Category: Social Sciences

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This course will involve learning various theoretical and practice models in Social Work practice with couples. Clinicians will oftentimes find themselves drawn to specific models, or possibly having adverse reactions to a particular model. It is important to evaluate and understand these reactions. Each unit of this course you will learn about various experiences in working with couples. Reporting on the various concepts and how you see this translating into your practice is very important in your identity development as a social worker. You may consider using the reflection assignments assigned throughout the semester to develop into a complete report of a modality of your choice. The report will be approximately 5-7 pages (a minimum of full 5 pages, maximum of 7 pages).

The report should highlight:

Review of key concepts, principles, and techniques covered in the Handbook. The summary content of the Gurman chapters should be factual, practical information that you can utilize as quick references in your future as a practitioner.
Personal commentaries and reactions to the specific cases presented in Case Studies books. These commentaries or reactions should highlight how you would see yourself using these techniques or modalities in practice.
Include and synthesize information from at least one empirical article that provide evidence and identify a means to work with this issue in a clinical manner. Please work to choose an article within the past 10-15 years (e.g. 2005-2020).
Identify at least one relevant resource or tool to you would use with this modality (e.g. client handout or homework, training manual, etc.). Include your rationale as to how you would see yourself using this in clinical practice.

Immigration Policies

Research, discuss, and analyze an immigration policy from another country. *WRITER -YOU MAY SELECT THE COUNTRY OF YOUR CHOICE **
After discussing and analyzing the immigration policy from the other country, compare and contrast it with a United States immigration policy. What is the policy? Whom does it impact? Whom does it benefit? Whom does it hinder? Who is the author of the policy? What is this policy for, what does it do? What are the policy goals?
Use 2 additional scholarly sources- google scholar
**Note- all postings must meet the requirements outlined in the discussion board rubric (see course information tab).

Immigration Challenges

research and discuss three challenges that immigrants today (by today, I mean within the past 20 years) experience that immigrants from the past did not. In your discussion, please make sure you mention assimilation patterns, acculturation, prejudice, discrimination, and dominant-minority group relations.
use at least two scholarly resources- from google scholar.
**Note- all postings must meet the requirements outlined in the discussion board rubric (see course information tab).

The rubric is attached.

Academic Progress

Understanding Satisfactory Academic Progress Written Assignment

Criteria for written assignments:

Type your full name, course name, and date in the upper left-hand corner of the page
Type your subject in the center of the page. The subject should be the name of the assignment
Start your writing at the left margin (do not center your entire paper)
Use Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman 12-point font
Use double spacing
Use correct spelling and grammar
Use proper citations to give credit to other resources and ideas that are not your own
There is no length requirement, but you must answer all of the question(s) in depth.

Refer to the required readings and videos to support your answers. This assignment does not have to be in essay format, but you still must meet the criteria above. Clearly answer each question in complete sentences

Answer the following:

What is Satisfactory Academic Progress and why is it important?
Explain the difference between the following:
Dropping a Class
Withdrawing from a Class
Never Attending a Class
How does each of the above affect satisfactory academic progress? Be specific!

Social Work

-Describe how the theory you selected can be used to guide the processes of assessment, intervention, and evaluation.
-Discuss why you believe your chosen theory will be most valuable to you in your social work practice.
-Compare and contrast the theory you selected with at least two other theories, explaining why the theory you selected is a better fit for your practice.

A)short answer questions and B)Reflection: Societal Development

A) Answer questions on the concepts presented in the overview and the example of a growing body of research as captured in the article A Review of
Facebook Research in the Social Sciences. (both provided below) Also, consider the question you posed about your advertisements in your observation journal (also provided) Then,
in a short answer response (1 to 2 paragraphs per question), address the following questions:
1) How does social science inquiry advance and evolve over time?
2) Why is it important that our understanding of social science concepts continue to develop and expand?
3) Then, consider the question you posed in the observation journal, which you submitted in Module Four. How could others build upon this question
through additional research or follow-up questions?

B) reflect on what you consider to be some of the most significant developments covered  (for example,
discoveries, changes in thinking, or research advances), and address the following:
1)Identify the developments and how they impact individuals or larger groups/cultures.
2)Describe how the developments changed societys understanding. How is the development applicable outside of the social sciences?
This assignment can be completed through short-answer response (1 to 2 paragraphs).
Guidelines can be found attached below must be in times new roaming 12 point double spaced with 1 inch margins two different sets of questions.

discussion on current event

Complete your initial post by the due date.
In your initial post, answer all of the initial post questions in a series of well-developed paragraphs, about 750-1000 words total.
Remember, this is not a Q&A. Integrate your answers into a well-developed paragraph.

