Category: Social Science



Topic: Decision Making in Health Care

Deliverable Length:  57 pages excluding cover page, abstract page, and reference page

Using the same organization from Week 2, create 3 performance standards or benchmarks (e.g., net profit, quality ratings, service excellence award, average length of stay, average percentage of readmission after discharge, average medical error rate, and so on). These benchmarks must be based on national standards or other successful profiles for this particular type of organization. Evaluate the following strategic innovations that were used to measure your performance standards:

  • Selective contracting
  • Cost sharing
  • Managed care
  • Quality standards

Evaluate the role of decision making by the health care leader for any of the performance standard measures to achieve national benchmarks.

Support your work with at least 5 academic or professional peer-reviewed sources published within the past 5 years.



Topic: Culture and Spirituality in Aging

Deliverable Length: 57 pages excluding cover page, abstract page, and reference page

Discuss the various impacts of the multicultural environment on residents in a long-term care facility, including the following:

  • Implications in meeting physical needs
  • Meeting religious and spiritual needs
  • Pros and cons of implementing a multicultural facility council

You may use the following format as a template:

  • Title page
  • Abstract page
  • Introduction
  • Overview of long-term care facilities 
  • Multicultural differences in long-term care facilities
  • Meeting the needs of residents in a long-term care facility
    • Physical
    • Religious and spiritual
  • Discussion on implementing a multicultural facility council in a long-term care facility
  • Conclusion
  • Reference page

Support your work with at least 5 academic or professional peer-reviewed sources published within the past 5 years.

Discussion 2: Trauma and Comorbidity


It is not uncommon for people who experience trauma to use substances to moderate psychological or emotional pain. Trauma can easily add to the strain that people already feel. In this Discussion, you diagnose and plan treatment for a case provided by your instructor.

To prepare: Review the Learning Resources on trauma treatment for veterans, and conduct research in the Walden Library for additional resources on the topic. Then read case provided by your instructor for this weeks Discussion.

By Day 5

Post a 3- to 5-minute recorded video response in which you address the following:

  • Provide the full DSM-5 diagnosis for the client. Remember, a full diagnosis should include the name of the disorder, ICD-10-CM code, specifiers, severity, and the Z codes (other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention). Keep in mind a diagnosis covers the most recent 12 months.
  • Explain the diagnosis by matching the symptoms identified in the case to the specific criteria for the diagnosis.
  • Identify the first area of focus you would address as clients social worker, and explain your specific treatment recommendations. Support your recommendations with research.
  • Explain how you would manage clients diverse needs, including his co-occurring disorders.
  • Describe a treatment plan for client, including how you would evaluation his treatment


Required Readings

Required Media

Optional Resources

Optional Media




INTAKE DATE: July 6, 2019

IDENTIFYING/DEMOGRAPHIC DATA: Janyce is 22-year-old and the oldest child of two working-class parents. Janyce has one younger brother, aged 9. Both parents immigrated from Korea. Janyce lives in San Francisco with her parents. She is finishing up her final year at college.

CHIEF COMPLAINT/PRESENTING PROBLEM: I am having trouble sleeping since I witnessed a stabbing on the wharf two weeks ago

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Janice has been waitressing in a restaurant at the wharf since freshman year at a bar/restaurant to supplement financial aid for tuition. She has very good grades (B+ to A) in college. After leaving her shift 2 weeks ago, Janyce was walking to the bus stop and witnessed a man beating up a woman and eventually stab the woman. Since then, her grades started slipping and she began missing classes. She reports not having interest in school any longer but wanted to graduate for her parents knowing she is this close. This is because I dont get enough sleep, Janyce said. Not sleeping is impacting her ability to wake up in time for school, as well as ability to concentrate. She struggles to get to sleep and often wakes up startled. She also reported being so tired during the day it interfered with everything. 

When Janyce is at work, she cannot stop thinking about what happened and fears leaving at night to go home. The police have taken her statement several times, but she gets a lot of anxiety when needing to talk about the incident. She believes the police get angry with her because she cannot remember some factors about the incident. 

PAST PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: Janyce attended some group therapy sessions in college. She had some challenges living an American lifestyle with parents who want her to maintain the culture of the old country.

SUBSTANCE USE HISTORY: Janyce drinks on weekends with her college and bar friends. Janyce reports beer bloats her, so she drinks vodka and cranberry juice mixed drinks. Janyce denies a problem with alcohol. She stated she has trouble sleeping several nights a week without a drink now.

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Janyce reports normal childhood illnesses. She has not had any major illnesses.

CURRENT FAMILY ISSUES AND DYNAMICS: Janyces childhood was otherwise unremarkable. She reported that she has always worked hard at school and generally was an A student through high school. She ran track and was involved in many activities, socializing with boyfriends, and a wide friendship circle. She reported no particular difficulties with her parents; although since this incident, Janyce has been very irritable. Her mood varies over the week, and she admitted to chronic anxiety and some tendency to get into arguments with her friends, parents, and coworkers.

