Category: Social Science

What Is The Impact Of A Casino To The Surrounding Society?

Gambling has over many years attracted tourist and visitors into its hometown. Gambling has answered many cries of the unemployed youth in the society by providing a wide range of opportunities. In addition gambling is a key income earner to many cities revenue. It has also raised standards of many individuals in the society

Sources indicate that the impact of gambling to the society is big and still growing. People have turned the game from a to an income earner. Players who have ransoms won in the past believe that their fortune is in gambling. Those losing also get addicted to trying to chase their money. This has caused many parents to sacrifice their family time to gambling.

Casino and Youth 

Casinos have a great impact on the young adolescents who due to the enticing enjoyment it has. They try to access them. The law has Cleary denied their access but they use different tactic such as bribing guards or using fake identity cards. This behavior affects their academic progress by making it to deteriorate.

Long gaming hours cause individuals to live with fatigue. They do not produce their best in the job arena thus decreasing production if loses happen to occur, they causing the same results. Gambling which requires money to enjoy causes bankrupt people to engage in activities such as crime and prostitution to get money for participation.

Casinos are not evil as much; they have good impacts to the society as well as the bad impacts. Authorities should take Measures to tame the harmful effects thus promoting a healthy business. They earn well and employ people. They are also a source of peoples joy if managed in the right and legal way. 

The Rise Of Popularity Of Online Casinos

The online casinos are known to be more popular and you cannot believe it when I tell you that the first one was opened just recently in the year 1985. They have faced as dramatic revolution since their discovery. The main reason for the rise in this article is yet to be established. It has also overcome the traditional casinos.

The reason as to why they have become more popular is their convenience and best payouts. This is what makes you be able to play while comfortably seated at home without having to adhere to any dressing code as opposed to the traditional casinos. You are not making any queue when you want to play and this will save much of your time. Many Australians as well as Kiwis, for example, prefer online casinos with the best payouts. Its quite easy to find on web. Many online casinos also offer their players playing online more bonuses when they are signing up for the game. They have also made up schemes to offer them rewards in monthly promotions. 

Some people prefer to play while in quiet private places so that no one can see them. In the traditional casinos, you are likely to be surrounded by strangers and you may never know their intentions. The issue of privacy can be applied in case you were to try a new system of gambling with no strangers looking at you keenly to mock you incase you loose.

It has been offering very many sites for the games and the supports that may be technical in the field of languages. One can be able to play giving it the minimum attention to any language barrier that may arise. They have also proved to be much better in the field of entertainment to players and making more fun, there are very many styles to approach the game. Moreover, this can help you greatly if you wished to move from one game to another.



 Briefly discuss how the lexical definitions and connotations of “valid” and “warranted” can help us understand the differing purposes of deductive and inductive arguments.


 Explain, in your own words, how the fallacy of denying the antecedent is revealed through analysis of the valid argument template.

Civic Responsibility

 Is there any issue on which you think a comparable amount of time and effort would be worthwhile?

 As a critical thinker, do you believe that citizens have an obligation to be informed on topics of current interest? If yes, why, if no, why not?

Discussion: Educational Inequality

Create your own hashtag to raise awareness about educational inequality and, in 280 characters or less, post your hashtag and  what you would tweet about this social inequality to raise awareness (would you share an article? A picture, cite a statistic? Its up to you!).

need asap


Budgeting in human services organizations brings  about many challenges. Human services agencies must be creative in  managing their budget due to the increased demands on the agency and the  needs of the clients and stakeholders. There are many legal,  contractual, and other requirements under the concept of financial  management, as such agency administrators need to be creative to obtain  funding. Applying for grants in both the private and public sectors is  one access to funding resources. Most grants will require that you  present a proposed budget for use of the funds. Thus, grants and  budgeting often go hand in hand.

For this  Discussion, think about grant writing and the elements needed to write a  successful grant. Then, review sample grants at . Identify one grant to discuss. 

By Day 3

Post the following:

  • Describe the key elements to grant writing. 
  • Provide a brief description of the grant proposal you selected and  explain the strengths of the proposal and any areas where it could be  improved. 
  • Explain how you would improve on the grant proposal to convince the  funder that funding this program would have a positive and measurable  effect on the community.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.


equired Readings

Lauffer, A. (2011). Understanding your social agency (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.
Chapter 9, Fundraising and Development (pp. 285320)





Required Media

Optional Resources

Assignment: Assessing Group Process 4: Group Project Goals


As a clinical social worker, evaluating the effectiveness of clinical strategies is an expectation of the NASW Code of Ethics (2017). Sometimes, clinical strategies and techniques that are effective in one setting may not work in another situation. It is important to understand what works and what doesnt.

