Category: Social Science

Sociological Theories

1. Explain Foucault’s theory of the disciplinary power, highlighting the role that is three strategies (hierarchical observation, normalization, and examination) and Panopticon play in the transformation of power from the medieval form (sovereign power) to the positive, micro, and omnipresent modern form.

2. Discuss Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic domination by drawing on his various theories of capital, habitus, and symbolic violence. Include one example from your own life to help illuminate Bourdieu’s theory.


Many playwrights take inspiration for their plays from the world around them.  Then they take that inspiration and transform it into the world of the play, which theatre artists create onstage.  A tremendous part of creating the world of a play is becoming a student of the world around you; becoming an active observer of how people talk and interact with each other, and what the world around you looks, sounds, and feels like.

The Prompt

Your assignment is to go to a public place.  This could be any place that has a lot of people; for example, a restaurant, a mall, an airport, etc.  You will need to be there for a few minutes, so make sure it’s someplace comfortable. 

 First, what you need to do is describe your setting (where you are).  Do not use the name of the location…make us guess.  We want to know the atmosphere of the place, the noises (including background noises), colors you see, items that might be around you, etc.  The more detail, the better.  

The second thing you need to do is listen to a conversation around you and write down what is being said.  Make sure you include descriptions of the people in the conversation.  Also, include their moods, feelings, etc.  You’ll be able to tell this partly by how they talk, how loud they are, facial expressions, and body language. We don’t want a generic conversation: “Hi, how are you?” “I’m fine.” “Well, see ya.”  Listen for something interesting.  Be patient, it might take a couple of tries before you get something.  Don’t elaborate on the dialogue, just record what they say.


What are some differences and similarities in audience expectations at different live events, such as those listed above?  Include experiences you have had personally, where the behavior of the audience at a live event impacted you, either making the experience better or worse.

Article Review (Real World/Current Event)

First, review the various topics that are presented in this course using the syllabus. Access the CSU Online Library or Internet for an article on a real world/current event (2012-present) regarding the sociology of sport, why sports in society should be studied, and one of the modern social theories in sports that relate to better management and decision-making in sports. Some examples include gender equity, drug use, race, or any other topic listed for this course. You may locate the source using newspaper, media, journals, or sport magazines. Remember the CSU Online Library is a great source for credible and reliable sources.

Read the article and create a two-page article review on the event. The chapter headings within this unit might help you determine your topic.

The article review should contain three sections:

Introduction of the article including topic

Summary of the article; discuss sociology, why it should be studied, and one of the modern sports theories for management and decision-making of sports

How this course will help you address similar issues in the future.

Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced formatting. Your two-page article review should include a title and reference page, which does not count toward the total two-page requirement. 

Use APA formatting when writing your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced, and quoted or paraphrased material must have accompanying in-text citations.

PSA Assignment


Quite often, people who have never attended a live theatre performance might not know what behavior is expected of the audience.  Because the audience and the performers are all in the same room together, it is important that someone attending a live theatre performance understand and abide by the expectations necessary at such an event.  The question is, how do we let people know, in an effective but approachable way, what is expected of them as audience members?


Create a script for a Public Service Announcement (PSA), either for the radio, for TV, or to be shared online, perhaps even all three.  How might you communicate the “rules” for audience etiquette in live theatre?  In the blog entry, write the script for the PSA.  See below for sample formatting:

Speaker 1: This is what the first person says.

Speaker 2: This is what someone else says.(anything that is seen or done by the actors but not spoken is put in parentheses.  This can include movements, scene changes, special effects, etc.)*

The PSA should be approximately 30 seconds to a minute when read aloud, which means it will probably be about half a page to a full page, depending on spacing.

Grading Criteria Please ensure that you PSA includes clearly communicated expectations for a live theatre audience.  It should be thorough, yet concise; clear yet approachable and easy for the general public to understand



SOCW 6311: Social Work Research in Practice II

Please note that this is a master level course so master level work. Please check the grammar and you have to use the reading that I have provided to you. You must answer all the questions that I post. Thank you.

Week 1 Evidence-Based Practice: What, Why, and How

Resources Readings 

Thyer, B. (2010). Introductory principles of social work research. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The handbook of social work research methods (2nd ed., pp.18). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Cooney, S. M., Huser, C. M., Small, S., & OConnor, C. (2007). Evidence-based programs: An overview. What Works, WisconsinResearch to Practice Series, (6), 18. Retrieved from

OConnor, C., Small, S. A., & Cooney, S. M. (2007). Program fidelity and adaptation: Meeting local needs without compromising program effectiveness. What Works, WisconsinResearch to Practice Series, (4), 16. Retrieved from  

Small, S. A., Cooney, S. M., Eastman G. & OConnor, C. (2007). Guidelines for selecting an evidence-based program: Balancing community needs, program quality, and organizational resources. What Works, WisconsinResearch to Practice Series, (3), 16. Retrieved from

University of Wisconsin Extension. (2007). Research to practice report briefs. Retrieved from  

Small, S. A., Reynolds, A. J., OConnor, C., & Cooney, S. M. (2005). What works, Wisconsin: What science tells us about cost-effective programs for juvenile delinquency prevention. Retrieved from

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2018). Evidence-based practices resource center. Retrieved from

Whittaker, J. K. (2009). Evidence-based intervention and services for high-risk youth: A North American perspective on the challenges of integration for policy, practice,

and research. Child & Family Social Work, 14(2), 166177. 

