Category: Social Science

Discussion Question

After you complete the readings, what “health system components” do you believe must be in place to ensure a well-functioning system of primary care?

1. What are the health system components?

2. Should they be weighted on some scale of importance?

    If so, what ones do you believe should be at the top of the 3. What is meant by primary care, and why is it a priority of all health systems?
4. Does the concept of primary care mean different things in wealthy and poorer countries?


Fried, BJ and Gaydos, LM. (2012). World Health Systems: Challenges & Perspectives (2nd Ed.). ISBN:978-1-56793-420-5/2008/en/


SOCW 6500


Required Readings

Garthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Chapter 4, “Personal Safety” (pp. 41-50)

Required Media

Laureate Education. (Producer). (2013). Safety planning [Audio file]. Retrieved from

Note:  This audio introduction is located in the “Introduction and Objectives” section. The approximate length of this media piece is 1 minute.

Optional Resources

Click the following link to access the MSW home page, which provides resources for your social work program.

Assignment 1: Week 3 Blog

Refer to the topics covered in this week’s resources and incorporate them into your blog.

By Day 3

Post a blog post that includes:

  • A description of your personal safety plan for your field education experience
  • An explanation of how your personal safety plan might differ from your agency safety plan during your field education experience

Persuasive Essay Assignment

Persuasive Essay Assignment

  1. Grading Rubric You will be graded on how well you:        
    1. State your position on the topic
    2. Describe the points in support, including your position and other evidence
    3. Anticipate and address readers concerns and arguments against your position
    4. Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization (1 point each)
    5. Formatting (2 points each)
    6. Late Papers WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!
  2. Paper Guidelines        
    1. Paper should not exceed 7 pages. PAPERS LESS THAN 5 Pages and MORE THAN 7 Pages, WILL RECEIVE AN AUTOMATIC ZERO!!
    2. Times New Roman, 12 pt. font
    3. Double Spaced. Do not add spaces between paragraphs
    4. 1 inch margins all around. This is not the automatic setting for Word. Pay Attention!
    5. Stapled upper left hand corner
    6. Reference/ Work cited page: Minimum 3 ( Does not Count as part of 5 page minimum.
    7. Cover Page (DOES NOT COUNT PART OF 5 PAGE MINIMUM)          
      1. Title
      2. Name
      3. Date
      4. Instructors Name
      5. Class
      6. Class Date and Time
    8. Must Turn Online via Blackboard under the assignments tab (No excuses)!!
  3. Proofread and Edit. 
  4. Revise Have you used specific details to persuade me?        
    1. Have you answered questions that your audience might make?
    2. Do you have a thesis?
    3. Does the ending contain a clear call to action?
    4. Did you include transitional words and phrases? 
    5. Did you check for nominalizations? Passive Voice? Faulty Predications? Subject / Verb Agreements?
  5. Reference in APA style



Voter turnout in the United States is lower than most other democracies in the world.

Why do you think so many Americans are unwilling to exercise their right to vote? What changes would you recommend to increase voter turnout in your community? 

At a minimum, please respond in a paragraph of at least 5-7 sentences to fully address this questions.  Then, be sure to respond to at least one of your classmate’s posts with a substantial response.  Also, be sure to respond in your own words!

Unit10 ProgDev DUE 03.16.2020


Executive Summary

Of the three programs that you have proposed, choose the one that you wish to present. In 250500 words, write an executive summary of that proposal. Even in an executive summary, it is appropriate to cite others’ work. 


Self-Assessment of Program Development and Program Evaluation Competencies

This course has taken you through the process of recognizing a community need, proposing a program to address it, and determining evaluation approaches for this program. You have learned new knowledge. As you consider the tasks required throughout the program development and program evaluation processes, you may have come to know more about yourself, your skills, and your abilities.

In this discussion, reflect on and articulate a self-assessment of your strengths and weaknesses regarding program development and program evaluation. Highlight any ethical challenges you foresee for yourself if you engage in program development and program evaluation. Also, present strategies to strengthen your skills and abilities and to overcome these ethical challenges.