Also, self-assessment is an integral part of becoming a clinical social worker.

Describe the strategy (assigned in Week 7) you implemented in your Group Project.

  • Describe the process and the level of difficulty/comfort you found in doing this Assignment.
  • Explain how this strategy may or may not have empowered or supported the group.
  • Describe the progress of the group in completing the project/goal.

At this point, the literature review and the advantages and disadvantages should be complete.

Group Process Assignments should integrate course concepts related to group process. Assignments should demonstrate critical thought when applying course material to your group experience. Support ideas in your Assignment with APA citations from this week’s required resources

By Day 7

Submit your Assignment (23 pages).


equired Readings

Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Chapter 9, Treatment Groups: Foundation Methods (pp. 264-294)
Chapter 10, Treatment Groups: Specialized Methods (pp. 295-335)

Required Media

Laureate Education. (Producer). (2013b). Johnson (Episode 3) [Video file]. In Sessions. Baltimore, MD: Producer. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes.
Accessible player –Downloads–Download Video w/CCDownload AudioDownload Transcript

answer the questions


Please complete this TWO readings and then answer the questions found below to aid our discussion 

ART; Is It Art? Is It Good? And Who Says So?

THE DEBATE CONTINUES about where art is today and what so many people still want it to be. For years, the National Endowment for the Arts has been the target of some members of Congress and their constituents and has sometimes seemed on the brink of extinction, although Congress voted on Sept. 30 to preserve the agency for another year with $98 million, just slightly under the previous year’s allocation. Last Sunday on CBS, Morley Safer devoted a segment of ”60 Minutes” to attacking a selection of contemporary art; the report was a follow-up to a controversial one he presented in 1993 on the same subject. Again, he asked the rhetorical question, Yes, but is it art?

When artists are as comfortable with video as marble, when paintings bear no resemblance to anything Gainsborough or even Jackson Pollock would have recognized, when a work of art can be mistaken for ”a hole in the ground,” as the critic Arthur Danto puts it, many people are wary of where artists are leading them.

What is art, what is good art and who decides are real questions. The Times asked art-world participants and observers for answers. AMEI WALLACH


Professor of art history, Rice University; contributing editor, Artforum magazine

The last time I was in Houston, I went to a place called Media Center, where someone had set up posts as in a back yard with laundry hung all over. I immediately knew it was an artwork because of where it was. If I had seen it hanging in someone’s yard, I would not have known whether it was art, though it might have been. It is art if it is called art, written about in an art magazine, exhibited in a museum or bought by a private collector.

It seems pretty clear by now that more or less anything can be designated as art. The question is, Has it been called art by the so-called ”art system?” In our century, that’s all that makes it art. As this century draws to a close, it looks ever more Duchampian. But suppose Duchamp didn’t have Andre Breton as his flack; most of his work could be dismissed as trash left behind by some crank.

What’s hard for people to accept is that issues of art are just as difficult as issues of molecular biology; you cannot expect to open up a page on molecular biology and understand it. This is the hard news about art that irritates the public. if people are going to be irritated by that, they just have to be irritated by that.


Director, Sonnabend Gallery

We never had any rigid idea about what art could be, and that is why in 1970-71 we began showing movies by artists and videos by artists. Everybody started talking about Video Art, which we thought was silly; we didn’t believe it was Video Art but art made by interesting artists using video tapes and films. Every time art takes a form people don’t recognize, they ask ”Is that art?”



With my own work, it’s art when it looks as if I know what I’m doing and when doing it makes me feel good. It’s like a good revolution. I’ve always said art is a revolution that makes people feel good. I don’t think art has a consensus. I don’t think 10 people in a room talking about art could agree about whether something is good or bad art. I think it’s good when I can put myself into another artist’s shoes, and wish I could have done that, or could see myself doing it. With someone like Jeff Koons, I don’t particularly understand how the work is made. A lot of parts are jobbed out. I don’t see the artist’s hand in it, so I don’t relate to it.


