases, and explain your reasoning behind the choices you made. Describe the results you achieved.

Evaluation of Sources.

o List and explain the criteria you used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each articles you selected, including:

o The article was published in the last 57 years.

o The article included a literature review, methodology, and results.

o The article was peer-reviewed.


o Summarize at least three, but no more than four, scholarly sources that address your topic and research question within a psychology specialization in an annotated bibliography that includes:

o A summary of each article. Each summary should be approximately one paragraph consisting of 35 sentences. In your summary, focus on providing high-level information rather than the details. Include information from the conclusion of the article and how it is relevant to your research topic.

o The APA citation for each article. For example: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. If available, include doi information.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current .

Resources: 34 scholarly resources.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Worksheet: Use the Annotated Bibliography Worksheet for your assignment.


To maximize your scoring potential, be sure that you fully address all assignment requirements and meet the criteria in the scoring guide that will be used to assess your assignment. It is helpful to self-score your paper using the scoring guide before submitting, to be sure that you are meeting criteria for the grade you want to earn.

Below is the scoring guide 

Explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.
20%Does not identify a research question related to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Attempts to explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision, but the explanation is not accurate or is unclear.Explains how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Evaluates the importance of a research question to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Identify appropriate keywords to search for information in scholarly databases.
20%Does not list key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Lists possible key words to search for information in scholarly databases, but some are not appropriate for the topic.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases, including alternative key words to allow for variations in terminology among authors.Explain criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.
20%Does not address criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of resources.Lists, but does not explain, criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of at least three resources, providing examples of how they might be applied.Summarize at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.
20%Does not summarize scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Makes incomplete or unclear summaries of scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization, clarifying the unique contribution of each source.Apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, and tone.
10%Does not apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline.Applies writing conventions that are inconsistent with disciplinary standards or inappropriate for the intended audience.Applies the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person and tone.Exhibits strict adherence to the standard writing conventions for the discipline. Elements of structure, voice, person, and tone are well matched to the intended audience.Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.
10%Does not apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references incorrectly or inconsistently, detracting noticeably from good scholarship.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to APA formatting of in-text citations and references.


To help you successfully complete your assignment this week, review the documents provided here. They will be attached I will have them uploaded

Review the . You will need to use this worksheet when writing your assignment.

Read the . It will help you better understand the rubrics used to grade your assignments throughout your program.

It is important to become familiar with the literature in your specialization area, so you understand what is known and how we know it. Of course, in order to become familiar with the literature, you need to be able to find resources and evaluate themhence the need for library skills. Do you know which journals are most highly regarded in your specialization? Do you know how to use keywords effectively when searching or how to read an article and find the most important information to summarize? These are all skills you need, not just for the courses you will take here at Capella, but you will also need them when you enter your field and throughout your career.

Note: We encourage you to keep an annotated bibliography for each course you take at Capella. Keeping a record of the articles you have found can help you build a reference list that you can continue to refer to throughout your program, for your capstone, and in your career.


Complete the following if you have not already:

1. Determine a research question from your specialization.

2. Determine keywords and conduct a search of the most appropriate Capella University Library databases to find relevant, scholarly articles.

3. Choose 34 peer-reviewed, scholarly articles related to your research question.

4. Review the , which you will use to write your assignment.


For your assignment, summarize the topic investigation you have done, including the following:

Research Question Based on Professional Interest.

o Explain how your research question relates to your specialization and professional interests.


o List the keywords you used for the searches you conducted in the scholarly databases, and explain your reasoning behind the choices you made. Describe the results you achieved.

Evaluation of Sources.

o List and explain the criteria you used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each articles you selected, including:

o The article was published in the last 57 years.

o The article included a literature review, methodology, and results.

o The article was peer-reviewed.


o Summarize at least three, but no more than four, scholarly sources that address your topic and research question within a psychology specialization in an annotated bibliography that includes:

o A summary of each article. Each summary should be approximately one paragraph consisting of 35 sentences. In your summary, focus on providing high-level information rather than the details. Include information from the conclusion of the article and how it is relevant to your research topic.

o The APA citation for each article. For example: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. If available, include doi information.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current .

Resources: 34 scholarly resources.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Worksheet: Use the Annotated Bibliography Worksheet for your assignment.


To maximize your scoring potential, be sure that you fully address all assignment requirements and meet the criteria in the scoring guide that will be used to assess your assignment. It is helpful to self-score your paper using the scoring guide before submitting, to be sure that you are meeting criteria for the grade you want to earn.

