Category: Social Science

Hurry!!! 2.5hrs Only!! 500 Words Reading Response To Specific Questions

  1. Read the opening section of the introduction (from page 4 to the end of the first paragraph of page 8). It is not necessary for the purpose of this assignment to read the entire chapter, though you should read the rest of it for the purpose of the class.
  2. How does the author introduce the subject matter? Discuss how the author introduces the context of the argument. (What is the main historical problem, or dynamic, that the author wishes to engage? How is this problem framed in terms of the greater historical context? What rhetorical techniques are used? Think about how the author introduces a historical argument.)
  3. What is the authors central argument? What does the author wish to add to the discussion of the subject matter? How do they wish to address this particular historical problem? (What historical question is the author attempting to answer? What is their proposed answer to this question?)
  4. Think about your expectations for the argument. For instance: what concerns or questions do you expect the author to address? What kind of evidence might the author provide to convince the reader of the validity of the argument? What counterarguments might they address? How does the author establish the significance of this argument/research? How is it significant? (Use examples and quotes from the text as needed to support your observations.)

REL 230- Assignment 1


Unit 1 Week 1: Assignment

Based on this weeks discussion forum questions, required reading, and required video viewing, write a 300-350-word essay for the two (2) essay questions. (Note: You must write for BOTH essays.)

(Note: It is imperative that you incorporate the terminology and principles introduced this week to demonstrate your comprehension of the material.) 

Essay #1: Describe your views on studying World Religions and your beliefs entering this course? Discuss the views you held before the course began and if the week 1 information will give you a better approach to studying religion. 

Essay #2: Describe the concepts of observation, faith, worldview, presupposition, and projection when studying World Religions. Do these same concepts apply in the study of non-religious history?

*plagerism free

** must write for both essays

*** must make word count

Discussion 4

Discussion Discussion 4

  1. How is violence against the LGB community tied to the construction of gender?
  2. You were presented with a lot of information on how the LGBT community is targeted for violence, discrimination, and hate crimes across the world. Describe what information impacted you the most, and make sure to explain WHY it impacted you.

Discussion Post Guidelines:

  1. (30%) LENGTH. Each answer should be approximately 300 words in length. For example, if your Discussion 2 assignment requires you to answer 2 discussion questions, your entry for that week should be 600 words in length total (at least 300 words for each of the 2 questions for that week)
  2. (40%) COMPREHENSION. Demonstrate an understanding and application of the course readings and any other outside reading you may choose to use to answer the question.
  3. (10%) REFERENCES. You MUST cite using at least 1 citation per question: All discussion postings are expected to integrate information from at least one of the readings, class materials, and/or from an outside empirical or reputable news source. You should cite both within the text and provide a full reference at the bottom of your post.



Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 14
  • Lesson 1, 2
  • Link (library article):
  • Link (library article):
  • Link (website):
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook and noted readings)

As the text points out, causal reasoning is used in clinical studies. As a professional in the health field, you will undoubtedly be referring to cause/effect studies for the rest of your professional life. In this discussion, you are asked to expand and deepen your understanding of clinical studies.

In 1999, a study on the causes of myopia appeared in the prestigious journal Nature (Quinn). The study received wide-spread publicity in leading newspapers, such as the New York Times, and on television outlets, such as CBS and CNN. Within a year, another article in Nature followed up the 1999 study (Zadnik). The studies had dramatically different findings.

Initial Post Instructions
Using what you have learned from the text, as well as any other sources you may find useful (including the website in the Required Resources), analyze and evaluate the methodology of both studies and how methodology affected the differences in how the studies were reported.

Reportage of both studies can be found with an Internet search using all of the following terms: <Philadelphia myopia night lights>.

Cultural Paper


Cultural Anthropology Paper Instructions

The Country is Tonga

Since the Tower of Babel, people have been naturally suspicious of others who are different from themselves. Language, in fact, continues to be a critical element of culture. For this assignment, you will choose a geographic cultural group from a selection of offerings. In the preparation of the paper, assume it is to be presented to the Liberty Health Mission Board considering funding a health initiative to the chosen cultural group. The board consists of highly educated health professionals but needs solid background information on the culture before committing funds. You will research the chosen culture and identify culturally related health barriers and risks.

