Category: Social Science

Women’s Empowerment Corporate Industry

Class: Global cultural Studies/ Cultural Immersion Final

In a world of gender imbalance women in business is a form of empowerment. How does this relate to Womans empowerment?


What culture are you being immersed in?


  1. Culture of Diversity,
  2. Culture on inclusion, and 
  3. Culture of fairness

Topic: A professional setting to discuss your businesss stance on womens equality in the workplace


Incorporate Womens Empowerment though business with statical economic and  sociological data.

Provide examples of social movements, laws, policies that have made it possible for women to avance in the world

Highlight the Economic benefits of women in the work force in the U.S. and compare it to countries where women are academically and professionally limited lunch as middle Eastern countries any country with limited female rights

Provide an overview of the Hindu religion with an emphasis on the chakras and reflect on how the full synchronization of the mind body and soul are vital to your professional development,  progress and development.

global perspective

PHE6210 Health Promotion And Disease Prevention

Week 3 

Course ProjectAnalyzing Behavioral Risk Factors

This week you will add to the work you have done in Weeks 1 and 2 on your final project. You will combine the work from the previous weeks with this part and submit it for grading.

Phase 3 of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model is the education and ecological assessment. After the key risk factors have been identified, they are classified into three categories: Predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors. Approaches to these factors may vary depending on the setting, so it is important to take both the factors and the setting into account in the program planning process.

In Week 1, you selected and analyzed a health issue, explaining the populations or groups most affected by it. In Week 2, you examined the behavioral and environmental risk factors related to your selected health issue. This week, based on your analysis in Week 2, select one or two behavioral risk factors as the focus for the final project.

Week 3 Tasks:

Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, research risk factors. Write a 46-page educational assessment paper.

Complete the following:

  • Identify one or two behavioral risk factors related to your selected health issue. Justify your choices using scholarly references.
  • Identify the predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors for each selected behavioral risk factor.
  • Describe at least two examples of each factor as they relate to the behavior.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of two different settings that can be used to address the health behavior in the targeted population.

Support your statements with scholarly references and appropriate examples.

Collate your work on Phase 1 (Week 1) and Phase 2 (Week 2) together with Phase 3 and submit the paper.

Submnission Details:

  • Submit your assignment in Microsoft Word format to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
  • Name your document SU_PHE6210_W3_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Cite all sources using the APA format.

NOTE: Include an introductory and conclusion paragraphs. Also use scholarly references.

Field Analysis


Assignment Instructions

Field Analysis

Due: 3/17/20


The purpose of this assignment is to recognize sociological concepts at play in your lived experience.   Keeping a field log of your social and institutional experiences for one day, you will critically discuss how your daily life is shaped and constrained by society. This will allow you to engage with many of the sociological concepts learned in class.

Writing expectations

The paper should be 4-6 typed pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, with 1″ margins.  Remember to use APA format to cite and reference your sources.

A presentation that offers additional assistance in completing the assignment is available at


1) Observation 

Create a field log ().  For one day, observe and record the key interactions and institutions in your lived experience.   Starting with waking up, who is the first person you talk to?  What do you do next- take family members to school, go to the gym, go to work and interact with coworkers?  Throughout the day you will take on different roles by interacting with different people and in different situations, and be in contact with different social institutions (education, government, health, etc). Type or photograph your field log and submit it with your written Assignment.

2) Application


Try to wait one or more days before starting this step.  Revisit your field log and apply sociological analysis to your observations.

  • Describe how our day is shaped and constrained by social norms. 
  • Analyze how at least four sociological concepts learned in class (eg. roles, institutions, interactions, impression management, stage theory, emotional labor) apply to your field log observations.  This part of the paper should not be focused on the general social norms you described earlier, dig in with specific concepts in this from our text (refrain from using dictionaries).
  • For at least two of the concepts, find and incorporate an appropriate source that highlights how sociologists study this concept in everyday society (for example, emotional labor in the restaurant industry).  Not sure what constitutes an appropriate source?  See our Announcement on this in the classroom- tips and a learning module are provided there.  For example, we discussed gender socialization:
    • In an article by Crespi (2011) that studied gender socialization and gender roles within the family, results showed that a cross-gender relationship between fathers and daughters, mothers and sons has emerged as significant in determining traditional and non-traditional gender attitudes. The research suggested that the relationship with the parent of the opposite sex could be a strong factor in reducing stereotyped attitudes regarding gender roles (Crespi, 2011). *Use a different example in your paper, the purpose here is to show your research skills rather than repeat my research skills.*

3)      Reflection

Reflect on your role as a larger part of society (i.e. your motives, instincts, feelings, and/or structural constraints).  Discuss ways other people affected you and the ways you affected others in the social experiences of your day.