Below is the scoring guide 

Explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.
20%Does not identify a research question related to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Attempts to explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision, but the explanation is not accurate or is unclear.Explains how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Evaluates the importance of a research question to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Identify appropriate keywords to search for information in scholarly databases.
20%Does not list key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Lists possible key words to search for information in scholarly databases, but some are not appropriate for the topic.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases, including alternative key words to allow for variations in terminology among authors.Explain criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.
20%Does not address criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of resources.Lists, but does not explain, criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of at least three resources, providing examples of how they might be applied.Summarize at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.
20%Does not summarize scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Makes incomplete or unclear summaries of scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization, clarifying the unique contribution of each source.Apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, and tone.
10%Does not apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline.Applies writing conventions that are inconsistent with disciplinary standards or inappropriate for the intended audience.Applies the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person and tone.Exhibits strict adherence to the standard writing conventions for the discipline. Elements of structure, voice, person, and tone are well matched to the intended audience.Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.
10%Does not apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references incorrectly or inconsistently, detracting noticeably from good scholarship.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to APA formatting of in-text citations and references.


To help you successfully complete your assignment this week, review the documents provided here. They will be attached I will have them uploaded

Review the . You will need to use this worksheet when writing your assignment.

Read the . It will help you better understand the rubrics used to grade your assignments throughout your program.

It is important to become familiar with the literature in your specialization area, so you understand what is known and how we know it. Of course, in order to become familiar with the literature, you need to be able to find resources and evaluate themhence the need for library skills. Do you know which journals are most highly regarded in your specialization? Do you know how to use keywords effectively when searching or how to read an article and find the most important information to summarize? These are all skills you need, not just for the courses you will take here at Capella, but you will also need them when you enter your field and throughout your career.

Note: We encourage you to keep an annotated bibliography for each course you take at Capella. Keeping a record of the articles you have found can help you build a reference list that you can continue to refer to throughout your program, for your capstone, and in your career.


Complete the following if you have not already:

1. Determine a research question from your specialization.

2. Determine keywords and conduct a search of the most appropriate Capella University Library databases to find relevant, scholarly articles.

3. Choose 34 peer-reviewed, scholarly articles related to your research question.

4. Review the , which you will use to write your assignment.


For your assignment, summarize the topic investigation you have done, including the following:

Research Question Based on Professional Interest.

o Explain how your research question relates to your specialization and professional interests.


o List the keywords you used for the searches you conducted in the scholarly databases, and explain your reasoning behind the choices you made. Describe the results you achieved.

Evaluation of Sources.

o List and explain the criteria you used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each articles you selected, including:

o The article was published in the last 57 years.

o The article included a literature review, methodology, and results.

o The article was peer-reviewed.


o Summarize at least three, but no more than four, scholarly sources that address your topic and research question within a psychology specialization in an annotated bibliography that includes:

o A summary of each article. Each summary should be approximately one paragraph consisting of 35 sentences. In your summary, focus on providing high-level information rather than the details. Include information from the conclusion of the article and how it is relevant to your research topic.

o The APA citation for each article. For example: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. If available, include doi information.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current .

Resources: 34 scholarly resources.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Worksheet: Use the Annotated Bibliography Worksheet for your assignment.


To maximize your scoring potential, be sure that you fully address all assignment requirements and meet the criteria in the scoring guide that will be used to assess your assignment. It is helpful to self-score your paper using the scoring guide before submitting, to be sure that you are meeting criteria for the grade you want to earn.

Below is the scoring guide 

Explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.
20%Does not identify a research question related to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Attempts to explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision, but the explanation is not accurate or is unclear.Explains how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Evaluates the importance of a research question to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Identify appropriate keywords to search for information in scholarly databases.
20%Does not list key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Lists possible key words to search for information in scholarly databases, but some are not appropriate for the topic.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases, including alternative key words to allow for variations in terminology among authors.Explain criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.
20%Does not address criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of resources.Lists, but does not explain, criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of at least three resources, providing examples of how they might be applied.Summarize at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.
20%Does not summarize scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Makes incomplete or unclear summaries of scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization, clarifying the unique contribution of each source.Apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, and tone.
10%Does not apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline.Applies writing conventions that are inconsistent with disciplinary standards or inappropriate for the intended audience.Applies the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person and tone.Exhibits strict adherence to the standard writing conventions for the discipline. Elements of structure, voice, person, and tone are well matched to the intended audience.Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.
10%Does not apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references incorrectly or inconsistently, detracting noticeably from good scholarship.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to APA formatting of in-text citations and references.


