Category: Social Science


Describe an embarrassing moment you’ve experienced (don’t be shy – we’ve all had them!).  What were the circumstances?  What was the identity you were trying to present?  How did the attempt to claim this identity fail?  What did you do to try to overcome the embarrassment?  What did the witnesses to the embarrassing incident do?  Share your experience, framing your response in the key sociological terminology from the Newman chapter. 

Emergency Preparedness And Management

Former FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate stated many times that emergency and disaster preparedness is the responsibility of all citizens.  As FEMA Administrator, he made citizen preparedness a priority for the agency.  Describe the types of things you have done to prepare for emergencies or disasters.  Explain whether or not you feel you are adequately prepared for the disasters you believe you may be exposed to.  If you do not feel you are as prepared as you would like to be, what would you do to make yourself adequately prepared?  Where would you go to find out how to best take those actions?

Original Posting Content and Critical Analysis (40 points). Due by 23:59 CST Wednesday of the assigned week. Your Forum entry should be pertinent to the subject matter and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the topics discussed with an appropriate introduction, supporting paragraphs, and conclusions. Forum entries should contain 300-500 words, excluding the references.

Needs Of Marginalized Groups


Create an 8-10-page report on the needs of a marginalized group in an organization and ways to meet those needs through workshops, activities, various events, etc. You are expected to be creative in your approach to the issues you discover and expected to use resources in the class as well as original research as you move forward.

Conduct the research necessary for writing a report on an organization’s ability to repair or enhance serving the needs of marginalized workers. Choose the group (women, people of color, elders, people with disabilities, transgender population, etc.) and the organization (which can be fictitious) that your report will be based upon.

In your paper, include the following:

  1. Choose a group traditionally marginalized in society, one that will need accommodations (not special treatment) to navigate the social structures in organizations, which traditionally hold these groups back in structurally discriminatory ways.
  2. Choose an organization. One you are familiar with that you know needs the support of an outside professional (you!) who can help them meet the needs of the group you have chosen to support.
  3. Outline the issues. Be specific and say what the issues are, how the needs are not being met, and how they need to be met.
  4. Craft a proposal that includes ideas for workshops, speaker series, book clubs, film screenings, outings, whatever comes to mind. The ideas should be well thought-out and mapped to the needs (this is the assessment portion of the assignment).
  5. Finally, outline strategies and plans of action that the organization can take to be successful with your proposals.

The point of the assignment is to engage in an area of need, create a plan (or plans) of action for the organization, and offer that organization steps toward improvement where you see the needs.

The portfolio project is an 8-10-page research paper (approximately 3,500 words). Your paper must be properly cited and formatted according to the . Your final paper will be graded not only on content but also on the quality of your writing, including syntax and grammar. It is highly recommended that you closely proofread your assignment before submission.


The paper must demonstrate what you have learned about current issues related to experiences of social class and how the many variables we have discussed in class influence society in the U.S. Your paper is expected to have depth and offer a thoughtful analysis on the topic. The paper should be based on references to scholarly materials (rather than on introductory textbooks, popular website writings, or musings). That is, support your claims with evidence.

The most common mistakes in writing an essay are (a) simply summarizing the topic and not analyzing it or discussing your views and (b) failing to relate the subject to the broader context of race, gender, and ethnicity, as discussed in class and as found in the readings. Adequately including the broader contexts includes, considering how your research might yield a different approach to racism or discrimination.

Work In Modern America


In Option #1, you will write a paper showing your understanding of work in modern America. Included in this paper must be an analysis of positive and negative aspects of our relatively new service/knowledge-based economy and our place in the global economy.  You must also critically analyze the interconnectedness of immigration, globalization, democracy, and corporate power. 

You Portfolio Project should meet the following requirements:

  • Your paper should be 6-8 pages long, not including the title or reference pages. 
  • Cite a minimum of four peer-reviewed, scholarly journal sources beyond the textbook to support your statements. 

Compliance Indicators And Personal Application

Compliance Indicators and Personal Application

Review the Health Care Compliance Associations . Choose and discuss one of the indicators presented in the HCCA reading in relation to an organization or agency that you have worked for or are familiar with.

  • How did your agencys compliance program support this specific indicator?
  • What could have been done to improve your agencys compliance efforts?

Self-Evaluation and Personal Goal Setting

  • Do you think some (or all) of these indicators could be used as a method for self-evaluation for individuals involved in healthcare compliance? Why or why not?
  • How could you evaluate yourself as an individual in relation to these indicators, in whatever field you work presently (or even as a student)? Are there some indicators that are more applicable to you than others?
  • How do you think you could use these indicators as a tool for personal goal setting in- and outside the field of healthcare compliance?

