Category: Religion / Theology

world religion

Keep your reflections for each example to a maximum of 150 words:

Citing from the assigned film Watchers of the Sky (link posted under EXTERNAL LINKS module) AND A Problem from Hell by Power (ch.2-4) (Canvas)

Please reflect on ONE thing that you learned and/or stood out to you from EACH source mentioned above (i.e., only pick ONE example from one of the assigned chapters by Power). Have a conversation with me! Was there any information that made you re-think a previous assumption or question your own understanding of an issue/event? Make sure to cite your assigned sources (include page numbers when citing the Power chapter).

Why Business Matters to God Discussion

View the following video and provide your comments.

Jeff Van Duzer Why Business Matters to God 2010, IVP Academic

-Must use one reference from a peer-reviewed journal or academic research.
-DO NOT USE blogs, Wikipedia, informative websites, or etc
-APA 7 format.

Entrance & exit Counseling Assessment Exercise

Entrance and exit counseling is a good practice technique for introducing and separating a volunteer from the organization.  Entrance counseling gives a new volunteer some personal time with a representative of the organization, allowing them to get an overview of the entire organization, down to what duties and responsibilities the volunteer will engage in and why they are important to the group. On the other hand, exit counseling offers an opportunity to recognize the volunteer for his/her service and/or encourage or assist the person in understanding why they didnt fit the mission, goals, or culture.

Read Chapter 8 in the textbook by McKee & McKee.- “The New Breed”
Read Chapter 12 in the textbook by Sunny Fader – “365 Ideas for Recruiting, Retaining, Motivating, and Rewarding Your Volunteers”

Develop two separate sets of procedures.
First, create an entrance set of procedures.  Determine a set of strategies or steps to best complete the introduction that a volunteer would need to work with an organization.
Second, create an exit set of procedures.  Determine a set of strategies or steps to best complete the exit of a volunteer once their work with an organization is complete.

Scholarly academic resources, textbooks, or other sources provided.  Use of APA format is required.


Thank you, I have attached all the required reading for this assignment. Please Please follow the instructions as follows.

****The student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be at least 250 words (maximum 450) interacting with the course material, the scriptures, and providing support to statements/point of view.****

1. What is the relationship between meeting one’s physical needs and evangelism?

2.Considering the example of the incarnation of Christ, how should proclamation of the gospel and meeting physiological needs be integrated?

Recruitment Methods Exercise

The recruitment of volunteers can be done in various methods.  Much like filling void positions within a company, internal referrals and/or changing of positions can occur.  However, the strategies used in finding the right volunteer to fit a particular need hinges on the duties and responsibilities that will be performed.  Is there lifting involved or the need for computer skills? Is there a particular license needed for things such as providing transportation or education? What language and communication skill sets will best perform the tasks?  What are the favored populations to enlist and which ones should be avoided? What population are you planning on serving with this volunteer?  Recruitment methods and strategies can widely vary depending on your organizational needs.

Review Chapter 2 and Read Chapter 4 in the textbook by McKee & McKee.
Read Chapter 4 in the textbook by Fader.
Choose one of the following volunteer positions to focus on for this assignment:

Child care workers
Pre-school helpers

Design the method and strategy best suited to attract and secure a volunteer to fill that position.
Write a 1-page double-spaced description of your plan that can be acted upon if real. Scholarly academic resources, textbooks, or other sources provided.  Use of APA format is required.

New Testament

Thank you. I have attached the required reading for this assignment. Please Please follow the instructions.

****The student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be at least 250 words (maximum 450) interacting with the course material, the scriptures, and providing support to statements/point of view.****

1.Apart from the gospel message itself, what is the most significant mission principle you have learned from the activity of the Apostles in the New Testament?

2. How does that principle apply to mission today?



Based upon your reading of Chapter Three in Orienting Adults to Learning in Graduate Theological Education, write a journal entry that contemplates your adult learning skills.


Based upon your reading of Chapter Three and its description of learning how to learn skills, where are you currently strong, and where do you need to improve?

Each journal will have a prompt that the student must respond to, based upon assigned reading for that module/week. There is no word count requirement, but the student should answer the prompt thoroughly yet concisely.

Some starter phrases that might help you to begin writing your learning journal entry are:

Having read chapter three, Im convinced that I . . .

As I consider myself in light of my reading of chapter three, I know that . . .

Reading this chapter has alerted me to the fact that . . .

