Category: Social Sciences

Student Protests

During the 1960s and 1970s, college students oftentimes protested raising concerns over social conditions in society such as racism and sexism.  They would hold protests, picket, or even march on the Mall in Washington D.C.  During this period of history, some social change was birthed throughout the colleges and universities of the U.S through the way of social movements.

Up until just recently (e.g, Black Lives Matter), some people argue that todays students are not actively engaged in social change and furthermore express little interest in promoting it.  Do you believe this to be a fact?  For those students who are involved in social change, it generally means posting something on social media.  Does posting something on social media truly represent the same caliber of commitment and action to fighting injustices compared to participating in a march or conducting a sit-in?

Are you personally active in promoting social justice?  If yes, what has motivated you to take action?  If no, why not? 

M5: Weekly Journal

For this reflective journal, take a tour of The Heights. Open the map in a new tab, and search for Child and Adult Protective Services. Launch and explore Vivienne’s scenario, then respond to the prompts below.

What did Vivienne’s story teach you about domestic violence?
What impact does domestic violence have on the family system?
What are other issues impacting this family?
Looking at Vivienne’s ecomap you can see that she is involved in many different systems. What role do you see systems playing in promoting and combating domestic violence in contemporary society? Give examples and integrate material from this module.

In order to successfully complete this assignment, you need to meet the following requirements:

Submit your responses to the above questions by the posted due date.
Your responses should be a well-developed, double-spaced essay of 750-1000 words total.
Integrate at least three readings from this module into your response.
Your weekly journal assignments will be shared only with your instructor.
You will be graded based on the Weekly Journal Rubric.


250-300 words

Holidays as Kin Work In this assignment, you will analyze the role behavior of the members of your family (or chosen family) around the organization, production, and celebration of a holiday that includes a large meal. You may reference the most recent holiday of Thanksgiving if you celebrated it, or another holiday if you were limited because of the ongoing pandemic. Think about different aspects of your holiday. Is there a strongly gendered division of labor? In what ways? Are there negotiations, power struggles, alliances, conflicts, costs, or payoffs? Clearly indicate whose roles were what, including yours. Finally, how would a feminist theorist seek a solution to a strongly gendered division of labor (apply this to your own situation if possible)?

paradox animation

Read and follow the following directions.

Follow the rules for writing in this class: 12 point font, single space, one inch margins all around.
Proofread and revise your work to minimize errors, especially No Excuse Errors.
You can express opinions, but only after you have established that you know the material. The course is not really about opinions.
Draw only on course materials. Do not use outside sources. There is a plagiarism detector built into BB and it is activated. Using outside sources is an automatic fail. Using outside sources indicates that you have not read the course material. 
Quote as little as possible. Some people have quoted definitions from Conley or other materials only to demonstrate in their answers that they do not understand  the material. Using quotes lowers your grade.
Each of your answers should be 250-350 words. Get in touch with me if you don’t know how to track your word count.
At the top left of the first page include, on separate lines, your name, the date, Assignment 3.
Save the document as: your last name_102-004_Assignment 3. Save it as a Word or rtf document.
When you have finished the assignment, scroll down to Attach Files, click on Browse My Computer, and attach the file.
Answer these questions:

1. What is the Paradox Animation for chapter 6 in Conley? Explain it and give an example.

2. During McMillan’s stint in California’s Central Valley, she found the work and conditions grueling. What are some of the advantages she had over her co-workers? What insights did you learn about the American farm worker? (This is question #8 from discussion questions posted by Monroe County Community College in Monroe, Michigan.)

3. Think about one of the groups of people McMillan worked with in farming and explain their situation, using their names. Focus on a specific group. Explain their circumstances and what you saw as most important about them.

4. To talk about the rich and the poor and how society is economically stratified seems like the job of economists. Why would sociologists be interested in stratification and inequality? How does a better understanding of stratification contribute to the well-being of society?


* dalton conley, you may ask yourself: An Introduction to Thinking Like a Sociologist
* Tracie McMillan, The American way of eating

The Inner Sunset District and Chinatown of San Francisco

Instructions, rubric, guide, final sample, pages from reading material and my PROPOSAL attached below.
You can pick any of the photos to include in the writing (will upload soon) or if u need specific photos you can use google map or yelp photos; correct angle that looked like self capture.
I will upload other the reading materials soon & let me know if you have any question

Sexism in Latin American Culture

Outline for proper completion of paper.