Sample Field Log

Below is a brief field log to give you an idea of the social interactions and institutions you might look for in your day.  With the observations are sample course concepts that relate to the observations.  Be creative in exploring and applying concepts- we will all apply concepts differently even if the scenes we observe are very similar.

5:45 am: Wake up, interact with children.

Gender roles, nuclear family, folkways

6:30 am: Interact with spouse and children.  Eat breakfast, run, shower.

8:00 am: Arrive at the airport, check-in interaction with airline customer service; interaction with TSA.

Social structure, bureaucracy, norms, mores, social control

9:00 am: Wait with other passengers to board the flight; purchase a drink at a coffee shop; employees have a tip jar; a family sitting close by is watching the news and commenting on what they think is wrong with other cultures.

Emotional labor, ethnocentrism, Piagets stages of development

9:30 am: On a flight with family having a difficult time with small children; flight attendant offers to help them. 

Emotional labor, gender roles, family

12 pm: Arrive at destination airport; drive two hours to see extended family.  Along the road, there are farmers with fruit stands.  See homeless person asking for assistance in exchange for work. 

Poverty, inequality

4 pm: Extended family arrives for potluck dinner; look at family photos together and share family memories.  Watch evening news-  local robbery and assault.

Social deviance, material culture

6 pm: Stop at church to meet family friends, see a bible study group inside; lots of religious symbols; someone remarks on a new church being built to accommodate a different racial group.

Religion, race, monotheism

This course has Resubmission status enabled to help you if you realize you submitted an incorrect or blank file, or if you need to submit multiple documents as part of your Assignment.  Resubmission of an Assignment after it is graded, to attempt a better grade, is not permitted.

This assignment meets the following course objectives:

  • Apply a sociological perspective to the social world.
  • Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life.
  • Recognize and define the social structure and social interaction
  • Explain the reciprocal relationship in the influence between societal and structural factors, individual behavior and the self’s development

Sexually Transmitted Infection Epidemic In Harlem

  1-2 PAGES

State additional risk and/or protective factors you think exist in Cartersville GA regarding sexually transmitted infection epidemic.

The five levels of influence of the social-ecological model (i.e., individual, family, peer, school, and community/cultural) often interact and influence each other.

State how you think two of these levels might influence one another regarding sexually transmitted infection epidemic in Cartersville GA

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Swearer, S. M., & Hymel, S. (2015). Understanding the psychology of bullying: Moving toward a social-ecological diathesisstress model. American Psychologist, 70(4), 344-353.

American Mental Wellness Association: Risk and Protective Factors. Retrieved from:

Required Media

Walden Scholars of Change (2015). Healing our minds, bodies, and families. [Video]. Baltimore, MD: Producer.


Respond To Two Classmates’ Discussion On Social Class And Educational Achievement


Classmate #1: KYLIE G COPE


1. Ehrenreich wanted to know first hand what living in poverty was like and did just that. She moved to different cities in America and got low wage paying jobs to see if it was possible to survive on that low of pay. She quickly learned that these poverty-level wages were not enough money to put a roof over your head and you would often need to work 2-3 low paying jobs that are really hard work. Even though you are putting all of this hard work in, the payout is extremely low and contributes to the cycle of poverty.

2. I think that I could carry out this experiment but the level of difficulty for me would be immense. I do think that participating in an experiment like this truly would show people that the minimum wage is not high enough for people to even survive. I think about the money that I make now, which is well above minimum wage (although I only work 30 hours a week), and sometimes its rough getting by when unexpected expenses pop out of nowhere. When you are making this amount of money you have zero chance to get ahead.

Newman and Lennon

1. Newman and Lennons findinging refute the conventional wisdom about poverty for many reasons. Their findings support the claim that low paying jobs are especially hard to get. These jobs are hard to get for locals in the area, as these jobs are going to people who are commuting from farther neighborhoods. Mothers of young children are impacted by this because without finding a job close to home, they then have to worry about not only affording the commute, but paying for extended hours of childcare. Having personal contacts is everything while looking for a job, at all levels of employment. This who you know phenomenon leads to the people who dont have that connection being without the advantage and less likely to get the job.