Your journal entry may be informally written in first person and should consist of approximately 500 words.


Required References

Anthony, D. L., Appari, A., & Johnson, M. E. (2014). Institutionalizing HIPAA compliance: Organizations and competing logics in U.S. health care. Journal of Health & Social Behavior, 55(1), 108-124.

Krist, A. H., Phillips, S. M., Sabo, R. T., Balasubramanian, B. A., Heurtin-Roberts, S., Ory, M. G., & … Glasgow, R. E. (2014). Adoption, reach, implementation, and maintenance of a behavioral and mental health assessment in primary care. Annals of Family Medicine, 12(6), 525-533.

Kusserow, R. P. (2014). Metrics to Evidence and Benchmark Compliance Program Effectiveness. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 16(6), 4952. Retrieved from ebscohost.

United States Department of Health and Human Services. (2017). Grants compliance and oversight. Retrieved from

Recommended References

Burrow-Snchez, J. J., Martin, J. L., & Imel, Z. E. (2016). Applying for grant funding as a counseling psychologist: From thought to action. Counseling Psychologist, 44(4), 479-524.

Goldfried, M. R. (2016). On possible consequences of National Institute of Mental Health funding for psychotherapy research and training. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 47(1), 77-83.

Merlino, J. P., Petit, J., Weisser, L., & Bowen, J. (2015). Leading with lean: Getting the outcomes we need with the funding we have. Psychiatric Quarterly, 86(3), 301-310.

Funding For Grants

Funding for Grants

Dr. Miller purchases a much needed piece of specialized equipment for her research on hypertension. When preparing the purchase request, she realizes that the only account with enough money is her grant for research on sleep disorders. Because both grants are funded by NIH, she charges the equipment to the sleep disorder grant. Is this appropriate? (Adopted from NIH -Office of Extramural Research. (2007, April). Grants compliance & oversight. Rockville, MD: Author. Retrieved from ) Discuss the major risks to both the manager and agency/organization for failure to properly comply and administer a grant.

When you discuss the major risks, substantiate your position by referring to any specific standards that you may currently be using or considering. Feel free to add relevant examples, share relevant resources you have found (articles, videos, podcasts, infographics, quotes), share your relevant personal observations or experiences, and/or offer a short scenario as a realistic application of the concept.

When responding to your peers original postings, compare their resources to yours and address the differences/similarities.

Please provide an initial substantive answer between 400 words in length.


Required References

Anthony, D. L., Appari, A., & Johnson, M. E. (2014). Institutionalizing HIPAA compliance: Organizations and competing logics in U.S. health care. Journal of Health & Social Behavior, 55(1), 108-124.

Krist, A. H., Phillips, S. M., Sabo, R. T., Balasubramanian, B. A., Heurtin-Roberts, S., Ory, M. G., & … Glasgow, R. E. (2014). Adoption, reach, implementation, and maintenance of a behavioral and mental health assessment in primary care. Annals of Family Medicine, 12(6), 525-533.

Kusserow, R. P. (2014). Metrics to Evidence and Benchmark Compliance Program Effectiveness. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 16(6), 4952. Retrieved from ebscohost.

United States Department of Health and Human Services. (2017). Grants compliance and oversight. Retrieved from

Recommended References

Burrow-Snchez, J. J., Martin, J. L., & Imel, Z. E. (2016). Applying for grant funding as a counseling psychologist: From thought to action. Counseling Psychologist, 44(4), 479-524.

Goldfried, M. R. (2016). On possible consequences of National Institute of Mental Health funding for psychotherapy research and training. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 47(1), 77-83.

Merlino, J. P., Petit, J., Weisser, L., & Bowen, J. (2015). Leading with lean: Getting the outcomes we need with the funding we have. Psychiatric Quarterly, 86(3), 301-310.

Discussion Post Help


Discussion: Creating Positive Social Change

In the Week 1 Discussion, you used your sociological imagination to better understand a value or behavior. In Week 3, you completed the Rough Draft Essay Worksheet to help you organize your thoughts for writing the Final Essay due in Week 6. For the Final Essay, you will explore a social issue or problem within a social institution through the lens of at least one of the sociological perspectives. To help you further prepare for writing the Final Essay, in this weeks discussion you will apply your sociological imagination to the specific social issue or problem you plan to explore in your Final Essay. By using your sociological imagination to better understand the complex interactions that contribute to issues or problems in society, you can better understand your role in creating positive social change.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the concept of the sociological imagination in Unit 2 of the Interactive Units.
  • Review the Rough Draft Essay Worksheet that you completed in Week 3, in which you began exploring the content for your Final Essay.
  • Consider the feedback you received from your instructor on your Rough Draft Essay Worksheet.
  • Consider the feedback you received from your instructor and classmates in the Week 4 Discussion.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Posta 1- to 2-paragraph response to the following prompts:

  • Share the social issue or problem you plan to explore in your Final Essay.
  • Using your sociological imagination, what do you believe might be some possible explanations for the social issue or problem?
  • How could you use your sociological imagination to bring awareness to other possible viewpoints or ways of thinking or acting related to the social issue or problem?
  • Describe your confidence level with writing your Final Essay. Are there any components of the assignment that you would like to better understand?