Professor of art history, New York University; curator at the Guggenheim Museum

There was a great to-do in the 1950’s about Abstract Expressionism. It just means people are upset when they see something new. In 1959, a lot of people thought Frank Stella’s work was an absolute outrage and a joke. By now the idea of defining art is so remote I don’t think anyone would dare to do it. If the Duchamp urinal is art, then anything is. But there has to be consensus about good art among informed people — artists, dealers, curators, collectors. Somebody has to be the first to say something is good, but if you put it up the flagpole and nobody salutes it, then there’s nothing there.


Director emeritus of painting and sculpture, Museum of Modern Art

There is no single definition of art that’s universally tenable. Cultures without even a word for art nevertheless produced great art, for example, the ancient Egyptians. Since the Industrial Revolution, Western societies have felt their social values in continuous flux and their received definitions of art under constant challenge.

There’s a consensus as to what is art in most periods, but it’s not made by the man on the street. It is formed by those deeply concerned with the substance of art. This is not elitist, because anyone may participate. Basically, the larger public makes a subjective determination: I know art when I see it.



I think you can rely on the artist’s representation; he or she would have no reason to lie. A viewer with a combination of sensitivity and knowledge will perceive that something is art and is good. Time also helps.


Art critic of The Nation

You can’t say something’s art or not art anymore. That’s all finished. There used to be a time when you could pick out something perceptually the way you can recognize, say, tulips or giraffes. But the way things have evolved, art can look like anything, so you can’t tell by looking. Criteria like the critic’s good eye no longer apply.

Art these days has very little to do with esthetic responses; it has more to do with intellectual responses. You have to project a hypothesis: Suppose it is a work of art? Then certain questions come into play — what’s it about, what does it mean, why was it made, when was it made and with respect to what social and artistic conversations does it make a contribution? If you get good answers to those questions, it’s art. Otherwise it turned out just to be a hole in the ground.


Director, Metropolitan Museum of Art

There are historical criteria evolved over time that have held up. Maybe one Rembrandt is better than another, but you can no longer say Rembrandt is not a good painter. At his time, unlike now, there were accepted criteria that artists’ audiences — much more limited audiences — understood. I think the change began with Impressionism when you had a division among people who saw the academic painters as the accepted norm and the avant-guardists represented the others.

There’s no consensus about anything today; even the notion of standards are in question. But I don’t think art matters less to our lives than it did in past; it probably matters more. Look at the millions who go to museums today. Art has landed in many more households and in the awareness of many more people than ever before. You could argue that because art is so ubiquitous it is even harder to make judgments.


Republican Congressman from Michigan and an opponent of the N.E.A.

If people want to say, that’s art, great. That’s terrific. Art is whatever people want to perceive it to be, but that doesn’t mean the Federal Government should fund it.


Half of the artist team, Komar and Melamid

We see art as fun. As long as it gives us some kick, it goes. Sometimes it’s not accepted by the galleries or museums as art, good art, but we believe it is.



I think that art is the ability to show and tell what it means to be alive. It can powerfully visualize, textualize and/or musicalize your experience of the world, and there are a million ways to do it. I have trouble with categories; I don’t even think high culture, low culture. I just think it’s one broad cultural life, and all these different ways of showing and telling are in that. I do know just the idea that because something’s in a gallery, instantly it’s art, whereas something somewhere else is not art, is silly and narrow. I’m not interested in narrowing definitions.


Executive director of Muse Film and Television, which produces films on art.

People look at art as if it were a checklist; the label is sometimes more important than the work of art. My sense is that looking at art is like having a conversation. If it’s not visual and it’s not visceral and it’s not communicative, it’s not a work of art.


Critic and author of ”American Visions: The Epic History of Art in America.”

The N.E.A. thing is a convoluted mess now, but in its origins it was about people thinking that immoral and disgusting and offensive works were being funded as if they were works of art, that is, as if they were uplifting, worthy noble things. The Puritans thought of religious art as a form of idolatry, a luxury a distraction, morally questionable in its essence, compared to the written and spoken word. The countervailing argument in the 19th century had to do with the moral benefits to be derived from art. As far as I am concerned, something is a work of art if it is made with the declared intention to be a work of art and placed in a context where it is seen as a work of art. That does not determine whether it esthetically rich or stupidly banal.


