Category: Social Science

Discussion Responds 4: Culture


Respond to two classmates discussions. Responses should be at least 150 words each (put the word count in all responses). Replies should take the conversation further by adding questions or your own ideas in your replies. In addition, you can point out both strengths and areas of improvement on your peers’ submission. Strong posts will demonstrate understanding and connection to course materials.

Classmate #1: Shayla J Bichsel


1:The Naciremas are essentially just the American people. Nacirema spelled backwards is American and Miner describes the American society as a tribe hat behaves in a particular way and performs strange rituals to extreme levels. Throughout this article Miner disguises certain things such as Americans, he also disguises a bathroom as a cleaning shrine, the medicine cabinet as a major device in the shrine, and a toothbrush as the hair on a stick.

2.I think that Miner employs this style of writing to show that Americans are ethnocentric people.

Lovely Hula Hands:

Norm: something that is usual, typical, or standard.

Value: the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

Belief: an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.

1. In Lovely Hula Hands by Trask she talks about how tourism in Hawaii has become a complete norm for all of the natives, tourists have been visiting Hawaii for so long that they have adapted their own ways in order to please only the tourists and to make a profit out of it, for example she talks about how hula dancing used to be a native dance but they turned it into a show for tourists In the hotel version of the hula, the sacredness of the dance has completely evaporated, while the athleticism and sexual expression have been packaged like ornaments. The purpose is entertainment for profit rather than joyful and truly Hawaiian celebration of human and divine nature (144). The true Native people of Hawaii value their celebrations and rituals, but their lands are turning into just tourist destinations. Trask argues that tourism was supposed to benefit all of the Hawaiin people, but rather than benefiting the people it is only benefiting larger companies within Hawaii.

2. Throughout the article Trask analogous the commercialization of Hawaii culture to prostitution, by this she means that tourism and economic revenue is more important than the actual beauty of the islands. Hawaii itself is the female object of degraded and victimized sexual value (143).

3. I am actual not surprised by Trasks take on the article, I have visited Hawaii a couple times and I got the same feeling described in the article, which is that everything was almost a show and was mostly for the tourists, the island was beautiful and I love it there but you do get the feeling that everything is done for the people visiting, such as hula shows at the hotels, those arent put on for the locals but more for just the tourists coming to stay. Although I stayed where all tourists stay and I didnt go to the smaller parts of the island where are the locals lived I didnt get to see anything other than what she is talking about in the article. Trask also mentions in the article If you are thinking of visiting my homeland, please do not. We do not want or need any more tourists, and we certainly do not like them. Which was a wake up call to us letting us know that true locals dont even want us there.


1. By the time McDonalds came to Hong Kong American fast food was already familiarized and a norm so it become successful.

2. Mcdonalds in Hong Kong took a takeoff of highly educated, affluent consumers who thrive on Hong Kongs ever changing urban environment. Mcdonalds had to change some of their dishes in order to familiarize with locals such as adding in rice dishes. Slowly adding in breakfast items helped familiarize locals with it and now they order it. Mcdonalds has been getting used to the wave of the cultural movement and has been riding it ever since. Mcdonalds in Hong Kong had to change up their customer service because the people there are not familiar with a smile while being greeted.

3. In this article the research shows that American styled fast food doesnt have an effect on other cultures but instead American styled fast food can adapt to multiple cultures

Classmate #2: Lisa G Bogetto

     Do you feel that the Nacirema people are very spiritual and have magical beliefs? I feel that Miner writes about them the way he does to show that they have different ways of their life. It is extremely outraging when it comes to there beliefs.
                                           Lovely hula hands (Task)
     Some of the Hawaiian norms, values and beliefs form this reading are interesting. I find that the people and the way the celebrate their culture is one of the most interesting. The commercialization of Hawaii culture, of prostitution, it is aimed at the women of Hawaii and it is very much so degrading to them. I believe that Task status of Hawaiian and tourism is very real. It is very beautiful place to visit and has much to offer for a vacation that people would enjoy. But Task does not act like she want us to be in her homeland.
                                                         McDonalds in Hong Kong
     What do you think that were some of the factors that lead McDonalds to be so successful in Hong Kong? Even though other companies had been there before them. Do you feel that the consumes of Hong Kong were willing to let McDonalds be there? I think that the different foods and drinks were interesting enough to make them want to try the product. I do think that American style of fast food does not change their culture. It will just add to what they already now and give more variety to the people of Hong Kong.

