Category: Social Science

Social Science

For this week’s discussion, you will do a gender, race and class analysis of your neighborhood or community through the medium of photography. 

Please take one or a few photos that you see in daily life that help to illustrate an issue we have been discussing in our class. Perhaps you see something that strikes you dealing with gender, race, or social class. Perhaps you see an ad on the subway that objectifies women or men or perpetuates a racial or ethnic stereotype. Perhaps you see something that shows income or wealth inequality.

AVOID taking direct photos of people UNLESS YOU GET THEIR PERMISSION!  This is not only respectful, but also ethical. 

If you cannot take any photos in your daily life then please find some on the internet to share with the class. 

Post them in your DB post and provide a 350-word analysis that answers the following questions:

  1. Describe the photo(s) (What are they of? Where were they taken?)
  2. Why did you choose this/these photos for this assignment?
  3. What is your gender, race and class analyses of the photos?
  4. How does/do the photo(s) illuminate social inequality?
  5. How does/do the photo(s) relate to any topics or discussions we’ve been having in class?

Please use your eText, or other resources and articles to back up your analysis and BE SURE TO CITE YOUR SOURCES!!



Vissing (2011) explains culture as an organized system of living and thinking. It contains shared attitudes, values, goals, and behaviors that are present in individuals, groups, organizations, or regions of the world (p. 24). After reading Chapter 3 in the text and The Relation Between Culture and Social Structure, summarize some of the ways that the role of culture can shape our expectations about how people are supposed to behave.  Moreover, discuss how culture is involved in the consequences when a person does not behave as one is supposed to. Be sure to use the following terms in your explanation: valuesnormsmaterialstatusgroups, and roles.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates posts by Day 7.

Vissing, Y. (2011). Introduction to sociology. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Discussion 3: The Teleological Argument


Watch the following video:

| Planet Earth | BBC (3:49)

Describe how the objects and events are interconnected. How would Paley and other fans of the teleological argument explain this? Give an example of something else (not in the video) that appears to operate according to a design.

Discussion: Theory Integration


Each theory you examine in this course has its own framework for addressing client needs and its own set of theory-based interventions. As with any purely theoretical basis, implementation in real life may require adjustments. Select one of the theories demonstrated in the media this week (either humanistic, experiential, or emotional focused therapy [EFT]), and consider the challenges you may face when integrating this theory with your own theoretical orientation. Then, think about how you might mitigate these challenges.

By Day 4

Post a brief explanation of one challenge you may encounter if you attempted to integrate the theory you selected with your lens of couple counseling in your future professional practice. Then, explain how you might mitigate this challenge.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.


Required Readings

Gurman, A. S., Lebow, J. L., Snyder, D. K. (2015). Clinical handbook of couple therapy. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Chapter 4, “Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy

Williams, M. (2012). Couples counseling: A step by step guide for therapists. Boston, MA: Viale Publishing.
Chapter 4, “Communication Skills

Required Media

Humanistic/Experiential Therapy:

Emotionally Focused Therapy:

Discussion: Fears, Phobias, And Anxiety


Anxiety disorders constitute the most commonly diagnosed problem in children and adolescents (Prout & Brown, 2007). Young children often develop fears or phobias of imaginary objects, animals, the dark, and heights. Adolescents frequently develop fears of death, criticism, failure, and the fear of the unknown. Many of the interventions used for child and adolescent phobias focus on behavioral techniques such as desensitization, imagery, and social skills training. Consider fear of the dark, for example, and the techniques used by some parents like leaving on a nightlight and sitting with the child until he or she falls asleep. External factors such as the environment, culture, society, family, and contemporary media also can influence the development and persistence of a phobia. How might you as a clinician help parents or guardians intervene?

For this Discussion, select a common child or adolescent phobia and consider the external factors that may contribute to its development and persistence.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post a brief description of a common child or adolescent fear or phobia other than fear of the dark. Then, explain at least three contemporary factors (environment, culture, society, family, or media) that may contribute to the development and persistence of the phobia, and explain how. Finally, explain one way you might help the parents/guardians support their child or adolescent to overcome the fear or phobia, and explain how. Be specific.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the weeks resources.