To help you successfully complete your assignment this week, review the documents provided here. They will be attached I will have them uploaded

Review the . You will need to use this worksheet when writing your assignment.

Read the . It will help you better understand the rubrics used to grade your assignments throughout your program.

It is important to become familiar with the literature in your specialization area, so you understand what is known and how we know it. Of course, in order to become familiar with the literature, you need to be able to find resources and evaluate themhence the need for library skills. Do you know which journals are most highly regarded in your specialization? Do you know how to use keywords effectively when searching or how to read an article and find the most important information to summarize? These are all skills you need, not just for the courses you will take here at Capella, but you will also need them when you enter your field and throughout your career.

Note: We encourage you to keep an annotated bibliography for each course you take at Capella. Keeping a record of the articles you have found can help you build a reference list that you can continue to refer to throughout your program, for your capstone, and in your career.


Complete the following if you have not already:

1. Determine a research question from your specialization.

2. Determine keywords and conduct a search of the most appropriate Capella University Library databases to find relevant, scholarly articles.

3. Choose 34 peer-reviewed, scholarly articles related to your research question.

4. Review the , which you will use to write your assignment.


For your assignment, summarize the topic investigation you have done, including the following:

Research Question Based on Professional Interest.

o Explain how your research question relates to your specialization and professional interests.


o List the keywords you used for the searches you conducted in the scholarly databases, and explain your reasoning behind the choices you made. Describe the results you achieved.

Evaluation of Sources.

o List and explain the criteria you used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each articles you selected, including:

o The article was published in the last 57 years.

o The article included a literature review, methodology, and results.

o The article was peer-reviewed.


o Summarize at least three, but no more than four, scholarly sources that address your topic and research question within a psychology specialization in an annotated bibliography that includes:

o A summary of each article. Each summary should be approximately one paragraph consisting of 35 sentences. In your summary, focus on providing high-level information rather than the details. Include information from the conclusion of the article and how it is relevant to your research topic.

o The APA citation for each article. For example: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. If available, include doi information.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current .

Resources: 34 scholarly resources.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Worksheet: Use the Annotated Bibliography Worksheet for your assignment.


To maximize your scoring potential, be sure that you fully address all assignment requirements and meet the criteria in the scoring guide that will be used to assess your assignment. It is helpful to self-score your paper using the scoring guide before submitting, to be sure that you are meeting criteria for the grade you want to earn.

Below is the scoring guide 

Explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.
20%Does not identify a research question related to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Attempts to explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision, but the explanation is not accurate or is unclear.Explains how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Evaluates the importance of a research question to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Identify appropriate keywords to search for information in scholarly databases.
20%Does not list key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Lists possible key words to search for information in scholarly databases, but some are not appropriate for the topic.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases, including alternative key words to allow for variations in terminology among authors.Explain criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.
20%Does not address criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of resources.Lists, but does not explain, criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of at least three resources, providing examples of how they might be applied.Summarize at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.
20%Does not summarize scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Makes incomplete or unclear summaries of scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization, clarifying the unique contribution of each source.Apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, and tone.
10%Does not apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline.Applies writing conventions that are inconsistent with disciplinary standards or inappropriate for the intended audience.Applies the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person and tone.Exhibits strict adherence to the standard writing conventions for the discipline. Elements of structure, voice, person, and tone are well matched to the intended audience.Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.
10%Does not apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references incorrectly or inconsistently, detracting noticeably from good scholarship.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to APA formatting of in-text citations and references.


To help you successfully complete your assignment this week, review the documents provided here. They will be attached I will have them uploaded

Review the . You will need to use this worksheet when writing your assignment.

Read the . It will help you better understand the rubrics used to grade your assignments throughout your program.

It is important to become familiar with the literature in your specialization area, so you understand what is known and how we know it. Of course, in order to become familiar with the literature, you need to be able to find resources and evaluate themhence the need for library skills. Do you know which journals are most highly regarded in your specialization? Do you know how to use keywords effectively when searching or how to read an article and find the most important information to summarize? These are all skills you need, not just for the courses you will take here at Capella, but you will also need them when you enter your field and throughout your career.

Note: We encourage you to keep an annotated bibliography for each course you take at Capella. Keeping a record of the articles you have found can help you build a reference list that you can continue to refer to throughout your program, for your capstone, and in your career.