Discussion 2: The Social Work Advocate In Politics


Social workers often have commitments to specific policies, laws, or funding of programs that are vital to the population they serve or an issue that they strongly support. Such commitments often lead social workers to become involved in political issues and the campaigns of specific candidates. Being a social worker, such campaign experiences, the outcomes of your efforts, and how effective you felt you were may affect your view of the political process and the likelihood of becoming involved in similar campaigns in the future.

For this Discussion, reflect on your experiences if you have ever participated in a political campaign. What was the outcome of your participation? If you have not participated in a campaign, choose a campaign topic you support or oppose and consider the ways you might like to participate in that campaign. Likewise, think about your experiences if you have ever lobbied on a topic. If you have not, choose a topic for which you might like to lobby in favor or against. Finally, consider how you think social workers might have a powerful and positive effect as elected officials.

By Day 4

Post an explanation of the role of lobbying and campaigning in social work practice. Then, explain how you think social workers might have a powerful and positive effect as elected officials. Finally, explain of the impact, if any, the experiences and opinions of your colleagues have had on your own experiences and opinions.

Sociology Assignment (1000 Words)

Read Marger, Ch’s 1 & 2.

Please explain any experiences you have had that give you a particular interest in the topic of race and ethnic relations in the U.S. today. Let me know what you are hoping to get out of this class. Please give your opinion on the definition of RACE and ETHNICITY What issues/problems do we face in our society today with regard to race/ethnic relations? MIN 500 words.

Read Marger, Ch’s 3 & 4.

Please watch a minimum of 4 hours of television this week. Select any shows of interest and observe how members of different race and/or ethnic groups are portrayed (or are not shown). Take notes on what you see in preparation for this assignment. Describe the TV shows you watched this week and how various racial and ethnic groups were portrayed (including any groups noticeably missing). Consider the proportion of these groups in the U.S. and note whether representation is proportional or not. Discuss how the various racial and ethnic groups are portrayed. Are they characterized realistically, or stereotypically? MIN 500 words.

Global Communications

 Discussion post: Freedom of expression and cultural concerns


Read or view all the articles/videos linked below for use in the discussion assignment. Select the item(s) you find most interesting and respond to the question(s).

You must use this template for your posts: (please check on the bottom)

Post is based upon/is a response to:
Two Concepts Used: [list both]
Text of Post:

First paragraph
Second paragraph

Redlining And Its Legacy

Go to:

Watch the 8 minute film at the top (Redlining’s Still Doing Black America Dirty) and then read the article beneath it: “Redlining: The Origin Story of Institutional Racism” by Michael Harriot.

Then answer the following questions in a 350-word post in essay format:

  1. What is redlining and why/how did it come about?
  2. Who was impacted by redlining?
  3. What is the impact of redlining’s legacy on people of color today? (in terms of education, war on drugs and policing of particular neighborhoods, etc)
  4. Why do you think this article called “The Origin Story of Institutional Racism”?
  5. What are you thoughts and feelings on redlining? (Were you aware this practice and how  much influence it still has on racial inequality today?)

Discussion Question: The Economy

Chapter 17 highlights what is, in many ways, the very basis for sociological thought, the Economy. Many of the first sociologists based their theories on how the economy of society works.  So your text talks about two major types of economies though there are many more out there, Socialism and Capitalism. In keeping with what is happening in our world today, I have posted two videos for you, One is of Bernie Sanders talking about what is wrong with Capitalism, and the other is Rand Paul talking about what is wrong with Socialism. While this is not going to be a discussion about politics, I am interested to hear your thoughts on these two very different perspectives in the light of the information presented in your text.
– What types of capitalism do we observe in our society today?
– Where could we benefit from socialism in our society?
– What is contributing to the underemployment and unemployment in our society? (Please use data to support your claims)
Macionis, J. J. (2018). Sociology (17th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.

Social Work- Professional Development For Future Leaders And Supervisors

 As you further develop your career in clinical social work, you may not be aware of all the types of leadership roles and opportunities available in human services organizations. Executive leadership positions are not the only leadership positions available. For example, you may fulfill a supervisory role as a social work supervisor and or as a clinical program director. As you conclude this course, you analyze how your career goals relate to leadership and management and reflect on your experience in the course. 


Discussion 1: Future Career Goals

What are your short- and long-term professional goals? Do they include moving into a leadership and management position? Transitioning from clinical to administrative roles is not uncommon in social work practice. It is useful, however, to think about relevant skills, knowledge, and professional experiences that will prepare you for the transition. In addition, you should consider the personal benefits and challenges of assuming a leadership role.

Post your thoughts about your future career goals, your interest in moving into leadership or management positions, and the benefits and challenges of a social work administrators role.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.