1. American history courses throughout education have been fantasizing the way that America came to be what it is today. This idea of the American Dream is a fantasy and definitely not reality. This country was formed on racism but that is not the narrative taught in schools. History is always twisted just enough in the American education system to make America seem like the good guy. American history lacks an accurate and informed lesson on social class analysis in which explains how the education system is actively against the working class.

2. The hidden injuries of class concept represents how interpretations of social classes impact actions in society. Thinking that someone has money and assuming that they must be really smart, the two always go together and this concept challenges that idea. The blaming the victim concept is when people are blaming the people who are impacted by social constructs instead of the social systems that have put them in that position.

3. The social class that you are born into will impact your life forever. The care you get as a child and the schooling you receive will in fact follow you. Social classes shape society in many negative ways and can have lasting effects on people, even if they change social classes during their lifetimes.

4. I got my own ideas about poverty and social class by identifying my surroundings and comparison. I think this is a natural thing to do. When you go to school you find yourself comparing what you do or dont have to what other kids have. You recognize neighborhoods that you grew up in versus the neighborhoods that your friends and classmates grow up in. You soon are able to identify the people who may be living in poverty and the people that arent. (624 words) McIntyre, L. (2014). The practical skeptic: readings in sociology Dubuque: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.



1. Ehrenreich’s experiment states, “All I know is that I couldn’t hold two jobs and I couldn’t make enough money to live on with one” ( pg. 346). I think this means even if she worked so hard, she can’t live properly. And she also states ”During this time I bought no clothing except for the required slacks and no prescription drugs or medical care (i did finally buy some vitamin B to compensate for the lack of vegetables in my diet). I think this means even if she works so hard, she could not afford the consumption of her life. 

2. I would not be able to carry out this experiment. I am lucky that my parents are able to provide for me, and always offer things that I need in my life so I will be always grateful for them. And  I think that participating in an experiment like this would be beneficial for people to know that the minimum wage is not enough for people to live properly.Newman and LennonNewman and Lennon discussed the inequalities that surrounding the job market based on class and gender, this refutes that anyone can get a job if they try because they discussed the lack of job available in society. It was found in ”Mother of young children face particular problems if they can’t find jobs close to home. The costs and logistical complexities of commuting (and paying for longer child care hours to accommodate it) are a big burden”. And also the article refutes that even if young generations (18-25) try to get a job, they can’t find a job because most of them got rejected. It was found in ”Among those people who applied but were rejected for fast-food work in early 1993, 73 percent had not found work any kinda year later, despite considerable effort”. 


1. According to Loewans analysis, the most important functions and dysfunctions of the American myth of social equality is America is full of opportunities that anybody can be successful as long as they work hard.  In the article, Loewan brings up a concept called “the hidden injuries of class.” I think this concept describes the subculture of shame and the negative self-image of those who are poor and I think being poor gives people lower social status. Another concept is “blaming the victim” Loewan talks about this as a tendency to blame an individual for any sort of mishap. It is a system that can cause a failure to her/him. I think The hidden injury of class tells us how we look into lower class. And Blaming the victim maintain people’s status in a class either low or high.  The social class can impact our whole lifetime, Loewan gave us example of a child in high class and a child in the low class. He compared and contrasts how their situation can be based on their social classes and each situation is completely opposite to each other because the higher class child had a better home environment while the lower class child didn’t. Social class can tell how your life will be in the future. 


  1. This assignment is designed for students to illustrate that they understand the different agents of socialization.  
  2. This assignment allows students to think about how these agents of socialization have influence their lives and developing original examples to illustrate the influence.  
  3. This assignment will also allow students to show the understanding of sociological terminology (agents of socialization, socialization, social expectations). 

Task: Students will need to respond the following questions using complete sentences and original examples. 

  1. Choose two agents of socialization that have had a significant impact on your life.  Make sure to explain what the term agents of socialization in your own words.  
  2. Explain the impact that both of your chosen agents of socialization have had on your life. Your explanation should include concrete examples as to how both of your chosen agents of socialization have impacted your life.   
  3. How did both of your chosen agents of socialization pass on social expectations to you? Your response should define the term social expectation–in your own words. Your response needs to include specific examples from both of your chosen agents of socialization and needs to be thoroughly explained.

Kim Woods Only

Week 4 – Discussion 2

Experimental Validity

Experimental validity refers to the manner that variables influence the results of the research and the generalizability of the results to the population at large. The two types of validity that are relevant to experimental designs include internal validity and external validity.


