Category: Religion / Theology

Buddhism and Christianity

Write a three to four page paper comparing and contrasting two religions, one “Western” religion and one “Eastern” religion. Compare and contrast the following things:
Describe how each of the religions view the ultimate divine (God, etc.).
What is the “end goal” of each religion and how does one get there according to said religion.
What other similarities do you find between each of the two religions.

The Message of the Text Essay

Once you have read through the “Message of the Text” handout, compose and submit a two-page essay covering the message of Zepheniah.  You will need to pull from some outside scholarship for this, no fewer than four sources and be sure to use footnote citations.  Please be sure to include a title page as well as a Works Cited page.

Zepheniah is a book in the the Old Testament bible.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the “Procedure for Historical (Situational) Reconstruction” (especially note the 5 elements which need to be addressed), read the “Sample Reconstruction,” the “Philemon” Handout (by Fee & Stuart) as well as the other “Philemon” Handout (Eerdman’s Handbook of the Bible).” Once these have been read, compose and submit a two-page Reconstruction essay on the book of Philemon.  Incorporate some scholarship into your work and use footnote citations.  Please be sure to include a title page as well as a Works Cited page. 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

We do not want to leave these doctrines as good discussion topics and not see how they really impact the life of every believer.  Let us consider how each doctrine flows into and through the life of the believer from the time of their conversion to the point of their going home to be with Christ.

Review the following doctrines as covered in Dispensational Theology by Charles F. Baker.

Anthropology (Man)
Hamartiology (Sin)
Soteriology (Salvation and the Atonement)
Angelology (Angels)
Ecclesiology (Church)
Eschatology (End Times)

Write a 4 page paper on how an individual believer is impacted by each one of the doctrines listed above. The following points must be addressed:
At least one paragraph for each doctrine, including:
A short description of each doctrine, and
an explanation showing how that doctrine impacts the life of every believer.
One full paragraph at the end of the paper that summarizes your own personal growth and appreciation for studying theology.

Supporting Scripture and at least two quality sources are included.
Support your work with scholarly academic resources using APA format.

Doctrine Relevancy Paper

We do not want to leave these doctrines as good discussion topics and not see how they really impact the life of every believer.  Let us consider how each doctrine flows into and through the life of the believer from the time of their conversion to the point of their going home to be with Christ.

Review the following doctrines as covered in Dispensational Theology by Charles F. Baker.

Anthropology (Man)
Hamartiology (Sin)
Soteriology (Salvation and the Atonement)
Angelology (Angels)
Ecclesiology (Church)
Eschatology (End Times)

Write a 4 page paper on how an individual believer is impacted by each one of the doctrines listed above. The following points must be addressed:
At least one paragraph for each doctrine, including:
A short description of each doctrine, and
an explanation showing how that doctrine impacts the life of every believer.
One full paragraph at the end of the paper that summarizes your own personal growth and appreciation for studying theology.

Supporting Scripture and at least two quality sources are included.
Support your work with scholarly academic resources using APA format.

End TImes Exercise

The subject of eschatology, or the End Times, is one that has been on everyones mind in one way or another for the last 150 years.  Whether it was the Y2K threat of global shutdowns because of computer malfunctions, or the regular portrayal of doomsday scenarios on display through movies and other media, we want to know about the future.  The Christian view of the End Times is one filled with hope and can be a source of peace and comfort when we view it through the lens of Scripture.

Read Chapters 81-92 in Part 9 of the textbook by Charles F. Baker.
Develop a chart that shows Bakers understanding of the End Times events.  Baker may not deal directly with some of these items, but the Bible passages he refers to will describe the events, so be sure to read the related Bible passages.

Second Coming of Christ
Bema Seat/Judgment Seat of Christ
Great White Throne Judgment
New Heavens and New Earth
Lake of Fire
New Jerusalem

Ensure your chart includes the following components:
Use the list of events provided above.
Place the events in order (sequence) on your chart, according to Bakers understanding.
Provide a short explanation of what the event is (a definition or description).
List Bible references for each event.
Support academic resources, textbooks, or other sources provided. 
Use of APA format is required.

Source & Form Criticism

I do not have the reading materials for this assignment pleas if you can just do your best I would really appreciate it, thank you for all your hard work. I will give a 10 star rating thank you!!!

These Gospels are amazing literary works, belonging to a certain genre of the first-century world. Moreover, these Gospels are sometimes remarkably similar to one another. Two concepts paved the way for 2 influential ways that people analyze the Gospels: source and form criticism. The word criticism simply means critical inquiry.

To learn about these 2 criticisms, to consider whether they offer insights into better reading of the Gospels, and to utilize them where they provide benefit are important for any theologian. It will help you understand why people question the Gospels’ ability to provide entirely accurate information about Jesus and the tools scholars use in analyzing the historicity of the Gospels. It will also better equip you to communicate to non-believers who question the Gospels.

Read the following sections from your textbooks in order to better understand Source and Form criticism.