Required Readings

As you review this article, consider the new fears in children and adolescents that have developed in the 21st century. Focus on the types of interventions that might be used for treatment.

As you review this article, consider the types of phobias evident in children and adolescents. Focus on the types of treatment available for these types of phobias.


DQ-The Best Model

Considering entrepreneurial, mandated insurance, and national health service models:

a. Which model do you think results in the greatest equity of access to health services? Why?
b. Which model is most likely to deliver the highest-quality care?
c. Which is the best model? Would this model work in the United States or your own country of origin (if not the US)? Why or why not?

Text Book: Fried, BJ and Gaydos, LM. (2012). World Health Systems: Challenges & Perspectives (2nd Ed.). ISBN:978-1-56793-420-5

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 If you need joy right now all-around in this way, you just need . She is one of the hottest and strong autonomous world marvels. At the point when you call them, you will appreciate them such a great amount that there will be no restriction on your sexual experience in bed, so prepare. Regardless of whether you need the sentiment that you have needed your life or need to go through a night with her, she is the best. In any case, one thing is correct that individuals need an accomplice to appreciate and they will just get you close to .  

As the most certain and heart-cherishing young lady with genuine pictures of, we esteem our clients and their cash, understanding our every need, so we are focused on giving them the best help. Our customers’ class incorporates men from all strolls of society, and we can fulfill all men to a similar degree by taking a gander at the real photos of . 

Compare And Contrast Theoretical Perspectives In Sociology 5-6 Page Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to compare and contrast theoretical orientations in sociology.

The paper should include a summary and critical evaluation of at least two theoretical perspectives on assimilation and social mobility (e.g. acculturation, assimilation theory, segmented assimilation). You can either read the original material cited by Clerg or conduct a bibliographical search to find sociological articles on assimilation theories. 

Your paper should include at least five citations from peer-reviewed academic articles.

Film Analysis


The films Miss Representation and The Mask You Live In delve into numerous themes related to concepts discussed in your textbook. Both films include discussions concerning media representation, the social construction of masculinity and femininity, gender inequity, sexism, violence, rape, self-image, eating disorders, race, body image, media centralization, labeling, deviance, the sexualization of young girls, objectification of womens bodies, and suicidal and homicidal violence, to name a few concepts. Discuss the main points of both documentaries, paying keen attention to the aforementioned issues, and, its effects on the social expectations and lives of young girls, boys, men, and women. Use stats were applicable.  Furthermore, where relevant, relate the films to concepts discussed in chapters 4, 5, 7,11 and 16. Additionally, personally reflect on what the film meant to you and how the media has contributed to your notions of beauty, sexuality, and gender.


Please answer the following prompt with as much detail as possible. A well-written essay will demonstrate mastery of concepts presented in the textbook, film, and relevance to both sociological inquiry and your personal life. Essays should be no shorter than 1500 words and typed in no larger than 12 fonts and double-spaced. Ensure that you write in both a grammatically correct manner and alignment and spacing utilized are in accordance with standard academic custom. Note that you need to use two outside academic journal articles to support your essay. Journal articles can be found by logging into the MDC library and searching the many journals that are available on line. I recommend using JSTOR. Please ensure that you cite in accordance with a standard academic format (e.g. Mills, 22 or Berger, 15). Plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and result in an ungraded assignment (hence a 0 for that assignment). In addition, failure to meet the minimum page or word count requirement will also result in an ungraded assignment. Once you have typed your essay in a word processing document, submit in the dropbox prior to the due date. This assignment is worth 15% toward your total grade.

Discussion Board

  1. Explain the meaning of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.
  2. Do you think this could be applied to today’s context? How? Give specific examples.
  3. Based on what happened to Socrates, what are some of the risks of the philosophical enterprise.
  4. Pick the most accurate definition of “What is Philosophy” from this video. State the name of the professor and the time lapse of the moment.