Complete the following if you have not already:

1. Determine a research question from your specialization.

2. Determine keywords and conduct a search of the most appropriate Capella University Library databases to find relevant, scholarly articles.

3. Choose 34 peer-reviewed, scholarly articles related to your research question.

4. Review the , which you will use to write your assignment.


For your assignment, summarize the topic investigation you have done, including the following:

Research Question Based on Professional Interest.

o Explain how your research question relates to your specialization and professional interests.


o List the keywords you used for the searches you conducted in the scholarly databases, and explain your reasoning behind the choices you made. Describe the results you achieved.

Evaluation of Sources.

o List and explain the criteria you used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each articles you selected, including:

o The article was published in the last 57 years.

o The article included a literature review, methodology, and results.

o The article was peer-reviewed.


o Summarize at least three, but no more than four, scholarly sources that address your topic and research question within a psychology specialization in an annotated bibliography that includes:

o A summary of each article. Each summary should be approximately one paragraph consisting of 35 sentences. In your summary, focus on providing high-level information rather than the details. Include information from the conclusion of the article and how it is relevant to your research topic.

o The APA citation for each article. For example: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. If available, include doi information.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current .

Resources: 34 scholarly resources.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Worksheet: Use the Annotated Bibliography Worksheet for your assignment.


To maximize your scoring potential, be sure that you fully address all assignment requirements and meet the criteria in the scoring guide that will be used to assess your assignment. It is helpful to self-score your paper using the scoring guide before submitting, to be sure that you are meeting criteria for the grade you want to earn.

Below is the scoring guide 

Explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.
20%Does not identify a research question related to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Attempts to explain how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision, but the explanation is not accurate or is unclear.Explains how a research question relates to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Evaluates the importance of a research question to a specialization area in psychology and to a career vision.Identify appropriate keywords to search for information in scholarly databases.
20%Does not list key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Lists possible key words to search for information in scholarly databases, but some are not appropriate for the topic.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases.Identifies appropriate key words to search for information in scholarly databases, including alternative key words to allow for variations in terminology among authors.Explain criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.
20%Does not address criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of resources.Lists, but does not explain, criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of each resource.Explains criteria used to evaluate the reliability, validity, and credibility of at least three resources, providing examples of how they might be applied.Summarize at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.
20%Does not summarize scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Makes incomplete or unclear summaries of scholarly sources addressing a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization.Summarizes at least four scholarly sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization, clarifying the unique contribution of each source.Apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, and tone.
10%Does not apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline.Applies writing conventions that are inconsistent with disciplinary standards or inappropriate for the intended audience.Applies the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person and tone.Exhibits strict adherence to the standard writing conventions for the discipline. Elements of structure, voice, person, and tone are well matched to the intended audience.Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.
10%Does not apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references incorrectly or inconsistently, detracting noticeably from good scholarship.Applies APA formatting to in-text citations and references.Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to APA formatting of in-text citations and references.


Groups For Children And Adolescents


Identify one of the journal articles included in the study of Unit 9 that address the unique considerations for groups with children and adolescents.

  • How does the group described in the article address the special challenges presented in the text regarding leading groups for children or adolescents?
  • Consider the differences for group structure, leadership style, and interventions in your analysis.

Practice Activity 7: Qualitative Article Critique



1. Select one of the research studies from the choices provided below and locate it through the library using your research skills from RES 1500.

2. Read the article in its entirety and complete the Detailed instructions are provided in the on-line module.

Research Studies

Nordheim, K., Walderhaug, E., Alstadius, S., Kern-Godal, A., Arnevik, E., & Duckert, F. (2018). Young adults reasons for dropout from residential substance use disorder treatment. Qualitative Social Work, 17(1), 2440. .

Or may be retrieved from

Cultural Influences On Perception


Respond to the following prompt in a primary post of at least 150 words.

Sensation refers to an actual event; perception refers to how we interpret the event. What are some cultural differences that might affect responses to particular stimuli? In other words: provide an example of something that people from two different cultures may perceive in completely different ways (for example holding up two fingers, with palm facing the signer, is a very rude hand gesture for folks in the U.K., but in America, we hold up two fingers to mean peace). Create a post using examples from the text as well as your own experiences. This post should be completed by 11:59pm PST on Thursday to give your peers lots of time to create meaningful responses. 

ASD Questions

Answer the questions in complete paragraphs (at least 3), APA style (citations/references) and make sure to separate/number the answers

1. Explain the differences between Classic Autism and Asperger Disorder according to the DSM-V (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association).