Using a topic of interest to yourself, briefly describe a proposed research study you would like to conduct.

  • Provide a detailed discussion regarding some of the potential threats that could occur to the internal validity of your study.
  • Examine how these threats could reduce the validity of your study and possibly make the study invalid.
  • What are some ways you could increase the internal validity?
  • What is the importance of external validity for your study?
  • Is internal validity or external validity more important for your study?
  • What do you find most difficult about the idea of validity?
    • What aspects of evaluating it or integrating it into research desin are the most challenging and why?
    • What questions do you still have about experimental validity after this exercise?



To participate in the Discussion Board you should visit the following video:

You can also visit other interesting videos related to the same topic with the purpose not to repeat what other students mentioned before you. Your participation should have no less that 250 words. Please, remember to interact with other students at least once. this participation will be graded.

Topic:  Group 10. COVID-19 Signs and symptoms. How people die. Most vulnerable population. 

Essay Compare And Contrast Politics And Sport Events Or Religion And Sport Events

Using the CSU Online Library, locate two selections on sports and political events or two selections on sports and religious events. Depending on the event you have chosen (sports/politics or sports/religion), ensure there are two opposing viewpoints (similarities and differences) to review. Write a two-page report summarizing the piece and identifying the similarities and differences. Below are some possible ideas to compare and contrast: 

Who was involved?

What were the key points/arguments?

Were these points valid and/or logical?

How did politics/religion play a role?

What was the outcome?

Did the outcome involve issues of money and power?

How did this affect sports?

Did the decision lead to better management of sport or sport play? If so, in what way?

Which views do you support? Why?

Which views do you refute? Why?

You will be expected to follow APA style and format for this paper (typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, and page headers). Include the following parts:

Title page – Include the assignment title, Columbia Southern University, and your name.

Introduction – Provide a brief Introduction of your selections and the connection to this chapters topic.

Section comparing and contrasting 1st selection (Similarities/Differences) 

Section comparing and contrasting 2nd selection (Similarities/Differences)

Conclusion – Provide a brief conclusion wrapping up the elements of the selections and how they relate to the chapter topic

Reference page – Include a reference page that lists the sources in proper APA format. If you also used content from the textbook, be sure to include this as a source in your reference page, as well. It is important that you provide the reader with enough information about your article so he/she will be able to locate the article.

Your paper should be a minimum of two pages, not counting title and reference pages. Use APA formatting for your paper, including all references and in-text citations. 


 FEMALE SPEAKER: You’re not dressed? You’re going to be late for work.MALE SPEAKER: I’m not going to work. I’m sick.FEMALE SPEAKER: Of course you’re sick. You’re hungover. I don’t want theboys to see you like this. Go back to bed.MALE SPEAKER: See me like what? I told you, I’m sick.FEMALE SPEAKER: Well, what do you call it when someone is sick almostevery morning, because they drink every night while they sit in the dark watchingTV?MALE SPEAKER: You calling me a drunk?FEMALE SPEAKER: What do you call it?MALE SPEAKER: I call it, leave me the hell alone.FEMALE SPEAKER: Baby, you need to stop this. It’s tearing us up. The drinking,the anger– you’re depressed.MALE SPEAKER: You said, for better or worse.FEMALE SPEAKER: My vows don’t cover this. You were never like this before.You’ve changed. I want us back, the way we used to be.MALE SPEAKER: That way is dead. It died when I went to Iraq. 


With seemingly never-ending violence, natural  disasters, and soldiers returning home from wars growing numbers of  people are suffering long lasting mental health crises. It is imperative  for clinical social workers to implement effective interventions that  address trauma and loss within families.

For this Discussion, view the Levy video.

By Day 3

Post a description of the how the trauma related  behaviors evident in the Levy video affect family interactions and the  family system. Identify the problems in this case and explain whether  these problems would best be addressed through individual treatment,  family treatment, or a combination of both. Review the literature and  recommend an evidence-based family intervention that might help Jake and  Sheri and their sons. Describe how the intervention is implemented and  its underlying theory. Explain how this intervention might help the Levy  family and ameliorate the presenting problems. Finally, describe why  you chose this intervention. Use this weeks resources or the literature  to support your conclusions.


Holosko, M. J., Dulmus, C. N., & Sowers, K. M. (2013). Social work practice with individuals and families: Evidence-informed assessments and interventions. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapter 10, Intervention With Families (pp. 265294)