For this module’s discussion on current events, the article about the topic of gender. I have chosen an article published in the New York Times “Young Men Embrace Gender Equality, but They Still Dont Vacuum” by Claire Cain Miller (2020).

Here is the link: (Link will open in new tab.) (Links to an external site.)


1. As it was mentioned that young people today have become much more open-minded about gender roles. What are your thoughts about this. How can you ably this to the field.

2. Do you think gender plays a part in our current democracy and politics? Why or why not?

3. What do you think the advantages and disadvantages about gender role? How do you think this will affect society today and the way to treat patients?

4. As future social workers, what actions can we take in gender role?

R Assignment

A director of research at an acute care hospital observes an increase in patients returning to the hospital within 30 days. The director determines that this is harmful to patients as well as financially harmful to the hospital. The dataset hospital1 contains data on a study the director conducted to determine what factors are related to returning to the hospital within 30 days. The director wants to test the hypothesis that patients with and without spouses are not equally likely to return within 30 days. The null hypothesis would be that patients with and without spouses are equally likely to return to the hospital within 30 days.

Refer to your textbook and also the R screencast videos on this module’s lecture page for examples.

See pages 111123 in the Auerbach and Zeitlin text and the chi-square video on this module’s lecture page for examples.
Using the CrossTable() function in the gmodels package, create a table comparing “spouse” to “return30.” Interpret the findings you see. Specifically, was the criteria for rejection of the null hypothesis (H0) met? How can you tell?
Copy your table from RStudio and your findings to Word document. Use size-10 Courier font.
Upload your findings.

Upload your data table and your findings by the deadline posted on this page.
Your work should be submitted in a document with 10-point Courier font.
This assignment will be graded on the basis of completion.

International development study: Sharing your dream in 2021

A Message From the Future II: The Years of Repair is an animated short film that
dares to dream of a future in which 2020 is a historic turning point, where the lessons of
the Covid-19 pandemic and global uprisings against racism drive us to build back a
better society in which no one is sacrificed and everyone is essential.
Sharing Your Dream in 2021
For many people around the world, 2020 has been a painful and dismal year. But in this
short film, the creators ask us to imagine 2020 as a turning point, a wake-up call for us
to reclaim our collective imagination to build a better society where “everyone is
In this exercise, we would like you to study the film carefully and identify ONE key
message that resonates with you most. After picking a message, write an essay that
responses to the following questions. As this is a critical reflective essay, a thesis is
optional. But you are expected to draw from materials from the course or other
relevant sources to support your answers and provide proper citations with APA
style. Also keep in mind that you should compose your responses to the questions in
a coherent narrative form, with a clear introduction, body text, and a conclusion.
Why did you choose the particular message to highlight? And how does it
resonate with you or your personal experience?
How does this message challenge a “conventional wisdom of development” that
you learned about in this course?
What new lenses have you acquired from this course? How could you apply this
lens to identify, and challenge, an accepted ‘conventional wisdom’?
What is the kind of society that you can imagine in which “no one is sacrificed
and everyone is essential”? (What foundations would this future build on? What
are some existing evidence that makes this future possible?)
How do you see yourself taking part in this radically different future that you
imagine? What would it take for you to fully participate in that future? What skill
or knowledge can you bring, and what else do you need to learn or acquire?
You are expected to cite supporting sources (scholarly articles and other legitimate
sources) and following the APA style. Feel free to draw on other materials. I also encourage you to
cite non-English materials, as long as there is a citable source, and if they are online, a
working link as well. The bibliography you compile at the end of the will not be part of
the page count.

To cite the video, use:
The Intercept. (2020, October 1). A Message from the Future II: The Years of Repair.

In assessment of your response, looking for signs of critical engagement
with the issues. These include:
Critical engagement and application of appropriate course contents (theories,
themes, concepts, readings, lectures, etc.)
Critical contextualization identifying the broader context and history of the
issue rather than being purely descriptive
Evidence of reflexivity: Explaining and unpacking assumptions (e.g.
consideration of positionality; consideration of ideological, epistemological and/or
theoretical commitments etc.)
Praxis: How you plan to take-up the insights/lessons learned, their new/evolving
Compelling or persuasive use of appropriate example, evidence, illustrations
Appropriately research/sourcing/citation
Narrative flow: Conceptual coherence and/or consistency, initial framing is
consistent with the conclusion

Final Reflection Paper

– 5 – 6pages
– read through the rubric

– (reading)
–  (reading)
–  (reading)