Unit9 ProgDev DUE 03.11.2020


Appraisal of Proposals

Government agencies often partner with the private sector to address community needs. This assignment provides an opportunity for you to view the process from multiple perspectives. In this case, suppose the government has released a request for proposals from the private sector to address the community need you identified in your Community Needs Assessment assignment (u05a1). For-profit businesses and nonprofit agencies are encouraged to apply. You will develop a proposal from each of these models for program development.

Then, taking the government reviewer perspective, you will determine which proposal seems to best fit the government’s perspective in meeting this community need. This will allow you to critique the proposals not only in their general potential for success, but also specifically in relation to diversity and inclusion of special populations.


For this assignment, write two proposals for new programs and an appraisal from a government agency perspective of your two proposals.

  • One proposal will be a program with a for-profit business model.
  • One proposal will be a program with a nonprofit organization model.

Each new program proposal should be 35 pages and present an initiative to address the need presented from your community needs assessment (from u05a1). Each proposal should highlight key components of the community needs assessment that support the need for the new program and how the new program addresses this need. Each proposal should include an appropriate strategy for program evaluation and address issues of diversity and inclusion.

The appraisal should be a 23 page synopsis and critique of each of the two programs, including how well each addresses the social problem, how well it meets the community need for diverse populations, and what the ethical considerations of a government agency are, in contracting or in funding the proposal.

All of this work should be supported by the required course readings and other reputable sources.

To successfully complete this assignment, you will need to do the following:

  • Nonprofit Proposal: 
    • Design a program for a nonprofit organization to address your identified community need (from u05a1).
    • Identify a type of program evaluation that would be appropriate for a nonprofit organization’s program.
  • For-Profit Proposal: 
    • Design a program for a for-profit business to address your identified community need (from u05a1).
    • Identify a type of program evaluation that would be appropriate for a for-profit business’s program.
  • Appraisal: 
    • Complete an appraisal comparing and contrasting the two programs from a government perspective.
    • Critique how well the programs address the social problem.
    • Examine how well the programs address issues of diversity and inclusion.
    • Explain ethical considerations of government funding or contracting in relation to each proposal.

Submission Requirements

To complete this assignment successfully, your paper will need to meet the following specifications:

  • Page length: Your paper should be 510 pages overall, comprising a portfolio of these 3 documents: 
    • The Nonprofit Proposal.
    • The For-Profit Proposal.
    • The Appraisal.
  • Communication: Communicate using professional academic writing and apply current APA format and style appropriately. Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others, consistent with expectations of the human services profession.
  • Resources: Support your work with a minimum of 15 reputable sources, including required readings and other scholarly or professional sources such as peer-reviewed journals.
  • Font and size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Refer to the Appraisal of Proposals Scoring Guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assignment. **********************SEE ATTACHMENTS***********************


For-Profit Business Opportunities 

Based upon your community needs assessment, you have identified a specific community problem. In this discussion, present at least two opportunities for-profit businesses could support in addressing this community problem. Provide a rationale that links the for-profit business, its program (of a service and/or product), and the community problem.

Anthropology Final Reflection

This is a two-part assignment. Your initial post is due Friday, 3/13 and your responses are due Sunday, 3/15. It’s the standard rubric we’ve been using all quarter.

Take a look at the introductory discussion from the beginning of the quarter, where you discussed your understanding of the place of humans in the web of life.

  • Explore the ways your understanding of Human Evolution have changed and affected your perspective throughout the course of this quarter. Which readings, discussions, or assignments have most influenced your new insights (be specific here)?
  • Also, please explain if or how your understanding of the role of human beings in the environment and the web of life have shifted.
  • If you have gained any pearls of wisdom or understanding that will affect how you conduct your life, outside of school (these can concern parenting, community involvement, how we relate to others or the environment, etc), please share these. This portion is not required, as I really don’t want you to make anything up!

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, predict the future for humanity!

  • Where are we headed, what do we need to change, what do we need to protect, and what do we need to get rid of?  Will humankind colonize space, will we unlock the secrets and defy the limits of life and death?  Or will we find ourselves, like almost every other species that has ever existed, in the museum of extinction, nothing left but fossils…?