The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare. (2018). Program registry. Retrieved from

Social Work Policy Institution. (2018). Evidence-based practice. Retrieved from Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2013d). MSW homepage [Interactive media]. Retrieved from  

Laureate Education (Producer). (2013a). Bradley family episode 4 [Video file]. Retrieved from

Consider the following quotation: Oftentimes, potential users of research knowledge are unconnected to those who do the research, and consequently a huge gap ensues between research knowledge and practice behaviors (Barwick, M., Boudell, K., Stasiulis, E., Ferguson, H., Blase, K., & Fixsen, D., 2005). Social workers must work to close the gap perceived by the authors of this quote.


The first steps toward narrowing the gap between research and practice are recognizing that one exists and educating oneself and others. Social workers must realize the benefits and eliminate the misconceptions surrounding evidence-based practice. In the Bradley episode featured in the resources, the social worker combines her assessment of Tiffani Bradleys individual situation with her knowledge of research to evaluate her supervisors recommended intervention. Now that the social worker has recognized a gap, she/he/they need to access potentially relevant information for a specific case and critically analyze for its applicability to that case. This weeks Assignment allows you to practice these critical next steps in the Bradley family case.

To prepare for this Assignment, review Episode 4 of the Bradley family case study. Develop a list with 23 research able questions that you could use to find evidence about the efficacy of 12-step programs or other treatments for substance abuse in adolescents. Then, using the resources provided, search for two evidence-based interventions that would be appropriate for Tiffani Bradley. Be sure to consider quality of research, readiness for dissemination, replications, and costs.


Accessing Information About Evidenced-Based Practices By Day 7 of Week 1, submit a 2- to 3-page paper that includes the following:

Summaries of the two interventions and their respective research regarding effectiveness

Recommendations for Tiffanis social worker that address the following: o Factors to consider when choosing between the two interventions o The social work skills that the staff would require to implement the intervention o The training required to implement each intervention

An evaluation of evidence-based practice based on your reaction to the experience in which you address the following questions: o Would you, as a beginning researcher, have enough knowledge to benefit from researching evidence-based practices? Why or why not?

o How might the research that you conducted increase your confidence in the intervention with Tiffani? o Is the information provided enough to make a decision regarding interventions? Why or why not?

Appropriate APA citations in your writing

Wendy Lewis 2

Grandparenting can be highly rewarding. Many grandparents, though, unexpectedly become guardians and raise small children. How might this responsibility affect their normal course of adult development? What components might require transitions? How would a professional counselor encourage these older guardians in their new roles? Just need 135 words (ASAP)!

SOCW 6361 Week 1


Week 1: Social Work in the Policy Arena

Policies designed to enhance peoples’ welfare or well-being are known as social policies. These policies are concerned with many aspects of social welfare, including health, housing, education, income, and nutrition, to name but a few. Social policies have also been formulated to meet the needs of groups of people such as needy children, people with disabilities, low-income families, and elderly people.
Midgley & Livermore, 2008, pp. xxi

From Midgley’s synopsis on social policy, it is clear that as a professional social worker and an advocate of social change, you will be working closely with populations and groups of people that will need your talent and dedication to affect a positive change in the quality of life for these people. Social Policy: Advocacy and Analysis will prepare you for the role of social worker in the policy arena.

In Week 1, you examine ethical reasons and obligations for engaging in social work policy practice, and you explore historical influences on social action in contemporary practice. You also introduce yourself to your colleagues with an introductory video that you will upload in this first week.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Analyze ethical reasons social workers engage in policy practice
  • Analyze historical influences on social action in current practice

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Jansson, B. S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice. (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Series.
Chapter 1, “Joining a Tradition of Social Reform” (pp. 331)

Required Media
Optional Resources

Discussion 1: Video Introduction

A large part of social work involves building relationships. To be effective, you must build relationships with clients, colleagues, and community and organizational representatives. Being able to share appropriate amounts of personal information is the first step in building those relationships as you seek to recognize common goals with these individuals. Feeling comfortable with sharing an appropriate amount of personal information requires practice and is an ongoing process as you encounter new people. What would you like others to know about you as an individual who is a social worker? How would you like others to perceive you? The relationships you build rely on those perceptions as much as they rely on what you say. There is no better time than now to plan or revisit your approach to building these relationships.