1. Choose a topic relevant to sociology. (SEXISM IN LATIN AMERICAN CULTURE) It cannot be a psychological or biological explanation.  In sociology there has to be a social interaction, which entails, at least, a dyad.

2. Use ASA or APA format. (Links to an external site.)

3. Pay most attention to proper references in the body and on the reference list.

4. The body must be five double spaced pages. This does not include the title page, abstract page, and reference page.

5. Include an abstract. An abstract is a one paragraph summary of the material.  It is presented after the title page and should be the last item you complete for this project.

6. The references must all be sociological journal articles (at least five). A good place to start is to look at sample journals at the ASA website. (Links to an external site.)

Also, conduct a JSTOR (or other electronic databaseJSTOR is recommended) search, via the library search engine.  Be sure to click sociology under advanced search.

7. The format is standard with an introduction, body, and conclusion.  Make sure you have a consistent theme throughout your paper.

Clinical Diagnosis and Case Analysis



Complete a Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Assessment of Client System using the template outlined below.

Follow this template exactly:



      a) Client/Family Identifying Information


      b) Reason(s) for services

      c)  Household Members (to include relationships with one on another, and their
              patterns of functioning)

      d)  Household Living Conditions

      e)  Financial History (to include all insurance information, excessive debt, etc.)



Family History: In this section, you will present data on family members (be sure to designate the members living in the household).  Names, gender, birth dates (or ages), relationships, marriage dates, education, occupations, deaths (causes), chronic conditions (e.g. alcoholism, mental retardation), significant trauma (e.g. fire, rape, incarceration), anything significant to describing individual. Other data that may be significant: adoptions, miscarriages, pregnancies, separations, current locations, etc.

    b)  Community System:  Describe relationships between client/family members and the
          various systems they are affiliated with or connected to. Describe community context
          and include a description of neighborhood resources.

    c)  Assets and Resources: Information about the clients informal sources of support. Information about the client primary and secondary sources of support. The type (what need does the source meet) and frequency (how often) of support from whom (e.g., friends, extended family members, church, etc.) provides support? Assess if the support provided is reliable.


    a)  Physical Health (past and present, make certain to include any medication schedules, family history of medical condition


  b)  Mental Health: This section will include a brief history of family psychiatric problems. Report whether client has a history of psychiatric disorders; admission into mental health clinic (inpatient or outpatient), dates receiving services, the outcome of services, medication, treating therapist (past or present); family history or mental disorders. History of homicidal and suicidal ideation;


    b)  Alcohol and Drug Use: Summarize if client used any substance in lifetime (e.g. cigarettes, marijuana, cocaine, etc.). Periods of sobriety and treatment (when, where and with whom); describe the outcome of treatment.

    c)  Sexual History: Describe sexual activity, sexual orientation, physical, sexual abuse (victim/offender). Explore if relevant to the problem situation. It is appropriate to assess if client practices safe sex and receives regular physical check-ups. If client reports being diagnosed with sexual disease, it is appropriate to explore, medication received, primary physician, etc.


    d)  Educational: Describe clients educational background, the highest level of degree attained. Difficulties in school (why, where, when); special education needs; suspensions. Include any informal educational skills. If client did not graduate from high school or received a GED, explore what barriers were present.


    e)  Employment? Work History: Summarize clients type of work; attitudes toward work, reasons for leaving or being fired from previous jobs. Also, include any voluntary work (e.g. community, church, etc.). Make sure to include any military experience and informal employment.


    f) Recreational: Describe their activities or interest they enjoy, such as hobbies, sports, or leisure pursuits, special talents or skills. Are they involved in any church-related activities (e.g. bible school, bible camp)?


    g) Cultural Family Norms: Describe cultural beliefs; rituals, patterns. Do they have family reunions or times when they come together (outside of marriages and funerals?

    h)  Religious/Spiritual: Describe if client identifies with a particular religion or faith. Describe how client expresses spirituality. Describe clients current and past religious and spiritual practices. Describe if client is associated with a place of worship. Describe if their religion or spirituality is helpful to them.


      i)  Strengths and Competencies:  Describe client/family strengths, capacities, abilities, competencies and resources that may help to address and resolve the issues of concern.


PRESENTING PROBLEM: Provide a concise clinical assessment of the presenting problem(s).  Student will complete a case formulation with preliminary diagnosis with justification as to why you selected these diagnoses.  Justification for the identified diagnoses should be included and identified within the case summary.


G3. Intervention Plan for Client System

Create a treatment plan to include goals and tasks to be completed. (Make certain that you include who will do what and when.)