Yes, please, you can be creative.  You can be optimistic or pessimistic as you see fit, you can write your prediction in any style you like.  At the same time, your prediction should employ the scientific method, and your post should include at least one solid, clear reference to something we have studied this quarter.

Please read each other’s posts, and respond sincerely and substantively, to at least two of your classmates.

There is no right or wrong way to answer these questions and make these predictions, and your posts will be evaluated based on effort, thoughtfulness, engagement with course themes and material, and application of the scientific method.

Thanks for your reflection and consideration of one another. You all have done an excellent job on the d-board throughout the quarter.  I look forward to reading these…

Assignment B

Assignment 3b: Analysis on the Threats Defense Argument

Due in Week 10 and worth 100 points

The information you provided in your PowerPoint presentation on Threats to the Global Environment has led to productive debates at the United Nations General Assembly! Hence, they are now asking you to create an additional analysis report to respond to the issues raised in these debates.

Your fourth project as a consultant for the United Nations is to develop a report that addresses the issues raised by some of the member states of the United Nations.

Step I. Consider the Issues

In Assignment 3a, you were asked to create a PowerPoint identifying the four most critical threats out of eight threats provided in the table below. 

Energy sources

Civil war (used this one)


Poor health of entire populations

Lack of educational opportunities (I used this one)

Cultural taboos 

Inappropriate uses of technology (used this one)

Climate change (used this one)

There are four remaining threats that you did not discuss in your PowerPoint. This assignment will focus on those four. Here are the specific tasks you will complete:

  • Review the remaining four threats that you did not use in Assignment 3a.
  • Pick two of the four to focus on in Assignment 3b. 
  • Identify the reasons why you think these two threats are less critical than the four threats you chose for your PowerPoint presentation. 

Step II. Prepare Your Report 

The UN has given you the following guidelines. 


Briefly introduce the topic of the analysis (about 100-150 words). 

  1. State the topic and intent of the paper. 
  2. Identify the four threats you will discuss in the paper in the order in which they appear in the paper.

Section I. Threat 1

  1. Write an opening statement describing the perception of the threat.
  2. Write one page giving three reasons that explain why you saw this threat as less critical than the four you chose for your presentation in Assignment 3a. 
  3. Support these reasons with at least three credible sources.

Section II. Threat 2

  1. Write an opening statement describing the perception of the threat.
  2. Write one page giving three reasons to explain why you saw this threat as less critical than the four you chose for your presentation in Assignment 3a. 
  3. Support these reasons with at least three credible sources. 


  • Offer a summary (one page or less) of your defense of your choices that the United Nations can use to address their prioritization concerns.

Formatting Requirements

  • Your paper may consist of up to four pages (not including the cover or reference pages). 
  • Create headings for each section of your paper as follows: 
    • Introduction
    • Threat 1 (include the name of your chosen threat)
    • Threat 2 (include the name of your chosen threat)
    • Conclusion
  • Use and cite four to six credible sources in your analysis. You may use the same source for more than one threat as long as you use a minimum of four different sources. A list of potential resources is available at the end of this course guide.
  • Make sure your paper contains both in-text citations and a source list, per SWS guidelines; refer to the document for reference. 
  • Include a cover page with your name, the date you submitted the paper, and your instructor’s name.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:

  • Examine the factors that account for why the growth in the worlds population can negatively affect the global society. 

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric:

Points: 100

Assignment 3b: Analysis on the Threats Defense Argument



90-100% A


80-89% B


70-79% C

Meets Minimum Expectations
60-69% D


Below 60% F

Included a counterargument paragraph for each of the two threats.

Weight: 20%

Provided a well-written counterargument paragraph for each of the two threats.

Provided a sufficient counterargument paragraph for each of the two threats.

Provided counterarguments of less than a paragraph for two threats. 

Provided a counterargument against only one threat. 

Did not provide any full paragraphs or counterarguments.

Included three points supporting the counterargument to each threat. 

Weight: 20%

Included three or more well-thought-out points supporting the counterargument to each threat.