2. How is ASD identified and diagnosed? Name and describe some of the measurement tools.

3. Describe the characteristics of ASD under each criterion: a) language deficits, b) social differences, c) behavior, and d) motor deficits.

4. List and describe the evidence-base practices for educating ASD children discussed in chapter 2.

5. Describe the differences between a focused intervention and  comprehensive treatment models.

6. What are the components of effective instruction for students with ASD?

Develop A Research Question Based On Your Career Interests

 assignment has to be 100 original as it goes through a turnitin program. must be in APA format and at least 2 scholarly sources I am expected to be the sole author of your work, and to acknowledge the authorship of others work. Academic dishonesty can be avoided by using properly formatted in-text citations and references for the content you quote or paraphrase.   



spend some time sharing your research question and your experiences using the library databases.

My career interest in Psychology is applied behavioral analysis i have a passion for working with children and I love the behaviors I feel this aspect has a lot i can continue to learn from. I currently work in a related field as a TSS worker I would with children who have development disorders I do early interventions I also work with youth who have behavioral problems and the ABA degree will allow me to move up in the company I currently work for.


  • What topic and research question did you pursue?
  • How is your research question relevant to your passions and interests in psychology and to your purpose?
  • Reflecting on the Library Research Knowledge Assessment, what skill areas were recommended for improvement and what skill areas did you do well on?
  • What strategies did you use to locate relevant articles?
  • Did you find Boolean commands (for example, AND, OR) confusing? What tips would you give others for learning these commands?
  • What insights did you gather about your research question?
  • What conclusions did you come to about the role of research in your future career vision?

Methodology Section

Please use the attachment below they help build-up to this point and they are crucial in making this paper.

 You will create the Methodology section of your hypothetical study. This assignment is going to allow you to present your research design and develop and present the details of how your hypothetical study would be conducted. 


Next, make sure you include the following essential information that pertains to the Method elements: 


Reiterate your research question. What is the purpose of your hypothetical study?

  •  Determine an appropriate research design that addresses your research question regarding your chosen topic and explain why this design was chosen. Also, what will your dependent (DV) and independent (IV) variables be for this study?

 For your Participants section describe the following:

  • o  How many participants do you envision having for this hypothetical study and how will you select them (where will you be gathering your participants from)?
  • o  What type of sampling method will you use and why?
  • o  Will you be assigning participants to groups? Yes, no and explain why
  • o  What will the demographics of your participants be (gender, ethnicity, age range(s), SES, educational criteria (if relevant), history of medical and/or mental health diagnosis (if relevant) )?

 For your Procedures section describe the following:

  • o  Where the study will take place (e.g. online, a lab, a university, a medical or mental health setting, a natural environment, etc.)? Explain why you have selected that particular setting.
  • o  Over what period of time will data be collected?
  • o  If you are using an intervention, you must describe it in terms of content and also dose parameters (e.g. groups will meet once per week for 60 minutes for 10 consecutive weekly sessions).

 For your Measures section describe the following:

  • o  You MUST include at least one survey (make sure to include relevant citations and references if you are employing existing measures)

 To find surveys, go to PsychTESTS

  1. Explain what the measures purpose is and what it studies
  2. Explain what type of measure it is (self-report, therapist, rating, teacher rating, parent rating, etc.) and explain why you consider it appropriate for your research study
  3. Describe how many items the measure has and any subscales it might include
  4. How/when will this measure be used and why (e.g. at the beginning of the study (pre-test), at the end of the study (post-test), etc.)
  5. Explain how you will account for ethical issues associated with your proposed research. In other words, how will you ensure that ethical guidelines will are followed appropriately and adequately?

 It must follow APA paper guidelines. Your submission should not exceed 3-4 pages (excluding the cover and reference pages). It should include a cover page and reference page, be written with 12-point Times New Roman font and double spacing, and you will follow proper APA citation and reference format.

Relationships Brochure (Need Within 15hrs)

Create a brochure in which you communicate the following to engaged couples:

  • -The effect of intimate relationships on wellbeing
  • -Strategies to maintain healthy relationships

You may want to use the . These templates can be downloaded to your computer. Note that some will open in Word, while others will open in PowerPoint.

Death Scenario Paper (Need Within 15 Hrs)

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper including the following:

  • Describe, in detail, the thoughts and emotions you felt while imagining the scenario.
  • If you did experience this event, how do you think you would handle the final moments?
  • If you did experience this event, how would you describe your life up to this point?
  • In what ways can traumatic events be opportunities for growth?

Note:  -Please double space the body of the text on all assignments.