In other words, identify and evaluate culturally determined limitations, beliefs and practices which 1) hinder the group from adapting better health practices or which 2) actually create a risk to the health of the population. Your goal is to help the board understand the culture. The written paper must be 7 pages in length and include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources. All information must be properly cited using current AMA style.

In addition, the board has limited time to evaluate your information and has requested a 1-page bulleted talking paper which must be attached as an appendix to the document. The talking paper will give the board a tool for rapid comparison to other cultural groups under consideration for funding.

Write A 700-900 Word Paper On Evaluating Christianity Through The Christian’s Worldview.


Write a  700-800 paper that evaluates the Christian worldview using the method described in the Groothuis text

Summarize the Christianity worldview by using the main categories of belief discussed:  

1. Reference how Christians believe the Bible is the infallible truth 

2. Ultimate reality God is the creator; and there is ONE God

3. Source of Authority God is the ultimate supreme being. Sovereign :Trinity Father, Son, Holy Spirit

4. Human beings, source of morality Made in his image. We were made to worship Him : The God Creed ( see Psalm 8:5).

Part 2 (Groothuis Text) – Write about proving the Christians Worldview on Christianity

Criterion 2b. If a worldview affirms X, Y and Z as essential elements, and any of these elements contradict another essential element (say X contradicts Y), or is self-contradictory, this worldview is necessarily false because it is logically inconsistent 

Criterion 4. The greater the extent to which a worldviews essential factual claims can be established in various empirical, scientific and historical ways, the greater is the likelihood that this worldview is true.

Criterion 7. If a worldview substantially alters its essential claims in light of counter evidence, it loses rational justification.

Paper must be written in APA form, and have at least 4 book references also written APA form.  MUST HAVE PAGE NUMBER INCLUDED IN All CITATIONS noted.  

4 Assignments

Due Feb 12 by 6pm

Now, using your own ideas, concepts, and values, write about using discussion methods, of various types (3-5) in your own classroom where you are teaching.  For each example, specifically address these points:

clearly  define  the discussion method and its components–be concrete and specific, as if giving a recipe for the method talk about how this method engages students–in other words, what is happening during the discussion process that activates the learning experience in each student? How can you engage higher order thinking through this method? Try to think of this scientifically, as a professional educator, as you explain. give one concrete example of how you can use this specific method to teach content within your class; what you expect the process to look like; and how you will determine whether students learned the concepts you hoped they would.

Your post should be at least 3-4 paragraphs, and should provide one clear, concrete example of how you will use a discussion method in your class.  

Due Wed Feb 12 by 6 pm

Putting students together to learn has some benefits that can’t be found in a lecture situation. However, it also puts responsibility for learning more heavily on students, and the instructor must be willing to relinquish some control over the classroom and the content.  

How do you feel about using small groups?  Give some specific ideas about pros and cons of small group learning, from your perspective.  To make the discussion more personal and hopefully more usable, focus your comments on the use of small groups within the class you are currently teaching.  How might you use small group activities in your class?  What challenges might this present?  What benefits might there be, compared to other methods of learning?

Please write 3-4 paragraphs and provide theoretical or research support for your ideas (in other words, please don’t simply offer an unsupported opinion–back it up!)

In your comments to peers, be sure to speak as a professional consultant, and offer constructive critiques as well as balanced support for your peers’ ideas.

Due Feb 12 by 6pm

 For this assignment, choose a specific kind of small group activity.  It can be formal or informal, graded or ungraded; it can be an in-class activity, a project done outside of classtime for later presentation, a community enrichment project–use your imagination! 

Provide the following information as you discuss the group:

optimal number of small groups in your class, and why optimal number of participants in each group, and why  nature of group:  give specifics (e.g. informal, in-class learning group; or formal group to develop a presentation for a local counseling convention) how will this activity foster learning in your students? what challenges might small group learning present for you, and for the students?

