Category: Social Sciences

INDG 3105Y Indigenous Orality

use the book Ceremony as the reference any section of it

i gave an overview of the the first semester so if u need an of the readings or videos pls let me know

Pick one of the essay questions

sociologically mindful examination of a social phenomenon.

Students will collect and analyze data on a topic related to course content and write a 5-8 page research paper (length does not include bibliography). In this assignment, you will identify and describe a research question/topic of sociological interest (i.e. why this topic is important), conduct research via secondary sources (books, articles, internet sources*), and write a research paper.  The paper must consist of a sociologically mindful examination of a social phenomenon. 

The explication of the topic must include an analysis using at least one of the three major sociological paradigms (functionalist, conflict, or interactionist).  The research paper must contain a title page, introduction, body/findings, conclusion and a bibliography.  Students must use at least 5 secondary references.  All written assignments must be typed, double-spaced in a 12-point font, in APA style.

Sex trafficking

The writer will read a article on sex trafficking, after reading the article the writer will summarize the article, after doing so the writer will use the theories provided in the files to present a clear arguement about how these theories explain the crime as well as the limitations of this explanation. In the paper you must give some context for the crime in question, explain the key points of the theory or theories used, and you should justify your arguements with examples and data.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Sociology is most powerful when applied in the context of what real people do and how they live. Students taking this course typically choose it as an elective for a very specialized degree, from Business Administration to Information Systems to Interior Design. This final assignment will ask students to draw both upon those sociological topics they found most interesting throughout the course, but also to reflect on how their acquired appreciation of those topics have or might affect and inform their core studies and personal and professional interests.
By successfully completing this assignment, students will demonstrate:

the ability to draw connections between formal sociological theory and concepts and real-world personal experience;
the acquisition of their sociological imagination by indicating an awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society; and
a proficiency in integrating sociological concepts and perspectives into a personal narrative.
Must in at least 6 reference

R Assignment

A director of research at an acute care hospital observes an increase in hospital lengths of stay (los). The director determines that this is harmful to patients as well as financially harmful to the hospital. The dataset hospital1 contains data on a study the director conducted to determine what factors are related to longer lengths of stay.

Refer to your textbook and also the R screencast videos on this module’s lecture page for examples.

Calculate a t-test to test the null hypothesis that patients above and below the age of 80 (age80) have equal lengths of stay (los).
Using the describeBy() function in the psych package, create a table comparing “agecat” to “los.” Interpret the findings you see. Which group has the highest mean/average length of stay (los)?
Use ANOVA to test if these differences are significant.
Can you reject the null hypothesis? Explain how you know.
Conduct a TukeyHSD post-hoc to compare groups.
Which groups are significantly different?
Using the cor.test() function, test for a relationship between “los” and instrumental activities of daily living (tiadlmean).
Copy your table and findings to a Word document; use size-10 Courier font.
Upload your findings.

Upload your data table and your findings by the deadline posted on this page.
Your work should be submitted in a Word document with 10-point Courier font.
This assignment will be graded on the basis of completion.

Social Movements

Why do groups sometimes employ “contentious politics” and organize social movements? Are these movements sometimes a reaction to the deployment of state violence? Why do nation-states employ violence against certain groups? Do social movements sometimes deploy violence as a tactic.? Why do ethnic / religious groups sometimes employ violence (or terrorism)  against the nation-state? What are some of the difficulties in distinguishing terrorism from other forms of political violence? You should use examples from the Black Lives Matter protests.


Occupy, Resis, Produce

Response Paper Due: Upload to Turn It In

Watch The Take 2004 Occupy, Resist, Produce

1. Font size no more than 12, double space, one inch margin
2. The paper should be at least three full pages
3. Start your introductory paragraph at the top of the first page immediately below your name, no need to write my name.
4. Your paper must address the following issues of the film:
What is the film about?

How is a worker-owned factory different from a capitalist-owned factory? You need to explain how a worker-owned factory is run.

Sernau suggests education and welfare policies as ways to reduce inequality. How do worker-owned cooperatives compare as a solution? Are they a more effective solution to reduce inequality than those two methods? Or are they less effective, or about the same?

LGBTQ Prospectus

Students will prepare a 1220 page prospectus. A prospectus is a research proposal, and it is often used as a first-step in writing a research paper involving data collection and analysis. For this class, a prospectus must contain:
1. A topic
2. A research question
3. A literature review
4. At least one hypothesis or theoretical expectation
5. A research design

The goal of this project is for students to gain more knowledge about a particular area of LGBTQ politics & policy by reviewing additional books and articles not assigned the course that are focused on the students particular topic. This assignment will help students examine and analyze structural inequalities and hypothesize a causal process that helps explain current inequities or identify interventions to reduce them.
The topic can range from the effects of legal protections on LGBTQ peoples civic participation, the effects of out LGBTQ people holding public office, to the factors that might influence how American adults come to understand bisexuality.


Clinical Diagnosis and Case Analysis


Students are to prepare a bio-psychosocial-cultural assessment on the primary characters presented to them from the short film Boyz Will Be Boyz.

Demographic Data

Please follow the bio-psychosocial-cultural assessment that was given to you prior to the beginning of classes, Include client names, age, etc.

Presenting Problem, Including Client’s View of the Problem.

Please note that there can be more than one client and more than one presenting problem.

Employment and Income History

Education History

Developmental and Health History

Mental Health and/or Chemical Dependency Treatment History

Social History

Additional Information

Your assessment of what was presented. What would benefit the client(s). Any DSM-V diagnosis. Who is/are your client(s)? Who would you interview first? Future concerns. Your treatment plan.

Reflective Activity #5 I Didnt Know That

Students will regularly submit a short reflection essay on something new that theyve learned in their preceding units(Population, Urbanization, and the Environment) either from another student, from the text, or from class discussions. They are intended to give students further opportunities to think about what they are learning and think critically about its meaning, and also allow them to speculate on how they will use this new information or skill.

Reflection essays should be approximately 250 to 300 words. Students should title their submission with their name, Unit and the theme of their reflection. While these are informal reflections, and so strict adherence to APA formatting not expected, students should cite and give credit to anyone whose thoughts or words influenced them, whether it is an article, textbook or website reference, or ideas expressed by the instructor or peers in Discussion.