Category: Social Science

Observation Report

There are two options for this assignment.

Here are the guidelines for

(Observing a Subculture). Here is an example of excellent student work for .

Here are the guidelines for

(Children’s Material Culture and Gender Socialization). Here is an example of excellent student work for  .

Other helpful handouts:

Anthropology Zoo Assignment(BIOANTHROPOLOGY)



  1.  Read the material below about primate patterns of locomotion.
  2. Review the Assigned Reading on Primates and Primate Behavior. 
  3. Review the Prelab Reading Material from the Osteology and Locomotion Lab..  
  4. Read the material below about primate locomotor patterns.
  5. Visit to familiarize yourself with Woodland Park Zoo (or locate a web site for the zoo in your area), the animals that are present, maps and directions, etc. You may find this information very useful in identifying the taxonomic classifications of various animals, investigating background about particular animals, and planning your time effectively. You may use the web-site to identify the primates at the zoo and select one representative of each of the assigned six locomotor patterns. Remember that you are also encouraged to view the primates outside of the zoo enclosures.

Urgent! Need It In 10 Hours. Philosophy – 100-150 Words

Answer the question


Briefly: Do you find time travel, per Lewis, intuitively possible? You may, if you like, consider the popular film Back to the Future (1986), or you may consider how our imagination in science fiction scenarios may address the possibility of time travel. 

Biblical Research

Requirements for Posting:

A well prepared presentation of your chosen biblical texts will:

  1. Identify the texts, providing quotes of key verses.  
  2. Offer your initial thoughts on the text. What did you first understand the passages to mean? What questions do you have about the text before you begin your research?
  3. Relate your chosen passages to a theme of our course ( Jesus in Gospel of Mathew) and our class discussions. How is this connected to the big picture of the Christian faith?
  4. Consult 2 Biblical Commentaries. 

5. Based on your research, pose a question for your classmates to discuss.

Present your findings from these commentaries. Do the two commentaries agree on their interpretation of your passages? Are there different views? If so, why? What have you learned about the text based on your research? Be sure to explain the types of analysis and interpretation that you have examined (consider the historical context, genre of the text, likely authors, cultural context, etc.).

A well-prepared Canvas post will be about 2-3 pages in a Word document single spaced. 

Sociology Paper


The goal of this assignment is to discuss  the D.R.E of  A.D.D.R.E.S.S.I.N.G.

D is for disability status (acquired physical/cognitive/psychological disabilities) 

R is for religion and spiritual orientation 

E is for ethnicity 

Instructions: You will write a 2-3 page paper discussing  sociologically how the three variables above impact society and other  social institutions on a micro/macro level. This paper will ask you to  hone into your own personal experiences to see how these identities play  a role in your life and your own identities, but also ask you to  discuss them thinking about society collectively. 

Anthropology Zoo Assignment(BIOANTHROPOLOGY)



4 Know and be able to recognize general characteristics of primate anatomy and locomotion.

4 Recognize correlations between patterns of locomotion, primate anatomy, and behavior. 

4 Visit Woodland Park Zoo (or another zoological park) and observe, compare, and contrast at least four species of primates. Also include one non-primate mammal in your comparison, for a total of five animals. Students are permitted to do some of their observation outside of the zoo, but a trip to a local zoo is required for this assignment (unless you plan to Safari in Tanzania this quarter)!

4 Practice written communication skills, by producing a laboratory report that records your observations of four different locomotor and corresponding behavior patterns of primates at the zoo, as well as the non-primate mammal that you have chosen to include in your comparison.

Discussion Question Week 4

Due Thursday (23 pts)

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

  • Should cultures within the United States be expected to set aside some traditions or beliefs and integrate under a united social contract? Why?

Consumer And Provider Costs

Assignment Content

  1.    In response to federal policy and service requirements, health insurance plans are increasingly developing high-deductible insurance policies and narrow networks. These types of policies require the consumer to pay more out-of-pocket. To portray this in a positive light, this trend has been labeled as consumer-based to suggest that the consumer must pay more from their own funds and, thus, encourage consumers to make better health care choices. However, this could be labeled as a burden on the consumer.

    Write a 350- to 525-word article that identifies and evaluates the impact that federal or state health care policies are having on consumer costs. Explore both positive and negative effects.

    Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).



Some have argued that philanthropy can be improved with more focused efforts by donors. How can donors strike the right balance between giving with their head and giving with their heart? Describe some specific techniques for doing this? Your answer must have at least two citations and corresponding references one from the relevant course text, and one from an academic journal article published within the past 5 7 years.