MENTAL STATUS EXAM: Janyce is a well-dressed young lady who looks her stated age. Her mood is depressed, and she lacks eye contact. Her affect is anxious. Motor activity is appropriate. Speech is clear. Thoughts are logical and organized although there seems some confusion at times. There is no evidence of delusions or hallucinations. On formal mental status examination, Janice is found to be oriented to three spheres. 

Case to Cause Letter


Student must choose a multi-media venue (may include, newspaper, blog, radio, NASW Newsletter, etc) or they may choose a legislator.
The venues or legislators may be local, state, or national.

Based on the social problem they have chosen in Assignment 2, students are to write a letter utilizing Hoefers Advocacy Practice-Chapter 7, Presenting Your Information Effectively (130-160) and Haynes Affecting Change-Chapter 7, Influence through Lobbying (pp. 108-127).

Using the examples in the texts as templates, students are to write a letter addressing the social problem and expressing their interest and concerns over the issue and its impact on the identified community.

Letters should meet criteria of professional documentation and respectful communication as delineated in both Hoefer and Haynes, and the newspapers editorial page policy.

Copy of submission must be submitted to instructor.

If a students letter is published, a student will earn five additional points to their grade. Documentation of publication will be required to verify the advocacy action.

It is recommended that you keep up with current events and news media on your topic. It is also informative to read the comments under online news articles to get a sense of the public dialogue on the topic and differing points of view. This will be important as you prepare to anticipate and refute counter-arguments as part of your persuasive writing strategy.


According to the PPT

This is a 1-2 full pages essay in APA format with a summary and response in your own words. What did you like or not like? What did you learn that was new?  *MUST be titled. 

Discussion: Positive Regard


Carl Rogers, a humanistic psychologist, believed that individuals must feel accepted for who they are in order to have a high level of self-worth (Farber & Doolin, 2011). Rogers coined the term positive regard to explain this concept of feeling accepted. Also, he believed that positive regard is essential to personal growth and self-actualization.

For this Discussion, view the Johnson video (Episode 3).

By Day 3

Post your description of the purpose of this group. Explain the use of empowerment and strengths-based strategies. How does positive regard impact the group session in this video? How might you respond to Talia when she voices her skepticism of the usefulness of group sharing?


Required Readings

Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An introduction to group work practice (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Chapter 9, Treatment Groups: Foundation Methods (pp. 264-294)
Chapter 10, Treatment Groups: Specialized Methods (pp. 295-335)

Required Media

Laureate Education. (Producer). (2013b). Johnson (Episode 3) [Video file]. In Sessions. Baltimore, MD: Producer. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 4 minutes.
Accessible player –Downloads–Download Video w/CCDownload AudioDownload Transcript

  Johnson Family Episode 3 Program Transcript [PEOPLE SOCIALIZING AT PARTY] MALE SPEAKER: Hey there. How you feeling? FEMALE SPEAKER: I’m drunk. MALE SPEAKER: Yes, you are. Here, have some more. FEMALE SPEAKER: I need to lay down. I don’t feel so good. MALE SPEAKER: No, no, no, no. Not here. Not here. FEMALE SPEAKER: Take me home. MALE SPEAKER: I can’t leave. It’s my frat party. I actually– But I’ll tell you what, let me take you upstairs. You can use my bed. OK? FEMALE SPEAKER: Sure. MALE SPEAKER: All right. Come on, Talia. I got you. FEMALE SPEAKER: I remember him lying me down on a bed and then he started kissing me. I think I kissed him back. And then he started taking off my pants. I told him to stop, but I must have passed out. When I woke up later, I didn’t have anything on. I just grabbed my clothes and got the hell out of there. I feel like such a fool. I had too much to drink. I don’t know why I let it happen. FEMALE SPEAKER: Thank you for sharing. It sounds like you still feel responsible for what happened. Has anyone else had similar feelings about something that’s happened to them? FEMALE SPEAKER: There was this guy once, I told him no just like you. I told him really loud, but it didn’t matter. He did what he wanted anyway. He raped me. And for some reason, I blamed myself for it. It took a long time and a lot of help to realize I was wrong. It wasn’t my fault. Just like it’s not your fault. That frat boy, he’s the one to blame. FEMALE SPEAKER: When it happened to me some of the people in my life, people I loved, they said it was my fault. Said that I shouldn’t have been where I was. Said it wouldn’t have happened otherwise. But it wasn’t my fault. It wasn’t. But to have people that you trust say those things about you, it’s confusing. It hurts. 2013 Laureate Education, Inc. 1            Johnson Family Episode 3 FEMALE SPEAKER: Thank you for sharing your thoughts and being supportive. It’s important in a group like this. FEMALE SPEAKER: Is it? Is it really? I’m not so sure. It hurts talking about it like this. It just, it keeps hurting.  