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Writing Assignment Research Paper:

Using your main text and Google-level research write a minimum six-page (a. 1,500 words) paper responding to the following prompt:

Start with the articles analysis of moderate Islams notion of sin below, compare and contrast that notion with Christianitys, both from a Roman Catholic first holy confession and communion, and an Evangelical Protestant born again perspective, as well as Conservative Judaisms.

In the context of your work, you might find the following article entitled “Sin According to  Islam” illuminating. — .

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Initial assignment was asked to provide the below post based on the following concepts from chapter 2 of Teaching Todays Teachers To Teach by Griggs, Donald L.

1. Change from a doing my duty approach to a this is my ministry approach.
2. Change from recruiting to calling the teachers based on their gifts.
3. Emphasize what is expected of teachers rather than understating the expectations.
ANALYZE (a critical assessment) Questions to consider in your analysis:
1. Are the concepts relevant, realistic, manageable? Why/Why not?
2. Which concept(s) resonate with you? Why/Why not?
3. Which concept(s) do not resonate with you? Why/Why not?

Now Provide discussion reply to each of the post listed.

Reply with 130 words for each post.

In 130 words, respond to the below post #1: 

Post #1 The band-aid solutions about the ways in which some Christian education programs in some churches are conducted end up becoming short lived. The two concepts for this week clearly alluded to that in my view. In order, to have an effective Christian education programs in the church, the pastor along with the congregation should first identify the need for such program (s) by praying; selling the ideas to the people by teaching them and having them to own those programs. The danger of just imposing programs as pastor or Christian education leaders on the people without them taking ownership will certainly come to an end once you leave as the pastor or Christian education leader because either they have been coerced into doing those programs or they did not understand while they were doing them in the first place.
The concepts are relevant for pastors and Christian education leaders to glean ideas about how to avoid creating programs that are not applicable in that setting because it might not be realistic and manageable. Both concepts resonated with me because they help me to understand that Christian education programs are not implemented be it in the church or other ministry settings to score points but rather to teach people about their gifts and how they can use those gifts in building Gods Kingdom.  There is a nominating committee in the church that I am serving that is responsible to nominate leadership each year and this week reading about recruiting to fill up vacancies clearly reminded me about how leaders are recruited just to fill those vacancies and in some many instances, people have been dysfunctional in leading or resign the post. The whole idea about people understanding their calling is critical for Christian education to be effective because people are involved based on their relationship with God and the call upon their lives.

130 words, respond to the below post #2:
Post #2 Christian education leaders often make the mistake of recruiting teachers rather than calling them.  According to Griggs teachers should be called so that their gifts are juxtaposed throughout their teaching career in the church. In doing so it creates a safe and hospitable environment for teachers, leaders, students, and community. Change from recruiting to calling teachers based on their gifts is a relevant concept because it’s biblical and it also satisfies one’s thirst to serve. As the author states, God has always called people to ministry and sometimes people accept the calling with reluctance. However, when one is offered uplifting and inspiring words the confidence level is raised and the minister is equipped and ready to serve God’s people. Finally, Griggs suggests that this concept can be managed if we seek God in prayer and petition for divine guidance in the selection process. After all the purpose of ministry is to restore, comfort, and shelter the sheep.
Emphasize what is expected of teachers rather than understanding the expectations is another concept Griggs discusses. I concur that emphasis should be placed on a teacher’s expectations because teachers should be held at the highest standards in any classroom setting. This concept is important because accountability lies at the intersection of goals and teaching. Also, teachers have a tendency to gain confidence when accountability is a key factor. Teachers get excited and they view their profession as valuable as others. This concept can be managed by leaders if they are willing to take the time to get to know the teachers and engage them. Griggs suggests that teachers should know exactly what is expected of them. For example, they should be expected to practice the teaching of the church’s ministry, know what gifts should be developed and used, and what blessings and benefits they can expect to receive. I can relate to this topic because during my last 10 years of teaching, I had a principal who visited my classroom every single day for 10 years. In the beginning I was very annoyed with her. However, when I received my first evaluation I was shocked and honored to receive a report that provided positive and helpful feedback. That principal held all staff to the highest standards; teachers, custodians, and volunteers. She expected each student to make substantial progress throughout the year.

Personhood Chart

Based on the topic study material, complete the chart about personhood, human dignity, and moral status according to the Christian worldview and another worldview. Each box answer should be a full paragraph and fully articulate a single thought or idea well.

Please use the template provided.