Your assignment should be 2-5 paragraphs long, long enough to thoroughly explain the nature of the group and to answer all the above questions.

Due Feb 14 6pm

Develop your understanding of CACREP standards by reviewing them at . Identify 3 standards from the Helping relationships standard and write a 2-3 page paper.


Youve  learned  how  important  groups,  roles,  statuses,  and  social   networks  are  in  the  structure  of  society.  In  this  assignment,  you  will   complete  a  short  answer  activity  in  which  youll  demonstrate  what   youve  learned  by  identifying  and  describing  examples  from  your   own  life.  Use  the  Assignment  2  template  to  complete  this   assignment  



 a)   List  five  statuses  that  you  currently  have.  


  Remember: A  status  is  simply  a  position  you   fill  in  society.  It  may  be  a  job  title,  but  it  could   also  include  a  position  you  fill  within  a  family   or  a  community.  For  more  information,   review  Section  4.3  in  your  webtext.   b)   Label  each  status  as  either  ascribed,  achieved,  or   master.     Remember: An  ascribed  status  is  one  youre   born  with  and  have  no  control  over.  An   achieved  status  is  reached  through  your  own   efforts  or  simply  good  or  bad  luck.  A  master   status  is  so  important  that  it  overrides  your   other  statuses.  For  more  information,  review   Section  4.3  in  your  webtext.  


2)   Roles: 

 a)   Choose  one  status  from  your  list.  


b)   Describe  the  role  that  is  associated  with  the   status.   c)   Describe  how  you  learned  that  role.  


  Remember: A  role  is  the  behavior  expected   of  someone  with  a  certain  status.  For  more   information,  review  Section  4.4  in  your   webtext.   3)   Role Conflict: 

 a)   Describe  a  time  when  you  experienced  a  conflict  because  of  the   demands  of  two  different  roles  associated  with  any  of  your  statuses.   b)   How  did  you  resolve  the  conflict?  (Discuss  any   conversation  or  social  interactions  you  had.)   c)   List  any  active  listening  skills  you  used  to  resolve   the  conflict.  If  you  didnt  use  active  listening   skills,  then  list  the  skills  you  could  have  used  to   resolve  the  conflict.     Remember: Refer  to  the  active  listening   skills  checklist  in  page  2.10  in  your  webtext.  


FORMATTING   4)   Your  assignment  must  follow  these  formatting  requirements:  


  Use  the  Assignment  2  template  to  complete   this  assignment.     References  are  not  required  for  this  assignment   as  you  will  use  your  webtext.     Be  sure  to  include  your  name  and  the  date  on   the  cover  page.  


Public And Private Sector Bureaucracies

  How do public and private sector bureaucracies “feed off of each other?

                                                             Learning Resources


This paper discusses issues facing developing countries on how bureaucratic performance can be improved and how it relates to development outcomes.

This article discusses a report ranking Indias bureaucratic system as one of the most stifling in the world.


This Oxford Dictionary of Sociology article discusses McDonaldization, through which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are dominating modern societies, causing them to become increasingly standardized, predictable, and uniform.


This chapter examines the characteristics, causes, and consequences of bureaucratic organization. Chapter 5: Bureaucratization  

Complex Coding


Complete the following case studies using the CSM-1500 and UB-04 forms.   

CSM-1500 form:

Appendix A: Case A-6 Carlos Clemenza pp. 570- 572

Appendix B: Case B-16: Earl Abbot pp. 648- 649

UB-04 form:

Appendix C : Case C-4: Harold Janovich pp. 666-667

                        Case-18: Tyrone Clark pp. 694-695

Assignment Expectations: 

  • Length:
    • The amount of information needed for the forms
  • Structure:
    • no title or reference page required
    • address each question in a numbered list
  • References:
    • no references required
  • Format:
    • save your assignment as filled PDF documents
  • File name:
    • name your saved file according to your last name, first initial and the week (for example, UB04-jonesb-week5)