Included three points adequately supporting the counterargument to each threat.

Included two points supporting the counterargument to each threat.

Included one point supporting the counterargument to each threat.

Did not provide any counterarguments or only completed the assignment for one threat or none. 

Included an opening statement and a conclusion for each threat. 

Weight: 20%

Included a well-thought-out opening statement and a conclusion.

Included a sufficient opening and conclusion for each threat. 

Did not fully include an opening statement or a conclusion for one of the threat paragraphs.

Missed an opening statement and a conclusion for one of the threat paragraphs.

Did not provide an opening statement or a conclusion for either paragraph.

Cited at least three credible sources.

Weight: 20%

Met the minimum credible source and proper citation requirements.

Used 3 credible sources, with a few citation errors.

Used at least 2 credible sources and properly cited sources.

Used at least 2 sources but did not properly cite sources.

Used 1 or fewer sources.

Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting.

Weight: 20%

02 errors present.

34 errors present.

56 errors present.

78 errors present.

More than 8 errors present.

Analysis On The Threats Defense Argument

The information you provided in your PowerPoint presentation on Threats to the Global Environment has led to productive debates at the United Nations General Assembly! Hence, they are now asking you to create an additional analysis report to respond to the issues raised in these debates.

Your fourth project as a consultant for the United Nations is to develop a report that addresses the issues raised by some of the member states of the United Nations.

Step I. Consider the Issues

In Assignment 3a, you were asked to create a PowerPoint identifying the four most critical threats out of eight threats provided in the table below. 


Energy sources 

Civil war



Poor health of entire populations


Lack of educational opportunities

Cultural taboos 


Inappropriate uses of technology

Climate change

There are four remaining threats that you did not discuss in your PowerPoint. This assignment will focus on those four. Here are the specific tasks you will complete:

  • Review the remaining four threats that you did not use in Assignment 3a.
  • Pick two of the four to focus on in Assignment 3b. 
  • Identify the reasons why you think these two threats are less critical than the four threats you chose for your PowerPoint presentation. 

Step II. Prepare Your Report 

The UN has given you the following guidelines. 


Briefly introduce the topic of the analysis (about 100-150 words). 

  1. State the topic and intent of the paper. 
  2. Identify the four threats you will discuss in the paper in the order in which they appear in the paper.

Section I. Threat 1

  1. Write an opening statement describing the perception of the threat.
  2. Write one page giving three reasons that explain why you saw this threat as less critical than the four you chose for your presentation in Assignment 3a. 
  3. Support these reasons with at least three credible sources.

Section II. Threat 2

  1. Write an opening statement describing the perception of the threat.
  2. Write one page giving three reasons to explain why you saw this threat as less critical than the four you chose for your presentation in Assignment 3a. 
  3. Support these reasons with at least three credible sources. 


  • Offer a summary (one page or less) of your defense of your choices that the United Nations can use to address their prioritization concerns.

Formatting Requirements

  • Your paper may consist of up to four pages (not including the cover or reference pages). 
  • Create headings for each section of your paper as follows:  
    • Introduction
    • Threat 1 (include the name of your chosen threat)
    • Threat 2 (include the name of your chosen threat)
    • Conclusion
  • Use and cite four to six credible sources in your analysis. You may use the same source for more than one threat as long as you use a minimum of four different sources. A list of potential resources is available at the end of this course guide.
  • Make sure your paper contains both in-text citations and a source list, per SWS guidelines; refer to the document for reference. 
  • Include a cover page with your name, the date you submitted the paper, and your instructor’s name.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:

  • Examine the factors that account for why the growth in the worlds population can negatively affect the global society. 



As humans, we become aware of ourselves as belonging to a group and we learn how to behave through the process of socialization. In addition to reading Chapter 4 of the text, you will also read . After reading the required resources, describe the various agents of socialization and why they are important. Do socializing agents contribute to an institutionalized system of social inequality? Why or why not?

In your post, be sure to discuss how an individual’s race, class, and gender can influence the way that he or she is socialized. Support your answer with detailed examples.