Category: Social Science

Unit7ProgDev DUE 02/26/2020 Updated Post

Unit7ProgDev DUE 02.26.2020


Program Development for a Government Agency

As a human services leader, you are aware, through direct or indirect work, of a government agency’s unique context of practice. Developing a program within a government agency presents its unique challenges and resources.

This paper will give you the opportunity to practice how to develop a program within a government agency. This program should address the social problem and unmet community need you previously identified in the Unit 5 assignment (u05a1), regarding your local community. Utilizing your needs assessment information, you will provide a rationale for the need for this program and describe how it will meet this need.

Since good program design comes with strong program evaluation, you will also determine an appropriate program evaluation strategy for your program. The government program that you, as a civil servant, design must address issues of diversity and inclusion and maintain ethical standards. To further validate and support your proposal, you will use reputable sources.


Write a 35 page proposal to develop a program for a government agency. Recognizing the unique resources and context of a government agency, develop a program to address the need you presented in your community needs assessment (in Unit 5). Highlight key components of the community needs assessment that support the need for the new program, and address how the new program addresses this need. In the proposal, include an appropriate strategy for program evaluation. Integrate ethics, as well as issues of diversity and inclusion. Support your proposal with the required course readings and other reputable sources.

To complete this assignment successfully, be sure to address the following:

  • Design a program within a government agency to address your previously identified (u05a1) community need.
  • Determine an appropriate program evaluation type for this program.
  • Present how the program integrates accessible and culturally sensitive approaches to address issues of diversity and inclusion.
  • Examine ethical considerations in developing and implementing this government program.

Support your paper with the required readings and other reputable sources.

Submission Requirements

To complete this assignment successfully, your paper will need to meet the following specifications:

  • Page length: Write a 35 page paper.
  • Communication: Use professional academic writing and apply current APA format and style for citations and references.
  • Resources: Support your work with a minimum of 10 reputable sources, including required readings and other scholarly or professional sources such as peer-reviewed journals.
  • Font and size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Refer to the Program Development for a Government Agency Scoring Guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assignment. ***SEE ATTACHMENTS***


Initiating a New Program in a Government Agency

Discuss what local government agency or department would be the primary stakeholder for hosting the new program that you are designing for this week’s assignment. Support your choice with rationale and literature from the field.  

Analysis On Food Security

The members of the United Nations found great value in the analysis you provided on the effects of global warming that result from population growth. They are now asking you write an additional analysis to include further issues related to population growth. Here is the issue they have asked you to consider:

The member states of the United Nations seek to build food systems that can provide global food security which will feed everyone, everywhere, every day by improving food quality though the promotion of effective and nutritional agricultural practices. The crucial issue is not the lack of food in the world but the access to that food. In many developing countries, food shortages are due to governmental control over food distribution. These governments maintain control of the population and their power by limiting access to nutritious food to certain groups. In this practice, they thereby “weaponize” food. 

Your second project as a consultant for the United Nations is to develop an analysis that addresses three issues related to global food insecurity caused by global population growth and poverty, and to explore these issues in a developing country of your choosing. 

The UN has given you the following guidelines.


The UN has asked that your paper contain three sections. Each section should be one page (or approximately 300 words) in length and answer specific questions, identified in the outline below. It also asks that you use examples from your developing country when answering the questions. 


Provide an introduction of half a page minimum that addresses points a-e below.

  1. Explains the problem the UN has asked you to address in your own words;
  2. Identifies the three sections your paper will cover;
  3. Identifies the developing country you will consider;
  4. Tells the UN the causes of food insecurity; and
  5. Provides a one-sentence statement of your solutions at the end of your introduction paragraph.

Section I. Background

  1. What is food insecurity?
  2. What role does population growth play in food security?

Section II. Technologies That Can Reduce Hunger and Improve Food Security

  1. What forms of technology can be used to reduce hunger and improve food security?
  2. How would these technological solutions work?
  3. What causes of food insecurity do these technologies address?

Section III. Specific Factors in Chosen Developing Country

  1. Considering the causes of food insecurity, what factors interrupt the flow of food from the source to the people in the developing country you selected? 


  • Provide a conclusion of half a page minimum that includes a summary of your findings that the United Nations can use to inform future policy decisions.

Success Tips

  • In answering each question, use examples from your developing country to illustrate your points. 
  • The UN needs facts and objective analysis on which to base future policy decisions; avoid personal opinion and make sure your answers are based on information you find through research. 

Formatting Requirements

  • Make sure your paper consists of four to six pages of content (or 1,200 words minimum, not including the cover or reference pages).
  • Create headings for each section of your paper as follows:  
    • Section I. Background
    • Section II. Technologies That Can Reduce Hunger and Improve Food Security
    • Section III. Specific Factors in Chosen Developing Country
  • Use and cite at least five credible sources in your research. A list of potential resources is available below.
  • Make sure your paper contains both in-text citations and a source list, per SWS guidelines: Refer to the document for reference. 
  • Include a cover page with your name, the country you selected, the date you submitted the paper, and your instructors name.