The Philanthropy Reader by Michael Moody and Beth Breeze

  • Our new philanthropists are not driven by a desire for status (Moody & Breeze, 2016, p. 453)
  • They are new philanthropists because they dont fit the old mould of grant-giving foundations, responding to requests and applications. They are hands-on, pioneering and entrepreneurial, their resources dedicated to their own causes. They are new because they are still in the prime of life, with goals still to achieve, passions to satisfy, and the energy that is needed to start something new (Moody & Breeze, 2016, p. 453)
  • People should be judged, many of them feel, not only by how they made their money, but, as importantly, how they spend it. These individuals spend it well, on purposes and causes beyond themselves, and they enjoy doing so (Moody & Breeze, 2016, p. 454)
  • Although most expressive donors hope their gifts help others, it is important to realize that their focus in selecting the gifts recipient is largely based on expressing personal emotions rather than having an impact (Moody & Breeze, 2016, p. 477) 
  • One of the major reasons why philanthropy is failing is because of the imbalance in focus on what will make donors feel good to the detriment of what will do the most good – it is hard to characterize philanthropy as successful if donations are not directed primarily to help others as much as possible (Moody & Breeze, 2016, p. 478)
  • Another major reason for philanthropys failure to get close to its potential is the lack of critical analysis regarding how donors can make the most impact. There is very little willingness to explicitly acknowledge that some good causes are better than others. This results in a severe lack of constructive criticism for donors (Moody & Breeze, 2016, p. 478)
  • A reinvented world of philanthropy should not be about all head and no heart, but about doing a better job of focusing on what many peoples hearts want to do: help others (Moody & Breeze, 2016, p. 479)
  • As the philanthropy field matures, it needs a hybrid model that incorporates the best of the humanistic and the technocratic. These seemingly contrary forces are in fact interconnected in a dynamic yin and yang system (Moody & Breeze, 2016, p. 491) 
  • Both approaches are needed, and together unlock new potential. A more integrated philosophy also makes it more likely that philanthropy will move beyond its traditional boundaries in other ways, such as foraging new collaborations with government and business. (Moody & Breeze, 2016, p. 491)
  • They need to encourage others to appreciate the tensions between the technocratic (head) and humanistic (heart) modes, acknowledge the trade-offs, and respect and learn from each other (Moody & Breeze, 2016, p. 491)
  • They should also encourage educators to teach an eclectic and integrated range of philosophies and techniques. Seemingly paradoxical concepts – such as values-driven business planning, strategic intuition, and deliberate improvisation – should be promoted (Moody & Breeze, 2016, p. 491)
  • Questions to ask donors:
    • What are your values and beliefs
    • What is success and how can it be achieved
    • What are you accountable for 
    • What will it take to get the job done
    • How do you work with grantees
    • Are you getting better (Moody & Breeze, 2016, p. 498)

Putting their heart into it: executives who go above and beyond in their philanthropy efforts

  • Bryson Garbett needed a better understanding of homelessness in order for him to fully emerge himself as to why he is giving and why this means so much to him (Beers, 2017) 
  • He joined them, standing three-and-a-half hours before he received a mat, pillow, blanket and a spot on the floor. For three days and four nights he lived as if he were homeless, emerging from the experience with a first-hand perspective that has shaped his efforts with the Coalition. (Beers, 2017)
  • For these , it’s not just about donating money to a cause–it’s about personally investing time and effort in issues they care about. And as these executives lend their personal passion, they’re helping effect critical social and environmental change for the state. (Beers, 2017)

Beers, H. (2017, May). Putting their heart into it: executives who go above and beyond in their philanthropy efforts. Utah Business, 31(5), 86+. Retrieved from

Reciprocity belief and gratitude as moderators of the association between social status and charitable giving

  • Downstream and upstream reciprocity are distinct in that they are driven by different mechanisms. Research has widely demonstrated that downstream reciprocity is motivated by rewarding incentives (such as a gain in reputation or status), while upstream reciprocity occurs as a result of individuals’ positive emotional experience in the past (such as gratitude) (, ) (as cited in Liu & Hao, 2017) 
  • Downstream reciprocity – more with head 
  • Upstream reciprocity – more with heart 
  • However, for upstream reciprocity, cooperation is elicited by a brain region associated with emotional rewards (i.e., the anterior insula). 

In upstream reciprocity, when a person is given something of value by someone else, a positive sentiment of gratitude occurs for the recipient () (as cited in Liu & Hao, 2017) 



The portfolio consists of an analysis of four articles from professional journal sources, newspapers, or magazines (not blogs) illustrating the sociological principles discussed in the book. Non-scholarly internet sources are not allowed. 

  • Select four (4) articles that each discuss a different social problem we have studied in this course (Gender Discrimination, social inequality, crime on social values, and social problems on sexual behavior)
  • Analyze the articles based on what you have learned so far in this class and write a short reaction essay for each one
  • Each essay must be at least one page in length, and no more than two pages (250-500 words)
  • The final document, consisting of four essays, must have a title, your name, page numbering, an introduction, a body, a conclusion, and consistent use of footnotes/references
  • See the embedded Portfolio Guidelines and Grading document for further information
  • Due Sunday at 11:59 p.m.
  • Total: 200 points (50 points for each article)