Students should include 3 Long-term Goals with 2 Short term goals for each.  Students should use the S.M.A.R.T Goals approach with developing the treatment plan.

G4. Termination of Intervention with Client System

Describe the process and plan of a successful termination with the client system based on the EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE model utilized, ( i.e. follow-up sessions, rituals, etc.,) Be specific and make certain that you include feelings and reactions that the client might experience and explain how you would address the feelings based on the practice model implemented.

H. Plan for Evaluating Effectiveness of Practice with Client System.

Outline a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of your intervention including the following:
1) desired outcome(s) of intervention;
2) Measurement of outcomes;
3) Research approach used and rationale (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method);
3) Research design used and rationale (single system, quasi-experimental, etc.);
4) Process for collecting data on outcome measures;
5) Plan for analyzing data; and
6) How you will use the findings to improve your practice with this or similar clients in the future.

APPENDIX – References Include a reference page in APA 6th edition format citing all sources used (e.g., theorists, authors).

Urban Infrastructure Studies


Please write the research paper according to the topic listed below, feel free to solidify the thesis statement based on what you wrote. **This paper will need mostly academic sources to reference and all other sources can only serve as secondary sources.** I am providing some sources for you to reference in PDF, feel free to use it as references or you can find the ones you will need, sources listed below just serve as an example for you in case you could not find one. Please let me know if there are any problems thanks.


Topic/Thesis: How transit-oriented developments would affect the way Angelenos (Los Angeles People) travel through the city (Los Angeles)?


Can a Car-Centric City Become Transit-Oriented? Evidence From Los Angeles
Schuetz, Jenny, et al. Can a Car-Centric City Become Transit-Oriented? Evidence From Los Angeles. Cityscape, vol. 20, no. 1, 2018, pp. 167190. JSTOR, Accessed 30 Oct. 2020.

Can compact rail transit corridors transform the automobile city? Planning for more sustainable travel in Los Angeles
Houston, Douglas, et al. Can Compact Rail Transit Corridors Transform the Automobile City? Planning for More Sustainable Travel in Los Angeles. Urban Studies, vol. 52, no. 5, 2015, pp. 938959. JSTOR, Accessed 30 Oct. 2020.

Subways, Strikes, and Slowdowns: The Impacts of Public Transit on Traffic Congestion
Anderson, Michael L. Subways, Strikes, and Slowdowns: The Impacts of Public Transit on Traffic Congestion. The American Economic Review, vol. 104, no. 9, 2014, pp. 27632796. JSTOR, Accessed 30 Oct. 2020.

Transit Villages and Transit-Based Development: The Rules Are Becoming More FlexibleHow Government Can Work with the Private Sector to Make It Happen
Bernick, Michael S., and Amy E. Freilich. Transit Villages and Transit-Based Development: The Rules Are Becoming More FlexibleHow Government Can Work with the Private Sector to Make It Happen. The Urban Lawyer, vol. 30, no. 1, 1998, pp. 131. JSTOR, Accessed 30 Oct. 2020.

Transit-Oriented Development: Lessons from California
QUINN, BRIAN. Transit-Oriented Development: Lessons from California. Built Environment (197wide eyes, vol. 32, no. 3, 2006, pp. 311322. JSTOR, Accessed 30 Oct. 2020.


a.    8 pages long
b.    Double-spaced
c.    1 margins.
d.    A catchy title
e.    Sources cited throughout the paper
f.    A bibliography of at least four sources. Other sources must be substantial original reporting or academic articles. A film or podcast can be cited in the text but it CANNOT be a main research source. What you learn from a film should not be the papers focus. Alternately, the sources consulted for the film might be useful.
g.    Please include any relevant images and links, but be sure to explain how that material illustrates/substantiates the points you are making in the paper.

Chain of Inquiry

The main instructions are on the PDF attached. The FaceBook article has been attached and the link to Ted Talk. For the third question in the instructions, my original question was “Are these types of advertisements still marketed to genders today?”, but I have also attached the previous assignment it was referring to.

Ted talk link –

The Universal Basic Income

It’s a policy brief paper. A policy brief presents a concise summary of information that can help readers understand, and likely make decisions about, policies. Policies can be implemented at a variety of levels including, for instance, those of the federal, state, or municipal government; the school, school district, or conference; the organization, the corporation, or the community. Policy briefs may give objective summaries of relevant research, suggest possible policy options, or go even further and argue for particular courses of action.