For this ungraded, but required, Discussion, record a 2-3 minute video introducing yourself to your colleagues. Your video should include and address these items:

  • Introduce yourself (your name, your geographic location, and an interesting, fun fact about yourself related to hobbies, personal interests or experiences)
  • What does being an advocate mean to you?
  • Describe a policy that has impacted your life

Discussion 2


Discussion 2: Historical Divides and Ethical ObligatiWork

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) specifies the ethics and values of the profession in their Code of Ethics. Section 6.04 of the Code of Ethics (1999) states:

Social workers should engage in social and political action that seeks to ensure that all people have equal access to the resources, employment, services, and opportunities they require to meet their basic human needs and to develop fully. Social workers should be aware of the impact of the political arena on practice and should advocate for changes in policy and legislation to improve social conditions in order to meet basic human needs and promote social justice.(Preamble, p. 8)

With the requirement of social and political action among social workers, there is little political activity among clinical social workers. Why? What barriers exist that prevent social workers from fulfilling this ethical obligation?

What does it mean to be a macro social worker? A micro social worker? Do these differentiations have any real meaning? If not, why is this language used when referring to the social work profession?

In this Discussion, you will look at the obligation of social workers to engage in political action in their practice and discuss why there appear to be different perceptions of the responsibility for political action among social work professionals.

By Day 4

Post an analysis of historical divides (such as the schism between Jane Addams and Mary Richmond) and historical influences on current social work practice with respect to policy advocacy and action. Do such schisms exist in contemporary social work? If you think these divides exist, how do they prevent social workers from fulfilling their ethical obligation(s)? Are they important differentiations?

By Day 6

Respond to a colleague with a suggestion about how to address these schisms, both historical situations and current but yet unidentified ones. Does social action need to be separate from social work practice?


Cultural Differences

Assignment Content

  1.    Select one chapter in The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down that discusses Hmong history (Ch. 8 to 14) and have everyone in the Learning Team read the chapter in its entirety. Each team member should take notes and call out important details of Hmong history and cultural practices.( Chapter 8 is the selected chapter)

    When finished, compare notes. Once the notes are synchronized, identify at least two historical events or cultural practices that are atypical to most Americans.

    Create a 1-2 slide voice-over presentation using either Microsoft PowerPoint or websites such as Google Slides, Adobe Slate, or Prezi. The presentation should identify the historical events or cultural practices your team selected and examines how these differences create disparities between U.S. health care and the Hmong in California.  (The team selected definition of freedom)

  2. Include speaker notes with slides
  3. Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Unit7ProgDev DUE02/26/2020

Unit7ProgDev DUE 02.26.2020


Program Development for a Government Agency

As a human services leader, you are aware, through direct or indirect work, of a government agency’s unique context of practice. Developing a program within a government agency presents its unique challenges and resources.

This paper will give you the opportunity to practice how to develop a program within a government agency. This program should address the social problem and unmet community need you previously identified in the Unit 5 assignment (u05a1), regarding your local community. Utilizing your needs assessment information, you will provide a rationale for the need for this program and describe how it will meet this need.

Since good program design comes with strong program evaluation, you will also determine an appropriate program evaluation strategy for your program. The government program that you, as a civil servant, design must address issues of diversity and inclusion and maintain ethical standards. To further validate and support your proposal, you will use reputable sources.


Write a 35 page proposal to develop a program for a government agency. Recognizing the unique resources and context of a government agency, develop a program to address the need you presented in your community needs assessment (in Unit 5). Highlight key components of the community needs assessment that support the need for the new program, and address how the new program addresses this need. In the proposal, include an appropriate strategy for program evaluation. Integrate ethics, as well as issues of diversity and inclusion. Support your proposal with the required course readings and other reputable sources.

To complete this assignment successfully, be sure to address the following:

  • Design a program within a government agency to address your previously identified (u05a1) community need.
  • Determine an appropriate program evaluation type for this program.
  • Present how the program integrates accessible and culturally sensitive approaches to address issues of diversity and inclusion.
  • Examine ethical considerations in developing and implementing this government program.

Support your paper with the required readings and other reputable sources.

Submission Requirements

To complete this assignment successfully, your paper will need to meet the following specifications:

  • Page length: Write a 35 page paper.
  • Communication: Use professional academic writing and apply current APA format and style for citations and references.
  • Resources: Support your work with a minimum of 10 reputable sources, including required readings and other scholarly or professional sources such as peer-reviewed journals.
  • Font and size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Refer to the Program Development for a Government Agency Scoring Guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assignment. ***SEE ATTACHMENTS***


Initiating a New Program in a Government Agency

Discuss what local government agency or department would be the primary stakeholder for hosting the new program that you are designing for this week’s assignment. Support your choice with rationale and literature from the field.