Discussion 2: Perspectives on Leadership

What is a leader? This may seem like a simple question, but an individuals response to the question may depend on the individual and his or her situation. Leadership contains elements of personality, personal characteristics, skills, and knowledge. Leadership can be demonstrated within human services organizations as well as in the organizations interactions with stakeholders in the community.

As you consider all you have explored about leadership in this course, what new perspectives have you gained regarding this topic? Consider how you might apply your discoveries to your career planning and development.

Post an analysis of how your personal definition of leadership has changed or expanded since you began this course. Explain at least one significant idea or experience from this course that may be of value in preparing you for a future supervisory or administrative role.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Social Work- Applying Knowledge Of Research In Program Evaluation


While there is benefit to acquiring knowledge for its own sake, social work research and program evaluations are not merely academic exercises. Both social work research and the various types of program evaluations you have studied throughout this course should be used to directly improve day-to-day practice and service to clients. Social workers have the responsibility not only to conduct program evaluations and research but also share the knowledge they possess for the benefit of others. Modern technologies have given social workers the ability to quickly and easily share the results of their research and evaluation to improve social work practice on a large scale.

This week you analyze the process of sharing evaluation results with others. You also analyze the applicability of what you have learned in this course to your future as a social work student and working professional.


Discussion 1: Translating Knowledge From an Evaluation Report

Instructors and professors often comment that they learn much more about their subject matter when they begin to teach it. When they try to explain the topic to someone else they begin to connect concepts in new ways. They anticipate questions that students might ask, consider different viewpoints, and think more critically.

For this Discussion, take the perspective of someone who is instructing his or her colleagues and sharing your understanding of research methods and program evaluation.

To prepare for the Discussion, select an evaluation report from this weeks resources. Consider how you would present the information to a group of colleagues. (Evaluation Doc Attached)

Post an analysis of how you would present the results of the evaluation to a group of social work colleagues. Identify the background information that you think they would need and the key message of your presentation. Explain the strategies that you might use to meet your colleagues interests and goals. Identify questions that your colleagues might have and what their reactions might be.


Discussion 2: Contemplating Your Future

The NASW Code of Ethics makes a number of statements about social workers responsibility to study, use, and engage in research and evaluation. In the past, many social workers had difficulty thinking of themselves as knowledgeable and capable in research, despite completing the required research course in school. Think of yourself as a part of a new breed of social workers. You are completing your education at a point in time that places great emphasis on both research and evaluation. You also have greater access to published research than ever before. Research knowledge and skills are like musclesif you do not use them, they will atrophy. You have an ethical obligation as a social worker to exercise and flex your research muscle. Consider how the NASW Code of Ethics guides your professional research.

Post an analysis of how you can apply new knowledge and skills related to research and evaluation, acquired in this course to your future career. Identify specific knowledge and strategies and how you intend to apply them. Identify those skills that you believe will be most applicable to achieving your future goals.

The Media And Public Trust


“The Media and Public Trust”

  • What do you consider to be the most trustworthy sources of news, politics, and information? On what do you base your criteria? Support your views with two or three reasons and/or examples. (Cite any sources you referenced.)

SOCW 6301 Week 11 – Discussion: Integrating The Research Process

 To prepare for this Discussion, read the Poitier et al. study and then revisit what you have learned about the  “Focused research questions and research hypothesis”  step of the research process. Consider what would be the most important information to share with your colleagues about that step. Together the class will create a research plan for evaluating the rite of passage program described in the assigned article 

Post  an explanation of the “Focused research questions and research hypothesis” step of the research process and how you would complete that step. 

2 reference and citations.  Reference to the article and  Yegidis, B. L., Weinbach, R. W., & Myers, L. L. (2018). Research methods for social workers (8th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson. 


About 15 years ago, before evidence-based practice became a standard to which to aspire, a professor found an article describing a treatment program for substance-abusing African-American women that incorporated their children and aimed to preserve their families. The program was built around principles of African-centered theory. The professor thought the program appeared well designed and heartily urged students to study the article and possibly find ways to imitate the program ideas, if not the program itself. A few years later, the professor, having continued her education, especially in the area of research, searched for a follow-up on the program, perhaps reporting outcomes and evidence of effectiveness. No research evidence on the program appears in the scholarly journals. In fact, no evidence that the program continues to exist at this time has been found. The fact that what appeared to be a promising practice approach did not endure or have the opportunity to benefit from evaluation is unfortunate.

Note: This week you will work as a class to create a plan for evaluating the rite of passage program described in the assigned article. Each member of the class will be assigned one step of the research process:
Research problems and questions
Finding and using existing knowledge
Focused research questions and research hypothesis
Research methods
Sampling issues and options
Data acquisition
Data collection instruments
Analyzing data
Disseminating research findings