Co-editor, ”60 Minutes”

I regard a blank canvas as a joke from beginning to middle to end. When the Museum of Modern Art had the big Robert Ryman retrospective, I said: ”Maybe you are a jerk. Maybe you are the philistine everyone says you are.” So I wiped my mind as clean as a Ryman canvas and I walked through the show. Then I walked through the permanent collection. It was like going from an absolute desert to a perfect spring day.



Something is a work of art when it has filled its role as therapy for the artist. I don’t care about the audience. I’m not working for the audience. The audience is welcome to take what they can.


Curator, department of painting and sculpture, Museum of Modern Art

What’s interesting is when art changes people’s minds. The art historian Leo Steinberg wrote about Jasper Johns that the minute he allowed Johns to be good art, he had to let go of something, of the definition of what art was. Good art makes you give something up. For years what the general public had to give up was Impressionism and the idea that painting should make you feel some human warmth. An Agnes Martin or Frank Stella painting is not just giving up images but about giving up warmth.

With Bruce Nauman, emotion comes through video or somebody breathing hard on an audio track; he makes you take in emotion in a new way and let go of what you’re used to. We expected that people would respond to our Bruce Nauman exhibition with hostility and stay away in droves. The good news is that they do understand video and sound works, and when somebody does it well, they get it.

Inside the art world a lot of these issues aren’t dealt with because people don’t want to be embarrassed. Lay people who react strongly may be better indicators, and the fact that they say it’s not art probably means it has touched a nerve.


Freelance curator and author of ”Art on the Edge and Over — Searching for Art’s Meaning in Contemporary Society 1970’s-1990’s.”

When you think about art, you have to think about life. If art doesn’t sensitize us to something in the world, clarify our perceptions, make us aware of the decisions we have made, it’s entertainment.


1. What do you think about these artists definitions of ‘art’? To you, what is art? Explain your own definition and give reasons. 

2. If we take a random object such as a computer mouse, put it in a museum in a protected glass box and shine a light on it, will it become art? 

3. Do we have different definitions of art today then we did, say 100 years ago? 500 years ago? 

Please also read this next article and answer the questions following.


How the Internet Has Changed Everyday Life


1. How has the internet changed the way we live our lives?

2. What, if anything, has been lost as we turn from a printed world to a digital world? 

3. In terms of phones and internet connectivity, what does the future look like to you? 


Tomatoes, or How Not To Define "Art"

What is Art?

How Is Your Phone Changing You?

Is there a limit to technological progress? - Clment Vidal

answer the questions

To get full points, each assignment is completed on a weekly basis should be about a page of typed critical thought. I expect each question to be answered thoroughly as this will greatly help aid you in class discussions.  


  1.   Why is it important for everyone to study humanities, or is it important? Explain and give thought to why one should or should not study the discipline of humanities based on information from your text and life experience.  
  2.  Why is the study of Humanities fundamentally different from all other studies?  Why is not considered easy to study the field of Humanities?
  3. Are you prepared to question your sets of beliefs you have about life?  If not, can you give an example of a belief-set that you are not willing to compromise?

Leadership Retreat Agenda Presentation

Assignment Content

  1.    Finalize your leadership retreat agenda by using feedback from mentors and faculty that you solicited during Week 4. Slide 1. on( Reinforcement of the mission and vision statement in healthcare) and Slide 2 (Increase medical equipment and medication) with speaker notes for each slide.
  2. Create a 10-minute, 2-slide voice-over presentation using either Microsoft PowerPoint or websites such as Google Slides, Adobe Slate, or Prezi that presents the agenda for the leadership retreat.

    Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

    Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Communication studies

You have learned about the multidimensional skills necessary to be an effective advocate,  let’s focus on the concept of “empathy” and  its utility to advocacy.  

think about the purpose of employing an empathetic approach to your advocacy.

please define and explain in your own words what you think “empathy” offers to an advocate and what is its purpose.  Indicate how you think that having empathy for others that you disagree with could impact your dialogue and advocacy.  Is showing empathy positive, negative or both?  Please explain your answer.  Lastly, please provide 2 specific examples of how you think having an attitude of “empathy” could alter your interpersonal relationships and advocacy.  Please explain your answer.  


Select an individual that you believe exhibits authentic leadership. This individual can be historical or contemporary. Provide specific examples that support how this person exhibits authentic leadership. What is the role of authentic leadership in creating trust and follower-ship in this example, and how can it improve organizations?