Social Work Process Evaluation


Process evaluation ensures that a program is implemented as intendedwhich is critical for successful adoption of evidence-based practice. Process evaluation can help explain why there are differences among outcomes in programs or practice models. They might reveal difference in the education and training of providers of the service, in characteristics of the participants in the program, or in length and frequency of therapy sessions, among other things.

Because a large proportion of process evaluation utilizes qualitative research, you examine the process of qualitative data analysis and the reporting of results of such analysis, you apply process evaluation reporting techniques to improve upon a qualitative research report, and you create a process evaluation plan.


Reporting a Process Evaluation

Just as in needs assessments, interviews and focus groups are common tools for obtaining information about the processes involved in the implementation of programs. Process evaluation should include specifics about purpose, questions which the evaluation will address, and methods that social workers will use to conduct evaluations.

Review the many examples of process evaluation results described in Chapter 8 of Dudley, J. R. (2014). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do. (2nd ed.) Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books, or in the optional resources. Select an example of a process evaluation that produced valuable information. Compare the description of those results with the Social Work Research Qualitative Groups case study located in this weeks resources..

By Day 3

Post a description of the process evaluation that you chose and explain why you selected this example. Describe the stage of program implementation in which the evaluation occurred, the informants, the questions asked, and the results. Based upon your comparison of the case study and the program evaluation report that you chose, improve upon the information presented in the case study by identifying gaps in information. Fill in these gaps as if you were the facilitator of the focus group. Clearly identify the purpose of the process evaluation and the questions asked.


Dudley, J. R. (2014). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do. (2nd ed.) Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.

  • Chapter 8, Improving How Programs and Practice Work (pp. 167207)

Funding and Financial Management

 Social work administrators need to be able to help raise funds for their organizations and ensure that the funds are spent effectively. Once administrators receive funding, how they manage the funds is critical for accountability and sustainability. When administrators manage funds effectively, they increase their credibility with stakeholders in the community. Administrators must be able to demonstrate how the resources have been used to support the mission of the organization. 


Discussion 1: Funding through Grants

Budgeting in human services organizations brings about many challenges. Human services agencies must be creative in managing their budget due to the increased demands on the agency and the needs of the clients and stakeholders. There are many legal, contractual, and other requirements under the concept of financial management, as such agency administrators need to be creative to obtain funding. Applying for grants in both the private and public sectors is one access to funding resources. Most grants will require that you present a proposed budget for use of the funds. Thus, grants and budgeting often go hand in hand.

For this Discussion, think about grant writing and the elements needed to write a successful grant. Then, review sample grants at Identify one grant to discuss.

Post the following:

  • Describe the key elements to grant writing.
  • Provide a brief description of the grant proposal you selected and explain the strengths of the proposal and any areas where it could be improved.
  • Explain how you would improve on the grant proposal to convince the funder that funding this program would have a positive and measurable effect on the community.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.


Discussion 2: Financial Capacity and Sustainability in Human Services

Receiving funding from a grant or other source of funds is a great accomplishment. Once the funding is received, the human services organization must be able to manage the funds effectively. The organization must also develop a plan to sustain the program after the funding period ends or the potential for change from the funded program may be limited.

For this Discussion, review the budget provided in the grant proposal that you discussed in Discussion 1 of this Week. Consider how you would prioritize budgetary needs and fundraise to continue covering costs of this program after the grant period has ended.

Post a brief description of the budget presented in the grant proposal you selected. Describe how you might alter the budget after the grant ended or which budget items you would prioritize as you sought additional funding to continue the program. Explain why you would make these changes or prioritize specific budget items. Finally, explain how you would fundraise to meet the budget priorities.

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

There is No Hierarchy of Oppressions

Watch this important short film about Black feminist Audre Lorde: 

Then Read Lorde’s important essay called: There is No Hierarchy of Oppressions – Audre Lorde.pdf


Then write 350-word essay explaining what this phrase means in your own words, and explaining how it relates to intersectionality:

There is no hierarchy of oppressions.

(Pay close attention to her reading of There is no hierarchy of oppressions” midway through the video clip above!!) 

communication studies

 Watch Jean Kilbourne’s Ted Talk on “The Naked Truth: Advertising’s Image of Women” ( and found it as an insightful perspective. After watching the video answer these questions:

1) Please express your honest thoughts, feelings, emotions and reactions after watching this video.  Are you surprised by your reaction?  Why or why not?

2) Where you surprised by Jean’s analysis of advertisement’s and images? Why or why not?

3) In what ways has Jean’s talk changed, confirmed or maintained your original position/perspective on advertising and images? How will you apply what your learned?