Potential Sources

  1. Peter Timmer. May/June 2015. Food Security and Scarcity: Why Ending Hunger Is So Hard. Foreign Affairs.
  2. The United Nations Population Division. 2017. World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision.
  3. Will Martin. November 5, 2010. Food Security and Poverty: A Precarious Balance. Let’s Talk Development blog by The World Bank.

The Seven Principles Of The Incident Command System

 The Seven Principles of the Incident Command System

1a. Select one of the seven principles of Incident Command Structure (ICS) and describe a personal/professional incident.  

b. How was the principle was applied to your experience?  What were the results?

This essay must be at least 400 words long and will be graded for logic, grammar, and spelling.  

  Please use academic discussion, take the time to form your thoughts and to research your statements. You must use APA format and provide proper in text citations and associated references. 

Social Inequality

 Social Inequality

Answer the following questions: 

1a.  Compare and contrast the functionalist view of social stratification and the conflict theory’s view of social stratification. 

b. How does social stratification influence the daily interactions of individuals? 

c. How do systems of class, based on factors such as prestige, power, income, and wealth, influence your own daily routines, as well as your beliefs and attitudes? 

d. Illustrate your ideas with examples from everyday life as well as include a recent news piece on stratification or inequality.  

e. Include a brief description and link for your news story (a full citation is not required).

This essay meets the following course objectives:

  • Apply a sociological perspective to the social world
  • Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life.
  • Describe global stratification.
  • Explain social class in the United States.
  • 350-400 words excluding references and a minimum of 3 references

Current Event In The Last 3 Months


Assignment Instructions

Assignment 2: Current Event

This assignment meets the following course objectives:

  • Apply a sociological perspective to the social world.
  • Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life.
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify, locate, and retrieve information related to the topics in the course.


The primary goal of this exercise is to apply your developing sociological knowledge and skills to the analysis of a current event in the last 3 months.

Writing Expectations

This should be 5-7 pages long, double-spaced, 12pt font (arial or times new roman), with 1″ margins.


Choosing a Current Event. A current event refers to something that is happening in the world at present and they are usually described on the news and in mass media. You must choose a report (written, from the radio, or televised) of an event that has been reported on within 3 months of the assignment deadline. Remember, the event you choose must have some relevance to the study of society, and you must properly cite the source from which you got your report.

Describe the Current Event. Second, you will need to provide a brief summary of the current event. This should include details such as location, timing (i.e is this an ongoing event, does it appear to be a one time event, is this an example of an event that happens frequently), people involved, and any analysis offered by the report(er).

Analyzing the Current Event. The final step in the process is conducting an analysis of the current event using the knowledge you have gained from the course to-date. 

The most important thing here is that the analysis should not just be your opinion about the current event, but grounded in sociological theory and prior research. 

You will need to use at least 4 sociological concepts covered in this course to analyze the current event (i.e. social construction, stratification, social control, crime, deviance). 

You are strongly encouraged to use and cite sources.  Sociological concepts should be clearly identified, defined and then applied.  Any paraphrasing or direct quotes used from another source should include APA formatted in-text citations and a full reference at the end of the essay.

DISCLAIMER: Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

5-7 pages long, APA style format and a minimum of 3 references

2 Page Essay Book Review

The book review essay is onCapital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State.

1.What does Stein mean by the real estate state?  Is the real estate state neoliberal? Support your answer.  

2.What are the principal causes of gentrification? 

3.According to Stein, what are the specific things that planners do to support gentrification? 

4.What are important consequences from gentrification? 

Sociology Assignment

Select a video that portrays a cultural and/or racial group (e.g.,The BlacKkKlansman, American History X, Crash, Gran Torino, Malcom X, Hurricane, Soul Man, Driving Miss Daisy, Black Like Me, El Norte, Look Whos Coming to Dinner, The Joy Luck Club, Crash, Do the Right Thing, The Boys From Brazil, Like Water for Chocolate, Schindlers List, Raise the Red Lantern, Dances With Wolves, The Godfather, Scar Face, Mi Familia, The Killing Fields, Little Big Man, Lilies of the Field, Stand and Deliver, etc.). Once you have watched the video, describe the main plot and how the cultural and/or racial group was portrayed. In particular, focus on how the groups culture is presented. Identify whether the film accurately portrays the group or not. MIN 500 words

Reading Card Number 6

central argument that the author is making; NOT a summary of the article; why did the author write

this article?). Then below that write # 1: and write a brief supporting point of fact and below that #2. and

write a second supporting point. Be sure that you are not repeating yoursII Instruction

Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Critical Analysis Essay

Write your interdisciplinary natural sciences critical analysis essay based on the criterion in these assignment instructions: Unit 6.2 NS Critical Analysis Essay InstructionsPreview the document. When completed, upload your assignment into the dropbox labeled “UNIT 6.2 – NS Critical Analysis Essay Dropbox.”

The Effects Of Globalization And Citizenship In The Bronx


1. Using Naomi Kleins work, write a research paper (2000 to 2500 words, not including footnotes and bibliography)  analyzing the effects of globalization and citizenship in the Bronx . Write an additional 150 word synopsis for the cover page, similar to this outline. Find access to research resources, such as a government/municipal documents, local newspaper, local library, and people you can contact about your topic in person, by telephone or via e-mail.