Category: Social Sciences

Presentation on Threats to the Global Environment

Congratulations! The members of the United Nations found great value in the two analyses you provided. They are now asking you to develop a PowerPoint presentation that addresses four of the most critical threats to the global environment. Critical threats include:

Energy sources.
Lack of educational opportunities.
Inappropriate use of technology.
Civil war.
Poor health of entire population.
Cultural taboos.
Climate change.
Step I. Narrow the List from Eight to the Four Most Critical Threats
To complete this step, complete the following tasks in order:

Review research on each of the eight threats.
Determine what you believe to be the current and potential future impacts of each threat on the global environment.
Choose the four threats that you see as the most critical by considering which pose the greatest or most immediate risk.
Step II. Create the PowerPoint Presentation
The completed version of this presentation will include a minimum of 16 slides. Your audience consists of the United Nations General Assembly.

PPT Content and Structure
Title Slide: Include your name, course title, current date, and the name of your instructor.
Introduction Slide: List the four threats you chose, and in the Notes section offer a brief narrative justifying these choices
Body Slides: The slide content is listed in the outline below. For each body slide you develop, please include a paragraph in the Notes section explaining how the details you have provided in the slide are pertinent to the United Nations discussion on selecting and prioritizing goals.
For your first threat (this is the threat you consider to be the greatest risk/highest priority):
One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat.
One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples).
One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole.
One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides ac.
For your second threat (this is the threat you consider to be the second greatest risk/second highest priority):
One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat.
One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples).
One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole.
One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides ac.
For your third threat (this is the threat you consider to be the third greatest threat/highest priority):
One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat.
One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples).
One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole.
One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides ac.
For your fourth threat (this is the threat you consider to be the fourth greatest threat/highest priority):
One slide on a brief history and assessment of the threat.
One slide on the countries most affected by the threat, and how those countries are affected (please give examples).
One slide on the effects of this threat on the world population as a whole.
One slide including a chart, graph, or compelling visual that relates to the content you present in body slides ac.
Conclusion Slide: Summarize your findings for the Assembly.
(Optional) Reference Slide: You can include full-text citations in the Notes section of each slide or provide a reference slide at the end of the presentation with the full citations of your sources.

Please discuss the threats in order of priority as described above, so the threat you consider the greatest should be discussed first in the presentation and so on.
Please use at least five credible sources to back up your discussion.
The body slides should summarize your key takeaways, whereas the notes section of each body slide should discuss the evidence and the details that support your takeaways. The content in both the notes and body sections requires citations and sources.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The information you provided in your PowerPoint presentation on Threats to the Global Environment has led to productive debates at the United Nations General Assembly! Hence, they are now asking you to create an additional analysis report to respond to the issues raised in these debates.

Your fourth project as a consultant for the United Nations is to develop a report that addresses the issues raised by some of the member states of the United Nations.

Step I. Consider the Issues
In the Presentation on the Threats to the Global Environment, you were asked to create a PowerPoint identifying the four most critical threats out of eight threats provided:

Energy sources.
Lack of educational opportunities.
Inappropriate use of technology.
Civil war.
Poor health of entire population.
Cultural taboos.
Climate change.
There are four remaining threats that you did not discuss in your PowerPoint. This assignment will focus on two of those four. Here are the specific tasks you will complete:

Review the remaining four threats that you did not use in Presentation on the Threats to the Global Environment.
Pick two of the four to focus on in Analysis on the Threats Defense Argument assignment.
Identify the reasons why you think these two threats are less critical than the four threats you chose for your PowerPoint presentation.
Step II. Prepare Your Report
The U.N. has given you the following guidelines.

Briefly introduce the topic of the analysis (about 100150 words):

State the topic and intent of the paper.
Identify the two threats you will discuss in the paper in the order in which they appear in the paper.
Section I. Threat 1
Write an opening statement describing the perception of the threat.
Write one page giving three reasons that explain why you saw this threat as less critical than the four you chose for your presentation in the Presentation on the Threats to the Global Environment assignment.
Support these reasons with at least three credible sources.
Section II. Threat 2
Write an opening statement describing the perception of the threat.
Write one page giving three reasons to explain why you saw this threat as less critical than the four you chose for your presentation in the Presentation on the Threats to the Global Environment assignment.
Support these reasons with at least three credible sources.
Offer a summary (one page or less) of your defense of your choices that the United Nations can use to address their prioritization concerns.
Formatting Requirements
Your paper may consist of up to four pages (not including the cover or reference pages).
Create headings for each section of your paper as follows:
Threat 1 (include the name of your chosen threat).
Threat 2 (include the name of your chosen threat).
Use and cite 46 credible sources in your analysis. You may use the same source for more than one threat as long as you use a minimum of four different sources. A list of potential resources is available at the end of this course guide.