Refer to 2 specific examples from the readings provided or other sources you find. Be sure to include information about each source, including title, author, year, and page number. If you refer to concepts from your Interactive Units, note the unit and element (lecture notes, video, etc.) to which you refer.

Discussion: Personality Disorders


Please review The Mr. Wilson (no not familySmile)  and consider your differential diagnostic process for her. Be sure to consider any past diagnoses and what influence they might have on her current diagnosis and needs. Finally, return to the Week 1 Discussion topic of stigma and reflect on stigma related to personality disorders.

By Thursday night, Please post a 300- to 500-word response in which you address the following:

  • Provide the full DSM-5 diagnosis. Remember, a full diagnosis should include the name of the disorder, ICD-10-CM code, specifiers, severity, and the Z codes (other conditions that may need clinical attention).
  • Explain the diagnosis by matching the symptoms identified in the case to the specific criteria for the diagnosis
  • Support your decision by identifying the symptoms which meet specific criteria for each diagnosis.
  • Identity any close differentials and why they were eliminated. Concisely support your decisions with the case materials and readings.
  • Explain how diagnosing a client with a personality disorder may affect their treatment.
  • Analyze how power and privilege may influence who is labeled with a personality disorder and which types of personality disorders.
  • Identify how trauma affects the case, either precipitating the diagnosis and/or resulting from related symptoms or treatm  


Intake Date: May 2019


This is a voluntary intake for a 33-years-old Caucasian, Protestant male. Mr. Wilson has had several psychiatric hospitalizations in the past. He has been married for 8 years and has been separated from his wife for the past ten months. He initially moved in with his parents but recently moved to his own place for the past five months.  His wife lives two blocks from him. Mr. Wilson has had difficulty in jobs and has not been at any job longer than two years.


“I miss my wife and do not want to live if I have to live without her”.


Mr. Wilson reports first seeking psychiatric treatment when he was seventeen years old. He was prescribed anti-depressants but does not remember what kind. The anti-depressants worked well for his depressed mood, so he remained on anti-depressants for three years until he believed he did not need them anymore since things started changing for him. He was feeling much better, happier, freer, able to get out there and conquer the world. At 21, he began drinking. His chemical use increased in his early twenties when he began using cocaine and amphetamines. His use of alcohol and pills continued throughout his late twenties. At twenty-nine-years-old, he attempted suicide after his wife left for the first time. He was hospitalized in a psychiatric unit for thirty days where he was also treated for drug and alcohol addiction. At this time, he became involved with AA and NA few a short period of time. After the reconciliation with his wife, their financial difficulties, which existed from the start of the marriage, continued. At that time, Mr. Wilson was put on Depakote with continued successful results three years.

Mr. Wilson reports being in a car accident six months ago where he hurt his back and was prescribed Oxycontin. He began using the medication more often than prescribed. Shortly after the accident, he began using other medication once in a while that he would obtain from friends, such as Klonopin. He decided to return to self-help meetings to end this behavior, but it did not last long because he felt uncomfortable.

In December 2018, Mr. Wilson returned to his psychiatrist because he was becoming depressed again, feeling sad, fearful, and suicidal. He was given Luvox. Soon after, the psychiatrist did not think this was working very well and added Ritalin to augment his medication regiment. During the next three months, Mr. Wilson’s mania increased. He was having angry outbursts regularly. His wife asked him to leave the home. He took an overdose of Klonopin. Mr. Wilson was hospitalized for 3 days until his mood was stabilized and then returned home. He reports feeling anger towards his wife believing she forced him to be hospitalized and started using amphetamines again. 

Mr. Wilson continued on anti-depressants and Depakote. His psychiatrist was unaware that he continued using amphetamines and other medications. Mrs. Wilson was getting continuously concerned about their financial state because Mr. Wilson would constantly buy presents for her that she did not need or want, nor that they could afford. They would have arguments about this all the time. Mr. Wilson continued his use throughout the summer and by the end of March was asked to leave his home again because he used pills as a suicidal gesture. He began drinking again to cope with the separation. This use continued up to his current presentation for intake.