Strauss, Four Portraits, One Jesus, pages 5780
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, “Gospel-Genre (Links to an external site.)”
In addition, watch a video lecture:

After reading and viewing, contemplate Strauss, pages 5780. Then, in 1 substantive paragraph, agree or disagree with the following prompt. Choose either source or or criticism to frame your response:

[Source/Form] criticism is a bankrupt interpretive approach that denies divine inspiration in favor of human authorship and is based on tentative theories which cannot be proven.

Reflecting on Interpretation of the Gospels

I do not have all the required readings for this assignment if you can do your best it would be greatly appreciated, I will give a 10 star rating!!! Thank you for all your hard work!!!

In your weekly course journal, you will reflect on prompts and consider what it may look like to reflect a Christian worldview within your study of the Gospels. It may feel strange, or implied, to think of reading the Bible through the lens of a Christian worldview, but it is intended for us to keep the right attitude in mind and to process the words personally instead of just as another textbook. Keep in mind that this is an opportunity to reflect on your growth and understanding and perhaps consider course concepts a bit differently than you have before.

In 12 double-spaced pages, consider the importance of knowing how to interpret the Gospels correctly and from a biblical perspective. Choose 2 “threads” of integrating a Christian worldview to write about from the list of options below. Clearly identify which 2 threads you have chosen. Be sure to explain what your chosen threads might look like in theory and practice. Upcoming assignments will also utilize these threads. Try to use all threads by the end of the course.

Biblical Integration “Threads” (choose 2):

God-Worshiping: The Christian worldview understands that worshiping God is about celebrating who God is, what God has done and is doing, and what God has created. Christians see worship as a way of life.
Idolatry-Discerning: The Christian worldview understands that when other “things” are more important to us than our relationship with God, they become idols. Christians are challenged to identify, understand, and discern the idols of our time and to then respond prophetically.
Earth-Keeping: Christians respond to God’s call to be stewards of all of creation.
Beauty-Creating: The Christian worldview celebrates God as the #1 Creator and understands that when we create things we show that we are made in God’s image. We offer praise to God by creating beautiful things. Our creativity makes God smile!
Justice-Seeking: Christians act as agents of change by identifying and responding to injustices.
Creation-Enjoying: The Christian worldview celebrates God’s beautiful creation.
Servant-Working: The Christian worldview works actively to heal brokenness and bring joy.
Community-Building: Christians should be active pursuers and builders of communal shalom.
Image-Reflecting: Christians bear the image of God in their daily lives. All humans are image reflectors.
Order-Discovering: Christians find harmony and order in God’s creation.

Redaction & Literary Criticism

I dont have the reading materials for this assignment, if you can do your best and give me something to turn in I will give a 10 star rating, yhank you for all your hard work.

As you know, the Gospels are amazing literary works, belonging to a certain genre of the first-century world. Moreover, these Gospels are sometimes remarkably similar to one another. Two concepts paved the way for 2 additional influential ways that people analyze the Gospels: redaction and literary criticism.

To learn about these 2 criticisms, to consider whether they offer insights into better reading of the Gospels, and to utilize them where they provide benefit, is important for any theologian.

Read and watch the following resources in order to better understand redaction and literary criticism.

Strauss, Four Portraits, One Jesus, pages 8083, 87101
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, “Redaction Criticism (Links to an external site.)”
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, “Literary Criticism (Narrative Criticism) (Links to an external site.)”

After reading and viewing the resources, demonstrate your understanding of redaction and literary criticism by completing the following reaction in 12 paragraphs:

State the criticism, either redaction or literary, that was especially interesting to you.
Explain in 1 sentence what either redaction or literary criticism is.
Explain how that criticism influences your reading and response to Christs wilderness temptations (found in either Matthew 4:111 and Luke 4:114). Start this portion in this manner:
“My reading of Christs wilderness temptation narrative is influenced by ________ criticism. [State #2 above.] This criticism impacts my reading in the following two ways: … [provide 2 specific ways that criticism influences your reading/response to Christs temptation narrative].”

Reading the Gospels Canonically & Creedally

Many people fall into different traps of reading the Gospels. One may read Scripture superficially, and apart from their canonical context. This may lead to dangerous interpretations and a disregard for God as the unifying author of Scripture. Equally troubling is the mistake of reading the Scriptures apart from, or contrary to, orthodox Christian beliefs. This may lead to dangerous interpretations and a disregard for sound biblical truth and a denial of the apostolic teachings of the New Testament.

Watch the following videos to see several points of view intended to help us learn how to read the Gospels the way in which they were designed and respond to the discussion accordingly.

Only watch from minute marker 10:3016:45 on Son to Father relationship and also from minute marker 31:1539:55 on Christ’s resurrection.

After watching, compose your thoughts in a discussion post. Consider the following thoughts and questions to discuss in your initial post:

Summarize what you learned from the videos.
How do the thoughts and strategies presented in the videos coincide or conflict with your experience or what you’ve been taught regarding the Scriptures?
How can you apply this content to your own personal Bible study, your other classes, or other opportunities?

Video for the assignment in link below, thank you for all your hard work.