Toy Research Project

For this project, you will collect and analyze data on how race, ethnicity, and gender manifest in contemporary toys. You will need to go to an online retail site where toys are sold (e.g:, Once there, you will record data about the toys you observe and later you will analyze, using course material and concepts, this data in your project report, drawing out deeper social themes and issues. In your report, you should briefly describe how you conducted your research (the location where you
collected data; how you conducted your data collection) and what you found in your research (i.e., the key patterns that emerged).

Things to consider:
1.How the racial and ethnic diversity of toy characters (and/or toy models) compares to the actual racial and ethnic diversity of the United States?
2. How race and ethnicity are encoded into toys
3. Whether and how racial and ethnic stereotypes manifest in toys and/or in the social roles embedded in toys
4. The relationship(s) between race/ethnicity and gender in toys
5. How racial and ethnic messages in toys might affect children (or not)

Face Recognition Theory

Choose a conflict scenario and develop a comic strip using the likely (or most obvious) conflict management style. Write a paper analyzing the comic strip using Face-Negotiation Theory. Article information, scenarios and an example of how I want the paper, have been attached to files. Here a website to create the comic strip or
Feel free to choose another website.

Opression in organizations


Look at the organization you currently work.  How does it oppress your clients?  In what ways can you improve this condition?  Use research to support your assertions.


    Respond to the discussion topic(s) below.
        Your initial post should be a minimum of 500 words, not counting citations.
    Cite a minimum of three scholarly sources in your discussion posts.
    Make sure to follow standard APA guidelines.

Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx

Durkheim considered anomie and excessive individualism to be the central problems of the modern era while Marx focused on false consciousness and alienation.  Define these concepts and use them to explain the different orientations of the two theorists in their analyses of what ails the modern world. In your essay reflect upon the social climate of the times in which Durkheim and Marx lived that influenced the development of their social theories and explain their usefulness for understanding the problems facing individuals and society in 21st century USA.
The focus is on the theories and what the theorists wrote, not the theorists’ biographies
With at least two references.

Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx

Durkheim considered anomie and excessive individualism to be the central problems of the modern era while Marx focused on false consciousness and alienation.  Define these concepts and use them to explain the different orientations of the two theorists in their analyses of what ails the modern world. In your essay reflect upon the social climate of the times in which Durkheim and Marx lived that influenced the development of their social theories and explain their usefulness for understanding the problems facing individuals and society in 21st century USA.
The focus is on the theories and what the theorists wrote, not the theorists’ biographies

Crime and Inequality

For the writing assignment in this course, you should select one the topics below to write a 4-6-page essay in which you critically review the literature related to one aspect of your chosen topic using no fewer than 5 (FIVE) additional scholarly journal articles from the TWU Library website. If you wish to choose a topic outside of the list below, consult with your instructor. You may use readings from this course as part of your essay, but you must use the FIVE additional scholarly sources in addition to whichever course readings you wish to include. Newspapers, Wikipedia, Tumblr, Facebook, Buzzfeed articles, and all other non-scholarly sources are strictly prohibited. The topic you choose must relate to social inequality. The topics provided below are intended to be broad, giving you freedom to take your topic in the direction you choose.

Topics to choose from

Gender & Inequality
Race & Ethnic Inequality
Health & Inequality
Crime & Inequality
Globalization & Inequality
Modern Day Social Movements & Inequality
Technology & Inequality
Class Stratification

The writing assignment in this course is considered formal writing this means that I expect you to do all of the following: Write with purpose. Each sentence should contribute to your overall writing (no fillers like very very very very interesting). Additionally, you should use the same glossary of terms that the readings authors use; do not make up your own descriptors or tell the reader Basically Your tone should be literal and formal using proper English spelling and grammar. Do not use clichs, text speak (e.g. ROFL), emoji, non-text characters, or non-scholarly sources. You should write in paragraphs which are organized to fit together.