Mr. Wilson is the only child from his parents union. Mr. Wilson reports his growing up to be tumultuous. His mother separated from his father on several occasions and sometimes would throw Mr. Wilson out of the house with the father. His mother made all the decisions and his father played a more passive role. Both parents would often have physical fights and Mr. Wilson would try to break up the fighting from as early as he can remember. 

Mr. Wilson had very few friends growing up. He learned to be nasty from his home life and would bully and intimidate his peers. He always knew he was better than them anyway. Sometimes he would actually initiate physical fights with his peers.

Mr. Wilson was considered an underachiever in the early years of school. He went on to college and graduated with a bachelor’s in science with a major in computer science. 

Mr. Wilson denies any legal history.

Mr. Wilson worked for many years in the family business right after college. Although the customers liked him, he was asked to leave because of money always missing from the days sales. After his addiction recovery, he entered the computer business and was a salesperson for a major company. Mr. Wilson stayed at his first job six months but did not like the company and left. He then became a director in another company. He was asked to leave because printers were missing from his area. He had several jobs for a while but would not stay long at the job. He became a district coordinator at his next job. He stayed there three years. He had several meetings with his supervisors because of many indications of unethical behavior. He hated this since it reminded him of childhood when he had to do whatever he needed to obtain favors from his peers and be able to manipulate them for things they had. For example, he would charge vacations for his friends and himself off as a business expense. Although the administration could not prove any illegal activity there was always speculation.


Mr. Wilson states he currently takes Synthroid (which he convinced his primary care physician to give him) for a thyroid problem and this helps him keep his weight down. 


Mr. Wilson was first married at age twenty. He reports not loving his first wife but liked the stability of her family and asked her to marry him. They spent two years together. He physically abused her from the beginning of their marriage. Mr. Wilson had several affairs that ended the marriage. They had no children.

Mr. Wilson married again at twenty five. He reports not loving his second wife but thought he should be married. He pursued the second wife right from the beginning of their relationship to marry him. 

The first four years of their marriage Mr. Wilson reported physically abusing his wife. He stopped the physical abuse when he became sober. Over the past several years, he believed his wife was becoming more distant from him, which angered him. Their fighting increased, although he would not become physical with her now.

Mr. Wilson has few friends. 


Mr. Wilson presents as a neatly dressed male who appears younger than his stated age. His hair is a bit disheveled, although he continuously takes a brush out to fix it. He discusses his weight and body image stating he wants to be thinner and return to weightlifting to build up his muscles again because at one point in his life he looked like an “Adonis”. His nails are neatly groomed. Facial expressions are appropriate to thought content. Motor activity is appropriate. Thoughts are logical and organized. There is no evidence of hallucinations. Mr. Wilson admits to a history of suicidal ideation. Mr. Wilson has some manic like symptoms, i.e. getting up, going to the men’s room, talking fast during the interview. Mr. Wilson is oriented to time, place, and person. His intelligence appears normal. ent of diagnosis.


equired Readings

Morrison, J. (2014). Diagnosis made easier (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Chapter 16, Diagnosing Personality and Relationship Problems (pp. 251270)

Required Media

Accessible player –Downloads–Download Video w/CCDownload AudioDownload TranscriptLaureate Education (Producer). (2018e). Psychopathology and diagnosis for social work practice podcast: Personality disorders [Audio podcast]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Optional Resources


Assignment: Assessing Group Process 5


For this Assignment, describe the overall process of the group and your feelings about the group experience.

  • Choose an evaluation method described by Toseland & Rivas (2017) or London (2007), and use it to evaluate your group (i.e., analysis of the product, group questionnaire).
  • Identify something you might have changed during this process and describe what you could have done differently.

Group Process Assignments should integrate course concepts related to group process. Assignments should demonstrate critical thought when applying course material to your group experience. Support ideas in your Assignment with APA citations from this week’s required resources.

By Day 7

Submit your Assignment (2-3 pages).

Discussion: Termination With Families And Group


Intervention endings are a critical part of social work practice.  Because endings may create strong emotional reactions, the termination process starts from the first session.  Successfully terminating family sessions or group sessions promotes learning for clients to take with them moving forward.

By Day 3

Post a comparison of the termination process between treatment groups and family sessions. Explain how you would evaluate readiness to terminate group and family treatment, identifying similarities and differences between the evaluation of the two types of treatment. Describe the techniques you would use to terminate a treatment group and how these may be the same or different than the techniques you would use to terminate a family intervention.


Required Readings

Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Chapter 13, Ending the Groups Work (pp. 395-416)
Chapter 14, Evaluation (pp. 417-443)

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing [Vital Source e-reader].
Working With Organizations: The Southeast Planning Group (pp. 5152)