This assignment is due no later than ____________________________________
Your Paper Topics and Sources are due to the instructor no later than ____________________
All essays must use APA or ASA formatting for in-text citations and reference list and be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Your assignment should be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font. Each essay should between 1000-1300 (4-6 pages) words in length, with one-inch margins on all sides and page numbers.  Please do not vary your font, font size, spacing, or punctuation in an effort to overcome the length requirement, as this is readily apparent to your instructor.

The Department of Sociology and Social Work has teamed with the TWU library to produce a writing and research module for your use in this course. At your earliest convenience (before submitting an assignment or post), please download a copy of the writing module and review it thoroughly. Within it, you will find detailed information related to copyright, plagiarism, finding scholarly sources, ASA style and citations, and more. The module even contains video links to short tutorials and screen-casts that can help you spend less time looking and more time writing.

Sociological Perspective of The Wolf of Wallstreet

You are to write a [minimum] 5-7 page [maximum] analytical essay [1250-1750 words] reviewing a contemporary film, book, or writings from the list provided. You will not be writing a review regarding your chosen topic per se—I do not want to know, if for instance, you have chosen a film, what your opinion is of the acting, plot, writing or directing [a.k.a., it is not relevant whether you enjoyed the film, whether you thought it humorous, too stylized, insipid, too complex, etc.]. Rather, the goals of this assignment are threefold:

1) I want to you to apply the theoretical perspectives from weeks I & II to relevant elements within your paper topic. Pick out different concepts we have learned since the first two weeks [culture, self, socialization, class issues, stigma, social stratification, race/ethnicity, cultural hegemony, symbolism, ethnocentrism, relative deprivation, false consciousness, norms, deviance, ETC.] from your chosen topic, and analyze them in terms of the 3 paradigms studied. Identify these sociological concepts and, using one or more of the three approaches studied, attempt to explain what, sociologically, is going on

2) You will use at least 3 outside sources from scholarly works by other sociologists. This will not only familiarize you with the initial research process but also, the arguments of others in the academy will help substantiate your own ideas. A.P.A citation style is necessary [I have provided you with a website from Purdue University that will show you exactly how to cite the various sources you choose]. This means you will also need to provide a reference page with all your cited sources at the end of your essay [attached as a separate page]. Please, reread the syllabus regarding academic integrity, as plagiarism will absolutely not be tolerated [remember, even if you are not quoting a source directly, you still need to cite anothers ideasif they are not original thoughts, if you use someone elses thoughts, you must cite them]. You must use scholarly sourcesplease ask if you do not understand what this means. You may not use Wikipedia,, Sparkss notes, or the like as cited sources! Your research must come from legitimate sociological journal articles, books and other published material. You are always able to reach me if you need to know whether a given source is acceptable. This means you will most likely need to visit the library or access the library by proxy. Most of the information you will find by conducting a GOOGLE  SCHOLAR search will probably be deemed legitimate.

3) I want you to not only be able to apply and understand sociological ideas and concepts, but I also want you to learn how to write an [albeit small] formal, college-level paper. This will not only help you in this class, but will assist you throughout the duration of your college career. I have therefore included the minimum necessary components for writing analysis. That being said, to explain a bit further, take [for instance] the Disney film Frozen. I do not want an essay about the animation or the beauty of the musical score. Rather, I want you to adopt the sociological imagination, and therefore think and analyze the movie sociologically. Does this movie deal with issues of inequality? Does it speak to different notions about gender stereotypes? If so, in what way? What theory/theories does this stem from? Does the movie break any of these stereotypes? What, for example, does it mean that the main character winds up alone? What ideas/concepts/research can you use to explain and justify the different dynamics presented in the film?

sociological topic or concept related to social problems

The final assignment for this semester is to write an essay. You should choose a sociological topic or concept related to social problems as a title for your paper. This paper is an argumentative essay where you are exhibiting the critical thinking skills that you enhanced throughout the semester. Please follow the instruction below carefully:

Have a clear, precise topic.
Have a clear, strong thesis in the instruction
Underline your thesis.
Use the library and Canvas resources to construct your essay.
Your essay should include at least three scholarly references.
Your essay should be 2.5-3 pages, not including the cover page (if you have one) and reference page (625-800 words plus the reference page), typed, double-spaced, 12 pt. font.
Cite the sources using MLA or APA format (use in-text and full citation).
Use a word document format.
There is no need for an abstract